Sinônimo de most fancy pants


Superlative for very fine in quality or luxurious
smartest chicest fanciest glitziest plushest ritziest swankiest classiest grandest lavishest plushiest poshest splashiest swankest swishest flashiest dictiest toniest snazziest richest showiest trendiest spiffiest finest nattiest sharpest coolest lushest dapperest hippest splendidest fliest dressiest sassiest costliest freshest grooviest slickest swellest niftiest choicest sleekest jazziest plummiest spraunciest sprucest stateliest gaudiest busiest fussiest extremest cushiest frilliest highest-quality priciest daintiest snappiest modernest funkiest kickiest steeziest biggest newest superbest princeliest best-appointed proudest augustest elitest glossiest loveliest greatest kingliest courtliest trimmest jauntiest neatest comfortablest triggest heavenliest hottest dandiest best-groomed bravest highest-priced sublimest best-off artiest pizzazziest pizazziest comfiest brightest gayest loudest loftiest snobbiest lordliest swishiest cliquiest spivviest tidiest currentest wonderfullest excellentest primmest smoothest crispest sexiest fabbest cleanest peachiest snuggest sportiest meanest immensest dopest nicest phattest briskest keenest nimblest spriest doggiest nobbiest best-dressed bulliest braggest best foxiest most upmarket most upscale most high-class most elegant most luxurious most stylish most deluxe most exclusive most exquisite most genteel most glamorous most swankish most tasteful most formal most high-toned most sumptuous most ostentatious most chichi most flash most fashionable most opulent most modish most luxury most expensive most ornate most select most voguish most magnificent most elaborate most in most dashing most gorgeous most trendsetting most happening most Lucullan most sophisticated most quality most special most in fashion most on fleek most grandiose most la-di-da most pleasing most attractive most glittering most handsome most aristocratic most dignified most cultivated most refined most overdone most intricate most decorative most decorated most luxuriant most ornamental most embellished most adorned most baroque most flamboyant most resplendent most devilish most over the top most towering most fancible most highfalutin most fanciful most florid most unusual most luscious most splendiferous most delicate most rare most loaded most recherche most debonair most contemporary most polished most supercool most pretentious most modernistic most beautiful most urbane most rakish most up-to-date most up to date most au courant most extravagant most majestic most impressive most imposing most prestigious most regal most noble most glorious most dazzling most spectacular most cosmopolitan most awe-inspiring most indulgent most breathtaking most monumental most pompous most imperial most distinguished most magnolious most voluptuous most affluent most sensuous most graceful most immoderate most stunning most striking most royal most epic most exciting most brilliant most gallant most baronial most massive most heroical most heroic most magnific most sovereign most Homeric most tinsel most fascinating most sybaritic most self-indulgent most epicurean most sensual most marvelous most prodigal most swinging most awesome most colourful most divine most marvellous most colorful most exuberant most classic most righteous most famous most upper-crust most desirable most artistic most de rigueur most excessive most peacocky most exaggerated most limited most abundant most dressed up most valuable most precious most private most ultra most profuse most dear most velvet most profusive most cliquish most elevated most illustrious most snobbish most outstanding most clannish most transcendent most radiant most with-it most spiffing most hedonistic most commanding most upper crust most pleasurable most popular most splendrous most splendorous most star-studded most thrilling most stimulating most fantastic most terrific most fabulous most charming most alluring most sensational most stellar most exotic most entrancing most fantabulous most radical most charismatic most bewitching most enchanting most topping most seductive most prevalent most high profile most corking most supernal most crackerjack most prizewinning most appealing most in demand most sought-after most avant-garde most captivating most intriguing most beguiling most boffo most hype most bonny most bonnie most fetching most magnetic most elfin most irresistible most engaging most tantalizing most amazing most tremendous most brill most neat and tidy most rad most A-OK most blue-chip most top-notch most bang-up most tantalising


Superlative for having an especially high opinion of oneself, usually with contempt for others
haughtiest lordliest boldest brashest proudest uppitiest loftiest snobbiest brassiest chestiest cockiest huffiest smuggest sniffiest snootiest snottiest toploftiest vainest cheekiest high and mightiest snippiest pottiest ritziest swankiest poshest nerviest toniest highest windiest puffiest stagiest schmaltziest campiest pushiest sassiest sauciest freshest coolest stuffiest rudest showiest stiffest wisest harshest severest strictest surest braggiest brusquest smartest archest pertest phoniest rigidest wilfullest curtest airiest briskest loudest giddiest flightiest dizziest dictiest flippest glibbest tersest braggest freest impolitest rashest splendidest grandest floweriest hastiest foolhardiest jauntiest sternest firmest biggest preachiest most arrogant most hubristic most supercilious most egocentric most egoistic most egoistical most high-handed most immodest most narcissistic most pompous most pontifical most pretentious most prideful most vainglorious most blustering most boastful most opinionated most overweening most conceited most contemptuous most disdainful most egotistical most overbearing most patronising most patronizing most presumptuous most scornful most self-important most swaggering most affected most biggity most bloated most brazen most bumptious most elitist most insolent most mocking most self-centered most self-centred most self-conceited most self-congratulatory most selfish most self-righteous most self-serving most snobbish most swellheaded most uppish most assumptive most bigheaded most cavalier most condescending most egotistic most full of oneself most hifalutin most highfalutin most high-hat most hoity-toity most huffish most impudent most orgulous most self-assertive most stiff-necked most stuck-up most toffee-nosed most toploftical most audacious most autocratic most biggety most big-headed most bossy most overconfident most puffed up most stuck up most la-di-da most important most peremptory most masterful most ostentatious most aloof most exclusive most aristocratic most persnickety most grandiose most high-minded most poncey most high-flown most stooping most gracious most magisterial most cliquish most remote most reserved most distant most detached most self-aggrandizing most indifferent most flaunting most portentous most inflated most theatrical most chichi most pedantic most over-elaborate most domineering most self-satisfied most assured most cocksure most complacent most dictatorial most impertinent most self-confident most authoritarian most tyrannical most despotic most confident most officious most consequential most self-assured most dismissive most self-absorbed most oppressive most authoritative most swollen most tyrannous most autocratical most egomaniacal most tyrannic most stuck on oneself most sententious most self-obsessed most commanding most contumelious most arbitrary most inner-directed most smart-alecky most solipsistic most self-interested most introverted most blusterous most individualistic most self-involved most self-seeking most bullish most draconian most inconsiderate most imperial most dogmatic most pushful most iron-handed most imperative most braggart most abrupt most personal most uncivil most refined most disrespectful most malapert most peacockish most autarchic most coercive most assertive most forceful most thoughtless most priggish most brazen-faced most hotshot most flatulent most willful most repressive most heavy-handed most doctrinaire most unyielding most iron-fisted most inflexible most highfaluting most full of hot air most demanding most self-respecting most snot-nosed most bombastic most extroverted most uninhibited most blustery most extraverted most self-complacent most intimate most intrinsic most isolated most subjective most obsessive most offhand most vaunting most standoffish most highhanded most complaisant most derisive most casual most summary most obnoxious most uninterested most insouciant most unconcerned most absolute most puffed most disparaging most withering most slighting most unabashed most honourable most honorable most unceremonious most discourteous most procacious most barefaced most boldfaced most high falutin most off most perfunctory most cursory most ungracious most insulting most abhorrent most disciplinarian most totalitarian most offish most pococurante most exacting most illiberal most overbold most familiar most antipathetic most averse most unsympathetic most overproud most careless most overfamiliar most undemocratic most anti-democratic most spectacular most overstated most magnificent most exaggerated most ingrained most idiosyncratic most impetuous most premature most previous most precipitate most preponderant most ascendant most prevalent most positive most presumptive most uncaring most unthinking most mannered most artificial most precious most genteel most contrived most certain most improper most shameless most inappropriate most independent most dogmatical most Neronian most sanctimonious most pietistic most lah-di-dah most self-indulgent most self-sufficient most clamorous most hypocritical most unctuous most flamboyant most cock-a-hoop most pharisaic most noble most mealy-mouthed most controlling most dominant most strong-willed


Superlative for having a striking appearance or style, typically by being excessively bright, colourful, or ostentatious
showiest brashest gaudiest flashiest loudest splashiest vulgarest fanciest glitziest kitschest boldest catchiest grabbiest noisiest ritziest swankiest dictiest tawdriest classiest jazziest snazziest swankest toniest glitteriest naffest niftiest trashiest tackiest cheapest crudest chintziest pizzazziest pizazziest crassest gayest sportiest jauntiest splurgiest fussiest brightest kitschiest harshest tattiest brassiest violentest sickliest trendiest nattiest smartest sharpest snappiest spiffiest sassiest merriest campest richest most flamboyant most ostentatious most pretentious most conspicuous most flash most garish most obtrusive most ornate most overdone most tasteless most affected most extravagant most over-elaborate most theatrical most bodacious most brilliant most commanding most dramatic most emphatic most eye-catching most kenspeckle most marked most noticeable most pompous most prominent most pronounced most remarkable most striking most tinselly most dashing most glaring most histrionic most luxurious most meretricious most opulent most overwrought most peacocky most resplendent most screaming most sensational most splendiferous most sumptuous most tinsel most over the top most expensive most grandiose most flaunting most lurid most florid most blatant most glittering most brazen most actorly most chichi most specious most spectacular most exhibitionistic most high-flown most raffish most dazzling most colorful most colourful most plastic most superficial most sham most pinchbeck most fakey most stylish most informal most casual most nauseating most unattractive most bilious most distasteful most whimsical most multicoloured most multicolored most rakish most glamorous most elaborate most convivial most outrageous most peacockish most exciting most baroque most fun most flaming most luscious most luxuriant most swashbuckling

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