Sinônimo de most formalist


Superlative for excessively concerned with minor details or rules
finickiest fussiest pickiest nicest strictest choosiest daintiest closest minutest difficultest faddiest finest prissiest busiest lovingest keenest rigidest fiddliest earnestest steadiest purest stuffiest sharpest primmest acutest loyalest steadfastest swottiest queasiest stiffest starchiest seemliest politest most exact most overscrupulous most pedantic most perfectionist most precise most punctilious most scrupulous most dogmatic most fastidious most finical most literalistic most meticulous most purist most captious most carping most hypercritical most scholastic most sophistic most sophistical most overnice most pernickety most critical most faultfinding most unfavorable most unfavourable most particular most nit-picky most careful most exacting most demanding most persnickety most thorough most painstaking most conscientious most rigorous most diligent most assiduous most choosey most studious most religious most attentive most sedulous most delicate most fussbudgety most old-maidish most laborious most discriminating most accurate most correct most selective most detailed most searching most elaborate most heedful most industrious most refined most punctual most conscionable most squeamish most persevering most zealous most methodical most proper most discerning most hard-working most overparticular most inflexible most persistent most active most unflagging most occupied most constant most bustling most mathematical most employed most hopping most sensitive most overdelicate most tied-up most faddish most overfastidious most fretful most obsessive most exhaustive most microscopic most unremitting most determined most pinpoint most indefatigable most duteous most cautious most unswerving most discriminative most trivial most spot-on most complex most white-glove most complicated most strenuous most faithful most undeviating most unfailing most thoroughgoing most puritanical most prudish most perceptive most reliable most impeccable most unwearied most overcritical most schoolmarmish most Victorian most strait-laced most pass-remarkable most formal most ceremonious most decorous most conventional most stilted most observant most civil most courteous most formalistic most overconscientious most stiff-necked most right on

Antonym de most formalist

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