Sinônimo de most monged out


Superlative for under the influence of alcohol
drunkest tightest tipsiest merriest wooziest squiffiest fullest blindest booziest highest littest stiffest wettest groggiest lushest sloppiest happiest mellowest unsteadiest beeriest punchiest most intoxicated most drunken most blitzed most smashed most bombed most plastered most hammered most sloshed most wasted most inebriated most pickled most stewed most wrecked most maudlin most soaked most loaded most sottish most steaming most blotto most stoned most befuddled most legless most bladdered most soused most incapable most paralytic most sozzled most tanked most tiddly most zonked most lit up most trashed most wired most juiced most ratted most stinko most rat-arsed most cut most ripped most steamed most well-oiled most fou most half cut most kaylied most langered most mashed most sauced most swacked most besotted most inebriate most ossified most shickered most shot most broken most lekker most munted most obliterated most bacchic most cockeyed most crapulent most crapulous most crocked most ebrious most foxed most fried most looped most monged most oiled most pixilated most screwed most sotted most stinking most strung out most tired and emotional most bibulous most Adrian Quist most buzzed most flushed most laced most muddled most jacked most unsober most drugged most baked most tripping most doped most out of one's box most polluted most sodden most in most faced most spaced-out most dazed most intemperate most narcotized most comatose most spaced out most delirious most euphoric most geeked most schnockered most dopey most coked most unconscious most benumbed most hooched up most cooked most blazed most elevated most addled most plowed most drugged-out most pixillated most alcoholic most bibacious most insensible most anesthetized

Antonym de most monged out

Music ♫

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