Sinônimo de to ante up


To give something towards a cause
contribute give donate put up grant bestow present gift accord hand out provide supply furnish chip in come up with cough up dish out fork out hand pitch in shell out stump up award bequeath bequest devote endow fund impart kick in pay sacrifice share sponsor subsidise subsidize throw in volunteer confer deliver dispense advance extend give a donation of give away give out give up hand over make a donation of offer part with pony up proffer purvey subscribe transfer furnish with gift with leave pass pass on pledge present with provide with tender come through dower let someone have sweeten the kitty sweeten the pot lay out pay up come across with pay out fork over spend commit expend disburse render put in make with yield surrender relinquish turn over settle up outlay invest remit dole out drop do your part defray the cost of ante pay for make a donation make a contribution foot the bill transmit lend vouchsafe will slip entrust make over produce club together have a whip-round supply with come across lavish venture confer on endow with foot speculate splurge lay on make a gift of get it up give of make a contribution of get in the act put oneself down for feed the kitty pass the hat stake gamble risk front up spring for plunk down sink in plough in pick up the tab cede lay down turn in sign autograph back ink finance fork up underwrite enroll contribute towards enrol signature make a subscription set register buy promise second give to sign up donate to chip into make a deal pitch into give money consign assign afford vest allot delegate allocate give over trust apportion intrust convey hand on commend repose confide dedicate hand down distribute recommend apply allow sign over bestow on devolve designate favor provision favour reserve appropriate earmark consecrate make available throw serve cast send endue bring concede present to issue save permit direct feed abdicate bless set aside set by grace indue vest in award to submit let go of resign fix up equip add devise inject spare level place charge refer relegate accommodate reach bear trot out invest in give up to entrust to put out allot to shoot assign to set apart grant to lay dart kit out put forward cater get rid of renounce enable empower bind obligate deal lodge appoint loan prepare demise task arm put forth toss chuck lavish on lay aside accord to legate bung flash honour with store commission stock oblige depute let minister abandon consign to circulate impart to dispatch favour with pass down show pass to administer decorate with alienate hold out place at disposal send on allocate to leave in one's will hand out to put in someone's hands mete out hand round deal out fit out avail engage prescribe arrange put at someone's disposal vow make something over to someone do forfeit waive forbear forgo forsake replenish credit put release deduct lose reward divert restrict result in provide for cede to yield to treat bestow to decree pertain belong settle deposit unload redirect accede maintain keep organize deliver up enter give over to sub pay in advance supply on credit contribute to crown channel acquiesce give in free give out to extend to vouchsafe to shark lend-lease bless with run by bring forward put aside pin disinherit probate disherit invest with buck let oneself in for accommodate someone with render up send in ply sell disseminate giving honor authorize deed change reassign alien entrust with put in the hands of patronise aid patronize command prorate parcel out portion loan shark sanction accredit qualify license entitle licence impart with settle on immolate deliver to offload dump lay on one rig out warrant certify cut off foist allow to look after let out make trustee hand over to saddle burden aim instate target ascribe deal in outstretch organise dish up nurse enhance begift put into the hands of lay at one's feet hold out to give an opportunity put into hands of disperse fit up begive pass around divvy up diffuse ration partition pass out decentralise decentralize afford to distribute to bequeath to apportion to authorise charter cater in trade in convey to transfer to leave to plate up set out ladle out commit to heap on line up endow in spoon out set down let off drop off serve up honor with render to hand to fob off be handed down palm off leave to by will give authority cater to exchange offer up forward include pose stick out hold forth stretch out reach out tack on add on

Antonym de to ante up

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