Антонимом most ultraclean

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Opposite of superlative for covered or marked with an unclean substance
dirtiest filthiest grubbiest grimiest muddiest foulest muckiest uncleanest dustiest grottiest cloudiest cruddiest greasiest nastiest grungiest sootiest ickiest messiest blackest dingiest gungiest mankiest slimiest sloppiest slovenliest smuttiest sordidest untidiest dreggiest scuzziest skankiest straggliest yuckiest crummiest dungiest squalidest scummiest scungiest grossest sleaziest shabbiest smelliest rottenest unpleasantest disgustingest grodiest yukkiest horriblest miriest vilest awfullest terriblest horridest lousiest beastliest acridest ghastliest gruesomest rankest ugliest stinkiest whiffiest pongiest unloveliest meanest scurviest evillest unfairest bitterest wickedest pitifullest fulsomest scabbiest sorriest loathliest lamest obscenest wretchedest baddest sourest paltriest niffiest cheapest harshest rattiest funkiest bummest unholiest seediest stickiest murkiest scruffiest slummiest frowziest spottiest raunchiest smokiest gloopiest dowdiest horriest sludgiest miserablest clammiest tattiest grimmest most soiled most sullied most polluted most stained most spotted most contaminated most defiled most smeary most impure most tarnished most unhygienic most unsanitary most bedraggled most blackened most bogging most disheveled most dishevelled most draggled most insanitary most uncleanly most unkempt most feculent most festy most slatternly most unsightly most undusted most unswept most putrid most fetid most muddied most tainted most loathsome most repulsive most revolting most uncleaned most ruined most discolored most discoloured most marked most blemished most distasteful most disagreeable most sickening most offensive most repugnant most odious most nauseating most repellent most obnoxious most abominable most objectionable most dreadful most nauseous most unappetizing most noxious most appalling most hideous most unpalatable most horrendous most noisome most frightful most malodorous most atrocious most unsavoury most stinking most rancid most uninviting most mephitic most diabolical most deplorable most uncongenial most unpleasing most miasmal most despicable most displeasing most scandalous most repellant most unsavory most abhorrent most illegal most unwelcome most unsportsmanlike most contemptible most disgustful most pitiable most olid most ungodly most hellish most off-putting most God-awful most foul-smelling most insalubrious most soily most slipshod most verminous most muculent most glutinous most viscous most mucous most flea-bitten

Синоним most ultraclean

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