Антонимом so powerful

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of denotes the effectiveness or dominance of a particular action

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of the potency of an alcoholic drink

Имя прилагательное

(of something inanimate or abstract) Opposite of successful in producing a desired or intended result
unproductive useless ineffective inefficacious ineffectual unsuccessful fruitless futile inefficient inoperative unfruitful abortive impotent incapable unavailing weak pointless powerless helpless unconvincing uncompelling meek insipid dissuasive unpersuasive inadequate unimpressive unintelligent feeble insufficient vague unsatisfactory hollow impactless irrelevant inconclusive unfounded unsubstantial immaterial inconsequential shaky groundless pathetic rambling unremarkable inept incompetent implausible indefinite incoherent stupid wanting ignorant flimsy obscure faulty improbable substandard deficient lacking suspect questionable incomplete inconceivable half-hearted unbelievable incredible lame imperfect poor forceless inapt lousy raw understated toothless invalid failing disputable derisory laughable unpronounced unprepared shallow untrained unqualified defective unsure flabby immature limited superficial dispirited lifeless unexciting bland unenthusiastic nominal boring empty static vapid tame unemotional dull unimposing disheartening remote unmoving unimportant to no avail nonsensical casual wasted trifling meaningless moderate soft mild vain ordinary purportless in vain sterile nongermane insignificant undramatic dampening discouraging uninfluential comedic not pertinent unsound silly inane superfluous speculative ridiculous unreasonable going nowhere insincere baseless apathetic fatuous needless trivial absurd otiose usual to no effect untheatrical around in circles indifferent to no purpose resultless aimless senseless dumb redundant commonplace forlorn inconspicuous unforceful idle banal uninteresting unnecessary unhelpful indecisive no dice

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of showy, bold or audacious in behavior or appearance

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind

Имя прилагательное

(of a job or position) Opposite of involving responsibility or a degree of personal accountability

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of involving or creating favorable circumstances that increase the chances of success or effectiveness


Opposite of to a great or extreme degree

Синоним so powerful

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