Антонимом surprisingly strong

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of fit and healthy
sick unhealthy sickly weak frail ill unwell debilitated infirm in poor health weakly ailing diseased feeble in a bad way in poor condition off-color out of sorts run down sick as a dog under the weather anemic challenged disabled drained effete enervated exhausted incapacitated languid languorous paralysed paralyzed powerless sluggish tired unathletic unfit anaemic crippled emasculated enfeebled resistless run-down sapped sensitive susceptible unresistant wasted worn afflicted bummed nauseous lethargic apathetic impotent unsound delicate unenthusiastic fragile ineffective mild unconvincing unpersuasive listless faint torpid indifferent idle inactive uncompelling inconclusive indecisive dull indisposed lazy passive half-hearted gentle moderate soft lackadaisical unemotional dispassionate emotionless impassive cool cold incapable meek peaceful unexcited vulnerable unambitious strengthless nonemphatic nonassertive unemphatic lacklustre lackluster pococurante weary decrepit down pale prostrate pallid shaky lukewarm sickish weakened wobbly below par calm peaky weedy unimportant helpless flabby unconcerned dispirited happy out of shape tender defeatist brittle prostrated seedy wan bilious puny unstable asthenic doddering uncertain ambitionless unenterprising unassertive unaggressive unenergetic pleased unpassionate submissive unimpressive fatigued quiet forgettable diffident unspectacular unimposing characterless unexceptional undistinguished discreet unmemorable inconspicuous laid low a wreck off one's feet laid up meager small meagre beat flagging somnolent otiose timid energyless nonaggressive crook worn out lousy overweight fat unforceful squeamish queasy queazy uninvolved unfeeling disinterested undemonstrative incurious stoical phlegmatic unmoved callous non-committal bored impassible untouched affectless insouciant detached perfunctory stoic stolid uninterested numb unresponsive unmotivated funny bedridden inadequate unprepared queerish laid-back feverish queer poorly qualmish out of condition lacking fitness in poor shape not fit nonchalant subdued hurt green little insignificant rotten dizzy nauseated unsteady flaccid uncaring forceless flimsy impuissant floppy scrawny sickened barfy irresolute insubstantial limp spent spindly out of trim not oneself off colour under-the-weather wimpish wussy spiritless lifeless facile easy

Имя прилагательное

(of language or actions) Opposite of excessively or unacceptably forceful

Имя прилагательное

(of persons) Opposite of influential or powerful in rank, position, or status

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of fervent in feelings or desires

Имя прилагательное

(of sound heard) Opposite of pronounced in volume or depth

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of having a pleasant and intense odor

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Opposite of having a pleasant and intense flavor

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(of words spoken) Opposite of vulgar or offensive in nature

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Opposite of having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient

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Opposite of having a high alcoholic content

Имя прилагательное

(of a disease or symptom) Opposite of very bad or severe

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of firm, strong or robust, sometimes figuratively

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of having a hardened or solid texture or surface

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of vigorously keen or severe in expression or style

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Opposite of fixed or not subject to alteration

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Opposite of unpleasantly rough or jarring to see or look at

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Opposite of having or demonstrating an unwavering devotion toward someone or something


Opposite of idiomatic phrases for being strong

Синоним surprisingly strong

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