Антонимом terribly dangerous

Имя прилагательное

(healthful) Opposite of able or likely to cause harm or injury

Имя прилагательное

(benign) Opposite of able or likely to cause harm or injury
benign harmless nonthreatening anodyne hurtless inoffensive nonfatal noninfectious nonlethal non-malignant nontoxic superficial innocuous safe innocent beneficial helpful favourable advantageous favorable good assisting innoxious healthy aiding undamaging nice mild wholesome unharmful friendly unhazardous tame unthreatening healthful unoffensive risk-free non-dangerous nonpoisonous unobjectionable gentle healing non-toxic kind constructive positive low-risk nonvenomous non-poisonous unadventurous curing mending fixing salubrious riskless nondestructive valuable promising auspicious useful undisruptive supportive nonirritating salutary nonviolent uninjurious helping meaningless sympathetic welcoming not dangerous uncontroversial well-disposed painless non-injurious guiltless profitable encouraging productive lucky fortunate non-threatening non-irritant secure nutritious bland sanitary propitious unenterprising pleasant unperilous sound restorative relieving fit nourishing tonic healful soft undestructive nonhazardous amicable congenial affable kindly nonprovocative efficacious unexceptionable not detrimental unoffending not hurtful remote reassuring creative slight okay non-violent minor fair unprejudiced impartial approving just unbiased hospitable agreeable seemly germ-free hygienic proper blessed clear fruitful effective practical complimentary convivial happy joyful light bright hopeful sunny cheerful alright cool acceptable reasonable fine straightforward benevolent benignant remedial palliative curative noncontroversial self-evident unpolluted noncorrosive nonpolluting

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of very harmful or destructive, and capable of causing death

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of marked by a likelihood to threaten the safety of a person or persons

Имя прилагательное

(of a situation or problem) Opposite of having a high likelihood of becoming dire or turning into a crisis

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of very serious or severe

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences

Имя прилагательное

(of an outcome, especially one that is desired) Opposite of possible but very uncertain

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of significant in the degree of importance or seriousness, typically requiring immediate action or attention

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of disease-causing

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of causing difficulty, problems or trouble

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects

Имя прилагательное

Opposite of capable of being transmitted to others

Синоним terribly dangerous

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