Синоним a stitch


Add fancy stitching, adornment
embroider decorate ornament sew adorn embellish beautify bedeck braid cross-stitch deck garnish knit pattern quilt trim work fix up gussy up spruce up weave pattern dress up festoon enrich enhance array grace bedizen prettify dress caparison blazon drape emboss emblaze fancify do prink do up doll up pretty up fancy up glitz up edge frill fringe titivate hem smarten primp gild emblazon brighten furbelow engarland accessorize prank accessorise deck out jazz up trick out spangle ribbon beribbon elaborate paint smarten up ornamentalize polish border befrill preen improve sweeten slick pipe candy gloss spiff up touch up ginger up furnish garland wreathe finish perfect add finishing touches dress out tart up do out bejewel get up swathe bespangle set off cover furbish hang glamorize stud crown glamorise shape loop thread bedight brighten up bind set add ornament to gem lard style wreath form rig fix attach constitute flesh out paper colour glaze make beautiful fit mense fasten revamp redecorate remodel tailor adapt renovate wallpaper supplement complement make attractive gentrify make pretty augment color varnish rig out make up zhoosh band add the finishing touch to boss suit add to pretty overdo amplify overstate enlarge zhoosh up fudge aggrandize complete tassel cut give details rim tidy show off accent equip go with stencil slick up plume trig give something a facelift chase make add bells and whistles befringe purfle fashion add on add ornament pimp out pimp up tool fit with studs sprinkle dot light star sequin


A very small or insignificant amount
shred bit trace speck hint crumb touch particle smidgen scintilla spot ounce suspicion mite tad dab scrap scruple lick glimmer smidgeon little shade splash sprinkling grain atom drop spatter strain iota shadow morsel ray smack spark nip jot driblet streak fragment suggestion whit modicum skosh dram tittle smell snap ace peanuts molecule smidge whisper stim shaving part paring cantlet tiny amount jot or tittle piece any mote scantling hoot flake seed minim smithereen shard dash tinge pinch soupçon snippet taste sliver granule dribble fraction whiff snip fleck trifle small amount nugget dot flicker little bit patch splinter flyspeck breath nubbin chip droplet sample trickle dose dollop chunk vestige portion slice snatch lump intimation tang minimum chicken feed bite segment fig continental smattering inkling skerrick whoop syllable rap tincture durn darn scent drop in the bucket ghost tiny piece extract share butt moiety excerpt nuance stub overtone element semblance specimen stump hunk scoosh sign vein small quantity small piece end parcel division item section impression ort measure gleam smitch nucleus tiny bit undertone tiniest bit indication spoonful small bit mouthful sprinkle air kernel blob infinitesimal pittance scale squat footstep niggle quantity degree step note hair sniff flash small portion bubkes diddly beans bupkes least bit diddly-squat doodley-squat doodly-squat sparkle filing cast snort shot smudge smear blot peck scattering tidbit trait inch very little thimbleful glimmering tatter glint soupcon slug smallest amount bare minimum wisp faint sign thread amount arc spit beam glob slip powdering dust admixture mixture shake gob jack detail brush stroke glitter glow slot murmur footprint footmark small potatoes miniscule amount next to nothing small change trivial amount not enough wee bit stretch flavour some spit in the sea drop in the ocean tiny part spoor evidence strand tendency naught nada colouring nib record memento residue proof token flavor small degree slightest bit coloring cut shiver matchstick anything nothing smallest part unit a small sum a trifling amount a paltry sum a trifling sum sampling wink gobbet pin

Антонимом a stitch

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