Синоним hinkiest

Имя прилагательное

Superlative for having doubts or uncertainty (about something or someone)
unsurest leeriest iffiest wariest chariest cagiest vaguest unclearest fearfullest haziest jealousest uptightest shakiest wishy-washiest ficklest unsteadiest slowest timidest infirmest weakest shiest chanciest wobbliest loathest lothest laziest diciest fishiest riskiest most doubtful most dubious most uncertain most suspicious most mistrustful most distrustful most undecided most unsettled most unconvinced most sceptical most skeptical most hesitant most cynical most irresolute most tentative most wavering most vacillating most unbelieving most ambivalent most unresolved most agnostic most indecisive most disbelieving most incredulous most cautious most apprehensive most indefinite most nervous most uneasy most divided most perplexed most uncommitted most questioning most untrusting most quizzical most negativistic most careful most faithless most equivocal most noncommittal most betwixt and between most confused most vexed most unassured most aporetic most unmoved most unpersuaded most unimpressed most ambiguous most jaundiced most guarded most insecure most halting most watchful most diffident most unconfident most circumspect most pendent most indeterminate most up in the air most open most unpredictable most pending most unstable most reluctant most borderline most inconclusive most conflicting most contradictory most touch and go most incalculable most unknown most unascertained most debatable most backward most vacillant most unestablished most changeable most neutral most volatile most fluctuant most weak-kneed most variable most pendulous most confusing most mixed most inconstant most double-edged most uneventful most unassertive most muddled most clashing most speculative most irreligious most vacillatory most indisposed most reticent most abeyant most unfamiliar most impartial most half-hearted most untrusty most unsavory most unsavoury most havering most unreliable most halfhearted most uneager most averse most afraid most unwilling most problematical most erratic most capricious most whimsical

Имя прилагательное

Superlative for showing or feeling insecurity or uncertainty
tensest edgiest jumpiest jitteriest nerviest uptightest antsiest unquietest queasiest queaziest fidgetiest twitchiest fearfullest shakiest toeiest spookiest windiest squirrelliest unsurest shiest brittlest touchiest angstiest awkwardest friskiest creepiest tetchiest tautest shiveriest saddest timidest unhappiest strictest crotchetiest prickliest testiest meekest lowest snappiest worst-tempered chippiest unsteadiest unruliest itchiest mousiest moodiest vaguest miserablest mournfullest dolefulest forlornest gloomiest glummest wretchedest woefullest sorriest droopiest morosest sullenest sombrest somberest baddest teariest difficultest dreariest weepiest bleakest blackest flightiest grayest greyest violentest stiffest bitterest hottest under the collar angriest grimmest dullest sulkiest intensest sorest hottest grumpiest crummiest painfullest heaviest weakest mopiest strangest lostest cowardliest darkest absentest crabbiest scariest hairiest yellowest abjectest drearest coldest direst dourest iffiest maddest murkiest loneliest cloudiest trickiest soberest dreamiest bumpiest rockiest choppiest jerkiest roughest most anxious most nervous most worried most uneasy most troubled most upset most perturbed most insecure most aflutter most dithery most ill at ease most het up most agitated most keyed up most apprehensive most restless most disturbed most unsettled most bothered most wired most overwrought most concerned most stressy most fretful most frightened most worked up most strung out most restive most overstrung most stressed most discomposed most hyper most scared most strained most distressed most uncomfortable most flustered most afraid most uncertain most excited most disconcerted most dismayed most discombobulated most vexed most hesitant most spooked most self-conscious most excitable most unrelaxed most unstable most sensitive most distraught most high-strung most panicky most choked most anguished most irked most stressed out most unglued most irresolute most skittish most embarrassed most inhibited most hysterical most irritable most irascible most doubtful most fevered most febrile most overanxious most discountenanced most impatient most peevish most timorous most confused most unrestful most suspicious most irritated most perplexed most annoyed most plagued most angstful most solicitous most bugged most muddled most hot and bothered most put out most tentative most indecisive most wavering most vacillating most distracted most fraught most palpitant most shot most moving most fluttery most moved most careful most hurt most unconfident most bashful most gauche most unnatural most diffident most watchful most gutted most blushing most withdrawn most aghast most cautious most conventional most self-effacing most unassertive most disappointed most frantic most angered most unforthcoming most shocked most distrustful most querulous most quick-tempered most temperamental most short-tempered most crabbed most captious most introverted most passive most cut up most bummed out most amazed most verklempt most blue most old-fashioned most intermittent most hurried most transient most roving most footloose most bustling most spasmodic most unpeaceful most inconstant most sleepless most active most changeable most fitful most nomadic most turbulent most ill-tempered most oversensitive most critical most Delphic most unassured most unpoised most questioning most frazzled most afflicted most up in the air most touch and go most nail-biting most stressful most nerve-racking most pained most aggravated most miffed most puzzled most displeased most mortified most terrified most sorrowful most depressed most heartbroken most disconsolate most dejected most despondent most inconsolable most heartsick most cheerless most downcast most desolate most melancholy most woebegone most brokenhearted most crestfallen most beleaguered most down in the mouth most down in the dumps most joyless most grief-stricken most dispirited most heartsore most low-spirited most tearful most melancholic most disheartened most devastated most dismal most dolorous most bereaved most emotional most discouraged most heavy-hearted most angst-ridden most hard-pressed most rueful most broken most preoccupied most regretful most horrified most crushed most tristful most careworn most lugubrious most aggrieved most haunted most solemn most nonplussed most pessimistic most startled most affected most stricken most bewildered most wistful most funereal most desperate most obsessed most put upon most comfortless most browbeaten most distrait most out of sorts most saturnine most wrecked most spiritless most hectic most listless most oppressed most fed up most trepidatious most flummoxed most frenzied most heated most overactive most frayed most trying most irrational most mixed-up most affrighted most hunted most hysteric most abashed most chapfallen most taken aback most depressive most horror-struck most morbid most worn out most pensive most frozen most ruthful most elegiac most elegiacal most languorous most languid most haggard most ripped most exasperated most damaged most skittery most unconsolable most flushed most overemotional most disorderly most unbalanced most histrionic most remorseful most overexcited most afire most wrought-up most hyperexcited most stilted most reserved most inflamed most feverish most hyperactive most shattered most teed off most hopeless most grievous most downbeat most lachrymose most mistrustful most foreboding most defeatist most pressurized most luckless most mirthless most disoriented most discontented most rushed most brooding most intimidated most petrified most ailing most shell-shocked most piteous most rebellious most maladjusted most alienated most dolent most heartrending most troubling most affecting most possessed most tongue-tied most hapless most lily-livered most abstracted most unreliable most precarious most wakeful most disconnected most depressing most inattentive most bemused most absent-minded most distressing most negative most dysphoric most pusillanimous most cowed most incomplete most erratic most fragmentary most awake most unsleeping most chicken most shook-up most absorbed most distant most engrossed most controlled most panicked most distressful most nerve-wracking most worrisome most unsettling most disturbing most disquieting most frit most stunned most insomnolent most godforsaken most undependable most cursed most messed-up most alert most horror-stricken most faint-hearted most panic-stricken most sepulchral most chill most tenebrous most tenebrific most dolesome most vigilant most befuddled most absentminded most dogged most overpowered most sunless most lonesome most dreich most sporadic most disrupted most aching most attentive most confounded most humorless most taciturn most humourless most heaving most paranoid most bewitched most insane most unfocused most fiendish most raging most jouncy most encumbered most herky-jerky

Антонимом hinkiest

hinkiest Идиома

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