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Comparative for deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected
odder stranger uncommoner bizarrer queerer curiouser weirder freakier funnier quirkier wackier kinkier screwier rummer wilder crazier spookier perverser uncannier quainter eerier fishier creepier kookier zanier funkier whackier flukier scarcer daggier crankier grotesquer unhealthier benter sicker fewer and farther between thinner on the ground droller pervier cooler obscurer abstruser wonderfuller absurder unlikelier newsworthier shadier flakier taller flimsier falser foolisher iffier slighter fainter uglier dodgier shakier unlovelier viler uncomelier homelier madder fuglier grosser extremer grodier more anomalous more unusual more abnormal more peculiar more extraordinary more atypical more aberrant more singular more unique more irregular more exceptional more rare more eccentric more freakish more deviant more uncustomary more unorthodox more untypical more unnatural more unwonted more phenomenal more preternatural more especial more aberrated more outré more exceeding more divergent more prodigious more uncharacteristic more incongruous more aberrational more devious more foreign more unrepresentative more heteroclite more inconsistent more jarring more off-the-wall more out there more unexpected more unconventional more different more unfamiliar more outlandish more offbeat more erratic more off the wall more unaccountable more wacko more off-centre more surprising more puzzling more mysterious more baffling more mystifying more perplexing more remarkable more idiosyncratic more unco more bizarro more far-out more unaccustomed more wayward more unparalleled more isolated more nonstandard more unpredictable more fantastic more kookie more queerish more off-kilter more spaced-out more inexplicable more rogue more twisted more perverted more surreal more warped more anomalistic more monstrous more questionable more suspicious more dubious more whimsical more inscrutable more inconceivable more astonishing more off-base more off-color more dilly more ridiculous more ludicrous more arbitrary more humorous more fanciful more capricious more vagarious more changeable more teratoid more fitful more novel more corrupt more unnormal more heteromorphic more chance more unforeseeable more unanticipated more fortuitous more sporadic more alien more infrequent more incredible more conspicuous more digressive more nonconformist more seldom more off-key more variant more heretical more avant-garde more unthinkable more unimaginable more original more unordinary more unexplainable more incomprehensible more unfathomable more amazing more unsolvable more insoluble more stunning more staggering more arcane more bewildering more startling more inexplainable more enigmatic more electrifying more unintelligible more mystic more unknowable more unheard-of more eye-opening more unpredicted more preposterous more unbelievable more doubtful more suspect more improbable more implausible more disparate more unreal more outrageous more far-fetched more unconvincing more contrary more dubitable more unrealistic more farcical more extravagant more disputable more debatable more nonsensical more laughable more illogical more irrational more unlike more exotic more supernatural more exaggerated more incoherent more fantastical more equivocal more embellished more sensational more farfetched more hyperbolic more impossible more cockamamie more mind-boggling more offhand more remote more contradictory more poignant more comical more incongruent more disconsonant more irrelevant more misleading more overblown more strained more labored more laboured more untrue more dishonest more untruthful more random more insane more ironic more fabulous more spectacular more wondrous more undependable more unreliable more arguable more untrustworthy more histrionic more astounding more complicated more far out more untoward more deformed more ironical more misshapen more grandiose more distinct more distinctive more hideous more unsightly more distinguished more specialized more individual more distinguishing more exclusive more signature more personalized more characteristic more particular more misproportioned more gnarled more mangled more doubtable more disquieting more unappealing more unattractive more ill-favored more unpretty more unpleasing more unhandsome more unbeautiful more problematical more touched more demented more unbalanced more unhinged more limited more ill-favoured more antic more flamboyant more customised more specialised more special more personalised

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Comparative for that is diametrically opposed to something
adverser ornerier crosser perverser extremer difficulter unfriendlier hatefuller more contradictory more contrary more conflicting more incompatible more different more inconsistent more antithetical more clashing more incongruous more contrasting more divergent more discrepant more irreconcilable more antagonistic more diametric more diametrical more oppugnant more repugnant more antithetic more reverse more ambiguous more contradictive more counteractive more dissimilar more antipathic more discordant more inconsonant more inharmonious more disparate more antipathetic more dissonant more incongruent more mismatched more unalike more contrastive more diverse more unlike more unequal more distinct more unharmonious more unmixable more unrelated more distant more incomparable more disconsonant more contrasted more antonymous more distinctive more inimical more irregular more variant more unsuitable more incoherent more anomalous more independent more distinguishable more hostile more ill-matched more other more contrarious more antonymic more oppositional more discrete more foreign more jarring more disharmonious more dissentient more uncongenial more inconformable more differentiable more incommensurable more differential more particular more factious more offbeat more unconnected more distinguishing more disproportionate more unsuited more inappropriate more acrimonious more exclusive more heterogeneous more alien more express more especial more individual more incommensurate more disjoint more inconstant more uncoordinated more wayward more refractory more impossible more competing more polarized more oppositive more violative more off-key more atypical more factional more unnatural more untypical more bipolar more unfavorable more contrariant more unfavourable more unmistakable more discriminable more contradistinct more contradistinctive more reluctant more irresoluble more defensive more restrictive more disputed more battling more confronting more obstructive more allergic

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Comparative for unfounded or nonsensical
foolisher stupider sillier absurder unwiser crazier dafter wackier nuttier loonier kookier weaker madder wilder barmier freakier flakier falser faultier hollower perverser screwier dippier daffier zanier recklesser dottier rasher jerkier whackier balmier foolhardier hastier bizarrer dumber flimsier pottier shakier simpler unwarier obtuser goofier vainer battier loopier dimmer thicker blinder flightier poorer fishier unlikelier phonier emptier bolder weirder scattier stranger wantoner giddier brasher grotesquer denser uselesser duller slower nerdier unearthlier dorkier dopier softer ignoranter badder riskier extremer unworldlier funnier dodgier iffier softer in the head vaguer stolider lamer feebler odder queerer stroppier worse-tempered looser quirkier obscurer sketchier slighter airier thinner forlorner ditsier pettier smaller lighter paltrier minuter deafer wankier barrener wishy-washier more irrational more senseless more unreasonable more illogical more nonsensical more preposterous more brainless more idiotic more ridiculous more ludicrous more unsound more mindless more injudicious more insane more unthinking more invalid more unreasoning more laughable more implausible more unjustifiable more fallacious more untenable more inconsequential more groundless more illegitimate more cockamamie more inconsequent more wrong more arbitrary more specious more unscientific more incoherent more sophistic more demented more reasonless more aberrant more counterintuitive more delirious more disconnected more disjointed more distraught more raving more unstable more off-the-wall more spurious more incorrect more flawed more erroneous more unjustified more contradictory more inconsistent more sophistical more incongruous more inane more meaningless more inconclusive more unsubstantial more impossible more fatuous more irreconcilable more imbecilic more unproved more cockeyed more irrelevant more unconnected more off the wall more witless more harebrained more imprudent more asinine more thoughtless more half-baked more ill-advised more ill-considered more simpleminded more lunatic more bubbleheaded more inept more crackpot more unintelligent more cuckoo more tomfool more moronic more kookie more featherheaded more screwball more incautious more sappy more impulsive more indiscreet more pointless more heedless more impractical more farcical more fanciful more irresponsible more unconsidered more risible more cockamamy more fantastic more short-sighted more improvident more doltish more careless more unreal more misguided more impracticable more madcap more dim-witted more dopey more crackbrained more incredible more outrageous more impetuous more unthinkable more precipitate more pathetic more unworkable more unrealistic more premature more ill-conceived more thickheaded more hotheaded more unsupported more immature more lamebrained more birdbrained more scatterbrained more softheaded more feebleminded more far-fetched more unbelievable more derisory more fantastical more comical more improbable more derisive more naive more vacuous more negligent more dunderheaded more futile more gormless more unfeasible more unsubstantiated more inconceivable more questionable more unwarranted more illusory more indefensible more puerile more slow-witted more clueless more empty-headed more unguarded more defective more headstrong more halfwitted more temerarious more headlong more devil-may-care more slapdash more idiotical more passionate more frenzied more determined more fiery more insuppressible more furious more idealistic more dotish more chowderheaded more chuckleheaded more boneheaded more ill-judged more pinheaded more glaikit more romantic more precipitant more tenuous more unsustainable more dubious more delusory more thick-witted more suspect more ungrounded more random more unimaginable more unattainable more daring more trifling more inappropriate more unreliable more capricious more mistaken more eccentric more insignificant more cretinous more venturous more audacious more adventurous more venturesome more exorbitant more monstrous more divvy more unmindful more regardless more impolitic more extravagant more astonishing more uncalled-for more featherbrained more fruitless more unusual more inconsiderate more neglectful more imbecile more unacceptable more outlandish more shortsighted more oafish more inattentive more irreflective more opaque more unsmart more uncalled for more unheeding more undiscerning more airheaded more knuckleheaded more reactive more knee-jerk more absent-minded more listless more out of the question more ad hoc more confused more uninformed more inadvisable more incomprehensible more insupportable more childish more starry-eyed more quixotic more unsafe more unarguable more undefendable more muttonheaded more inadmissible more instinctive more unempirical more intuitive more unsystematic more blockheaded more excessive more perfectionist more theoretical more visionary more utopian more unbalanced more fallible more hilarious more derisible more infantile more unconvincing more unbacked more far-out more helter-skelter more unpersuasive more unprovoked more overbold more over the top more obstinate more donkeyish more insensate more untrue more unmotivated more misleading more hurried more rushed more pell-mell more cursory more uncorroborated more doubtful more nebulous more farfetched more unsatisfactory more inadequate more deceptive more peculiar more doolally more gonzo more erratic more vacant more delusive more wacko more wrong-headed more sudden more unsupportable more puzzling more unachievable more ill-tempered more beguiling more unobtainable more unimpressive more imaginary more idle more chimerical more fictitious more off more unviable more hopeless more causeless more gratuitous more undoable more insurmountable more fraudulent more irresoluble more insuperable more unsolvable more insolvable more full of hot air more unauthorised more abstract more tactless more aimless more irresolvable more inaccessible more impervious more infeasible more insoluble more impassable more inexecutable more needless more unnecessary more unobservant more slipshod more indifferent more unconcerned more casual more unimportant more inconsiderable more minor more negligible more trivial more apathetic more undiplomatic more indiscriminate more otiose more vapid more purportless more frivolous more subjective more unhelpful more desultory more inutile more feckless more worthless more unprofitable more purposeless more undirected more unpurposed more profitless

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