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Comparative for having an inclination to secrecy
quieter silenter closer deeper darker cagier slier coyer shier muter shorter dumber unfriendlier curter colder cooler timider primmer frigider milder gentler icier placider peacefuller dourer meeker mousier softer stiller lower terser awkwarder sullener chillier uptighter mellower flatter fainter unclearer more secretive more reticent more uncommunicative more reserved more withdrawn more taciturn more unforthcoming more mysterious more enigmatic more private more secret more cryptic more introverted more closemouthed more guarded more discreet more cautious more introvert more covert more furtive more hushed more backstairs more feline more undercover more tight-lipped more self-contained more laconic more unresponsive more diffident more tongue-tied more unconversational more untalkative more distant more unsociable more aloof more antisocial more wordless more remote more mumchance more retired more unapproachable more offish more hush-hush more evasive more standoffish more dried up more restrained more bashful more modest more undemonstrative more reclusive more unspeaking more tightlipped more demure more incommunicable more inhibited more unexpressive more incommunicative more inarticulate more sententious more uncommunicable more soft-spoken more backward more sparing more sedate more detached more uncompanionable more collected more self-effacing more formal more unemotional more ceremonious more composed more misanthropic more eremitic more noncommittal more conventional more serene more lost for words more brooding more dumbfounded more soundless more controlled more self-controlled more constrained more timorous more unassuming more recessive more sheepish more snobbish more insular more shocked more muffled more astounded more thoughtful more dazed more aghast more amazed more stifled more indistinct more hidden more secluded more telepathic more silenced more silentious more independent more isolated more temperate more unsocial more ungregarious more incurious more uncurious more recluse more casual more indifferent more disinterested more unconcerned more uninterested more embarrassed more garbled more unassertive more hermitical more hermitic more unwilling more Olympian more eremetic more unrevealing more contemplative more self-interested more pensive more self-absorbed more meditative more ruminative more reflective more inner-directed more self-centred more self-sufficient more self-centered more introspective more thunderstruck more hushful more flabbergasted more gobsmacked more shell-shocked more incoherent more indistinguishable more unvocal more unflappable more astonished more noiseless more imperceptible more unhearable

Антонимом more clamlike

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