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Superlative for amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic
zaniest funniest oddest bizarrest strangest weirdest quirkiest kookiest crankiest kinkiest screwiest wittiest goofiest campest campiest dumbest queerest wackiest curiousest quaintest craziest whackiest wildest funkiest rummest uncommonest freakiest uncanniest flakiest daggiest absurdest maddest nuttiest dippiest daftest drollest spookiest fishiest creepiest eeriest dottiest grotesquest perversest bentest battiest hippiest phoniest rummiest freshest scarcest foolishest shadiest shakiest dodgiest unhealthiest wonderfullest awkwardest silliest unlikeliest flimsiest looniest lightest jerkiest dizziest thinnest weakest most peculiar most eccentric most unconventional most outlandish most ridiculous most comical most ludicrous most comic most amusing most farcical most hilarious most kookie most humorous most chucklesome most wacko most waggish most madcap most clownish most cracked most nuts most off-centre most off the wall most avant-garde most out there most offbeat most remarkable most bizarro most erratic most queerish most off-kilter most spaced-out most far-out most off-the-wall most unusual most abnormal most freakish most idiosyncratic most irregular most extraordinary most different most exceptional most singular most rare most unexpected most unfamiliar most anomalous most atypical most uncustomary most deviant most mysterious most puzzling most mystifying most unique most untypical most incongruous most aberrant most perplexing most baffling most unaccountable most unaccustomed most especial most unco most exceeding most unwonted most aberrated most preternatural most phenomenal most outré most unorthodox most foreign most fantastic most whimsical most insane most crackpot most cuckoo most original most questionable most dubious most suspicious most unnatural most uncharacteristic most off-center most far out most surreal most capricious most surprising most fanciful most astonishing most quizzical most inexplicable most nonconformist most unpredictable most preposterous most suspect most bohemian most cockeyed most extravagant most individual most exotic most distinctive most beat most characteristic most radical most esoteric most wayward most monstrous most amazing most laughable most inconceivable most doubtful most unreal most fantastical most eye-popping most anomalistic most nonstandard most cockamamie most off-base most off-color most oddish most novel most individualistic most old-fashioned most kookish most schizoid most wigged out most nonconforming most innovative most progressive most advanced most eccentrical most informal most maverick most unparalleled most experimental most special most chance most arbitrary most teratoid most changeable most fitful most vagarious most untraditional most unordinary most nonsensical most inscrutable most unceremonious most prodigious most doubtable most disputable most debatable most disquieting most equivocal most dubitable most problematical most divergent most unrepresentative most isolated most unbalanced most unhinged most demented most touched most irrational most warped most twisted most perverted most devious most aberrational most unknown most corrupt most heteroclite most unnormal most heteromorphic most outrageous most barbarous most alien most unheard-of most entertaining most incredible most unthinkable most priceless most unimaginable most implausible most unconvincing most jocular most killing most facetious most side-splitting most impossible most improbable most risible most jokey most screaming most hysterical most humoristic most sidesplitting most comedic most hysteric most uproarious most antic most staggering most jocose most sportive most unconceivable most uncompelling most incredulous most harebrained most infeasible most incogitable most boffo most ironic most unbelievable most lamebrained most unsubstantial most jaw-dropping most mind-blowing most mind-boggling most far-fetched most scatterbrained

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