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Superlative for lacking class or refinement in one's manner or behavior
vulgarest uncouthest coarsest rudest roughest crudest grossest crassest impolitest commonest lowest ruggedest ignorantest unseemliest basest meanest gruffest awkwardest loudest orneriest clumsiest rawest brusquest raunchiest bluntest foulest obscenest dirtiest bawdiest filthiest curtest lewdest stiffest ungainliest cheapest smuttiest tackiest profanest earthiest nastiest harshest trashiest sordidest gawkiest simplest obtusest sketchiest poorest shoddiest sleaziest gaudiest tawdriest flashiest wickedest vilest raciest spiciest showiest tattiest naffest porniest wantonest naughtiest kitschest toughest fruitiest sauciest unhandiest unwieldiest unloveliest foolishest stupidest wildest uselessest bluffest hardest severest dourest unfittest greenest klutziest unworldliest fiercest grimmest sternest austerest geekiest shiest callowest nerdiest steeliest starkest cruelest bitterest flintiest heaviest most unrefined most uncultivated most uncultured most boorish most unpolished most unsophisticated most tasteless most unmannerly most lowbrow most lowbred most uneducated most raffish most philistine most incult most illiberal most insensible most indecorous most yobbish most illiterate most plebeian most ill-bred most ill-mannered most low-born most uncivilized most cloddish most uncivilised most churlish most discourteous most ungentlemanly most unladylike most bad-mannered most provincial most bearish most insensitive most rustic most thuggish most oafish most brutish most unsavoury most slobbish most clodhopping most ocker most swinish most unsavory most uncivil most indelicate most ungallant most callous most unfeeling most undiscriminating most imperceptive most inelegant most loudmouthed most clownish most barbaric most ungracious most classless most barbarous most cantankerous most countrified most unpoised most lubberly most inurbane most graceless most improper most offensive most ungraceful most foul-mouthed most gauche most ribald most primitive most tactless most impure most off-color most wooden most vulgarian most blue most scatological most parochial most indecent most immodest most inconsiderate most scatologic most artless most maladroit most uncoordinated most uneasy most savage most rustical most unmannered most uncomfortable most mannerless most heavy-handed most stilted most basic most uncourtly most hoydenish most unfeminine most manlike most tomboyish most mannish most unwomanly most lumpish most obnoxious most thoughtless most agrestic most low-bred most backward most immature most charmless most despicable most ungenteel most uncalled-for most disrespectful most disgracious most impertinent most troglodytic most rakish most dishonorable most rascally most salacious most pornographic most garish most lascivious most licentious most outrageous most Rabelaisian most flash most ostentatious most inept most dishonourable most caddish most inappropriate most prurient most meretricious most indiscreet most lumbering most bungling most adult most sheepish most inexpert most unskilled most unskilful most ponderous most trivial most unsightly most makeshift most artificial most pretentious most hideous most low-down most unclassy most ornate most outlandish most immoral most near the knuckle most undecorous most malodorous most distasteful most shameless most foulmouthed most ridiculous most brutal most gawkish most gangling most cack-handed most unco most amateurish most ham-fisted most butterfingered most ham-handed most unskillful most coltish most forbidding most self-conscious most embarrassed most ill at ease most intimidating most inhuman most grievous most onerous most hardhanded most oppressive most unceremonious most ungentle most murderous most lowering

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