Синоним very enriching


Present participle for to improve or enhance the quality or value of
enhancing improving refining ameliorating augmenting upgrading boosting complementing developing heightening aggrandizing deepening supplementing amending bettering cultivating elevating helping lifting meliorating perfecting polishing raising reinforcing building endowing exalting intensifying parlaying padding pyramiding spiking sweetening upping building up adding to making richer stepping up beefing up jazzing up running up souping up hiking up jacking up fleshing out hopping up adding value advancing furthering progressing strengthening fortifying fine-tuning honing growing working on building on touching up optimizing making strides optimising smartening amplifying uplifting promoting increasing brushing up correcting smoothing updating expanding prospering making progress making headway moving forward scaling up extending improving on making better propelling working up appreciating revamping forging ahead smartening up reenforcing straightening out contributing fostering training magnifying fast-tracking working out shaping up compounding mitigating fixing up excelling mending rectifying changing for the better redressing remediating fixing forwarding assuaging reforming transcending forming bolstering sharpening civilizing slicking rounding civilising sleeking explaining aiding assisting evolving working hard at tempering boosting up illuming consolidating inflating envigorating burnishing topping up invigorating driving stimulating elaborating on polishing up tightening up making perfect vitalizing brushing up on devoting oneself to getting better at making clear sharping up maturing flourishing modernizing transforming becoming better modernising thriving revolutionizing moving ahead revolutionising getting ahead driving forward moving forward in leaps and bounds pulling ahead going places coming on picking up leveling up coming along levelling up adding value to taking the next step taking to the next level embellishing sprucing up polishing up on gaining ground


Present participle for to make (financially or materially) richer or wealthier
financing bankrolling funding endowing subsidising subsidizing paying sponsoring making affluent making prosperous making wealthy making rich making richer making well-off feathering one's nest lining nest backing capitalizing supporting staking underwriting dowering promoting subscribing bequeathing capitalising paying for providing capital for ponying up for investing in donating money for vesting in forking out for shelling out for chipping in for leaving money for settling money on pitching in for stumping up for giving money towards bequeathing money for anteing up for donating money to coughing up for supporting financially kicking in for grubstaking floating juicing footing the bill for picking up the check picking up the tab guaranteeing patronizing picking up the tab for patronising providing security priming the pump providing finance for contributing to banking providing funds going for loan sharking helping putting up money laying on one furnishing credit for providing money for providing security for giving money to putting up the money for putting up money fo investing obtaining financially supporting insuring setting up giving a donation to settling up for treating someone to defraying the cost of securing providing financing providing for taking the risk for raising dough buttressing aiding assisting keeping putting money into acting as guarantor of setting up in business making a contribution to giving support to shoring up propping up paying a subsidy to giving a grant to contributing maintaining kickstarting crowdsourcing crowdfunding


Present participle for to make more beautiful or attractive by adorning or decorating
adorning decorating beautifying embellishing ornamenting arraying festooning garnishing gracing trimming bedizening decking bedecking blazoning caparisoning dressing draping emblazing embossing fancifying doing doing up dolling up prettying up fancying up gussying up enhancing prettifying dressing up furbelowing gilding tricking out decking out sprucing up furnishing doing out garlanding wreathing engarlanding getting up bejeweling bejewelling emblazoning tarting up jazzing up brightening swathing furbishing embroidering setting off gingering up fixing up titivating bespangling zhooshing painting improving zhooshing up colouring elaborating hanging smartening bedighting covering accessorizing varnishing pranking accessorising beribboning befrilling primping prinking freshening brightening up coloring revitalizing vivifying revitalising revivifying smartening up spiffing up livening up adding ornament to making better making more attractive adding some colour to forming larding gemming glamorizing fleshing out constituting looping threading crowning mensing styling polishing rigging papering making beautiful fringing edging hemming spangling setting fitting revamping remodeling glamorising remodelling redecorating glazing wallpapering shaping renovating tailoring adapting adding the finishing touch to making up completing rigging out fudging amplifying aggrandizing overstating overdoing enlarging slicking up giving details frilling finishing perfecting adding bells and whistles coating dressing out adding finishing touches camouflaging sugar-coating disguising window-dressing catastrophizing exaggerating overlaying whitewashing glittering engilding touching up tinseling tinselling plating aurifying begilding washing expanding on enlarging on preening braiding prettying studding bordering suiting equipping slicking making pretty making attractive tidying pluming trigging piping fixing supplementing complementing gentrifying fastening augmenting adding to modding modifying customizing tasselling sewing stitching stenciling stencilling going with showing off accenting binding rimming giving something a facelift sweetening doing oneself up putting make-up on tarting oneself up purfling befringing candying glossing dotting sprinkling adding ornament adding on pimping out pimping up knitting cross-stitching quilting patterning working lighting starring customising smoothing brushing arranging combing weaving pattern clothing grooming robing costuming garbing spiffing admiring preparing sprucing fussing appareling apparelling prinking up freshening up habiting accoutreing investing accoutring putting on your best bib and tucker putting on your gladrags getting dressed up figging up trigging up fussing over fitting out enrobing toileting turning out gowning vesturing tricking up attiring togging cladding outfitting trapping out dudeing up togging out togging up suiting up


Present participle for to make more nutritious


Present participle for to augment or make something greater
enhancing increasing adding to intensifying magnifying amplifying inflating strengthening building up augmenting boosting upgrading raising lifting escalating elevating exalting swelling aggrandizing heightening deepening stressing reinforcing building underlining compounding consolidating emphasising emphasizing expanding furthering jacking up extending hiking incrementing accentuating advancing amping up ballooning beefing up bumping up cranking up enforcing exacerbating multiplying puffing up pumping up maximising maximizing proliferating mushrooming enlarging improving growing developing widening broadening stepping up supplementing adding snowballing inflaming annexing redoubling spreading mounting padding topping up making greater making larger making bigger filling out encouraging promoting fattening breadthening aggravating building on nurturing cultivating fostering stimulating worsening rising rousing intensating accumulating fortifying buttressing supplying topping subsidizing hotting up becoming worse making worse subsidising optimizing doubling jazzing up progressing rounding off filling up heating up tripling bettering adding fuel to fire eking out lengthening making better accelerating reenforcing supersizing sharpening hiking up upraising amassing dilating distending prolonging ameliorating pumping teeming parlaying swarming protracting waxing thickening upscaling pullulating ratcheting up slapping on collecting following up going up hyping tacking on upping elongating marking up blowing up fleshing out jacking shooting up optimising


Present participle for to promote or nurture the development of
encouraging promoting furthering helping assisting advancing aiding boosting fostering forwarding nurturing strengthening cultivating developing pushing nourishing nursing abetting bolstering reinforcing fueling fuelling improving fortifying serving succoring succouring increasing approving endowing instigating paving the way for drumming up giving a leg up egging on supporting stimulating incubating contributing to sustaining upholding championing facilitating espousing fomenting backing feeding endorsing favoring sponsoring proselytizing favouring proselytising speaking for giving backing to lending a hand backing up standing up for sticking up for standing by aiding and abetting lending a hand to defending benefiting benefitting siding with allying oneself with propping up doing someone a favour helping out going to bat for obliging accommodating taking care of giving support to advocating preferring allying with associating oneself with seconding patronizing sanctioning relieving backstopping patronising taking the side of coming to the defence of going with bailing out doing someone a service bailing someone out standing behind giving a leg up to meeting the needs of coming to the aid of taking up the cudgels for caring for taking the part of expediting sympathizing with accelerating tending plugging helping along speeding up subsidizing cooperating working for oiling the wheels of giving a boost to cooperating with giving assistance to lending support to smiling on approving of opening doors for mucking in with doing for subsidising voting for plunking for plumping for propping getting stuck in with giving a boost giving a lift sticking by getting someone out of a tight spot doing someone a good turn ministering to giving assistance taking to heart throwing your weight behind lending a helping hand doing a kindness to lending a helping hand to pursuing establishing courting growing teaching keeping advantaging instructing financing funding taking someone's part investing in bankrolling hastening propelling progressing speeding fast-tracking siding steadying giving money to throwing in with throwing in one's lot with giving a donation to getting behind going along with rallying round expanding stepping up spreading engendering spurring on ballyhooing generating propagating broadening contributing extending nailing your colors to the mast giving a push to opening doors adopting embracing looking after providing for accepting welcoming maintaining availing mitigating ministering alleviating vouching for taking up taking to going in for taking on receiving enthusiastically getting into falling in with receiving wholeheartedly indorsing straightening out countenancing allying grubstaking doing your part rescuing saving someone's skin taking under one's wing pitching in saving someone's bacon chipping in coming to someone's rescue doing a favor abiding by giving one's blessing to indulging satisfying gratifying pleasing pampering humoring humouring comforting fitting in with submitting to bowing to deferring to pandering to yielding to allowing for agreeing with doing a good turn to meeting the wants of bending over backwards for finding ways to help catering for easing working with precipitating collaborating with attending to waiting on attending puffing thumping making easy hyping stumping jacking up pitching in with hiking up smoothing the way for riding shotgun clearing a path for rooting for being a factor in opening the door for giving a hand greasing the wheels assisting the progress of running interference for smoothing the path of putting on the map making a pitch for going down the line for


Present participle for to make fertile


Present participle for to achieve benefits, especially financial ones, by taking advantage of the opportunities with which one is presented


Present participle for to improve, refine, or add the finishing touches to
amending changing altering improving reforming revising correcting enhancing fixing modifying editing remedying repairing ameliorating bettering rewriting updating adapting adjusting qualifying rectifying emending recasting redrafting rephrasing rescripting rewording reworking debugging helping meliorating mending perfecting red-pencilling red-penciling refining revamping tweaking upgrading clarifying rebranding redrawing elevating lifting putting right raising righting setting right squaring making up for paying dues benefiting benefitting boosting facilitating bolstering healing promoting curing settling resolving redressing advancing reviving maintaining restoring easing saving sustaining mitigating stimulating clearing up patching up stepping up making better putting to rights becoming better making improvements to sorting out making good dealing with revitalising tempering moderating remediating fine-tuning beefing up revitalizing retouching revivifying strengthening rehabbing resurrecting polishing touching up refurbishing reanimating vitalizing fortifying honing fining retrieving making right recalibrating straightening out fixing up shaping up cleaning up harmonizing harmonising solving doctoring laundering scrubbing picking up dialing back cleaning up your act setting to rights putting in order renewing aiding attending to squaring up taking care of avenging straightening rewarding reconstructing overhauling patching recompensing reconditioning balancing making amends for turning around compensating for going straight doing justice fiddling with setting straight going over straightening up turning things around setting the record straight


Present participle for to add a quality or feature, especially enliven or make more exciting

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Producing an advantage or benefit
profitable beneficial advantageous helpful useful good valuable favourable favorable worthwhile fruitful productive rewarding beneficent effective expedient benefic benignant practical kindly salutary friendly serviceable instrumental effectual conducive contributive economic illuminating informative pragmatic assisting saving of use of service win-win well spent gratifying satisfying fulfilling edifying pleasing encouraging comforting gladdening cheering heartening heartwarming gainful constructive opportune propitious auspicious convenient timely positive fortunate promising of assistance suitable appropriate lucky providential bright fit lucrative handy usable invaluable prosperous meritorious benign of value significant worthy of benefit successful efficacious functional benevolent worth it happy operative of help practicable applicable remunerative behooveful meaningful wholesome fitting desirable utile toward fortuitous felicitous utilizable seasonable strategic fair valid consumable available exploitable golden well-timed employable utilisable paying purposeful important supportive wieldy adaptable advisable optimistic reassuring uplifting inspiring hopeful right healthful facilitative excellent formative working needed estimable nice workable relevant efficient welcome favored well-off commodious pleasant favoured operational functioning rosy nifty operable applicative applied actionable ultrapractical viable utilitarian accessible furthersome to one's advantage in one's interests best current running in working order central expendable unused open exhaustible subservient ready feasible at one's disposal to advantage at hand full of promise in order availing privileged healing healthy serendipitous industrious generative agreeable satisfactory flattering pleasurable pleasureful well disposed potent gentle good for one plus acceptable proper decent justifiable good for you in one's best interests meet well-spent disposable warm clement apt conformable congruous seemly becoming ample instructive merciful smiling dexter essential vital pivotal crucial operating in running order ready for use up and running available for use fit for use at your disposal paramount indispensable imperative critical substantial neat altruistic humanitarian charitable kind generous enthusiastic appreciated fundamental key necessary requisite respected admired in demand exigent user friendly user-friendly big-hearted exemplary money-making priceless sensible worth the effort solid approving affirmative corroborative influential reasonable well-designed user-oriented easy-to-use hot loved held dear esteemed of the essence worth its weight in gold for the best jammy manageable accurate in the affirmative genial official faithful steady demonstrable Panglossian wholehearted straight-shooting clean authentic worthful scarce hot property unique superb progressive forward-looking multipurpose versatile natty easy to use splendid brilliant special tremendous fine agreeing assenting confirming concurring consenting sound exciting roseate likely upbeat ideal wonderful terrific born with a silver spoon in your mouth heaven-sent beautiful blissful utopian useable first-rate one-off first-class rose-colored durable hard-wearing dependable aiding assistive sturdy stout

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Providing inspiration
uplifting stirring moving touching encouraging inspiring affecting heartening emotional inspirational cheerful cheering gladdening meaningful inspiriting warming passionate instigative eloquent expressive heartfelt mournful profound elevating fervent significant sincere doleful improving inspirative soulful heart-warming soul-stirring exciting poignant affective motivating rousing motivational stimulating influential emotive persuasive provocative provoking spirited arousing impelling enlivening stimulative impassioned impressive impactful refreshing inciting thought-provoking lively energizing exhilarating invigorating striking galvanizing animating heartbreaking charged dramatic harrowing pathetic electrifying instigating tragic triggering powerful thrilling awakening haunting sad envigorating galvanising energising piquing heart-rending tear-jerking challenging cheery interesting upbeat pleasing bright satisfying sentimental sensitive deep cloying saccharine mawkish over-sentimental lachrymose sugary syrupy fiery ardent fervid stirred tender feeling deeply felt cornball soppy weepy mushy schmaltzy cutesy gooey drippy sappy hokey lovey-dovey three-hanky distressing pitiful upsetting disturbing piteous plaintive pitiable painful saddening heartrending agonizing telling heartwarming agonising arousing affect emotionally moving memorable breathtaking intoxicating gripping dynamic riveting galvanic animated exhilarative electric energetic exalting anthemic kicky vibrant enthusiastic vigorous hearty emotion-charged mind-blowing mind-bending mind-boggling heart-stopping hair-raising rip-roaring

Антонимом very enriching

Music ♫

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