More Idioms/Phrases

eyes are bigger than one eyes glaze over eyes in the back of one eyes peeled eyes pop out F-word face down face facts face the music face up face up to face value facts of life fag/faggot faint of heart fair and square fair game (as) mad as a March hare (as) mad as a snake (as) mad as a wet hen (as) mad as hops (as) mean as a junkyard dog (as) messed up as Hogan's goat (as) miserable as sin (as) naked as a jaybird (as) neat as a pin (as) neat as ninepence (as) nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs (as) nice as ninepence (as) nutty as a fruitcake (as) obstinate as a mule (as) often as not (as) old as Adam (as) old as Methuselah (as) old as the hills (as) pale as a ghost (as) pale as death (as) patient as Job (as) phony as a three-dollar bill (as) pissed as a newt (as) plain as a pikestaff (as) plain as day (as) plain as the nose on (one's) face (as) pleased as punch (as) poor as a church mouse (as) poor as a Job's turkey (as) pretty as a picture (as) proud as a peacock (as) queer as a nine-bob note (as) queer as a three-dollar bill (as) queer as Dick's hatband (as) quick as a bunny (as) quick as a flash (as) quick as a wink (as) quick as anything (as) quick as greased lightning (as) quick as lightning (as) quiet as a lamb (as) quiet as a mouse (as) quiet as the grave (as) rare as hens' teeth (as) rare as rocking horse crap (as) rare as rocking horse manure (as) rare as rocking horse poo (as) rare as rocking horse shit (as) red as a beetroot (as) red as a cherry (as) red as a poppy
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