Đồng nghĩa của lives in the lap of luxury

Động từ

To lead a very comfortable life
lives high on the hog lives the life of Riley lives extravagantly overindulges revels carouses lives in clover celebrates roisters has a ball enjoys oneself parties makes whoopee has a good time has fun makes a pig of oneself paints the town red enjoys life goes overboard goes on a spree lives high off the hog lives it up wassails pushes the boat out makes merry has a party whoops it up lets your hair down rejoices feasts raves larges it binges lets loose indulges steps out has a wild time goes out on the town gets down rollicks has a fling goes on a bender kicks up one's heels has a night on the tiles riots drinks grooves frolics eats birls delights enjoys wallows basks ands be merry luxuriates blows off steam savours jubilates thrives raises hell sprees goes on a binge savors cuts loose overdoes paints the town rolls enjoys yourself socializes romps socialises junkets relishes crows fools around puts the flags out runs around goes to excess has a binge lets go carries on kids around laps up knows not when to stop splurges gorges puts the flag out overdoes it goes to town jols beats the drum larks commemorates occasion gloats has the time of your life overindulges oneself raises the roof kills the fatted calf lives up takes pride glories takes satisfaction exults lets off steam has a great time gets it on reveres raves it up marks with a red letter carols fetes blesses lives large boozes goes out goes boozing goes on a drinking bout drinks heavily drinks and make merry imbibes raises Cain goes on the bevvy drinks freely goes on the piss bevvies quaffs goes on a pub crawl bends the elbow plays gets drunk goes on the town has a night on the town grows appreciates flourishes eats up takes pleasure increases gets a charge out of loves gets a thrill out of burgeons abounds prospers lives high on hog blooms indulges oneself wantons gets a kick out of lives in luxury takes it easy kicks over the traces

Trái nghĩa của lives in the lap of luxury

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