Đồng nghĩa của most Ossianic

Tính từ

Superlative for of or pertaining to, or characteristic of, Ossian, a legendary Erse or Celtic bard

Tính từ

Superlative for vehement or impassioned in expression, sometimes pretentiously so
floweriest purplest loftiest windiest boldest stagiest stuffiest fulsomest fanciest showiest wordiest rotundest gassiest busiest fussiest stodgiest richest artiest mouthiest biggest flashiest lengthiest lavishest longest haughtiest primmest glibbest grandest splendidest yellowest vividest fervidest loudest noisiest boringest bizarrest grotesquest splashiest glossiest gaudiest brightest glitziest tawdriest finest gabbiest talkiest gobbiest most declamatory most grandiloquent most bombastic most magniloquent most pretentious most florid most pompous most orotund most turgid most highfalutin most overblown most ornate most overripe most verbose most aureate most overwrought most tumid most inflated most eloquent most overdone most extravagant most affected most elaborate most formal most theatrical most dramatic most discursive most overinflated most booming most elocutionary most fluent most melodramatic most high-flown most flamboyant most convoluted most labored most laboured most strained most over-elaborate most pleonastic most grandiose most baroque most ostentatious most stilted most magnific most hifalutin most sesquipedalian most figurative most ornamental most sonorous most mannered most actorly most flatulent most wedding-cake most ponderous most gaseous most elegant most puffed most decorative most luscious most self-important most long-winded most embellished most overelaborate most diffuse most swollen most euphemistic most prolix most redundant most complicated most hyperbolic most exaggerated most effusive most articulate most silver-tongued most erudite most scholarly most pedantic most histrionic most bombast most decorated most Ciceronian most epideictic most imposing most Demosthenic most Demosthenean most gingerbready most gingerbreaded most la-di-da most contrived most excessive most detailed most complex most voluble most involved most protracted most garrulous most circuitous most circumlocutory most brilliant most bedecked most digressive most tedious most meandering most logorrheic most ambagious most logorrhoeic most majestic most impressive most Homeric most epic most Miltonian most overworked most high-minded most snobbish most overheated most egotistic most blustering most loudmouthed most heroic most elevated most solemn most dignified most poetic most learned most boastful most braggart most full of hot air most over the top most prolonged most vocal most tumescent most golden most stylistic most lexiphanic most long-drawn-out most expressive most important most forceful most persuasive most impassioned most stentorian most noble most senatorial most interminable most laborious most rhapsodical most beautiful most tiresome most gilt most floral most wearisome most circumlocutionary most adorned most spun out most literary most flash most talkative most sumptuous most meretricious most superficial most metaphorical most magnificent most glamorous most variegated most colored most dazzling most coloured most flaunting most resplendent most opulent most loquacious most gushing most repetitious most multiloquent most expansive most multiloquous most tautological most repetitive most indirect most tortuous most palaverous most tautologous most big-mouthed

Trái nghĩa của most Ossianic

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