Đồng nghĩa của most bacchanalian

Tính từ

Superlative for providing pleasure to one's pleasure-seeking senses
lushest richest deepest fleshiest intensest wantonest greediest lavishest plushiest hottest plushest poshest fanciest ritziest splendidest highest stateliest easiest lustiest horniest steamiest swishest uncleanest loosest sickest perversest grandest evillest wickedest lostest costliest comfortablest best-appointed most sensuous most luscious most hedonistic most sybaritic most luxurious most pleasurable most epicurean most sumptuous most exciting most pleasing most affective most opulent most sensualistic most self-indulgent most sensual most decadent most indulgent most voluptuous most intemperate most extravagant most immoderate most dissolute most unrestrained most libertine most overindulgent most profligate most abandoned most licentious most debauched most carnal most hedonic most Lucullan most excessive most salacious most effete most lascivious most desirable most lubricious most attractive most erotic most enticing most delightful most appealing most shameless most sinful most gluttonous most depraved most louche most saturnalian most deluxe most luxury most luxuriant most magnificent most prodigal most grandiose most upscale most gorgeous most majestic most provocative most elegant most miserly most parsimonious most corrupt most degenerate most passionate most immoral most rakish most degraded most unprincipled most warped most unwholesome most jackleg most rakehelly most reprobate most rakehell most perverted most expensive most elaborate most imposing most ostentatious most impressive most pretentious

Trái nghĩa của most bacchanalian

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