同义词 most half arsed


Superlative for showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern
coolest sluggishest coldest numbest stolidest draggiest droopiest flattest laziest mooniest wimpiest limpest feeblest weakest laxest dullest tamest dampest wishy-washiest slackest slovenliest sloppiest chilliest faintest dreamiest boringest driest shoddiest scrappiest hastiest wildest meekest lowest sketchiest drippiest saddest tardiest slowest easiest heaviest sleepiest drowsiest blithest weariest recklessest snooziest loosest breeziest infirmest messiest shabbiest slowest-footed sickliest gentlest comfortablest steadiest pokiest airiest gayest slaphappiest untidiest faultiest junkiest stillest lamest weakliest meagerest paltriest absentest meagrest droniest lightest quickest briefest stupidest laggiest latest simplest clumsiest poorest foolhardiest peacefullest quietest rashest unwisest freest stretchiest calmest blindest deafest stoniest deadest bleariest logiest most apathetic most uninterested most impassive most indifferent most passive most unconcerned most unemotional most unmoved most emotionless most listless most unfeeling most unresponsive most phlegmatic most disinterested most stoic most stoical most detached most lethargic most uncaring most uninvolved most bored most dispassionate most half-hearted most lackadaisical most languid most torpid most affectless most cold-blooded most impassible most inert most passionless most supine most unambitious most undemonstrative most unmotivated most insensible most Laodicean most pococurante most blah most callous most dispirited most laid-back most untouched most unenthusiastic most spiritless most perfunctory most half-assed most offhand most lacklustre most lackluster most casual most unenthused most cursory most halfhearted most slothful most irresolute most careless most slapdash most slap-happy most languorous most enervated most lifeless most desultory most neutral most insipid most uneager most bloodless most blasé most inattentive most unexcited most subdued most indolent most idle most nonchalant most indecisive most leisurely most negligent most neglectful most slipshod most derelict most disorganized most disregardful most disorganised most superficial most insouciant most unimpressed most undecided most uncommitted most uncertain most unresolved most hesitant most reluctant most relaxed most unwilling most shiftless most incurious most easygoing most abstracted most aimless most sentimental most romantic most laid back most vapid most uninspiring most uninspired most colourless most characterless most anaemic most soulless most wooden most pathetic most unconsidered most unimpassioned most hurried most amateurish most desiccated most unlively most wrong most erroneous most inaccurate most inexact most imprecise most incorrect most inanimate most dopey most anemic most colorless most scatterbrained most inefficient most delinquent most inactive most disorderly most otiose most unprofessional most easy-going most regardless most workshy most quiescent most permissive most laggard most heedless most leaden most irresponsible most slow-moving most unenergetic most carefree most tired most comatose most unheeding most lagging most improvident most unhurried most thoughtless most devil-may-care most incautious most lymphatic most feckless most plodding most free and easy most measured most stagnant most unmindful most snaillike most deliberate most unthinking most ponderous most unsystematic most somnolent most unthorough most fatigued most slumberous most moderate most unorganized most complacent most cavalier most tortoiselike most happy-go-lucky most unmeticulous most exhausted most forgetful most vigourless most work-shy most untroubled most uncurious most effete most untrustworthy most unobservant most unaccountable most undependable most unreliable most uncircumspect most unworried most flippant most gradual most all over the place most vigorless most behindhand most narcotic most sedate most hebetudinous most undemanding most informal most lightsome most debonair most lighthearted most imperfect most threadbare most unworkmanlike most sedentary most barratrous most inconsiderate most unconvincing most oscitant most culpable most reprehensible most inconsistent most vacant most soporous most soporose most mopish most labored most laboured most sluggardly most lumpish most unceremonious most artless most unstudied most clinical most benumbed most disimpassioned most passing most mechanical most fleeting most summary most token most sodden most stuporous most unfastidious most muddled most disordered most spineless most yielding most unproductive most somnific most imperceptible most cheerful most content most optimistic most chaotic most pliant most servile most docile most acquiescent most submissive most dismissive most rapid most remote most withdrawn most negative most pell-mell most jumbled most shambolic most restful most unthoughtful most worthless most unperturbed most unoccupied most daredevil most inept most unruffled most unindustrious most precipitate most impetuous most impulsive most imprudent most headlong most serene most unenterprising most madcap most audacious most swaggering most directionless most relaxing most unhasty most ambitionless most temerarious most unanxious most distant most unmoving most aloof most oblivious most unsympathetic most nonplussed most unflappable most reserved most undisturbed most unbothered most hardened most self-centred most self-centered most insensitive most worn most drained most beat most knackered most pooped most done most aweary most loggy most jaded most beaten most weakened most tuckered out most played out most worn out most tapped out most worn-out


Superlative for unable to deal with a situation or with life
unfittest feeblest uselessest weakest frailest poorest clumsiest awkwardest unhandiest rawest lousiest baddest faultiest duffest greenest crudest sloppiest shoddiest bummest terriblest awfullest direst rottenest ignorantest newest wildest most incapable most inept most inadequate most inexpert most unfitted most unqualified most ineffective most unproficient most unskilful most ineffectual most inefficacious most insufficient most cack-handed most ham-fisted most hopeless most inapt most pathetic most unable most unskilled most unskillful most dependent most ineligible most inexperienced most naive most uncool most unequipped most unsuited most vulnerable most amateurish most inefficient most lacking most substandard most deficient most wanting most bungling most amateur most untrained most unprofessional most maladroit most unsuitable most unequal most unsatisfactory most incapacitated most unapt most undependable most helpless most impotent most unreliable most unworkmanlike most powerless most imperfect most bush-league most defective most unprepared most dilettante most dilettantish most jackleg most ill-equipped most slipshod most gauche most untaught most unpractised most hapless most unschooled most uncultivated most unpracticed most half-baked most untalented most incompatible most worthless most talentless most toothless most impuissant most bush most unstudied most heavy-handed most ham-handed most butterfingered most slapdash most out of one's element most negligent most careless most unaccomplished most unpolished most appalling most frightful most atrocious most dreadful most abysmal most uninformed most unacquainted most unversed most rubbish most pants most unlicensed most uneducated most lay most undisciplined most illiterate most untamed

反义词 most half arsed

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