as luck is sometimes good and sometimes bad By the time we arrived, as luck would have it, the fight was over.
can't have it both ways
"you have to choose one or the other; cannot have your cake..." When children are allowed to make choices, they learn that they can't have it both ways.
have it
get or find the answer I think I finally have it. The reason she is leaving is because she is going to have a baby.
have it both ways
do two things, have both things You can
have it coming
deserve a punishment He really has it coming to him after causing the problems in the company.
have it in for
(See got it in for)
have it in for someone
show ill will or dislike a person I have been having problems at work recently because I think that the new supervisor has it in for me.
have it in hand
be able to control it, have it under control A fire started in the kitchen, but it's okay. We have it in hand.
have it made
have achieved success, have everything you want Viv has a new home, two cars and a career. She has it made.
have it out
argue, fight, settle it Jake and Dan had it out. They argued for more than an hour.
have it out with someone
settle or discuss something with someone angrily I had it out with her yesterday over the problem with the money.
have it your way
do what you want to do, get your way Have it your way. Choose the movie you want to see.
let me have it
tell me, do not wait to tell me If you want to criticize my work, go ahead. Let me have it.
let (someone) have it
hit someone hard He really let the other man have it when they got into a fight on the bus.
let you have it
scold you, shout at you, hit you, tell you off (see tell him off) If you tease him about his girlfriend, he'll let you have it.
have it out with
discuss angrily with生气地把事情谈清楚;争论明白 I must have the whole matter out with her next time I see her.下次见到她,我一定要把整个事情跟她争个明白。 For a long time my resentment of him grew until finally I had to have it out with him.长期以来,我对他的怨恨越来越大,直到最后不得不气愤地和他摊牌。
let sb have it with both barrels
Idiom(s): let sb have it (with both barrels)
to strike someone or attack someone verbally. (Informal. With both barrels simply intensifies the phrase.) • I really let Tom have it with both barrels. I told him he had better not do that again if he knows what's good for him. • Bob let John have it—right on the chin.
have it all over
Idiom(s): have it all over sb or sth
to be much better than someone or something. • This cake has it all over that one. • My car has it all over yours. • Sally can really run. She has it all over Bill.
eat one's cake and have it too
Idiom(s): have one's cake and eat it too AND eat one's cake and have it too
Theme: GREED
to enjoy both having something and using it up; to have it both ways. (Usually stated in the negative.) • Tom wants to have his cake and eat it too. It can't be done. • Don't buy a car if you want to walk and stay healthy. You can't eat your cake and have it too.
have itchy feet
not able to settle down in one place: "She's going off travelling again - she's got really itchy feet."
as luck would have it|luck
adv. clause As it happened; by chance; luckily or unluckily. As luck would have it, no one was in the building when the explosion occurred.As luck would have it, there was rain on the day of the picnic.
eat one's cake and have it too|cake|eat
v. phr. To use or spend something and still keep it; have both when you must choose one of two things. Often used in negative sentences. Roger can't make up his mind whether to go to college or get a job. You can't eat your cake and have it too.Mary wants to buy a beautiful dress she saw at the store, but she also wants to save her birthday money for camp. She wants to eat her cake and have it too.
have it|have
v. phr. 1. To hear or get news; understand. I have it on the best authority that we will be paid for our work next week. 2. To do something in a certain way. Make up your mind, because you can't have it both ways. You must either stay home or come with us.Bobby must have it his way and play the game by his rules. 3. To claim; say. Rumor has it that the school burned down.Gossip has it that Mary is getting married.The man is very smart the way his family has it, but I think he's silly. 4. To allow it. Usually used with "will" or "would" in negative sentences. Mary wanted to give the party at her house, but her mother wouldn't have it. Synonym: HEAR OF, STAND FOR. 5. To win. When the senators vote, the ayes will have it. 6. To get or find the answer; think of how to do something. "I have it!" said John to Mary. "We can buy Mother a nice comb for her birthday." 7. informal To have an (easy, good, rough, soft) time; have (certain kinds of) things happen to you; be treated in a (certain) way by luck or life. Everyone liked Joe and he had it good until he got sick.Mary has it easy; she doesn't have to work. 8. See: AS LUCK WOULD HAVE IT.
have it coming|have|have it
v. phr. To deserve the good or bad things that happen to you. I feel sorry about Jack's failing that course, but he had it coming to him.Everybody said that Eve had it coming when she won the scholarship. Compare: ASK FOR, GET WHAT'S COMING TO ONE, SERVE RIGHT.
have it in for|have
v. phr., informal To wish or mean to harm; have a bitter feeling against. George has it in for Bob because Bob told the teacher that George cheated in the examination.After John beat Ted in a fight, Ted always had it in for John.
have it made|have|have it
v. phr., slang To be sure of success; have everything you need. With her fine grades Alice has it made and can enter any college in the country.The other seniors think Joe has it made because his father owns a big factory.
have it out|have|have it
v. phr. To settle a difference by a free discussion or by a fight. Joe called Bob a bad name, so they went back of the school and had it out. Joe got a bloody nose and Bob got a black eye.The former friends finally decided to have it out in a free argument and they became friends again.
have it over|have|have it|have it all over
v. phr. To be better than; be superior to. Anne has it all over Jane in looks and charm.A professional golfer usually has it all over an amateur.A jeep has it over a regular car on rough mountain trails. Compare: BEAT ALL HOLLOW.
let one have it|have|have it|let
v. phr. 1a. slang To hit hard. He drew back his fist and let the man have it.Give him a kick in the pants; let him have it! Synonym: GIVE IT TO. 1b. slang To use a weapon on; to shoot or knife. The guard pulled his gun and let the robber have it in the leg. Compare: OPEN UP. 1c. or let one have it with both barrels slang To attack with words; scold; criticize. Mary kept talking in class until the teacher became angry and let her have it. Synonym: LIGHT INTO2. 2. informal To tell about it. Used in the imperative phrase, "let's have it". Now, Mary, let's have it from the beginning.We will take turns reading; John, let's have it from page one.
eat one's cake and have it, too
eat one's cake and have it, too Also, have one's cake and eat it, too. Have a dual benefit, consume something and still possess it, as in Doug was engaged to Ann and still dating Jane; he was trying to eat his cake and have it, too. This metaphoric expression is often put negatively, as it already was in John Heywood's proverb collection of 1546: “You cannot eat your cake and have your cake.”
have it in one
have it in one Have the ability to accomplish something. As Sir Arthur Conan Doyle put it in A Study in Scarlet (1887), “I know well that I have it in me to make my name famous.”
not have it Also, have none of; not or won't or wouldn't hear of. Not allow; refuse to tolerate, accept, or endure. For example, Mary wanted to have the reception at home, but her mother would not have it, or I'll have none of your backtalk, or The minister wouldn't hear of a change in the worship service. [Late 1500s] The related not having any, for wanting no part of (as in Fund-raising? I'm not having any!) was first recorded in 1902.
have it
1. To booty or use something. If you like that shampoo, you can accept it—it didn't do a affair for my hair.2. To apperceive something. Sara says she has it on acceptable ascendancy that the bang-up will let us leave aboriginal today.3. To understand, comprehend, or butt something. When I spell your name, amuse let me apperceive if I accept it right.4. To affirmation or advance that article is the case. Rumor has it that Suzanne is accepting the promotion, not George.5. To win a vote. The nays accept it, so the architecture plan will not proceed.Learn more: have
have it
1. Receive or apprentice something, as in I accept it on the best ascendancy that he's active again. [Late 1600s] 2. Possess a solution, understand, as in Is this the new buzz number? Do I accept it straight? or I anticipate I accept it now. [Mid-1800s] 3. Take it, as in There's some ice chrism left; go advanced and accept it. This acceptance is consistently put as an imperative. [Second bisected of 1300s] 4. Have the victory, win, as in We've counted the votes and the nays accept it. The accompanying expressions have it over someone or have it all over someone beggarly "to be above to someone." For example, Jane has it all over Mary back it comes to account aloud. [Early 1900s] 5. let addition accept it. Give a beating, scolding, or punishment. For example, When she gets home Dad will let her accept it. [Mid-1800s] 6. have it off. Accept animal intercourse, as in The two dogs were accepting it off in the backyard. [Colloquial; aboriginal 1900s] Also see the consecutive idioms alpha with have it; not accept it. Apprentice more: have
ˈhave it (that...)
say that...; affirmation that...: Rumour has it that you’re activity to retire. Is that true? ♢ She will accept it that her brother is a bigger amateur than you, but I don’t accept her.Learn more: have
have it
1. To assert; maintain: Rumor has it that he quit. 2. To anticipate and act with account to (something actuality considered): Have it your way. 3. To accretion a achievement in a articulation vote: The ayes accept it.Learn more: haveLearn more:
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