同义词 very swollen


Pompous or overly wordy
bombastic grandiloquent rhetorical oratorical flowery magniloquent orotund pretentious pompous fustian overblown verbose grandiose highfalutin turgid windy inflated ostentatious euphuistic aureate rhetoric overwrought wordy declamatory tumid sonorous lofty affected convoluted pleonastic gassy gaseous flatulent periphrastic blathering ranting histrionic blustering balderdash loudmouthed rhapsodic windbag high-flown high-sounding long-winded big-talking stuffed shirt full of hot air florid ornate purple overripe hifalutin magnific overdone flamboyant strained labored laboured prolix tumescent extravagant hyperventilated embellished tedious Miltonian epic Homeric tiresome tall-talking euphistic haughty fancy baroque superficial shallow breezy elaborate over-elaborate figurative Ossianic rococo ornamental diffuse ornamented redundant euphemistic showy flashy Ciceronian hyperbolic epideictic Demosthenic Demosthenean arty-farty silver-tongued stilted fluent eloquent contrived glib voluble articulate exaggerated mouthy theatrical vocal imposing grand effusive big loquacious complicated formal rambling pedantic discursive erudite scholarly lengthy garrulous tautological circuitous palaverous circumlocutory gabby repetitious fulsome exalted bombast chatty boastful sesquipedalian talkative logorrheic rotund long heroic tortuous ambagious ponderous protracted meandering egotistic talky expansive braggart bragging Falstaffian fussy monumental high majestic impressive loud puffed self-important dramatic portentous stagy elocutionary elevated vast la-di-da stuffy bold involved gushing babbling grand-sounding noble digressive wandering prattling puffed-up indirect multiloquent prating large multiloquous jabbering wittering long-drawn-out yacking gobby logorrhoeic big-mouthed with the gift of the gab self-righteous mannered actorly learned curlicued boasting lexiphanic stodgy superfluous roundabout wedding-cake busy gingerbread tall solemn very elaborate elegant reiterating padded oratorial iterative high-falutin fine pontifical prim sententious overwritten high-minded snobbish ambitious verbal linguistic maundering prolonged arty overelaborate high-wrought decorative garnished rich luscious sublime circumlocutionary stylistic waffly overlong overinflated booming melodramatic arresting interminable effervescent fizzy carbonated sparkling bubbly overambitious boring fervid impassioned persuasive gesturing vivid forceful gesticulative senatorial noisy expressive intoning important stentorian full of verbiage over-the-top wearisome highly decorated serious arrogant grave OTT crass flaunted jaunty vain brazen vaunting garish complex detailed decorated over the top excessive rhapsodical overestimated gossiping chattering gossipy conversational chattery communicative forthcoming motormouthed blabby tonguey able to talk the hind legs off a donkey flap jaw loose-tongued blabbermouth having kissed the Blarney Stone loose-lipped motormouth yakkity running on at the mouth prosy wind-bag yakky magnificent splendid stately glorious resplendent awe-inspiring superb lavish striking palatial august opulent plush imperial heroical classy massive royal gallant proud baronial regal luxurious repetitive yakking flash swanky unfathomable splashy overwhelming high-falutin' high-flying lordly tautologous repeating full of air having kissed the Blarney stone


Having an exaggerated perception of one's positive qualities
swellheaded conceited proud pompous vainglorious smug egotistical egoistic vain egotistic bigheaded overweening prideful egoistical biggity biggety important assured cocky complacent haughty consequential narcissistic superior boastful snobbish egocentric opinionated bragging aloof affected boasting inflated individualistic egomaniacal self-important stuck-up self-conceited self-satisfied self-opinionated swollen-headed puffed up self-centred self-centered self-admiring full of yourself self-absorbed inner-directed too big for your boots stuck on oneself selfish introverted self-serving self-interested self-regarding self-obsessed solipsistic self-involved self-infatuated self-loving self-oriented self-preoccupied self-concerned wrapped up in oneself self-seeking personal obsessive intrinsic autocratic isolated subjective intimate inward-looking inborn ingrained inherent idiosyncratic grandstanding wrapped up with oneself know-it-all having a swelled head self-indulgent independent on an ego trip self-sufficient inconsiderate thoughtless uncaring unthinking looking after number one arrogant supercilious pretentious snooty uppity imperious presumptuous overbearing uppish lofty patronizing bumptious condescending lordly cavalier disdainful high-and-mighty sniffy high-handed patronising highfalutin hifalutin swaggering huffy high and mighty toplofty self-assertive toploftical snotty high-hat snobby chesty overconfident toffee-nosed huffish immodest domineering hoity-toity self-asserting peremptory contemptuous stiff-necked ostentatious pontifical full of oneself assumptive masterful insolent scornful presuming forward self-congratulatory audacious confident big-headed impudent stuck up bloated snippy brash magisterial self-contented elitist la-di-da self-assured self-righteous bossy self-confident grandiose puffed-up strutting cocksure fancy-pants self-affected self-promoting self-adulatory self-glorifying self-engrossed assuming pushy bold hubristic blustering brazen sententious cheeky pleased with oneself holier-than-thou above oneself persnickety swanky dismissive on your high horse impertinent orgulous vaunting pleased with yourself smart-alecky blusterous stiff cool showy stuffy wisenheimer mocking pontificating loudmouth sneering bombastic scoffing braggart brassy smarty self-applauding highfaluting cold-shoulder saucy self-pleased self-approving full of hot air self-aggrandizing rude putting on airs jumped up wise guy proud of oneself too big for your britches too big for your breeches crowing posh exclusive pleased content potty aristocratic windbag portentous ritzy egomaniac peacockish flaunting flatulent puffy officious remote tony high self-respecting la-de-da high-minded in love with oneself pert fresh high-flown goody-goody sassy think too highly of oneself contumelious think a lot of oneself well pleased sure have an excessively high opinion of oneself braggy self-complacent unreserved self-flattering self-gratulatory self-dramatizing authoritarian blustery dominating extroverted extraverted uninhibited puffed loud obnoxious self-opinioned priggish blowing one's own horn hotshot offensively self-assertive despotic tyrannical nervy complaisant flushed splendid exaggerated grand spectacular flowery magnificent overstated cliquish nose in the air bullish on a high horse jaunty high falutin la-dee-da think one is the cat's pyjamas think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift dictatorial blowhard swanking big exultant smart flip wise pushful unabashed free familiar overbold unblushing boldfaced barefaced procacious malapert individualist overfamiliar rash impolite throwing one's weight about well-pleased megalomaniac I'm all right, Jack flushed with success proud of yourself like a cat that has swallowed the canary like the cat that's got the cream impetuous uncivil previous premature overhasty hasty foolhardy precipitate swollen with pride big-mouthed presumptive hot stuff on ego trip disrespectful improper inappropriate shameless happy gratified satisfied contented serene brag boast ham phony gall conceity phoney gloating triumphant unconcerned obsequious indifferent reserved distant detached snot-nosed easy-going self-possessed blowing one's own trumpet big talking resting on your laurels like the cat that got the cream


Enlarged and rigid


Having a surfeit of body fat
fat overweight plump obese portly rotund fleshy gross heavy large stout chubby roly-poly solid tubby corpulent podgy beefy flabby chunky dumpy elephantine meaty paunchy thick beer-bellied blubbery buxom Falstaffian gargantuan pot-bellied bloated broad fubsy full lardy poddy porky pudgy replete round wide abdominous bulky morbidly obese of ample proportions pursy sonsy substantial blimp bovine brawny bulbous bulging bull burly butterball distended enormous heavyset hefty huge husky inflated jelly-belly lard oversize plumpish ponderous porcine potbellied sizable thickset weighty well covered well padded well upholstered whalelike broad in the beam lard-arsed big sturdy stocky squat massive stubby stumpy ample rounded zaftig corn-fed well rounded fattish squatty cumbersome adipose nuggety pyknic thick-bodied hulking outsize well-padded curvy short overstuffed overfed overnourished overheavy clinically obese well-upholstered heavily built mesomorphic fatty of ample build considerable excessive squabby avoirdupois abundant upholstered cumbrous well-built copious full-figured l burdensome gravid laden loaded awkward expectant enceinte built well-covered lead-footed cobby sturdily built very large matronly voluptous sarcous curved solidly built girthy plenitudinous lumpish short and fat well-fed bearish filled colossal immense outsized homely on the large great dense out of shape embonpoint lusty overblown unwieldy heavy-laden bull-necked squab pleasingly plump strapping full-fleshed diminutive undersized dwarfish splay well fed on the plump side compact stodgy blocky heavy-knit cable-knit heavyweight


Past participle for to become increasingly bloated or large in size
expanded bloated ballooned inflated dilated puffed tumefied bagged billowed distended extended grown intumesced bulged fattened plumped pouched beetled bellied bunched pooched engorged projected protruded jutted overhung poked pouted filled out puffed up blown out blown up become bloated become distended become inflated puffed out swollen up swelled up become larger rounded out become swollen welled up stood out stuck out started enlarged bulged out protuberated extruded jutted out poked out obtruded filled swollen out swelled out mushroomed loomed popped popped out risen come through bilged bugged out bellied out ballooned out thrusted out pushed out extended beyond hung out fermented come out hanged hung domed spread blobbed billowed out impended protended outthrusted pointed hung over lengthened beetled over loomed out stuck up butted out cast a shadow pooched out pouched out grown larger caught the wind emerged bulked rolled surged showed shown pushed pitched bounced cantilevered tost tossed ridden over prolonged lapped over showed up elongated risen up bagged out peeked held out stretched out gone beyond rolled upward ballooned up stuck out like a sore thumb projected outward sagged sticked out over extended over projected over protruded over jutted over flopped flapped portended stood out over overtopped commanded endangered jutted out over loomed over bulged over drooped impended over bulged out over cantilevered out poked out over raised risen above dangled over flapped over swung over drooped over cantilevered out over towered above worked wrought lightened lopped lopt hung loosely leavened made rise swelled swoll rose above swang over rose blew up stuck sticked came through became larger came out rode over went beyond grew rose up became bloated became swollen became inflated became distended blew out


Past participle for to increase, or cause to increase, in amount, degree or value
increased escalated multiplied augmented enlarged grown extended amplified expanded raised intensified risen burgeoned proliferated magnified boosted snowballed ballooned spread mounted inflated mushroomed accelerated compounded aggrandized accumulated bourgeoned climbed clumb appreciated enhanced boomed upped gained waxed built supersized stoked elevated hyped improved incremented aggravated surged supplemented skyrocketed uprisen built up pumped up rolled up made larger stepped up made greater topped up increased in size increased in scope grown greater grown larger heightened developt developed lift widened strengthened rocketed broadened distended reinforced dilated soared beefed up advanced shot up blown up spiralled spiraled jacked up hiked up deepened burst lifted flourished lengthened hiked exacerbated bloated mounted up thickened become larger padded made bigger bumped up stretched straught pullulated become more numerous bulged gotten bigger progressed puffed up filled out cranked up accrued redoubled gone up grown rapidly amassed swarmed teemed bloomed added run up sprouted spread out increased rapidly fattened gone through the roof doubled consolidated tripled prospered upgraded bursten pumped puffed out maximized gone through the ceiling thrived thriven abounded bristled exaggerated burst forth maximised furthered accentuated blossomed brimmed crawled protracted run riot risen rapidly buzzed worsened hummed put up hit the roof filled bustled flowed made worse marked up upsurged enriched annexed prolonged overflowed fortified propagated become bigger jumped up inflamed cumulated intensated parlayed flowered leaped up pyramided picked up piled up aerated amped up scaled outspread bolstered overrun tumefied sprung roused gone sky-high emphasized gathered burst at seams arisen exploded superabounded tacked on slapped on swelled up swollen up sprung up upscaled increased exponentially emphasised opened jumped filled up made better shotten shot crowded souped up fleshed out ratcheted up become louder dramatically increased germinated spiked drastically increased greatly increased climbed sharply opened out risen steeply intumesced optimized become distended sharpened gotten higher ameliorated elaborated exalted budded matured collected upraised come on topped bettered become large vegetated leaped leapt jacked pervaded got larger added fuel to the flames thronged put on a spurt buttressed ascended put salt on the wound sweetened filled with air bulked up optimised billowed turned up rained packed jammed increased dramatically boosted up rounded out grown in pushed up become wider fattened up speeded up put on weight spread wide spread across sped up burst at the seams put fuel on spiraled upwards spiralled upwards become bloated spread like wildfire spread like lightning spread through spread quickly puffed bred nurtured concentrated distorted highlighted cultivated aggregated manifolded bulked blown out grown louder crescendoed reenforced zoomed welled grown stronger diversified increased in weight gotten taller inclined fanned the flames surged up metastasized stroked blown breadthened peaked elongated followed up got to gotten to grown full encouraged fostered started to be stressed luxuriated reached underlined uplifted piled poured scaled up branched out succeeded developed rapidly emerged upsized taken off built on increased suddenly fueled tended fuelled spurted bolded unfolded complicated enforced expatiated confused confounded detonated deteriorated advertised advertized revitalized fanned the flames of stacked up bulged out diffused sprawled ramped up widened out done well been successful got stronger stocked up sent through the roof fetched up goosed up held no more developed quickly risen in value revitalised rallied vaulted towered escaladed broadened one's horizons extended operations piggybacked embellished overstated turbocharged gone off made louder gone from bad to worse rubbed salt in the wound formed buds developed buds circulated swept made complex made intricate added insult to injury bucked up kept burning mended feed poked stirred fed rekindled supplied subsidized shored up sent out shoots rolled out dramatized subsidised overplayed embroidered grown quickly tagged on overestimated overdone overemphasized hyperbolized swollen out gained weight swelled out gotten plump poured out bucketed wallowed in showered rolled in streamed swum in pelted borne beared produced touched up surcharged crammed dramatised overemphasised jazzed up eked out rounded off heated up het up stoked up stretched the truth made a big thing out of driven up blown up out of all proportion blown something out of all proportion trebled infested increased threefold increased by three crawled with had a full plate grown on trees grew rose swelled swoll clomb throve grew rapidly sprang up ran riot became more numerous fared well made headway got ahead hit it big made progress made it were successful was successful did well turned out well hit the jackpot arrived spread your wings shone shined battened scored made good made the big time evolved bore fruit borne fruit come along gone great guns went great guns got on hit the target came on added to gotten on well got on well spread uncontrolled yielded worked up triumphed become rich gone well went well prevailed caught on made good speed made strides moved forward struck oil struck gold made inroads went places gone places got there flown high flew high blew up went up got bigger profited arose became larger came along become better benefited benefitted covered ground come of age developed well gained ground got on in the world made your mark gotten on gone to town went to town dominated cut it moved forward in leaps and bounds put to good use yielded results yolden yold became rich did wonders done wonders moved ahead grown well grew well gone forward went forward went through the roof grown rich grew rich gone up in the world went up in the world got places gotten places gotten somewhere got somewhere come off starred uprose sprang grew vigorously grown vigorously effloresced pressed forward cracked on stood out figured maturated increased in value pushed ahead pressed on moved onward pushed forward got better led leaded performed became bigger made money become wealthy feathered one's nest made out become greater became better forged ahead featured went through the ceiling achieved done all right for oneself made a killing did all right for oneself came of age took steps forward taken steps forward made a go delivered come through won out worked out panned out come up with the goods sparkled excelled glowed lived the life of Riley had legs reigned supreme stood out in a crowd made the most of achieved success paid off come to fruition won gained control attained control conquered turned to one's advantage gained ascendancy won hands down reaped the benefit had a gift for wrought worked had the desired result carried all before you cracked it carried off come into your own stricken it big beat the game become more powerful turned the trick had a gift beat the system made good use of carried all before one stood in good stead made the grade reaped benefits attained ascendancy struck it big grown profusely grew profusely ran up grew quickly brast went up in price gone up in price bore grew full became large went off rose in value overran got higher became greater aped up grew greater became distended grew larger came off became wealthy grew stronger gone went gotten better went ahead gone ahead struck it rich stricken it rich rose rapidly grown up grew up taken root took root grew in became bloated came to fruition stolen the show worn the crown wore the crown stole the show came into your own became more powerful beaten the game beaten the system got to the top gotten to the top came through came up with the goods grew fat grown fat got results gone as planned did the trick did the business gotten results done the business went as planned done the trick


Past participle for to become or make louder in volume


Past participle for to move, or cause to move, in a wavelike motion
rippled fluttered waved quivered undulated stirred oscillated swayed vibrated pulsated palpitated moved fluctuated surged flowed heaved hove curled vacillated swished coiled motioned risen and fallen billowed rolled whirled swirled risen swung swungen wobbled tost tossed eddied rushed pitched weltered winded wound throbbed flapped shaken threshed flitted trembled wafted wavered flailed wagged twirled ruffled flicked quavered swept twisted blown thrashed seesawed streamed pulsed wigwagged flown reeled sodden churned boiled seethed moved to and fro swelled swoll swang rose and fell rocked wabbled list beat jounced lurched tottered shook floated ebbed and flowed jiggled jolted pumped agitated teetered blew flew tumbled careened pendulated plunged listed jerked faltered pounded thumped changed waggled veered pitchpoled shifted joggled jogged ticked hammered thudded convulsed weaved varied juddered altered drummed reverberated let fly shivered thrummed alternated pit-a-patted quopped quoke quaked bobbed moved up and down yo-yoed moved back and forth keeled floundered laboured kinked rose shuddered swiveled swivelled bounced wiggled drifted rustled flittered beaten skipped bobbled flickered hopped danced frizzed frizzled crimped roared chucked ditched jarred buffeted buffetted glided glid hovered bustled labored bucketed woven wove pitter-pattered tossed around jumped around blinked twinkled winked glimmered doddered mutated swang back and forth swang backwards and forwards swung back and forth swung backwards and forwards tremored snapt snapped swaggered differed went pit-a-pat whiffled gone pit-a-pat moved from side to side pitapatted pitpatted rolled about pushed and pulled thrilled went up and down resonated beat rapidly caught the wind moved backwards and forwards gone up and down twitched writhed raced twittered dumped swung to and fro swung from side to side swang from side to side swang to and fro beaten rapidly wrothe writhen went back and forth gone back and forth come and gone came and went


Past participle for to cause inflammation to (one's skin)


Past participle for to have or cause to have blisters

反义词 very swollen

Music ♫

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