Synonym des a rocky


Hard or solid, like a rock
hard firm solid tough rocklike adamant obdurate unyielding rigid strong stiff robust indurate concrete adamantine solidified inflexible stiffened stony rock-solid as hard as stone as hard as iron rock-like rock-hard unmalleable steely sturdy unpliable durable unbreakable hardened indurated concentrated set frozen renitent impenetrable impermeable as hard as a rock compact impliable inelastic dense taut thick close unbending congealed non-flexible impervious compressed tight compacted unbendable immalleable unflexible condensed jelled substantial tense really hard close-grained refractory heavy nonporous rugged fixed sealed massed resistant brittle very hard unsupple tightly packed stiff as a board fine-grained unmoving granite iron incompressible nonflexible flexed starched tightened tensed flinty gelled walkable chiseled chiselled jellified stout husky ungiving blocked immutable coagulated unrelenting resolute incompliant inextensible inductile unadaptable stable unchangeable consolidated dimensional rigorous annealed numbed unwavering nonstretchable uncompromising jellied viscid brick wall like a rock set in stone thickset packed non-stretchable piled jammed crowded jelly-like inviolable unpierceable impregnable impassable serried puncture-proof indestructible jammed together packed in close-packed jam-packed closely set closely packed waterproof unattackable closed impassible invulnerable unassailable hermetic secure safe unpiercable hermetically sealed murky bulletproof fortress-like


In poor health
ailing sick ill unwell indisposed poorly unhealthy infirm sickly weak peaky sickened unsound bad crook peaked debilitated diseased down feeble punk invalid delicate valetudinarian unfit weakly suffering enfeebled dying languishing run-down below par not well off colour under the weather laid up in poor health run down sick as a dog down with wasting away feeling awful in bad health frail bedridden disordered impaired rickety feverish infected in a bad way off-color laid-up declining tottering incurable mean imperfect hospitalized defective confined wobbly broken down rotten queasy not so hot under medication lousy nauseated funny hospitalised out of sorts seedy not oneself on the sick list pale off grim stricken wretched rundown not healthy under par afflicted puny awful terrible bummed nauseous lacklustre cranky pining chronically ill often ill low always ill dragging faint lackluster laid-low sickish laid low woozy in pain qualmish green groggy not very well like death warmed up squeamish liverish not in good shape queer green about the gills invalided iffy achy wabbit at death's door hypochondriacal decrepit peculiar out of action out of shape crummy rough ropy grotty not up to par not up to snuff washed out incapacitated off-colour disabled out of commission confined to bed immobilized housebound drained injured pallid sickly-looking drawn emaciated thin anaemic dreadful weakened bilious not yourself ill-looking immobilised peely-wally haggard anemic feeling rotten off one's feed not a hundred percent out of condition in poor shape in poor condition slightly unwell fatigued tired failing ill in bed unwholesome unstable flabby valetudinary handicapped in bed pasty pasty-faced contaminated tainted septic blighted hipped splenetic hippish ashen whey-faced gray colourless bloodless ashy grey ashen-faced hors de combat miserable peccant abnormal corpse-like cadaverous sallow got a bug strange the worse for wear not feeling well wan pinched sick as a parrot infectious barfy deathly pale green around the gills queerish queazy shaky sapped languorous etiolated peelie-wally peakish as white as a ghost as white as a sheet colorless in ill health in a decline in bad shape bedfast bedbound prostrate running temperature a wreck got the bug feeling terrible off one's feet not up to the mark


Lacking in veracity, accuracy or truth
unreliable implausible unconvincing inaccurate unsound doubtful dubious fallible flimsy questionable weak specious suspect tenuous undependable chancy disreputable risky shaky unsubstantiated unsupported untrue deceptive defective erroneous false incorrect mistaken uncertain wrong dodgy iffy fake fallacious falsified flaky flakey pseudo sham unstable off-target wide of the mark open to doubt open to question flawed faulty untrustworthy unfounded invalid spurious debatable unproven imperfect disputable inexact imprecise dubitable suspicious distorted unsure unconfirmed speculative fishy misleading groundless unreasonable unjustified illogical baseless foundationless uncorroborated ill-founded unverified without foundation conjectural doubtable unwarranted ungrounded equivocal unsettled arguable problematical untruthful without basis nonvalid out fabricated problematic misguided unresolved amiss off impaired not backed up by evidence off-base blemished unattested up in the air unjustifiable dicey moot controversial discrepant shady gratuitous misinformed unpredictable frail indefinite incalculable unfit bad deficient in doubt trumped-up off target off beam in error in the balance incomplete warped unlikely untested improbable nebulous undecided unknown far-fetched queer illusory untenable undetermined vain irrational careless idle garbled empty pending contentious ambiguous controvertible uncalled-for dishonest bottomless unclear unsubstantial hollow unforeseeable issuable negotiable incongruous hairy indecisive inadequate farfetched undefined off-beam counterfactual way-out way-off indeterminate trumped up way off-beam incoherent shoddy full of holes broken-down botched below par sketchy awry under suspicion cracked in question in limbo insecure not kosher up for grabs sick injured tainted touch-and-go marred unsafe reasonless paradoxical unauthenticated askew unassured unprovoked without substantiation without merit precarious indistinct illegitimate unreasoning nonrational open to debate unauthorized unfitting sophistic sub judice on thin ice hanging by a thread improper casuistic inconsequent inconsequential unbacked far from certain abroad chimerical imaginary error-filled fictitious unreal uncalled for not backed up causeless mootable not trustworthy way out not accurate not exact way off invented delusive without justification without reason without cause unauthorised unapt not reliable not dependable erring without explanation deceiving made up mendacious terminologically inexact tentative illusive deceitful illusionary deluding mock beguiling delusory debased rank unretentive contradictory adulterated lemon malformed blamable confused lame insufficient leaky maimed exaggerated conditional ignorant mortal outlandish fanciful overblown incredible preposterous unbelievable erratic capricious whimsical fluctuant hesitant irregular to be won or lost in no man's land error-prone errant sensational embellished absurd extravagant fantastic outrageous strange odd unprovable spectacular ludicrous nonsensical impossible laughable bizarre hyperbolic farcical faultful human heedless liable errable murky phony apocryphal marginal borderline in dispute funny in lap of gods in the lap of the gods peculiar shonky unusual corrupt mysterious dark criminal disputed inferior mind-boggling unimaginable inconceivable unrealistic embroidered histrionic different phoney vague cryptic enigmatic contingent occult obscure hypothetical unfaithful wild adrift tall cock and bull hard to swallow far out beyond belief blown up slipshod shabby of doubtful honesty rings untrue won't wash not quite right too much out of line open to error prone to error prone to err liable to err broken under advisement under examination not definite not obvious open to discussion complicated out of the ordinary not true wide not right malfunctioning inoperative non-functioning off base doesn't wash all wet scratched buckled torn not working deformed duff not functioning knackered buggy unestablished poor substandard gone wrong unfinished in disrepair unhealthy on the bum subnormal abnormal seconds on the blink damaged out of order suppositive suppositious presumed assumed not validated hard to believe


Feeling faint, dizzy or disoriented
woozy dizzy confused dazed wobbly giddy unsteady aswoon faint groggy muzzy nauseated nauseous reeling swimmy tipsy whirling dopey gaga hazy lightheaded punchy puzzled queasy shaky vertiginous weak muddled light-headed punch-drunk slap-happy off balance seeing stars weak-kneed not with it weak in the knees befuddled bewildered stupefied stunned slaphappy addled distracted muddleheaded spacy staggering disoriented bemused spaced-out silly fogged raddled spacey zonked disorientated mixed-up zonked-out fuddled confounded bedeviled addlepated pixillated pixilated addle bushed befogged dopy shell-shocked spaced bedevilled woolly wooly discombobulated weak at the knees out of it with rubbery legs woolly-headed unstable off-balance dumbfounded swimming at sea vague tottering all of a quiver mixed up stuporous quivery numb trembly light foggy teetering fuzzy dreamy perplexed dazzled benumbed unbalanced fazed staggered all of a tremble with legs like jelly all at sea upset faltering tired drugged inattentive trippy baffled bleary unsettled out of control flustered rattled bamboozled numbed addlebrained at sixes and sevens drowsy woolly-minded dumbstruck half-asleep lost agog tranced delirious gyral gyratory vorticose spinning funny queer at a loss senile like jelly volatile swooning ditzy empty-headed unhinged deranged demented foolish weak-headed light in the head unfeeling shaken shook gone unglued thrown blind disturbed blinded dumb insensible stoned exhausted insensitive fatigued balled up shook up fouled up drooping enervated slow swaying sleepy frozen paralyzed deadened unresponsive paralysed lethargic languid fragile drunken dead torpid asleep anaesthetized immobilized anesthetized immobilised wooden in a stupor bockety infirm wonky dodgy insecure awry rickety precarious unreliable disorganized flummoxed stumped nonplussed disorganised taken aback thrown off balance not knowing if you are coming or going disconcerted mystified surprised astounded stupid floored clueless wildered dismayed speechless startled overwhelmed clouded cloudy discomposed discomfited unnerved astonished blurry troubled shaken up mazed breathless beaten overcome absent-minded out to lunch flabbergasted in a dither aghast gobsmacked foxed uncomprehending vexed blown away muddle-headed spaced out eccentric senseless embarrassed cold hard-pressed maladjusted distraught daft puckish touched impish prankish capricious whimsical pixyish discountenanced intoxicated preoccupied stuck hard put frustrated engrossed confusional in a muddle come apart irrational unsound in a state of confusion psychotic crazy out-of-joint doubtful awestruck wonderstruck bowled over amazed shocked blank whacko uncertain made to scratch their head confusticated got had their heads messed with besotted caused to be at a stand gravelled beat graveled buffaloed thrown off with Alzheimer's disease addle-brained glassy-eyed shot to pieces screwy not knowing if one is coming or going unscrewed awed thunderstruck awe-struck


Having the feeling that one is about to vomit
queasy nauseous sick ill nauseated bilious unwell seasick squeamish airsick carsick crook queer trainsick travel-sick bad dizzy liverish peaky poorly sickish uncomfortable upset awful funny giddy groggy lousy off peculiar qualmish queerish rotten rough terrible crummy dreadful indisposed peakish concerned doubtful dubious fidgety odd off colour out of sorts pukish restless sickly suffering from motion sickness troubling uncertain unsettled unsettling woozy suffering from altitude sickness green about the gills green around gills under the weather sick as a dog grotty seedy ropy wabbit not oneself below par peaked run down ailing not up to par unhealthy washed out queazy peely-wally run-down not well faint under par infirm down weak sickened not very well lightheaded not in good shape light-headed diseased bedridden punk off-colour in poor health off-color not up to snuff debilitated frail unsound infected in a bad way green feeble laid-up impaired barfy bummed green around the gills disordered on the sick list like death warmed up afflicted shaky mean invalided feverish valetudinarian iffy vertiginous reeling laid up green at the gills about to throw up laid low pale at death's door delicate wobbly invalid hospitalized drained incurable suffering dazed sick to one's stomach under medication rickety broken down disgusted unsteady not yourself hospitalised hazy whirling tipsy decrepit off one's feed sick as dog off balance punch-drunk not a hundred percent slightly unwell unfit fatigued tired nauseatic not so hot imperfect confined tottering defective declining travelsick ugly horrible unsightly chunderous ropey qualmy uneasy ghastly poor paltry lame disturbed distressed failing low off form miserable throwing up vomiting blah incapacitated strange pallid pasty pasty-faced weakened feeling sick achy hypochondriacal in pain haggard ashen whey-faced gray colourless bloodless ashy grey ashen-faced anaemic sapped languorous enfeebled corpse-like cadaverous sallow ill-looking wan pinched not feeling well motion sick the worse for wear deathly pale grim off-balance unbalanced unstable volatile swooning light ditzy sickly-looking drawn emaciated suffering from radiation sickness etiolated thin peelie-wally anemic as white as a ghost as white as a sheet colorless running temperature a wreck got the bug feeling terrible feeling awful off one's feet feeling rotten in poor shape hypercritical annoyed exacting mincing prim puritanical cowardly uncompromising captious hysterical not up to the mark easily upset easily offended confused muzzy swimmy aswoon puzzled punchy gaga dopey muddled not with it weak-kneed weak in the knees slap-happy seeing stars exhausted out of action enervated rundown weakly prostrate worn-out worn out out of commission languid prostrated asthenic wasted down-and-out injured disabled spent weary beat pooped confined to bed knackered wretched dying stricken slight worn effete down with broken-down tender gaunt dragging tuckered out tired out raddled in bad shape out of shape hollow-eyed housebound immobilized in bed unwholesome ill in bed hors de combat valetudinary handicapped sinking reduced immobilised got a bug contaminated tainted septic blighted sluggish depleted doddery doddering peccant abnormal languishing not healthy feeling woozy experiencing nausea feeling queasy feeling nauseous feeling nauseated sick as a parrot wimpish soft unsubstantial softened wimpy low-energy burned out without energy infectious out of gas out-of-action anile wasting away in declining health in ill health in poor condition puny in bad health stressed not feeling up to snuff out of condition lacklustre cranky chronically ill always ill lackluster pining often ill laid-low in a decline strained tense careworn withered fraught hollow-cheeked on your last legs with sunken cheeks worse for wear hydrophobic wearied beaten dead bleary loggy aweary bushed jaded logy done washed-out limp rabies-infected rabid foaming at the mouth wiped out played out stressed out burned-out all in tapped out


Disgusting or offensive
nauseous sickening disgusting nauseating offensive loathsome repugnant repulsive revolting abhorrent repellent abominable appalling foul gross nasty obnoxious odious stomach-churning stomach-turning distasteful emetic horrid sickly ghastly noisome sick-making vile vomitous yucky awful beastly bogging chunderous dreadful evil fulsome God-awful gut-churning hideous horrendous horrible noxious obscene putrid rancid repellant scandalous shocking ugly detestable disgustful loathly yucko brackish upsetting woozy vomit-inducing unpleasant terrible disagreeable objectionable frightful hateful off-putting unsavoury gruesome unpalatable stinking contemptible despicable displeasing unsavory icky deplorable execrable atrocious skanky reprehensible grotty bad heinous uninviting rotten lousy diabolical grisly mephitic rebarbative malodorous rank fetid monstrous grody smelly foetid niffy dire unpleasing olid festy unappetizing insufferable unacceptable intolerable horrific unspeakable undesirable horrifying evil-smelling foul-smelling whiffy on the nose pongy stinky funky hellacious scurvy miasmal unwelcome wretched abysmal godawful beyond the pale from hell acrid invidious filthy mean creepy distressing sleazy cringe-making macabre wicked grungy yukky hellish annoying dirty dislikeable very unpleasant base exceptionable forbidding squalid sordid grubby unbearable unsightly alarming grimy galling irritating bitter harsh sour uncongenial unlovely poison outrageous poisonous disconcerting reeking disgraceful disquieting disturbing pestiferous sick poor grim terrifying harrowing perturbing polluted damnable dislikable unnerving unsettling nightmarish troublesome grievous frightening depressing gut-wrenching cruddy smudged bedraggled stained mucky besmirched befouled smutty sorry blackened sullied cheap scummy bemired dusty unclean uncleanly lame black dingy draggled sneaking pitiful ratty scabby muddy begrimed soiled paltry pitiable bum ungodly unholy lurid unsatisfactory hated troubling pestilential dismaying discouraging tremendous shameful daunting irksome discomforting censurable rubbish vulgar opprobrious reeky pesky revulsive grotesque hateable tasteless worrying pits adverse loathed fearful raunchy ornery bothersome grewsome terrific hostile miserable nightmare unwanted yecchy chronic miasmic embarrassing uncool lamentable very bad biting cutting godforsaken off-color hurtful woeful discomposing unfair unsportsmanlike illegal accursed hairy dismal startling direful cursed unsuitable inadmissible egregious agitating afflictive unlikable strong musty painful inexpedient defective inedible inclement tainted diseased slimy detested harmful repelling reviled abominated execrated despised deleterious unhealthy pernicious injurious mischievous scabrous disheartening squicky cloying surfeiting scuzzy catty baneful unwholesome demoralizing foreboding very disgusting insalutary high stenchy fusty unseemly pungent pill heel indescribable terribly bad discommoding frowzy frowsy frowsty abusive impertinent insolent discourteous villainous brutal pigpen ripe indecorous contradictory inconsistent opposed incompatible flavourless flavorless insipid yicky savorless flat animal beast bestial morbid serious vexing inimical averse antipathetic antagonistic unfit rude gnarly unfriendly extrinsic counter against extraneous unconformable different opposite unfitted alien foreign pants sucky tenth-rate punk onerous ill-favoured in opposition confounded demoralising dreaded unpopular disliked odoriferous niffing worrisome unattractive weak ill-favored not okay severe agonizing traumatic stressful torturous unwished-for a load of pants stale humourless crummy sombre humorless difficult distressful sober uncomfortable doleful mortifying solemn somber unsought inconvenient shunned useless outcast detrimental incommodious disadvantageous scorned uninvited rejected stupefying scary fearsome gloomy sedate tormenting heartbreaking unfortunate troublous unendurable fraught vexatious regrettable grave heartstopping offending stunning astonishing bewildering overwhelming intimidating amazing formidable staggering stagnant odorous skunky mouldy dank moldy tragical cruel unhappy saddening pathetic unappealing awkward afflicting tragic affecting sad to be avoided for the birds strictly for the birds out of place unwished for redoubtable surprising excruciating concerning agonising anguished sorrowful heartrending glaring nerve-racking nail-biting heart-rending heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking spine-chilling hair-raising shabby sooty inferior messy low substandard worthless shoddy manky smeared gungy ignominious inadequate off abject low-down deficient subpar mediocre scungy feculent unwashed ignoble snide deformed dishonorable dishonourable second-rate sloppy disreputable wrong unhygienic defiled contaminated low-minded dissatisfactory slovenly suboptimal currish trashy low-grade seedy disfigured rubbishy no-good tarnished bush-league discreditable tawdry fugly muddied degenerate unkempt unsanitary faulty mud-caked dirt-encrusted junky insanitary decaying tacky disheveled dishevelled impure tatty wanting rough wack as ugly as sin bush ropy besmeared duff decayed debased miry smeary corrupt third-rate unworthy unpretty below par trying coarse spotted common poor-quality below standard unhandsome dodgy hopeless unbeautiful grimed crumby unprepossessing junk uncomely cheapjack gimcrack calamitous low-rent hard trumpery el cheapo depraved vicious rundown greasy intense ruined below average not clean uncleaned huckery untidy tough putrefied meretricious murderous inhospitable imperfect insufficient crude infamous disappointing humming decomposed inappropriate fouled discolored blemished marked discoloured ill Brummagem disastrous cheapo unimpressive tinny ominous unenviable dirty rotten plain lemon unsound spoiled unprincipled spoilt plain-featured from hunger reptilian plain-looking unscrupulous low-quality ill-smelling second rate poorly jarring strong-smelling second-class run-down two-bit beyond contempt weird homely infelicitous heavy uneatable debauched sludgy improper insalubrious degraded fierce dull uninteresting degrading sticky laughable trifling seamy dishonest short on looks bad-looking toxic crass mud-encrusted louche oppressive slatternly unrelenting relentless scurrilous slummy bespattered great murky schlock dreggy putrescent petrifying chilling inhuman rigorous unenticing dilapidated average cheesy bargain-basement cut-rate schlocky sleazoid threatening destructive savage burdensome searing stiff rugged scruffy faecal gamy unlucky bleak fecal menacing dungy spattered poxy ghoulish measly decomposing undesired shuddersome dud rotting stenchful unlaundered undusted unswept parlous sinister infected tinhorn kitsch scroungy cheapie dangerous pinchbeck tattered naff brassy rotted malignant pathological baleful jerry-built under par entry-level cheap and nasty dime-a-dozen bottom-rung not up to much low-end down at heel stinking to high heaven run down not up to par a dime a dozen two a penny rinky-dink not up to scratch dime-store not up to snuff twopenny-halfpenny off-colour crook off colour out of sorts hatable inexcusable not pleasant indecent unsympathetic uncoveted yechy pain drag shonky bland eye-watering dispiriting discordant blithering extreme infuriating exasperating inept bungling critical dread untempting dowdy slushy maddening flaming unpleasant to breathe unfit to breathe valueless showy gaudy resentful cussed blasted grating vapid sly underhand devious tricky unshapely dreary joyless unwelcoming cheerless comfortless mighty testing pressured demanding frustrating taxing infernal lewd glary oozy garish unalluring acute servile decadent cloudy abhorred oily ingratiating unctuous drack despisable disdainable caitiff awful-looking frightful-looking blinding dazzling spotty footling not pretty crashing cowardly desperate gruelling arduous tiring gloopy avaricious flea-bitten stifling unpleasurable blameworthy excluded petty brummagem caked sloughy misshapen infested sneaky maggot hateworthy stupid ugly-looking graveolent turned flimsy shlock shlocky mercenary calculated venal covetous swinish beggarly beneath contempt low-life below contempt no oil painting impermissible insupportable dicey mucous clammy muculent viscous glutinous smarmy oleaginous crafty untrustworthy amateurish straggly disarrayed unaesthetic grinding not much to look at as plain as a pikestaff dubious unreasonable questionable meagre meager acid acidic odiferous spoiling grueling unrefined undignified unbecoming unnourishing eerie mung dishabille self-seeking condemnable indefensible irremediable garbage out not wanted ill-advised too bad piddling feeble spooky mud-spattered unstable unbefitting indelicate inacceptable reject innutritious unsatisfying subnormal negligible derisible unfavorable unfavourable reprobate dissolute minimal trivial perverted well below par poor quality not cricket won't do half-baked of low quality out of order not on of poor quality over the fence less-than-stellar not quite the done thing not up to standard indigestible foul-tasting ruinous damaging unhealthful diabolic smoky eery tumbledown ramshackle abandoned insignificant damaged out of keeping a stinker of a a bummer of a festering hard-favoured hard-featured unbreathable lethal venomous malign septic virulent unnutritious spookish shambly unmaintained disagreeing verminous slipshod soily horry in poor taste ghostly uncanny freaky haunting neglected crumbling shacky untimely unpropitious inauspicious mouldering putrified minor-league no good minor league small potatoes not satisfying strict weak sauce sub-par poignant scaring unearthly slumlike addled rigid untoward perilous unsuited corroding mildewy corrupted perished ruthless strange blood-curdling eldritch deadly ailing stern inopportune caried carious worm-eaten dirtied purulent wormy pustular hardhanded merciless ferocious inexorable broken-down slum-like uncared-for gone to rack and ruin poverty-stricken sore remorseless pitiless ill-fated ill-suited inapt unpromising unseasonable moldering smelling flyblown overripe maggoty bad-smelling unfit for human consumption death-obsessed intemperate provoking uncompromising implacable perverse gory abnormal maleficent moody irascible bloody brooding warped unnatural aberrant unusual twisted staid repressive sobersided flinty unsmiling obdurate astringent weighty no-nonsense uncomic hard-hearted hard-nosed po-faced


Requiring great skill or finesse in handling or treatment
ticklish delicate difficult sensitive tricky problematic thorny awkward knotty prickly tough trying controversial dodgy sticky taxing touchy bothersome catchy complex complicated concerning critical hairy involved irksome nasty nice problematical risky spiny tricksy troublesome uncertain upsetting vexatious worrying convoluted intricate unstable unsteady vexed capricious chancy changeable dangerous fickle hard inconstant mercurial precarious temperamental variable volatile dicey iffy touch-and-go embarrassing gnarly quirky perplexing fiddly undependable worrisome distressing unpleasant disturbing annoying harassing painful challenging forbidding arduous awful disagreeable ugly nettlesome rough irritating vexing tiresome inconvenient aggravating exasperating tight infuriating maddening perturbing severe demanding unsettling niggling nagging bleak dire troubling alarming troublous pesky wearisome baffling hazardous onerous grim grievous burdensome plaguy pestilential pestiferous punishing dark perilous mean pestilent wicked unfriendly dubious bitter damaging suspect questionable spartan hostile formidable pointed echinated briery stimulating serious bad grave terrible dreadful frightful galling objectionable grating traumatic displeasing provoking rankling infernal wretched repugnant irking injurious harmful riling discouraging enraging tedious lamentable harrying deplorable abrasive unwelcome antagonizing jarring puzzling chafing peeving carking incommodious afflicting frustrating nettling confounded tormenting disappointing festering antipathetic teasing wearing unsatisfying pesty unattractive impossible rebarbative plaguey enough to try the patience of a saint antagonising cussed enough to drive you up the wall oppressive laborious disquieting discomposing discomforting importunate intractable ungovernable undisciplined murder heavy repressive uphill rowdy messy infestive disorderly


Characterized by causing hardships or problems
difficult grim hostile adverse tough unfavorable unfavourable unfortunate austere dire harsh bad bleak cheerless dark dour hard injurious negative oppressive perilous awful depressing desolate disagreeable discouraging disheartening distressing exacting exigent forbidding foreboding gloomy harrowing inauspicious inhospitable miserable ominous severe solemn somber sombre terrible unwelcome worrying bitter black comfortless direful discommodious dismal doleful dreadful glum gray grey hopeless joyless morose objectionable troublesome unpleasant chilling hard-pressed ill-boding ill-fated morbid mournful nightmarish sad shadowy sinister unfriendly very bad ill-omened lurid parlous straitened threatening unpropitious apocalyptic messy strained tortured treacherous troubled dangerous disturbing doubtful full of hardship grave harmful jeopardous precarious pressing upsetting woeful undesirable trying wretched unenviable distasteful grievous rough brutal rugged onerous thankless burdensome excruciating heavy taxing cruel stiff inhuman horrible horrendous horrifying weighty stressful searing murderous hardhanded backbreaking troubling hefty galling foul poor execrable unsettling horrid horrific rotten hellacious appalling unpalatable fraught abominable disconcerting torturous atrocious rough going menacing nasty stark unwelcoming ghastly fierce ferocious spartan unapproachable rigorous daunting savage uncomfortable frightening jarring frightful disadvantageous repellent off-putting abhorrent grinding offensive inclement intemperate intense disquieting untoward displeasing uncongenial unlovely unpleasing discomforting tortuous biting wild odious uninviting glowering repulsive ugly shocking intolerable stringent hideous gruesome Spartan bare-bones overwhelming insufferable barren crushing unspeakable revolting godawful grisly fearsome intimidating unendurable wearing unbearable terrifying macabre disgusting gory grating untimely unhospitable glaring glary repugnant concerning unsuited strong blinding dazzling inopportune inconvenient infelicitous unlucky unsympathetic unpromising inapt unsuitable inappropriate unseasonable hair-raising ill-suited unaesthetic frosty cold chilly cool stern coarse grotesque mean disagreeing painful poignant agonizing heartbreaking vexatious ruthless heart-rending unrelenting yukky hurtful yucky afflicting heartrending traumatic unhappy merciless unsavory tormenting tragic relentless sour wicked remorseless icky mortifying great sore distressful agonising unsavoury calamitous hard-hearted gut-wrenching provoking annoying afflictive

Antonym des a rocky

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