Synonym des unusually short


Small in stature due to having relatively little height
little small smaller tiny diminutive mini petite miniature minuscule minute lilliputian stubby dumpy miniaturised miniaturized pocket fubsy squatty stocky dwarfish pintsized undersized stunted dwarf elfin midget low slight teeny pintsize shallow wee runty smallish squat low-lying low-slung not long not tall pint-sized pocket-sized sawed-off teeny-weeny close to the ground fun size knee high to a gnat knee high to a grasshopper knee-high to a grasshopper bantam pygmy stumpy Lilliputian undersize shrimpy pint-size puny dinky fine half-pint toylike subnormal runtish truncated peewee pocket-size baby homuncular compact teensy-weensy underdeveloped itsy-bitsy low down small-boned microscopic dwarfed toy undeveloped low-set junior measly peanut near to the ground snub shrimp vest-pocket light delicate atrophied underweight pygmaean feeble nanoscopic small-scale weeny itty-bitty sawn-off tiddly ickle titchy little-bitty portable teensy bitsy bitty button minikin mite runted scrub shot undergrown dainty handy abridged potted reduced concise condensed capsule slightly built frail skinny thin decumbent crouched unelevated knee-high fun-size yea big yea high small fry meek twiggy weak weedy fragile lank reedy mere a slip of a … low-hanging not high imperceptible insufficient infinitesimal inconsiderable inappreciable sparse skimpy limited cramped meager scant infant fleeting embryonic hasty shriveled babyish young immature brief wizened shrivelled meagre short-lived hardly any not large not big scrawny minuscular undernourished microscopical weensy scrubby eensy eensy-weensy bijou little bitty underfed slim slender spindly bony emaciated angular stick spare small-fry minor gangly attenuate starved cute insignificant skeleton scaled-down micro bite-sized pee-wee poky pygmyish unused infantile unfledged youthful negligible trifling minimum trim neat dear adorable munchkin weakly lesser secondary bush-league adorbs minor-league small-time natty bonsai sickly boxy bitesize narrow bite-size with no room to swing a cat gracile broomstick teeny weeny second rate unsubstantial niggling zero useless zilch inferior picayune nothing unsound runt infirm two-bit unconsequential worthless stalky rangy atomic microminiature wasted gaunt skeletal beanstalk scraggy rawboned lanky gangling wan ethereal featherweight haggard rickety attenuated cadaverous slinky lean rarefied beanpole threadlike fleshless lightweight twiglike small time size-zero lightly-built not heavy piddling piffling pinched very small all skin and bones thin as a rail anorectic shadow malnourished stringbean half-starved skin-and-bone skin and bone skin and bones


(of writing) Relatively brief in extent
brief concise succinct terse little pointed rapid hasty hurried quick aphoristic compendious crisp decreased incisive apothegmatic clipped compact small compressed diminished summarised summarized summary condensed ephemeral epigrammatic lessened sententious unprolonged compendiary curtailed shortened swift truncated contracted decurtate economical precise sparing abbreviate breviloquent laconic synoptic curt curtate pithy thumbnail abbreviated abridged bare perfunctory transient boiled down cut short not protracted in few words short and sweet to the point cut to the bone in a few well-chosen words in a nutshell monosyllabic capsule elliptical telegraphic elliptic gnomic potted lapidary snappy abrupt sharp witty brusque tight neat trenchant meaningful tart blunt taut clever outline lean cursory close finely honed abstracted meaty expressive significant cogent snippety honed effective marrowy recapped precipitate compacted short-and-sweet rehashed run-down down to brass tacks limited amusing piquant quick-witted memorable catchy snippy fast economic gruff distinct summarizing pungent ingenious comprehensive uncommunicative summarising apophthegmatic axiomatic well tuned run-through epigrammatical short and to the point making a long story short exact cryptic in well-chosen words censorious judgmental pretentious critical disapproving judgemental abounding clear-cut cut reduced precised cut-down concentrated synopsized slimmed-down encapsulated bare-bones edited slimmed down shorter trimmed pruned shrunk cropped cut down pared down straightforward controlled epitomized epitomised shortened form skeleton digest essential censored sketch bowdlerized stripped down expurgated well structured bowdlerised edited down


Limited or insufficient in quantity
scarce inadequate insufficient limited lacking paltry sparse rare scant tight deficient failing slim wanting insubstantial negligible few missing skimpy low shy exiguous slender meager poor thin bereft scanty destitute meagre measly not enough too few too little low on short-handed short on at a premium hard to find in short supply like gold dust not to be had few and far between hard to come by not to be had for love nor money scarcer than hen's teeth small slight restricted little spare stingy piddling inconsiderable light puny inappreciable sparing skimp insignificant lean trifling scrimpy barren incomplete miserly nominal minimal miserable flimsy modest bare revealing brief sketchy unfinished low-cut tenuous reduced pitiful beggarly derisory pathetic weak thin on the ground hand-to-mouth indecent shabby infrequent minute inconsequential sporadic unproductive occasional too little too late petty trivial mean incommensurate faulty devoid diminished imperfect unsatisfactory tiny minimum scattered scrimp mere uncommon subtle imperceptible unfrequent see-through piffling finite marginal defective depleted picayune niggling dry diminutive deprived drained piddly stunted stinted too small dwindling unsufficient shoddy unfruitful infertile seldom semioccasional middling seldom met with straggling unusual low in numbers seldom seen out of the ordinary pitiable mingy confined narrow infinitesimal disappointing laughable feeble lame parsimonious junk fractional fragmentary unqualified exhaustible nugatory token mediocre with an insufficiency jejune minus unfitted incapable unample incompetent needed basal cut truncated threatened shortened next to none next to no lamentable not making it not hacking it coming up short short of out of circumscribed defined definite determinate measured rudimentary patchy basic bush-league run-down at a low level lowly with too little … wanting in with too few … lacking in contemptible base ordinary subnormal bitty set partial ineffectual less widely spaced in the minority seldom found footling pimping chicken peanut flawed worthless inferior impaired out of gas superficial substandard needing scrappy unsound second-rate microscopic diddly duff unsuitable unworthy no-account without bankrupt de minimis unassembled unequal underprovided undersupplied injured amiss damaged marred Mickey Mouse two-bit rinky-dink second string second fiddle outta gas found wanting third string denuded void not make it not up to scratch not cut out for leaving much to be desired bereft of deficient in unthinkable unlikely unimaginable unique singular subtile outstanding towering inconceivable strange remarkable preeminent unheard of attenuate exceptional attenuated isolated magnificent recherche standout rarefied unwonted extraordinary bare of empty of devoid of free from denuded of vacant of destitute of minor unimportant minuscule faint unsubstantial frivolous immaterial incidental irrelevant ungenerous meaningless of no account of no consequence pointless lightweight poxy frail nonessential fragile frugal of no importance outside trite remote off fiddling of little account not worth mentioning of little consequence of little importance dinky casual secondary valueless ignorable lesser nickel-and-dime small-fry vague dispersed gentle thinning idle nondescript inessential foolish thinly distributed distant purportless everyday non-essential implausible improbable far-fetched dubious doubtful small-bore mild of minor importance small-time of no moment shoestring not worth bothering about minuscular humble lousy despicable on the small side wispy little bitty smallish economical close peripheral peppercorn diffuse extraneous senseless unconsiderable not worth speaking of of little import barely sufficient hardly any smaller shallow pettifogging commonplace small potatoes dicey iffy absurd questionable minor-league of no great concern low-ranking woeful sad insipid penny-ante twopenny-halfpenny little or no not much wanky scrubby silly lilliputian cheap momentary atomic beside the point skin-deep evanescent vanishing bare-boned far faraway outlying sorry wretched odd irregular unconvincing timorous unenthusiastic intermittent unaccustomed timid spiritless fitful spasmodic moderate tame sometime wishy-washy lily-livered half-hearted faint-hearted low-key stray out of the common once in a blue moon as scarce as hens' teeth


Rather rude, curt or abrupt in speech or manner
abrupt blunt brusque curt snappy terse testy abrasive crude uncivil caustic impolite pointed unceremonious brief brusk rough snippy impatient impetuous offhand snippety undiplomatic bluff cavalier sharp snappish churlish irascible tart ungracious brisk discourteous unfriendly gruff harsh petulant breviloquent rude surly thoughtless unmannerly crusty direct graceless bad-mannered bad-tempered ill-mannered ill-tempered no-nonsense short-spoken short-tempered matter-of-fact to the point downright tactless disrespectful impertinent indelicate boorish crisp inconsiderate unmannered ill-bred unhandsome insolent impudent insulting uncalled-for uncouth offensive ungentlemanly ungallant unladylike unkind derogatory off insensitive sullen uncomplimentary dusty disparaging unrefined peremptory contumelious unchivalrous plain-spoken oafish fresh flip mannerless ignorant unpleasant smart-alecky pithy crass abusive decisive acerbic monosyllabic presumptuous scathing sarcastic bearish businesslike audacious bitter crabbed cheeky brutal vulgar frank outspoken tetchy callous disdainful offish nasty malapert ungenteel underbred inaffable brash coarse loutish uncharitable laconic imperious clipped blustering barefaced gauche unconstrained inelegant rushed grumpy hostile vigorous disagreeable sharp-tongued not afraid to call a spade a spade bald unpolished uncultured gross inhospitable unfortunate upfront ill-natured crabby grouchy crotchety out of sorts arrogant obloquious derisive foul pulling no punches sour cross cocky disgracious belittling degrading violent berating scurrilous pejorative reproachful obnoxious reviling denigratory defamatory indecorous mouthy brazen smart alecky lippy overbearing yokelish ungraceful out-of-line intrusive bounderish insubordinate straight from the shoulder ill-humoured vituperative vituperatory calumniating contemptuous unthinking not beating about the bush not mincing one's words calling a spade a spade speaking one's mind careless angry boisterous truculent ill-humored morose saturnine intolerant unconcerned unmindful unthoughtful unsympathetic heedless indiscreet incautious unfair heartless hasty reckless sassy cutting biting rustic sardonic mordant inurbane barbed uncourteous trenchant acid satirical acrimonious acidulous snarky corrosive satiric pungent acerb stinging acrid scalding venomous acidic incisive vicious spiteful astringent keen critical piercing cruel wounding dry smart-aleck acetose smart-mouthed disapproving bold forward saucy brassy pert wise nervy shameless cocksure pushy smart brazen-faced irreverent bold-faced brassbound arch presuming scornful unabashed bumptious flippant immodest overbold slighting blatant unblushing overconfident assuming familiar arrant hurtful outrageous improper self-assertive brass-necked procacious assumptive uppity deprecatory overfamiliar bold as brass cool boldfaced blasphemous slanderous dismissive libellous uncivilized self-centered high-handed raw libelous uncultivated loud uncivilised ungrateful vitriolic affronting opprobrious confident supercilious self-asserting vilifying invective personal depreciatory unfeeling demeaning uneducated self-centred pretentious uncaring mischievous out of line humiliating depreciative negative unappreciative derisory unashamed defiant unthankful derogative cloddish denigrative unembarrassed aweless objectionable clownish inappreciative haughty clodhopping aggressive self-confident pompous facetious overweening inappropriate barbaric scurrile scurril thankless unconsiderate misbehaved free conceited off-base smug shocking assertive rough-hewn profane glib calumniatory cute impious sacrilegious censorious maligning lofty classless meddlesome lordly impolitic traducing smarty-pants common hubristic dictatorial unthanking flagrant smart-arsed obtrusive cantankerous ornery loud-mouthed detractive smart-assed lumpen forceful wooden chesty barbarous huffy masterful important highfalutin huffish hifalutin toploftical sniffy superior toplofty stiff uncomfortable uneasy uppish repulsive brazenfaced decrying high-hat high-and-mighty stiff-necked hardened abandoned corrupt stilted tasteless clumsy profligate depraved rustical damaging unprincipled dissolute incorrigible domineering badly behaved repugnant disgusting raunchy reprobate lewd immoral unchaste self-assured playful egotistic annoying irritating scolding displeasing perfunctory unsubtle witty selfish jocular prying interfering meddling irritable jokey injurious deprecating castigating insouciant provocative exceptionable tongue-in-cheek whimsical provoking low-bred frivolous hotheaded casual discrediting galling upbraiding vexing unacceptable reprehensible funny mean impulsive aloof indecent protrusive censurable iconoclastic humorous rash condescending antisocial inquisitive nosy unflattering upsetting catty lowbred asocial patronizing in-your-face base self-important detracting opinionated thuggish untactful presumptive swinish grating breezy hick unworldly impish fearless unsophisticated irreverential unhallowed unholy ungodly lumpish as bold as brass yobbish philistine thrusting slobbish barbarian malicious lubberly vivacious bantam awkward hard wanton bald-faced outlandish unshrinking snotty snooty unrepentant patronising officious forthright socially unsure high and mighty socially inept coming on strong lacking in social graces socially awkward bad ill-behaved unperceptive uncourtly obvious boldface heavy hurried undignified sudden summary blundering ill charmless unheard-of brave plucky unappreciated temeritous regardless injudicious distant disregardful mannish unfeminine hoydenish manlike tomboyish unwomanly withering virulent roughneck tacky cheap uninterested indifferent bungling incongruous unsuitable indulgent over-free relaxed overindulgent malign uncoordinated apathetic gawky stolid standoffish cursory deflating unfavourable diminishing dishonouring off base mean-spirited unfilial profanatory ballsy damning ranting denunciatory rowdy doltish bullying wild exasperating feisty naughty take-it-or-leave-it pococurante volatile weisenheiming combative overt debasing unreserved earthy embarrassing affected bullish free-and-easy tolerant hoonish dense calumnious guileless ingenuous naive daring uninhibited spirited proud impenitent unconcealed transparent remorseless undisguised snobbish inane clever overassertive severe tough scandalous gritty detractory discreditable mud-slinging cussed polite miserly dour touchy cross-grained unsociable unneighborly ugly undismayed undaunted overfriendly hillbilly uncalled for boastful over-assertive bare-faced detestable stern ridiculous silly wisecracking remote snobby tony pushful swanky ostentatious elitist persnickety speaking as one finds roisterous rollicking amusing unawed unflinching distasteful without shame not backwards in coming forwards malevolent fault-finding dishonoring despiteful minimizing unfavorable minimising aspersing toffee-nosed throwing one's weight about stuck-up high-flown hoity-toity putting on airs magisterial imperative dyslogistic judgemental sniping sneering judgmental disadvantageous downgrading jocose droll jesting wry roguish joking waggish lighthearted precious cutesy reproving castigatory unwelcome insufferable deplorable abhorrent undesirable contemptible poised abashless unrestrained composed unaffected unshamed dull backwoods stupid foolish ungainly strident noisy blaring amoral full of oneself full of yourself superficial unsavoury lacking civility bad mannered pitiless comfortless insupportable intolerable shallow irresponsible carefree jarring mincingly clever blithe brutish put down rubbing the wrong way hateful spiky argumentative hard to take robust bustling plebby countrified ocker unpoised raucous beyond the pale out of order Neanderthal provincial unsavory comical busy overzealous bossy jangling dissonant thundering booming cacophonous deafening shrill egotistical puckish flashy discordant gaudy ear-splitting light-hearted overbusy overhasty precipitate foolhardy previous premature jazzy tinny showy garish ridiculing bigheaded pushing pragmatic importunate nosey intruding snoopy self-satisfied loudmouthed metallic flirtatious high-pitched mortifying depreciating bureaucratic intermeddling fussy too big for your boots


Lasting or taking a small amount of time
brief fleeting momentary quick flash limited temporary little small swift evanescent transitory passing rapid ephemeral flitting fading lightning flying fugitive fugacious transient cursory impermanent meteoric fast short-lived short-term acute hasty deciduous volatile hurried fly-by-night perfunctory rushed summary here today and gone tomorrow unstable perishable shifting overnight temporal provisional interim quickie changeable mortal slapdash speedy superficial precipitate precipitous acting provisory makeshift rash stopgap instantaneous headlong substitute temp vanishing alternate unfixed sudden make-do pro tem ad hoc pro tempore band-aid whistle-stop short-lasting breakneck brisk short and sweet desultory overhasty wee mutable flashing fleet gadarene unenduring moving incidental abrupt supply gone in flash impulsive in wink of an eye ad interim curtailed glancing instant for the time being helter-skelter drive-by short-range pell-mell flash in the pan whirlwind tactical succinct infinitesimal erratic episodic expeditious hurrying vaporous intervening rathe fly by night elusive non-permanent double time present casual prompt short and sharp not permanent inconstant vacating insubstantial migrating transmigratory emigrating flighty short-run of short duration gone in a heartbeat over in a heartbeat short-haul here today, gone tomorrow going by shallow slight surface-level zippy splitting dizzy snappy hot galloping rattling accelerated blistering breathless rapid-fire fast-track nippy fleet-footed hurricane impetuous very fast tornado cyclonic tumultuous haphazard provisionary immediate fill-in caretaker stand-in transitional reserve deputy surrogate pinch-hitting emergency impromptu improvised second-string changeover expediential replacement rough and ready working jury-rigged relief rough-and-ready adoptive proxy foster conditional contingent holding in-between pop-up devised rigged jury tenuous adjutant delegated assistant expedient rough-and-tumble practical throwaway cobbled together thrown together thrown-together backup supernumerary standby fall-back supplemental tentative ancillary second supplementary additional auxiliary extra alternative substitutive locum


Utterly impoverished
penniless skint broke destitute impecunious impoverished indigent necessitous needy penurious poor poverty-stricken dirt-poor bankrupt bust moneyless strapped beggared hard up in penury pauperized stony-broke underprivileged badly off beggarly cleaned out down-and-out famished flat broke in need insolvent in want needful on the breadline ruined threadbare without a sou clean down and out down at heel flat in reduced circumstances lacking in straitened circumstances on one's uppers stony broke without a penny as poor as a church mouse dead broke dirt poor in Queer Street out at elbows out of pocket stone broke strapped for cash tapped out down on luck in the gutter on last leg over a barrel unable to make ends meet without a dime without two pennies to rub together down to last penny without a penny to one's name without two farthings to rub together without two brass farthings to rub together distressed wanting deprived disadvantaged boracic stony short of money extremely poor unmoneyed impencunious suffering stranded out of money fortuneless stone-broke hard-pressed homeless unprosperous struggling miserably poor financially poor very poor bad off on one's beam-ends in great need in dire circumstances up against it stripped divested deficient busted totaled boracic lint pinched low-income without a bean deprived of devoid of wiped out played out on skid row without a brass farthing in need of on the rocks without a red cent on one's beam ends poor as a church mouse without two pennies farthings to rub together in the red depressed in debt unable to keep the wolf from the door straitened reduced truly needy in Chapter 11 vagrant unlucky unfortunate on the streets broken bankrupted rundown derelict empty-handed neglected low-paid handicapped behind eight ball cashless have-not in distress on the bread line without a shot in one's locker unfavored crippled pathetic abject in distressed circumstances severe difficult workless unemployed laid off jobless between jobs redundant living rough sleeping rough idle unaffluent hurting of no fixed address of no fixed abode scanty low meager meagre out of a job resting signing on indebted overdrawn down to last cent on the dole discriminated against unprivileged beaten vagabond defeated outcast finished on the wallaby track hindered impaired denuded bereft forlorn dispossessed underserved craptastic without money on the skids out of funds in the poorhouse in financial difficulties not having two pennies to rub together not having two farthings to rub together in a bad way financially distressed financially embarrassed without means of support short of cash hapless shabby slummy seedy ghetto ghost shanty failed run down run-down spent ill-fated ill-starred in dire straits economically disadvantaged smashed skid row gone under in arrears owing money in administration belly up in receivership exhausted lost depleted gone bust in Carey Street out of business gone to the wall in the hands of the receivers cleared out


Annoyed or irritated and quick to take offence at petty things
huffy irritable cross grumpy moody crabbed touchy crusty petulant snappy sullen surly tetchy crotchety annoyed bad-tempered huffish sulky testy waspish angry choked crabby ill-tempered irritated offended cantankerous curmudgeonly disgruntled edgy miserable morose ratty resentful shirty snappish churlish cranky curt miffed moping prickly chippy eggy narked narky peckish querulous soreheaded thin-skinned ticklish whingy miffy peevish pettish snaky tooshie angered exasperated fractious hurt insulted irked nettled peeved piqued provoked riled sensitive stewed vexed put out like a bear with a sore head irascible grouchy splenetic ill-humoured ill-humored choleric disagreeable brusque dyspeptic perverse short-tempered gruff shrewish captious bilious ornery snippy snippety ill-natured quick-tempered fiery snarky stroppy liverish stuffy bearish raspy dour acid saturnine cross-grained hot-tempered impatient glum temperamental truculent pouty sour bitter argumentative displeased peppery quarrelsome fretful unpleasant ungracious ireful scratchy harsh pouting waxy sore snarling cussed mardy out of humor vinegary cavilling sharp caviling blunt unfriendly out of humour ugly short-fused out of sorts bloody-minded hot under the collar on a short fuse as cross as two sticks in a bad mood disobliging catty tempersome rude scowling boorish uncivil impolite discourteous abrupt humourless disrespectful humorless unsmiling mopey unhelpful ill-mannered uptight tense critical unsociable volatile feisty bristly misanthropic cynical contentious hotheaded oversensitive obstinate difficult pertinacious discontented hypercritical whining uncooperative contrary grumbling whiny crybaby acrimonious gloomy iracund tough fussy brooding iracundulous disputatious mean waspy grousing on edge dissatisfied acrid trying carping griping awkward mumpish growling complaining malicious venomous fretting whingeing childish tart hasty malignant vindictive nasty sorehead passionate filthy spiteful obstreperous chuffy irate upset galled livid apoplectic hot-blooded having got out of bed the wrong side mad fault-finding out of temper having got out of bed on the wrong side nasty-tempered foul-tempered out-of-sorts in a mood easily offended steamed wild crook steamed up vex ropeable hoha wroth jumpy faultfinding in a paddy in a lather up in arms bent out of shape on the warpath teed off fit to be tied foaming at the mouth hacked off not best pleased in a bate ticked off aerated hopping mad scornful sarcastic brief excitable bellicose nervous scrappy hostile anxious combative agitated confrontational aggressive uneasy belligerent twitchy hot-headed pugnacious restless restive aggravated highly strung furious glowering wrathful nervy worried froward antagonistic fidgety frowning neurotic militant fed up aggrieved indignant emotional incensed jittery infuriated in a huff high-strung hypersensitive unquiet embittered wired ill at ease easily upset snuffy overwrought rancorous refractory arsey overstrung apprehensive defiant fierce cheesed off warlike threatening ruffled browned off peed off disturbed agonistic bothered discordant insecure vicious assaultive skittish enraged worked up troubled antsy vitriolic unresponsive uncommunicative stressed malevolent recalcitrant harassed unhappy violent keyed up in a temper wound up brassed off unsettled litigious unkind thrawn hysterical obstructive perturbed bolshie flustered unmannerly joyless impetuous mean-spirited gladiatorial dithery queazy balky impulsive queasy grumbly disputative het up sourpussed unstable unpredictable salty melodramatic brawly disapproving sulking explosive crying mercurial wrath acerbic stressy inhospitable headstrong negative in high dudgeon uncomfortable hung up abusive sharp-tongued toey distressed pigheaded bad uncongenial snarly contumacious fearful malcontent terse factious contrarious affronted moaning mopish censorious inconsiderate uncharitable unruly warring nagging tempestuous taciturn quibbling wrangling malign adrenalized battling fighting maddened overemotional stubborn impassioned unreasonable bickering inflammable excited bellyaching grim atrabilious afraid dismal criticizing scunnered brittle shaky oafish strung out indomitable hinky goosey atwitter aflutter brawling strung up hard-nosed intractable unaccommodating troublesome overcritical wilful willful tiresome stiff criticising fuming demanding ready for a fight hard to please cheerless shaken raving obdurate unmanageable a bundle of nerves like a cat on a hot tin roof in bad mood hard to handle prima donna-ish finicky destructive loudmouthed inimical adversarial whingey offensive stung mighty antipathetic responsive distraught objectionable foul cruel uncontrollable apt to fly off the handle bad-humored vehement unsympathetic unlikable plaintive murmuring rotten contemptible beefing quick grudging vinegarish envenomed frustrated harried forceful eristic wicked jaundiced wrought up hassled indocile uncompliant goaded ungenerous perturbable dicey hazardous unsafe like a bear zowerswopped hurtful hateful spunky acute timorous snitty wreck rattled sombre somber spooked timid unindulgent perversely irritable unamused wailing deploring lamenting bemoaning whimpering grizzly naysaying chafed viperous lugubrious agitable broody dejected Eeyorish wired up panicky weak blue wounded mopy kittle snide scolding bundle of nerves febrile pessimistic sober aloof dark got up on wrong side of bed concerned taut scared backbiting cattish with a long face defensive having short fuse hot under collar withdrawn depressed hesitant sharp-tempered intense stormy reactive prim stilted strained frightened paranoid vixenish loutish evil-minded dramatic conservative angerful ranting psyched up frenzied cold convulsed ferocious gun-shy huffy irascible rebellious rough in a funk in the sulks in a strop down in the mouth having a fit of the sulks frantic steamed-up hottempered inflamed discomposed easily agitated easily frightened on tenterhooks vulgar uncouth pushy biffo aggers alarmed over-emotional have a bone to pick having a chip on one's shoulder self-assertive ready to fight itching to fight all shook up self-conscious fraught unrestful embarrassed discomfited on pins and needles umbrageous hyper-sensitive ungallant ungentlemanly ill-bred easily hurt easily affected dismayed tormented anguished perplexed wrung disquieted suspicious in turmoil palpitant all nerves like a fish out of water on the qui vive annoying exasperating like a cat on hot bricks wriggly squirmy uncompromising classless unchivalrous cloddish clownish controversial polemical polemic dissentious wiggly overbearing unrelenting unamenable ructious arguesome ignorant hardheaded strong-minded hard-line bull-headed steadfast choosy resolute immovable picky opinionated delicate dogmatic intransigent oppressive unflinching wrong-headed particular fastidious over-particular dictatorial importunate pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways rigid inflexible finical invidious fiendish uppity tyrannical stiff-necked hard to satisfy irritating inexorable unyielding opinionative unbending perfectionist turbulent war mildly annoyed pesky vexing clodhopping crude polite bad-mannered miserly unpolished rustic lowbred uncivilised uncultured crass uncivilized base unneighborly coarse vexatious renitent pervicacious all wound up cramped complex bulky discommodious incommodious disparaging deprecating disappointed difficult to handle pedantic niggling pettifogging nit-picking have chip on shoulder discontent disaffected hair-splitting nitpicking judgemental judgmental rejective ungratified malcontented pernickety pass-remarkable kvetching crabbing uncontent kicking severe nitpicky thorny exceptive exacting unjust unfair hairsplitting very critical petty trivial cavillous tricky out of joint bad tempered


Unwilling to talk or impart information
uncommunicative reserved reticent silent taciturn close retiring shy secretive tight-lipped guarded laconic unforthcoming withdrawn diffident mute quiet unresponsive close-mouthed distant tongue-tied unconversational untalkative aloof closemouthed dumb media-shy mom mum private secret unsociable antisocial clamlike curt dark muted remote speechless stand-offish tight-mouthed unfriendly wordless mumchance retired evasive hush-hush offish standoffish unapproachable at a loss for words buttoned up clammed up dried up on the QT restrained introverted cold bashful unspeaking self-contained modest undemonstrative close-lipped reclusive cool voiceless demure inhibited unexpressive cautious solitary tightlipped hushed inarticulate incommunicable sententious incommunicative soft-spoken discreet uncommunicable sparing backward introvert sedate detached self-effacing timid uncompanionable zipped self-restrained collected nonvocal shrinking unemotional formal not talkative dour lost for words brooding coy prim frigid gentle mild serene misanthropic icy peaceful ceremonious noncommittal composed placid eremitic conventional dumbstruck dried-up dumbfounded soundless non-communicative struck dumb dummied up playing your cards close to your chest meek bereft of speech inward-looking enigmatic constrained unable to get a word out mousy timorous unassuming deep sheepish recessive snobbish cagey insular muffled soft thoughtful controlled self-controlled low still stifled indistinct whispered of few words unheard murmured shocked mumbled saying nothing astounded aghast dazed amazed inaudible obmutescent dumbstricken aphonic mumbling unable to speak not saying boo terse silenced temperate not forthcoming independent unassertive isolated sullen chilly mimed nonverbal telepathic gestured unsocial ungregarious socially inhibited tongueless uptight indrawn unwilling Olympian secluded hidden hermit-like hermitic hermitical unconcerned aseptic disinterested incurious retreated nongregarious recluse uncurious casual uninterested indifferent silentious contemplative pensive self-absorbed self-interested stammering awkward embarrassed garbled unrevealing eremetic zipped one's lips have tight chops buttoning up clamming up tight chops closed up meditative reflective ruminative inner-directed self-centred wouldn't say boo to a goose mysterious mum's the word zipping one's lips buttoning one's lip choked up cryptic introspective self-centered self-sufficient all alone thunderstruck mellow flat hushful covert gobsmacked flabbergasted furtive quietened shell-shocked undercover backstairs feline sly unvocal indistinguishable soft-toned incoherent toned down astonished unflappable hit for six knocked for six cool as cucumber in chambers in privacy in private in the background in the dark faint noiseless muttered unclear imperceptible unhearable out of earshot hard to hear hard to make out


Not having all the necessary or appropriate parts


Low in available quantities
depleted dwindling low decreased depreciated lessened minimal reduced down weakened in short supply run-down at a low level almost empty diminished scarce scant meagre insufficient sparse scanty deficient inadequate skimpy meager paltry measly limited shy lacking small diminishing depleting drained tight poor incomplete weak restricted insubstantial inconsiderable sketchy inappreciable miserly incommensurate exiguous bare pathetic laughable feeble lame stunted thin derisory spare piddling parsimonious barren junk trifling little modest unproductive dry exhaustible failing stinted too few bush-league too little not enough wanting few nominal insignificant mediocre puny cut shoddy negligible miserable piffling mingy slight pitiful trivial beggarly lean stingy ungenerous mean bereft poxy minimum dinky nugatory petty at a premium picayune inconsequential minute sparing minor pitiable destitute rare light marginal revealing brief unfinished shabby low-cut defective hard to find indecent like gold dust hard to come by not to be had incidental not to be had for love nor money missing tiny tenuous unimportant slender scrimpy piddly fractional infinitesimal devoid faulty imperfect inferior unsatisfactory base subnormal infrequent lowly too small thin on the ground seldom met with frugal unsubstantial niggling little bitty bitty smallish contemptible lousy despicable finite unqualified needed slim frivolous flimsy see-through minus unfitted incapable unample incompetent ordinary coming up short truncated threatened occasional shortened seldom sporadic semioccasional footling not hacking it not making it worthless fiddling short of out of token foolish narrow too little too late casual short-handed low on short on smaller with an insufficiency jejune small-fry of little account second-string nickel-and-dime Mickey Mouse few and far between flawed impaired scarcer than hen's teeth sorry with too little … wanting in with too few … lacking in wretched substandard needing scrappy unsound second-rate mere duff unsuitable unworthy skimp unassembled unequal underprovided undersupplied injured amiss damaged marred second string second fiddle not up to scratch outta gas shallow not make it found wanting not cut out for third string leaving much to be desired deprived out of gas


Cut very short


Describing a style of Japanese art


Unfriendly or aggressive in nature
inhospitable unfriendly uncongenial unwelcoming cool unsociable unkind antisocial cold hostile ungenerous unneighbourly unsocial unsympathetic aloof chilly disdainful distant frosty glacial haughty inimical stand-offish adversarial adversary antagonistic antipathetic discourteous ill-disposed indifferent jaundiced mortal negative offhand remote uncivil ungracious xenophobic unreceptive brusque rude unfavorable unfavourable frigid cold-blooded reserved withdrawn gelid cold-eyed standoffish uncordial clammy antiseptic brittle hard-eyed icy uncommunicative unpleasant opposed solitary nasty unemotional unapproachable stiff wintry wintery coldish frozen chill arctic emotionless unaffable opposing stony disagreeable unresponsive detached unfeeling prejudicial misanthropic counter impersonal adverse stern against forbidding contrary unamiable bad unforthcoming reclusive disavowing disapproving dispassionate offish malevolent unenthusiastic asocial unclubbable unbending dry standoff formal naysaying buttoned-up ill-natured averse combative uncharitable Olympian unneighborly cold-hearted damaging anti discouraging lukewarm hateful hard untoward supercilious reticent apathetic set against dead set against obnoxious undemonstrative unamicable unsavoury passionless callous sour wooden harsh impolite malicious spiteful unmannerly hardhearted surly confrontational severe suspicious critical unconcerned cross distrustful aggressive unsavory impertinent poor injurious unflattering uncomplimentary inconsiderate insensitive grouchy fierce quarrelsome agin inhuman inhumane insolent impudent gruff starchy resistant low malignant thoughtless opposite down on dissenting from at odds with in disagreement with at variance with on the warpath malign objectionable unattractive ungenial unlikeable uncompanionable steely uninvolved unhappy depressing half-hearted uninterested tepid recusant repugnant bad-tempered off-putting disadvantageous inauspicious off ill-tempered unpropitious alien unenthused belligerent contentious incurious annoyed offended procacious muted cold as ice taciturn private retiring introverted cynical oppugnant acting in opposition mopey mopish destructive allergic quiet silent inaccessible nongregarious brooding inapproachable scowling secretive incompatible oppositional sceptical uppity argumentative adversative accusatorial at odds stuck-up at variance pessimistic distasteful displeasing disrespectful selfish hating egotistical egoistic narrow-minded misanthropical sarcastic sardonic eremitic bad-mannered churlish ill-mannered menacing cruel mean uncouth skeptical competitive estranged censorious unpromising grudging disaffected warlike vengeful conflicting acrimonious uncaring uninviting businesslike unladylike boorish gauche ungallant cavalier ill-bred vicious mean-spirited icky rotten unpalatable yukky yucky bitter discordant unlovely unwelcome unpleasing wicked unsentimental pitiless hard-hearted brutal snide heartless ruthless compassionless curt unhandsome terse ungentlemanly unmannered uncalled-for sharp blunt not on speaking terms shabby wounding hurtful merciless upsetting savage neutral restrained rigid matter-of-fact self-controlled stilted unkindly bureaucratic clinical offensive unfortunate unchristian beastly catty featureless depersonalized uncolored strictly business impassive gray colourless straight impartial depersonalised faceless candid grey equal measured nondiscriminatory cold turkey unpassioned colorless abstract anonymous poker-faced careful soulless monolithic coldhearted sadistic ill barbarous phlegmatic austere affectless spiritless stony-hearted not nice disinterested passive perfunctory unmoved listless shy diffident lackadaisical self-contained demure collected stolid inhibited guarded modest cautious bashful laid-back unbiased close-mouthed backward unprejudiced introvert casual close conventional languid stoical ceremonious nonpartisan uncommitted lacklustre lifeless Laodicean soft-spoken lackluster calm self-restrained evenhanded nonchalant irresolute stuffy uneager inert unloving undecided stoic repellent prim unimpressed limp halfhearted numb impassible snobbish removed mild peaceful sedate composed placid gentle serene noncommittal timid self-effacing nonaligned weak unwilling pococurante blasé media-shy unexcited constrained subdued tame fair-minded retired controlled objective independent flat apathetic about uninvolved in uninterested in uncurious unmoved by feeble dismissive inactive uninvolved with heedless of desultory bored by snooty proud cursory abstracted nonbelligerent noncombatant shrinking preoccupied bored superior equitable lethargic closemouthed uncooperative introspective just fair easy neuter nonparticipating middle-of-road unaligned bystanding disengaged pacifistic relaxed laconic laid back reluctant inward-looking insouciant impervious timorous hesitant tight-lipped thick-skinned insensible cold-shoulder square non-committal on sidelines on the fence stuck up ungregarious sheepish coy recessive putting on airs thoughtful staid spacey eremetic spaced-out out of it conservative avoidant strait-laced abrupt unaffectionate contained uptight sober indifferent about incurious about tough grim unincluded iced flinty unexcitable unsmiling unlively unconvincing abhorrent unmindful of dispassionate about deaf to complacent lame weakly insociable arrogant damp contemptuous withering seclusive ardorless loveless impotent unromantic discreet alienated uninquiring mean-looking meager paltry socially inhibited put on airs keeping people at arm's length unflappable isolated not enthusiastic ascetic hermitlike disobliging aseptic retreated recluse insular open-minded meagre outside hermitic hermit-like hermitical unwilling to mix with other people unrevealing judicial non-communicative self-sufficient all alone meek indrawn lofty even-handed unprepossessed uncoloured non-partisan non-discriminatory torpid sluggish contemplative self-absorbed self-interested pensive hard-boiled on ice supine unambitious unmotivated cold fish lone wolf awkward ruminative meditative reflective inner-directed self-centred forced dumb draggy droopy untouched wimpy blah dispirited lazy moony strained laodicean unrelated unconnected autonomous unallied indecisive uncertain unresolved self-centered unnatural could care less what the hell couldn't care less labored laboured artificial defeatist uneasy wishy-washy don't give a damn superficial gloomy not interested contrived gloom-ridden embarrassed bleak mannered fatalistic repressed unconcerned about tongue-tied self-conscious offhand about apathetic towards casual about regardless nonchalant about uncaring about careless unconstructive obstructive resistive frivolous about reckless about dismissive of mindless of unimpressed by regardless of careless of cavalier about oblivious to resisting balky unresponsive to heedless inattentive weary of lukewarm about phlegmatic about unenthusiastic about unaroused highbrow scornful faint not giving a monkey's


With a great suddenness


By accident, without knowing
unawares unwittingly unintentionally accidentally inadvertently unknowingly unconsciously mistakenly carelessly ignorantly sudden surprisingly unready by accident by mistake without noticing in all innocence off guard fortuitously coincidentally by chance by coincidence by a fluke serendipitously involuntarily unexpectedly as luck would have it not by design out of the clear blue sky for some reason misguidedly casually incidentally adventitiously haphazardly flukily randomly subconsciously unpremeditatedly unthinkingly undesignedly by happenstance by a mere chance by good fortune by a twist of fate by a piece of luck by a happy chance unintendedly unanticipatedly oddly luckily contingently aleatorily erratically unforeseeably spontaneously extemporaneously arbitrarily aimlessly purposelessly unpredictably occasionally fortunately circumstantially automatically instinctively scatteredly isolatedly sporadically intuitively innocently unlearnedly mechanically variably irregularly uncertainly naturally ad hocly incorrectly inappropriately possibly capriciously innately wrongly unpurposefully naively uncontrolledly inherently desultorily singly simply periodically rarely relatedly in error seasonally infrequently intermittently recklessly concomitantly contributorily naïvely thoughtlessly heedlessly likelily probably reliantly provisionally providentially negligently unmindfully concurrently honestly uncaringly expediently opportunely timelily auspiciously propitiously conveniently felicitously unheedingly fragmentarily unconcernedly happily aptly fecklessly jammily chancily incalculably impulsively reflexively subliminally habitually responsively


To defraud by providing with a smaller than agreed or labeled amount
shortchange cheat con defraud fleece hustle swindle deceive dupe mislead chisel finagle scam chouse stiff bamboozle pluck trick gyp mulct screw cozen hose sandbag diddle gaff bleed flimflam shaft fiddle sucker victimise victimize bilk euchre rip off shake down take for a ride sting rook skin do stick squeeze skunk ream thimblerig nobble beat do in gull hoodwink fool take to the cleaners hoax exploit pull a fast one on milk take advantage of put one over on hornswoggle bunco clip delude double-cross burn snooker sell a pup to steal gouge sell a bill of goods to swizzle sharp embezzle have rob overcharge gazump rush snow string along take in pull a swifty on beguile chicane swizz extort take short-change sell a pup rope in stitch up pull a fast one double-deal wring goldbrick sell humbug illude soak gip shuck fudge trim lead up the garden path jerk around sell down the river give someone a bum steer screw over do the dirty on suck dry give the shaft have on run a game on sell a bill of goods overreach set up do out of do someone in the eye jiggle fraud penalise punish penalize baulk fine balk forfeit extract grift bluff wrest expel force wrench misguide misinform rip-off betray pigeon pilfer outwit frame bilk of spoof gammon blackmail buffalo pauperize impoverish pull lead down the garden path jive juggle catch be sold a pup circumvent ruin frustrate thwart foil disappoint cross prey on lirt blench rogue belirt crib strong-arm fake out put the screws to suck in do number on pull fast one sucker into suck the life out of plunder despoil tear from bleed someone of something pull one's leg do a number on fast talk take out give bum steer break the rules inveigle wheedle entrap kid cajole lure coax sweet-talk outmaneuver outmanoeuvre pull the wool over someone's eyes outfox lead on outsmart manipulate seduce impose on two-time fox ensnare befool fail outslick be disloyal to be unfaithful to outthink let down play someone false stab in the back abuse baffle juke use break faith with sell out make a fool of lead astray wangle caboodle outjockey step out play away outplay outdo cuckold trap defeat jockey fake catch out outguess top misuse disinform outgeneral goose worst jip confuse cap bewilder mousetrap lie to put on get the better of end run figure out play on walk all over intimidate charge too much backstab be untrue to take to cleaners play tempt entice out-think enslave finesse lie impose upon four-flush bully bait double deal distort ill-treat walk over run rings round treat unfairly step on be cleverer than make rings round lead up garden path play for a sucker cash in on live off the backs of ill-use throw dust in someone's eyes play trick on withhold rights from steal a march on do someone dirty duck weasel dodge stretch the rules bend the rules pull something funny stack the cards hit below the belt surcharge slip out cop out worm one's way out of beat around the bush impose molest play dirty filch stump dust harass hound outperform heist fix extortion pad overtax nick give away rat on welsh hook falsify throw trip up sway contrive take for cross up sham blag cuck cheat on play joke on beat out of take for ride impress terrorize attack pick on wind up best overcome split bleed dry make a sucker of be a Judas to bias pull wool over play a jest on play a prank on play a joke on murphy go one better than flam play a trick on pull someone's leg play for a fool misdirect cuckoldize hand a line play a practical joke on play-act enchant entrance charm attract psych out gaslight hocus-pocus dump on prey upon play upon misstate prevaricate hypnotize woo bewitch dazzle blind mesmerize captivate spellbind be inconstant to play games with win over doublespeak misrepresent con out of terrorise soft-soap pervert bunk propagandize fabricate steal someone blind rook out of decoy allure solicit entangle enmesh propagandise butter up play games stage-manage pull strings pull wires put on the wrong track put on an act cover up wrong steer put on false front bait and switch double-talk give wrong information to send on a wild goose chase throw off the scent put up smoke screen give the wrong impression hypnotise mesmerise shave horn put horns on hornify twist around your little finger exact be unfaithful crowd swag graft boodle loot go back on be disloyal mistreat patronise capitalize on profit from treat lightly take liberties with trifle with maltreat leverage trade on control play with target patronize use for one's own ends coerce oppress be dishonest hack machinate maneuver rig manoeuvre rack give the business take advantage of somebody affect doctor engineer influence demand ice secure pinch get obtain mastermind cook worm something out of someone put the bite on someone for blackmail someone for hold up obtain under duress obtain by force put screws to obtain by threats make pay through nose obtain by threat put the arm on game interfere with find a loophole in tinker with fudge with fiddle with exploit a loophole in tamper with


Very brief film


Short circuit


The basis or essence of something
gist essence substance core heart point pith meat crux kernel nucleus nub meaning root drift sense theme significance import thrust keynote subject sum centrepiece centerpiece spirit quintessence marrow matter net basis pivot tenor topic soul burden nubbin idea stuff direction upshot summary bearing force score bottom line nitty-gritty bull's-eye meat and potatoes nuts and bolts sum and substance heart of the matter main idea punch line long and short central idea central theme main theme important point name of the game general picture nature of the beast essentials fundamentals basics implication thesis intention signification purport centre focus purpose message central point main point effect aim most important point basic essential part center crucial point content intent denotation subject matter text argument connotation motif body cornerstone hub base thread focal point question foundation issue interpretation acceptation significancy nuance vein motive essentiality concern understanding bottom intimation object suggestion character tendency principle keystone nature context quick intendment mood allusion bedrock linchpin flavour flavor strain brass tacks thought nature of beast proposal affair proposition lifeblood definition case material business salient point problem fundamental point value course explanation consequence target principal object field of inquiry matter at hand area under discussion end reality symbolization fiber underpinning importance trend quality groundwork ethos backbone fibre relevance fundamental lynchpin virtuality crown discussion resolution seat theorem aspect concept item tone outline plot mass outcome conclusion use field of reference bulk reason storyline majority advantage generality temper moral mainspring feel highlight being preponderance grain premise life thing infrastructure locus worth staple design axis quiddity insinuation attitude embodiment nexus constitution middle atmosphere motion viewpoint view part title study mode centre of attention esse humour humor standard scenario polestar bosom kicker central part form entity field general meaning intrinsic nature account gravamen center of attention lion's share main part fundamental nature best part area better part chief part fundamental principle matter in hand principal element coal and ice point at issue point in question chief ingredient ideas cream meat-and-potatoes implications rationale piece bit atom morsel digest kingpin quintessential scope hinge inwardness result way axiom zest path hint designation omphalos butt quintain synopsis precis abstract payoff inference undertone distillation treatise dissertation discourse exposition footing heart and soul essential point line evolution inclination run epicenter spotlight undercurrent lesson ultimate extract circumstance decisive point principal constituent main ingredient warp grounding ground general intention anchor style flagship guts dead center home run direct hit the long and short raison d'être statement opinion the long and the short of it climax ABC action sequence impression precept reference subtext overtone evidence hole in one stress through-line chapter class vital part bull's eye forefront showpiece attraction emphasis concise summary division contention subcurrent basic idea epicentre determination warp and woof defining characteristic ball game essential element course of thought essential feature policy line most air note line of reasoning most important fact occasion head talking point situation leitmotif ropes hidden meaning takeaway key feature basic principles train of thought first principle guiding principle pride and joy details main ingredients moot point main feature high point main event high spot jewel in the crown story line main secondary meaning manner consideration detail information article matter in question blurb report matter of contention piece of information state rallying point story news bone of contention portion feature particular hot spot gut belly inside motivation heartstrings bones weight feeling structure element actuality approach end result end product indispensable content whole story key point last word final decision main thing sine qua non sound bite total whole brunt what it's all about frame fashion complexion objective caliber property calibre essentia attribute timber germ biggest slice of the cake largest portion biggest share vast majority largest part the facts inner space cold fact chief thing essential details important matter hard fact basic quality personality colors clay current ambiance genius crux of the matter initiative the name of the game ground zero fundamental quality basic characteristic mainstay manifestation habit colours condition self morale cheer feather climate chief constituent name of game utility substructure chief heft be-all and end-all project overview mark ambience belief disposition ethic vibe animating spirit representation personification vital spirit symbol strength life force realization moving force realisation incarnation moving spirit élan vital exemplification solution end in view big picture motivating force state of mind timbre dominating characteristic frame of mind animating principle prevailing tendency major part principal part snapshot sketch greater part


A booklet of printed informational matter
brochure leaflet pamphlet circular flyer notice handbill handout booklet flier folder advertisement bill mailshot mailer prospectus catalogue catalog hand-out information sheet printed document bulletin dodger advert ad tract literature bumf announcement broadside poster throwaway fact sheet press release junk mail document release blurb publicity affiche publication public notice printed matter insert pinna advertising leaflet leafling guide letter newsletter leaf sheet communiqué fly-poster information leaflet documentation publicity material promotional material data info facts information commercial display promotion plug placard write-up sign notification puff posting push reading matter endorsement proclamation communication exhibit billboard squib hoarding broadcast trailer exhibition propaganda personal ad classified ad want ad declaration statement publishing broadcasting report promulgation reporting promo pronouncement disclosure dissemination news revelation signboard communiqué personal publicizing message sticker spreading advice exposition banner edict annunciation briefing classified advertisement dispatch story publicising circulation transmission intimation mention propagation divulgence recommendation infomercial expression recitation prediction narration classifieds boost exposing list board issuing account airing spot divulging printing distribution good word divulgation warning favourable mention flash newsflash commendation piece of publicity news flash decree inlay slip classified marquee blazoning slot panel listing schedule card agenda disclosing inventory broadsheet breaking revealing pullout official communication exposé enunciation advertising board flysheet campaign purveying imparting issue announcing playbill promotional film offering dazibao namecheck buildup leak intelligence asseveration demonstration infotainment advertorial putting out appearance telling word notice board bulletin board hype ordinance notifying tidings favourable review press-agentry ballyhoo favorable mention advertising issuance deliverance assertion alert advisory communique docutainment paid announcement signpost emergence heads up pronunciamento ventilation writing discovery pointer plate waymark indicator arrow marker leaderboard preview formal statement shameless plug guidepost public relations header road sign traffic sign warning sign notes details description gloss brief clip prevue teaser piece headlines news report newscast photo-shoot publicity stunt profile-raiser ad unit skinny calendar scoop update program item programme break screening news item official statement what's happening hot wire what's going down news summary the dope explanation advance showing testimony utterance breaking news


A short, sharp cry, especially of pain or alarm
yelp cry scream screech squeal shout howl shriek squawk wail yell yowl bark bawl call whoop yap yawl bay holler woof hoot squeak yip roar bellow caterwaul clamour clamor yawp whine squall growl ululation howling outcry whimper moan groan crying grunt shrill baying vociferation weep snarl keen bell cheer ululate exclamation yammer lamentation barking yowling yelping blubber plaint lament screaming wailing shrieking crow blare yelling cackle caw uproar caterwauling loud outcry yelled statement whinge bawling screeching keening bleat squalling quest animal yelp cluck croak gnarr gnarl high-pitched shout mewl whining ululating miaow miaowing clack calling ahoy signal alarm hail gnar bellowing growling pipe clamouring roaring arf clamoring salvo tumult peep harsh call grr loud communication cry out interjection note ejaculation cheep piping hullabaloo fuss expletive acclamation hurrah ruckus trill bowwow woof-woof bow-wow tweet warble yoo-hoo hubbub noise shouting hue and cry din huzzah utterance huzza babel cacophony applause ovation acclaim halloo plaudits rallying call war cry call to arms call to battle battle cry war whoop rallying cry rebel yell cheering approval approbation laudation clapping raves bravo hurray hosanna alleluia encouragement sudden utterance clangour clangor hollo hoop jeer hiss boo catcall raspberry crash bird grumble fit gale snort razz taunt whistle eruption ripple heehaw whinny clatter mock interposition interpolation outburst guffaw peal Bronx cheer sound bray neigh emphatic exclamation harsh sound war song banzai war dance

Antonym des unusually short

Music ♫

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