Synonym of a letdown


The emotion of not having one's expectations met
anticlimax disappointment disillusionment frustration bringdown bummer comedown disgruntlement dismay dissatisfaction setback washout baulk balk blow chagrin discouragement failure flop bitter pill damp squib misfortune catastrophe disaster fiasco let-down dud debacle drag clunker bomb downer misadventure calamity lemon shame tragedy fizzle bust pity down fail wreck mishap blunder nuisance defeat botch annoyance mess clinker shock collapse miss turkey shipwreck crash disgrace lead balloon body blow kick in the teeth upset abortion pest bathos sin hash crime decline bungle misstep breakdown failing descent affliction non-event trouble trauma nonsuccess miscarriage problem non-starter reverse frost bad experience faux pas cropper crying shame bad luck dead duck dead loss sad thing unfortunate thing tough luck rude awakening cause for regret flash in the pan source of regret knock-back cause for disappointment sad situation loser nonevent no-hoper knock mischance crisis blank upheaval betrayal downside snag shortcoming pitfall disenchantment weakness deflation drop slump heartache burden ordeal adversity hassle vexation grief pain distress heartbreak tribulation ineffective conclusion sorrow torment albatross hardship travail drama bombshell surprise jolt whammy disillusion not what it was cracked up to be enlightenment cynicism negative aspect stumbling block foul-up disturbance thunderbolt suffering sadness trial bankruptcy downfall fall loss cross to bear sad event stroke of bad luck ill fortune stalemate snafu nonachievement nonperformance rout implosion demise flameout balls-up screw-up rotten hand bad scene bad trip bad deal raw deal bolt from the blue bolt out of the blue source of distress total loss false step vain attempt sinking ship lost innocence humbling belittlement demotion humiliation mortification downgrading ill luck ruin loss of face undoing lowering discomfiture reality check comeuppance degradation loss of status pratfall dive reduction choker accident contretemps cataclysm difficulty casualty woe misery reversal bad break bad news cross hard luck ill hitch harm disadvantage infelicity unluckiness reverse of fortune rotten luck inconvenience visitation check vicissitude anxiety crunch discomfort dole lapse unpleasantness blight scourge car crash unluck worry haplessness issue injury glitch apocalypse hold-up slip devastation reversal of fortune ruination unfortunateness doom untowardness bane buffet jar bale hiccup mishanter delay waterloo unfortunate incident mistake error the worst double whammy meltdown one in the eye infliction miscalculation bit of trouble wretchedness emergency bath complication holocaust non-success damage bad thing offence obstacle hindrance impediment revelation stunner obstruction evil abyss curtains holdup hurt struggle hard times nemesis mishappening tough break stack-up total crack-up pileup fender-bender smashup wrack-up curse evil fortune evil chance offense hazard piece of bad luck smash stroke of ill luck hot water jaw-dropper dreadful thing awful thing terrible thing hard time hardshi downturn catastrophy rotten break devil's own luck hard cheese contingency rear-ender ill-fortune collision fluke nakba devastating blow lack of success detriment unpredictable outcome ill chance wrong drawback holy mess blue ruin unholy mess bother commotion tumult encumbrance impasse hurdle barrier exigency holdback handicap stroke unhappiness agony boo-boo prejudice dire straits ill-treatment disservice persecution farce flood depression crimp trammel inefficacy lot dolor heavy blow plague block cramp bafflement straits disbenefit mischief casus befalling bad trot shit show fell stroke rough situation act of God serious accident hard knocks bad fortune grievous blow rebuff complete surprise catch-22 hang-up destruction spanner in the works fly in the ointment monkey wrench cancer regression flip-flop unfortunate development slowdown backset regress about-face foil bottom insult canker repulse overthrow turnabout vanquishment conquering rear ender slight pestilence poison torture pang drawing board unseating deposition ousting vanquishing conquest toppling anguish whole new ballgame overturn end elimination debasement annihilation death ache affront Waterloo labefaction trip destroyer omission last straw loss of power stumble bad omen flaw fumble final straw fault subversion wound disbelief stupefaction astonishment confusion amazement consternation startlement hysteria non-achiever numbness loss of success sense of loss awe earthquake excitement encounter state of agitation eye-opener state of perturbation state of shock source of amazement source of consternation havoc desolation a bolt out of the blue a bolt from the blue


Lack of satisfaction
dissatisfaction discontent disappointment frustration discontentment disgruntlement displeasure irritation resentment unhappiness annoyance dismay exasperation disaffection disquiet regret anger chagrin disapproval malaise vexation disapprobation discontentedness disfavour disgust disregard distress grievance restiveness restlessness Weltschmerz anxiety aversion boredom complaint desolation discomfort discouragement disfavor disinclination dislike disliking disrelish distaste ennui envy fretfulness heartburn hopelessness indisposition jealousy lamentation malcontent malcontentment oppression querulousness trouble uneasiness weariness worry aggravation sorrow depression dispiritedness mortification discomposure indignation grief sadness upset anguish despair melancholy torment dejection misery despondency woe bitterness ill-humor gloominess disconsolateness gloom spleen embarrassment humiliation discomfiture pique crossness disillusionment disenchantment wrath fury rage umbrage smarting rankling shame disconsolation botheration bother aggro pip disheartenment ire ill-humour peevishness glumness disillusion unfulfilment downheartedness crushing baulk blow balk infuriation heavy-heartedness low spirits heaviness of heart heartache heartbreak agony desperation torture trauma angst suffering dolor affliction wretchedness tribulation sorrowfulness mourning shock infelicity grieving bereavement heavy heart lamenting bewailing emotional suffering rue heartsickness bemoaning broken heart mournfulness blues mental suffering mopes listlessness travail straits moodiness cheerlessness martyrdom pain funk perturbation disturbance unease unrest offence rancour choler incensement offense rancor consternation grievances outrage impatience alarm bad feelings disquietude horror righteous anger chip on your shoulder dolefulness dolour tearfulness dejectedness joylessness poignancy moroseness forlornness woefulness bleakness miserableness dismals downcastness melancholia dysphoria despondence lowness doldrums pensiveness pessimism dreariness dismalness defeatism abasement abjection dumps anhedonia despond abjectness blue funk a low broken-heartedness blue devils blahs the dumps the blues heavyheartedness turmoil tumult uproar disorder upheaval agitation confusion ferment chaos turbulence disruption rebellion anarchy insurrection uprising rioting conflict discord dither strife sedition protest unquietness fighting ructions quarrel tizzy instability fermentation tension change dissension trepidation anxiousness dissent altercation apprehension bickering nervousness fear controversy debate perplexity contention crisis disease Sturm und Drang


A state of low spirits
doldrums depression gloom gloominess glumness melancholy dejection despondency misery sadness unhappiness apathy boredom desolation despond despondence disconsolateness dispiritedness dolefulness downheartedness dreariness forlornness heartache heartsickness heavy-heartedness inertia joylessness listlessness malaise miserableness mournfulness oppression pessimism sorrowfulness tedium woe blahs blues despair dismalness ennui hopelessness blue devils bummer disinterest dismals downer dullness dumps funk inactivity indifference lassitude lethargy mopes sluggishness slump stagnation stupor torpor yawn low spirits black mood blue funk sorrow pensiveness melancholia grief moroseness defeatism dejectedness dolor desperation dolefuls megrim wretchedness wistfulness the hump the blues down trip cheerlessness discouragement distress anguish bleakness chagrin woefulness moodiness disconsolation worry disheartenment bitterness disappointment agony pain sulks catatonia dolour anhedonia mourning sullenness low dismay demoralization hump mopery broken-heartedness dysphoria mortification vexation horror heartbreak demoralisation heavy heart temper mood desperateness torture torment sulk grump tearfulness bad mood suffering hardship dourness regret paddy upset affliction infelicity angst bad temper misgiving anxiety mulligrubs mubblefubbles foreboding weariness saturninity discontent morbidity heaviness lowness excruciation tribulation travail straits abasement abjection abjectness low-spiritedness heavyheartedness heaviness of heart fit of pique the dumps slough of despond blue Johnnies the dismals the mopes devastation lugubriousness negativity mirthlessness Weltschmerz poignancy resignation dissatisfaction down discontentment grieving downcastness uneasiness displeasure resignedness trial cross misfortune rue burden ordeal a low broken heart somberness dashed hopes pet mope grouch huff pout snit pouts sulkiness strop being bummed dysthymia megrims qualm vapors vapours lugubriosity troubles fit of bad humour clinical depression discomfort fit of ill humour endogenous depression postnatal depression one's black dog reactive depression hell grumps deprivation poverty heartbrokenness foulie bate mard hurt Gehenna murder rack nightmare throe worriment stitch passion ache hurting pang twinge squalor headache bad news bout of moping fit of bad temper anvil chorus fit of ill temper


A sudden severe or prolonged fall in the price, value, or amount of something
slump drop collapse decline downturn plunge decrease depreciation downswing fall plummet slide crash depression falling-off lapse lowering meltdown nosedive recession reverse tumble devaluation steep fall trough blight bottom descent dip downer downslide downtrend dumps failure falling off funk low nose-dive rut sag slip bad period bad times blue devils blue funk rainy days the skids dive deterioration reduction lessening diminution drop-off downfall cut ebb abatement falloff downgrade dwindling decrement diminishment loss degradation degeneration downtick degeneracy decadence devolution shrinkage skid sinking dent depletion worsening fall-off decay retrogression step down waning declension slack hang slackness nose dive weakening droop ebbing debasement withering vitiation spoiling abasement declination stagnation wane adulteration deflation sinkage declivity ruin rotting markdown cutback diminishing down plummeting precipitation loss of value dropping off aggravation declining contraction slackening curtailment dropoff landslide slowdown dilapidation disintegration decaying breakdown let-up standstill inactivity eclipse ruining fading destroying harm spoliation rot enfeeblement debilitation dying down paralysis shakeout regression skydive downhill trend dégringolade downward spiral retreat corruption free fall corrosion perversion disrepair dislocation degringolade bottom-out failing devaluing bottom out cheapening sharp fall comedown atrophy downgrading lowering in value decrease in value discount backsliding reduction in value accounting allowance hollow concavity slant cant tilt sinkhole sink basin list distortion settling pitch drooping slumping sagging relapse spill header stoop bend bowing stooping bow flop concession topple cropper pullback deduction slash tailspin subsiding allowance cutting write-down settlement downcome plunging falling going down coming down slope incline impoverishment ramp slipping recidivism precipice chasm abyss impairment shrinking minimizing deficiency minimising cliff gully gorge depth gradient downhill downslope hanging easing chute dissipation backslide retrenchment minimization attrition falling away drain subtraction erosion recidivation ruination consumption dilution attenuation dissolution raceway fall from grace deepness difference decadency depravation demotion reversion receding disappearance deprivation minus alleviation privation downsize return retrogradation forfeiture squandering mitigation rollback lightening shortfall subsidence de-escalation compression striction decrescence condensation constriction dereliction crumbling tainting slowing expenditure exhaustion falling apart waste trip pruning trimming slimming letting up relaxation moderation expending using up use fade cessation dying away want retardation chopping limiting axing spoilation putridness wasting extinction senescence dying mold decrepitude mortification rust gangrene mould milking emptying sapping draining easing off desisting relenting dropping away dying out inclination hill scarp wasting away breaking down subdual subjugation slimming down bleeding cooling off petering out saving tailing off fall from favor original sin grade angle scaling down tapering off bank adret versant bajada escarpment lean rake running down upgrade camber channel trail track leaning rise and fall bevel runway heel shaft funnel conduit gutter tube course spillway sluice


The state of being unhappy, disappointed, or anxious
upset disturbance bother distress trouble worry disquiet agitation discomposure dismay perturbation alarm anger annoyance derangement fluster fright harassment inconvenience irritation turmoil vexation defeat disappointment disarray disruption grief grievance hassle hurt shake-up shock surprise torment affront commotion confusion destruction dislocation queasiness reversion problem subversion tizzy turn-up nuisance difficulty aggravation trial exasperation awkwardness uneasiness fuss disadvantage drawback pain unfitness unwieldiness hindrance cumbersomeness untimeliness unsuitableness troublesomeness stew headache irritant pest unhandiness peeve botheration bothersomeness frustration bugbear irk ruffle thorn aggro rub embarrassment uphill hair shirt discomfort downside incommodiousness incommodity stress uncomfortableness self-consciousness handicap liability minus negative debit strike disbenefit misfortune thorn in the flesh struggle pain in the bum pain in the backside trials and tribulations pain in the neck pain in the rear problems concern anxiety unease nuisance value unpleasantness tiresomeness incommode inopportuneness put out strain hang-up irksomeness pains snag effort danger pet peeve hardship exertion dilemma labour bulkiness bustle infuriation provocation pip labor teasing strife gall painfulness ado affliction puzzle tribulation gripe unhappiness bind woe deep trouble dire straits hot water predicament mess lack of comfort bane drag aversion chip on your shoulder cause of distress dislike sore point hate ghost downer bummer issues fair cow fizzle bad news task peskiness pestiferousness vexatiousness row pitfall pet hate bete noire bête noire old one-two bitter pill sorrow scrape delicacy difficultness provokingness risk peril laboriousness strenuousness arduousness struggling ticklishness discomfiture stickiness setback toil pressure hazardousness unmanageability perilousness chanciness dolour hangup travails perplexingness edginess tension nervousness thorniness jam imbroglio weight mental burden to-do exigency bafflement clunkiness riskiness ungainliness clumsiness heaviness interruption stirring interference ruffling annoyingness roiling importunity intrusion convulsion bedevilment harrying distraction whisking work pestering molestation bugging bothering thought care stirring up churning up expenditure rigor sweat attention rigour hitch flurry while elbow grease

Antonym of a letdown

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