Synonym of being abandoned


Having been deserted or left behind
deserted forsaken rejected ditched stranded discarded dropped jilted relinquished shunned dumped forgotten forlorn left neglected outcast sidelined ostracised ostracized cast aside eighty-sixed cast off cast away cast out left in the cold left in the lurch passed up side-tracked godforsaken left alone given up on out of the window isolated desolate lonely lonesome solitary friendless companionless alone vacant marooned vacated all alone lorn by oneself single void disused derelict unattended lone estranged cut off unloved uncared-for apart disregarded destitute withdrawn unwanted unbefriended spurned uncherished unpopular solo detached renounced unaccompanied betrayed lost ignored individual by itself without a friend in the world by yourself sequestered thrown over helpless unsocial untended unguarded separate scorned remote unwatched secluded without friends stuck reclusive without resources without assistance without help unescorted single-handed with no one to turn to odd without companions hermit stag removed high and dry on one's own bereft ownerless castoff languishing sad wasted despondent unhappy insulated segregated homesick unkempt grounded disdained refused returned rebuffed denied unattached feeling friendless unconnected introverted unsociable hermitic sole trapped alienated unique one distinct in difficulties dilapidated disheveled dishevelled adrift disliked only detested passed over without ties with no ties in the lurch to one side particular discrete onliest turned down despised unaided hated not cared for loathed all by one's self abhorred unwelcome unvalued disowned unappreciated troglodytic disconsolate unbeloved loveless unchaperoned partnerless solus left behind left at the altar not loved released loner isolate without an escort a cappella traveling light on your own discharged expelled discontinued


Empty or devoid of inhabitants
empty vacant deserted isolated uninhabited unused barren derelict desolate disused unoccupied vacated void bare idle neglected alone unpeopled forsaken forgotten unfrequented evacuated rejected untenanted depopulated lonely godforsaken unpopulated solitary tenantless unsettled clear blank unvisited stark devoid secluded vacuous clean discarded wild desert toom waste remote lonesome free unemployed discontinued moribund obsolete defunct superannuated forlorn depleted destitute fallen into disuse exhausted unfurnished dead deflated despoiled lifeless not occupied unfriended bereft left lorn uncouth no longer in use wanting lacking cast off left stranded unfilled unengaged disengaged left in the lurch without contents unlived in untouched emptied drained virgin plain uncultivated new available spare unmarked fresh untaken dormant sterile used up spent pristine unmanaged finished spotless sapped brand-new impoverished infertile unreserved gone to let without without life without living things stripped cleared spartan stagnant rough inhospitable trackless unfarmed rugged hollow uncivilized uncivilised unallocated unloaded unhired lone quiet white accessible unchartered unbooked untilled handy unequipped unfitted nescient usable undeveloped unploughed unplowed unplanted ignorant unseeded resting unsown expired rid unproductive exploitable not in use at hand on hand employable untended unmaintained relieved unfertile weakened consumed innocent lacking in up for grabs for the taking dissipated poor bony hardscrabble reduced boney diminished enervated fallow freed from free from sans unaffected by no longer affected by unfamiliar with untouched by expended squandered denuded uncultivatable arid kaput dry unacquainted with bankrupt sucked dry duff out flat dud worn out played out run out all gone at an end


Wild or uninhibited in nature or behavior
unrestrained uninhibited wild unbridled wanton reckless uncontrolled unrestricted corrupt intemperate rampant raw runaway unchecked unruly immoderate impetuous impulsive incorrigible unbounded unconstrained unhampered unhindered unprincipled shameless out of control uncurbed uncontrollable unimpeded ungoverned extravagant free untrammelled riotous excessive untrammeled out of hand unfettered unsuppressed undisciplined profligate unconfined dissolute violent irrepressible incontinent full-on unrepressed carefree devil-may-care unlimited boisterous inordinate unshackled furious self-indulgent uncontainable unquenchable unstoppable ungovernable audacious licentious immoral frenzied careless rabid hysterical boundless raging epidemic pervasive rampaging outrageous lavish widespread unbound loose prodigal unreserved proliferating profuse dissipated turbulent fast imprudent running wild hedonistic impotent demonstrative emotional untamed unlicensed extreme good-time rank madcap enthusiastic unconcealed crazy chaotic noisy unmanageable berserk crazed immodest effusive unreasonable exceeding bounds exuberant pandemic heedless rash unjustified undue rife natural touchy-feely growing capricious cavalier severe overindulgent passionate unwarranted mass footloose tempestuous egregious plenary open bizarre indiscriminate exaggerated candid limitless blunt depraved sinful gay wicked rakish O.T.T. uncalled for over the top dissipative debauched spreading like wildfire on the rampage excited frenetic decadent brash unsubmissive greedy unbalanced energetic fast-paced abundant volatile disobedient stubborn independent frantic self-gratifying salacious lacking self-control ebullient fierce overpowering ferocious agitated feverish delirious overwhelming frivolous foolhardy irresponsible not controlled daredevil slack harsh exciting louche fast and loose carnal temerarious gadabout mad exorbitant overmuch steep unconscionable stiff plethoric overextravagant insane overweening intolerable overdue disproportionate devilish towering too much fancy unmerciful baroque overkill unmeasurable way out superfluous enormous extortionate dizzying overabundant wasteful a bit much OTT gratuitous needless uncalled-for overboard superabundant super irrational too many surplus too great out of all proportion heavy over-the-top improvident preposterous substantial unjustifiable too-too indulgent redundant unwarrantable recrementitious stratospheric more supernatural extra sky-high improper far-out spendthrift thriftless unnecessary supererogatory vast over immense prodigious unrelenting unyielding unmitigated gross huge monumental massive over the odds tremendous serious humongous astronomical unusual whopping giant epic in excess abounding unrightful dear illegitimate posh costing an arm and a leg up to here unlawful unfair unjust illogical out of bounds wrongful absonant peremptory pricey senseless arbitrary unopposed unobstructed supererogative squandering exceeding unmatchable profusive blown up out of all proportion high-rolling unthrifty a lot very too de trop significant copious large great unreasoned voluminous ample considerable radical grandiose sizeable sizable extraordinary pompous pretentious monstrous infinite immeasurable astronomic stupendous fantastic thumping mega silly monster extensive ridiculous mountainous ludicrous mighty gargantuan colossal mammoth overgenerous gigantic drastic dire big substantive desperate strict uncompromising unbending stern forceful momentous tough far-reaching super-duper remorseless rigid exceptional consequential zealous sharp inflated abnormal increased heightened above average healthy jacked up intensified high major escalated handsome punishing austere fanatical punitive draconian rigorous bloated outsize hyperventilated fulsome hyperbolized outsized downright thorough absolute remarkable oppressive unconventional flagrant unseemly uncommon overblown overstated overdrawn nonsensical fabulous swingeing utter sheer over-elaborate hyped up out-and-out out of proportion untempered


Immoral or depraved in nature or behavior
immoral dissolute profligate depraved dissipated licentious reprobate wicked debauched sinful incontinent libertine degenerate corrupt decadent wanton loose perverted rakish debased lewd degraded warped perverse sick unwholesome demoralized promiscuous unclean lecherous jackleg rakehell rakehelly fast unchaste lascivious demoralised intemperate impure unprincipled libidinous unrestrained lustful shameless sybaritic wild louche concupiscent fast-living vicious self-indulgent voluptuary vile sensual salacious lubricious indecent prurient corrupted carnal indulgent pleasure-seeking swinging hedonistic base randy horny evil goatish gone bad pervy obscene vitiated wayward easy voluptuous disreputable gone to the dogs passionate bad hot coarse lubricous raunchy satyric hypersexual itchy luxurious epicurean dirty sordid lickerish filthy low whorish iniquitous fallen immoderate riotous defiled unconstrained light fast and loose of easy virtue in the fast lane high living uncontrolled deviant immodest amoral foul twisted lotus-eating lax ribald hedonic gross smutty pleasure-loving sleazy fleshly roundheeled erotic unvirtuous bacchanalian brutal criminal saturnalian sicko scungy raffish kinky unnatural unhealthy rotten violated deteriorated drunken open in the gutter lacking restraint night owl despicable inferior abnormal aberrant distorted impertinent lawless dubious prodigal hellbent vulgarized vulgarised uncontrollable gone to seed unblushing wrong deviate scoundrelly careless rascally tarty unbridled slack slaggy roguish improper incorrigible uncurbed hardened imprudent heedless riggish knavish trashy profane stag blue porny bawdy pornographic crude gutter nasty vulgar unprintable unregenerate grotesque vitiate sadistic contorted impaired tainted naughty sensualist rude sexual unrestricted philandering uninhibited impious overindulgent inconstant irresponsible animal unruly unmoral desirous relaxed scabrous disorderly lost decaying declining unscrupulous attractive enticing hedonist delightful appealing desirable pleasing monstrous misguided gourmandizing gluttonous no better than one should be out of control nefarious flagitous locker-room venereal luscious extravagant lush Dionysiac ruttish miscreant villainous mean wolfish hircine X-rated hot to trot greedy binge-eating dirty-minded gourmand connoisseur foodie sensuous freethinking sexy steamy amorous suggestive racy ardent hot-blooded aphrodisiac titillating amatory aphrodisiacal spicy physical aroused adult arousing disgusting lusty indecorous erogenous indelicate erotogenic explicit bodily risqué offensive off-color off colour off-colour gamy near the knuckle bestial earthy romantic torrid sultry saucy raw unsavoury scandalous unsavory erotical cheap stimulated corporeal questionable fruity excited scurrilous nudge-nudge toey orgiastic hankering dishonourable itching stimulating exciting hot and heavy heavy infamous unrefined animalistic loving tasteless grubby ignoble flirtatious crass venereous taboo Rabelaisian unseemly dishonorable scatologic hard-core porno scatological salty off foul-mouthed turned-on gamey turned on rapturous off-colored in bad taste near the bone material somatic corporal sex-hungry broad profaned genital provocative coital desecrated uncleanly champing at the bit craving degrading low-down juicy red-blooded warm-blooded voyeuristic porn Fescennine not pure longing personal red-hot sizzling ithyphallic Cyprian unconventional rank barnyard excessive skin beyond the pale warm wistful scorching provoking mature avid obsessive enthusiastic fervent tender yearning wooing rousing ungodly seductive impassioned titillated frisky fervid purple unspiritual foxy inflamed appetitive demeaned flatitious vice-ridden desiring squirrelly inappropriate anacreontic physically gratifying sexually arousing sexually stimulating impolite sexually aroused sexually exciting in heat hard up hot and bothered sexed up on fire toey as a Roman sandal uncouth uncivil repulsive distasteful uncultured uncultivated malicious odious inelegant discreditable notorious colourful rough mucky grimy colorful low-down-and-dirty roughneck incult insensible unpolished lowbrow common lowbred rugged illiberal ignominious disgraceful shameful shocking shady contemptible dishonest reprehensible untrustworthy seedy outrageous suspect unworthy opprobrious of bad reputation suspicious seamy crooked shy slippery unrespectable shoddy fishy shifty dodgy in low esteem pitiable in the doghouse beggarly sorry abject scurvy lowly no good derogatory in bad inglorious


Lacking moral values
unprincipled dishonest unscrupulous immoral corrupt dishonourable crooked deceitful unethical shady underhand devious wicked tricky degenerate sinful dissolute sly reprobate base bent villainous profligate amoral wanton evil bad shameless cheating licentious unconscionable dishonorable sordid corrupted Machiavellian wrong roguish venal ignoble low unprofessional cutthroat mercenary conscienceless dastardly praetorian double-dealing two-faced two-timing double-crossing dirty-dealing depraved vile nefarious vicious debased rotten disreputable unrighteous perverted miscreant iniquitous monstrous dissipated indecent degraded wrongful dark contemptible criminal unlawful despicable black debauched heinous reprehensible unsavory unsavoury flagitious demoralized perverse unvirtuous abominable shameful demoralised detestable impure execrable loose abhorrent infamous mean ungodly diabolical unholy low-down warped deleterious baneful dishonored dishonoured worthless lowlife atrocious disgraceful decadent odious appalling nasty outrageous horrible low-life foul scandalous fiendish rakish hateful unclean lewd lustful wretched egregious devilish ignominious barbarous beastly dirty repugnant morally wrong irreligious not cricket murderous profane impious blasphemous abased heartless shocking defiled boorish putrid black-hearted diabolic sick loathsome cruel savage infernal inhuman ghastly barbaric good-for-nothing shabby horrendous brutal paltry disgusting revolting snide deplorable brutish ruthless flagrant opprobrious currish useless abject horrific violent intemperate unwholesome bestial merciless repellent vulgar sadistic degrading ferocious lascivious lecherous immodest libertine jackleg knavish brute underhanded remorseless treacherous sinister callous fierce harrowing inhumane butcherly rakehell bloody bloodthirsty disgustful dreadful cold-blooded vice-ridden rakehelly damnable unfair low-minded fraudulent insubordinate miserable shiftless sorry unjust dodgy feckless no-good lousy no-account incompetent obscene unchaste fast promiscuous graceless pornographic bawdy whorish saturnalian X-rated of easy virtue sacrilegious irreverent erring fallen sullied tainted godless illicit guilty dangerous illegitimate lawless indictable felonious illegal injurious damaging incorrigible scoundrelly stinking nocuous adverse hurtful noxious mischievous prejudicial baleful rascally malfeasant harmful pernicious peccable maleficent wayward ill detrimental bad news


Characterized by wild and uncontrolled behavior
riotous boisterous rowdy rollicking unruly noisy wild rumbustious loud roisterous lively unrestrained rough uproarious rambunctious robustious debauched knockabout uninhibited depraved orgiastic saturnalian coarse crass crude raw rip-roaring rough-and-tumble side-splitting bacchanalian Dionysian Bacchic uncontrolled bacchic roistering dissipated intemperate carousing boozy revelling dissolute wanton crapulous dionysian bibulous sottish frenetic unbridled wassailing reveling drunken Dionysiac Saturnalian active animated disorderly bouncy overexcited ebullient vibrant excited spirited exuberant frisky high-spirited wayward undisciplined clamorous tumultuous raucous impetuous hell-raising romping wilful in high spirits clangorous obstreperous effervescent brawling vociferous strident vociferant energetic over-the-top turbulent wild and woolly termagant mean rude slapstick farcical casual nasty harum-scarum gruff tough harsh rugged inharmonious jarring playful carefree merry frolicsome hearty joyous jaunty swashbuckling sprightly jovial cavorting sportive devil-may-care lighthearted happy thumping ripping joyful cheerful fun-loving rollicksome glad full of beans disobedient refractory recalcitrant ungovernable unmanageable rebellious intractable uncontrollable insubordinate defiant contumacious contrary froward willful difficult lawless headstrong mutinous untoward violent anarchic balky disruptive rebel fractious recusant chaotic incompliant restive perverse incontrollable incorrigible irrepressible lawbreaking troublemaking anarchical reckless ornery unyielding impulsive quarrelsome opinionated heedless rash impervious bawdy imprudent forward inexorable assertive out of control attention-seeking out of hand out of line


Feeling or showing no sorrow or regret for wrongdoing
unrepentant impenitent shameless callous hardened incorrigible obdurate unregenerate remorseless unashamed unremorseful unrepenting unblushing uncontrite brazen confirmed incurable inveterate irredeemable unabashed unapologetic unreformable conscienceless not contrite immodest unembarrassed bold flagrant blatant audacious forward barefaced brash improper depraved outrageous profligate unprincipled impudent insolent dissolute arrant wanton reprobate cheeky rude lewd immoral brassy unchaste overbold high-handed presumptuous brazenfaced bald-faced indecorous unconcerned confident amoral undismayed undaunted unawed fearless unflinching unshrinking cocky unshamed poised brass-necked forthright abashless composed unrestrained unaffected bold as brass corrupt indecent overt undisguised unconcealed transparent without shame saucy pert impertinent fresh wise sassy nervy smart-alecky pushy flip smart presuming boldfaced contumelious assuming familiar brazen-faced bumptious arch cocksure brassbound procacious open bold-faced overconfident cool malapert defiant flippant assumptive off-base sheer naked loud disrespectful obtrusive overfamiliar gritty flashy irreverent free snippety arrogant forceful self-assured coming on strong cute smart-aleck smarty-pants facetious frank temerarious feisty lippy unreserved in-your-face insubordinate spirited discourteous unmannerly mouthy insulting impolite tawdry meretricious spunky hotshot gutsy overweening as bold as brass aggressive bad-mannered ill-mannered ill-bred daring uninhibited not backwards in coming forwards overassertive direct uppity overfriendly thrusting bantam relentless strident harsh noisy blaring self-assertive bare-faced over-assertive grating jarring hardhearted recidivistic unreformed raucous piercing thundering cacophonous deafening booming jangling dissonant shrill without regret without remorse discordant gaudy ear-splitting vulgar obvious patent jazzy tinny loud-mouthed showy garish glaring manifest conspicuous overbearing hard high-pitched metallic loudmouthed flirtatious evident unmistakable clear palpable noticeable bald pronounced straightforward egregious striking gross outright rank prominent undeniable flaunting unmitigated ostentatious crying protrusive unsubtle indisputable screaming cut-and-dried in plain sight


No longer in use
dead obsolete archaic extinct ancient defunct forgotten vanished bygone discarded disused lapsed antiquated superseded antique discontinued fossilised fossilized old bypast expired wiped out ended nonextant stagnant unemployed fallen into disuse no longer in use very old of yore out-of-date outdated out dated outworn old-time square superannuated anachronistic unfashionable old-fashioned obsolescent olden antediluvian behind the times tired unhip oldfangled moth-eaten mossy exhausted moribund stale mediaeval Noachian kaputt demoded hackneyed prehistorical kaput medieval rusty neolithic prehistoric démodé passé out of date out of style outmoded dinosaur musty moldy out of fashion vintage worn-out old-hat unusable unstylish out-of-style Stone Age mouldy has-been bent not with it old hat out of the ark out of commission out of use horse and buggy gone departed done lost past late finished deceased invalid extinguished terminated died out disappeared void done for former previous concluded destroyed asleep lifeless cold fallen doused nonexistent exanimate quenched exterminated erstwhile redundant one-time abolished vanquished long-gone dead and gone snuffed out of old missing irrelevant faded over demised low breathless unrenewed perished inanimate run historical ruined run out voided had it no more at an end unremembered unrecalled ex- down the drain ancient history dead and buried effaced eradicated obliterated wrecked annihilated extirpated demolished way back lost and gone way back when latter-day lost in time consigned to oblivion in the past over and done with inactive a thing of the past devastated frittered crushed snuffed unknown inexistent no longer extant no longer existing passed on smothered no longer known earlier completed quondam no longer alight put out not burning foregone forepassed long-ago gone by down memory lane sunk in oblivion




In a dilapidated or disintegrating condition, typically about to fall apart
decaying declining dying waning collapsing crumbling degenerating battered broken-down decrepit deteriorating failing perishing ramshackle shabby tumbledown forsaken languishing neglected run down eroding in decline in disrepair in ruins oxidising oxidizing rotten rusting falling apart on the decline breaking down breaking up falling to pieces on its last legs on the way out wearing away in a state of disrepair on the rocks dilapidated disintegrating derelict fragile rickety unsound rundown rumpty crumbly rotting decomposing weak in bad condition seedy caving in falling in gone to rack and ruin flimsy shaky putrefying moldering subsiding peeling broken ruined mouldering breaking shacky shambly withering ruinous insubstantial frail run-down feeble uncared-for tumble-down falling apart at the seams coming apart at the seams damaged corroded coming undone disintegrated crumbled in poor condition squalid dingy slummy grotty crummy unmaintained unstable insalubrious wobbly unsteady precarious depressed insecure tottery tottering unsafe brittle rocky breakable down at heel unbalanced stagnating stagnant vulnerable obsolescent frangible infirm tenuous wavering forceless atrophying friable rattletrap standing still moribund splintery smashable jerry-built shatterable destructible fracturable destroyable disappearing dwindling dodgy vanishing at a standstill past it seen better days past its best fading threadbare diminishing going easily broken foundering easily destroyed worn expiring tacky deteriorated bedraggled decayed sinking tired creaky ebbing passing creaking used closing ending antiquated superannuated doomed quavering shaking haggard worn out worn-out beat-up becoming extinct worse for wear weather-beaten ill-maintained


Acting or done without forethought, or having the tendency to do so
impulsive spontaneous precipitate hasty headlong impetuous rash unpremeditated capricious extemporaneous hurried impromptu instinctive snap incautious intuitive involuntary uninhibited unplanned whimsical adventurous daredevil emotional foolhardy freakish injudicious reckless sudden thoughtless unconsidered unprompted unrepressed unthinking abrupt daring imprudent irresponsible madcap offhand quick unguarded unpredictable unwary automatic brash careless hectic passionate perfunctory speedy superficial swift unexpected unmeditated wild hot-headed spur-of-the-moment ill-considered ad-lib devil-may-care ill-thought-out jumping the gun winging it heedless overhasty precipitous ill-advised temerarious harum-scarum indiscreet foolish hare-brained negligent inconsiderate hotheaded unwise irrational improvident harebrained rushed audacious mindless premature precipitant unprepared extempore slapdash casual ad hoc helter-skelter ill-judged off-the-cuff improvised improvisational misguided flying unrehearsed extemporary venturesome venturous kamikaze hell-for-leather offhanded silly regardless unthought-out cursory overbold unheeding gadarene senseless unstudied headstrong carefree flighty drive-by pell-mell ill-conceived scatterbrained frivolous short-sighted stupid bold haphazard down and dirty improvisatory inattentive giddy unforeseen over-adventurous jumping to conclusions on-the-spot unrestrained crazy crackbrained half-baked overconfident scatty impolitic erratic brainless out of the blue previous illogical uncontrolled furious unanticipated insouciant unarranged unsafe reactive instant unscripted death-or-glory over-venturesome unreasoned tearaway undesigned immature ad lib unreasonable uncareful futile unreasoning birdbrained ad libitum knee-jerk playing with fire off the cuff not bargained for from the hip tactless unintentional without notice without warning unintelligent idiotic impractical crackpot inadvisable undiplomatic unbridled nonsensical unintended imbecilic natural indelicate rapid cavalier clueless moronic adventuresome immediate graceless remiss inexpedient wanton fast inadvertent inept irreflective desperate lightning dizzy witless intemperate ill-timed unmindful flippant damfool breakneck subitaneous fleet dippy immoderate neglectful unpracticed dotty free fiery frenzied insuppressible determined blind unannounced easy-going shortsighted instantaneous rushing unscheduled random accelerated featherbrained makeshift light-minded fast and loose lamebrained unsound idiotical simpleminded meaningless pointless not thought through lamebrain nonrational not planned fruitless out of control dim-witted half-witted free and easy not in the cards not rehearsed unlooked-for spur of the moment off the top of your head feather-brained frantic uncircumspect heady impatient suicidal unthoughtful unconscious radge uncoordinated snatched misjudged chaotic wacky lively daft inconstant divvy violent inappropriate undesirable wrong unduly quick undiscerning unreflective naive unsuitable eager fierce ardent overventuresome dumb romping disorderly unsmart impassioned vehement untimely unsystematic unempirical badly thought out nonchalant unconcerned happy-go-lucky self-destructive listless unreflecting adventitious aleatory too soon inopportune autoschediastic improv extemporized wrong-headed extemporal fervid restive absent-minded airy disregardful uncaring careless of blithe improviso informal uncontrived half-cocked catch-as-catch-can swaggering untroubled breezy unworried indifferent fly-by-night sloppy bull-in-a-china-shop without regard extemporised lackadaisical careless of one's duty ditzy skittish by ear made-up on impulse cobbled together thrown together badly planned going off deep end unadvisable asleep at the switch out to lunch seat-of-the-pants easygoing easy unselfconscious unaffected relaxed excitable unwatchful unobservant off-guard blindsiding unheralded unalert uncautious wary unvigilant extravagant frothy batty dopey goofy ditsy puerile yeasty unworkable unhoped for unlooked for leaving self wide open off the deep end nutty dappy lavish genuine open ridiculous unformed sophomoric undeveloped unrealistic excited bemused gaga bubbleheaded unscientific fast-and-loose unreserved caught napping asleep at the wheel leading with one's chin off guard pay no mind sticking one's neck out not careful any old way asleep on the job foot-in-mouth brisk underdeveloped risky unrestricted prodigal unfettered profuse abundant volatile excessive empty-headed light-headed nippy snappy zippy raw unchecked unruly rampant corrupt runaway blistering galloping rattling mad hot unhampered unconstrained unhindered incorrigible unprincipled unbounded footloose and fancy-free breathless poorly planned splitting sharp meteoric not fully developed cock-eyed shameless overnight expeditious spasmodic acute quickened quickie whirlwind explosive unusual steep speeded fleet-footed rapid-fire fast-track whistle-stop very fast without delay asinine fatuous absurd inane preposterous insane lunatic ludicrous loony daffy kooky zany thickheaded jerky tomfool lunkheaded whacky doltish weak-minded simple cuckoo loopy looney dim kookie screwball balmy cockeyed sappy chowderheaded impracticable fantastic risible laughable pea-brained screwy wooden-headed vacuous ignorant featherheaded barmy gormless pinheaded chuckleheaded glaikit dotish softheaded maladroit brain-dead bizarre slow-witted unpolitic imperceptive thick fool cockamamie soft boneheaded dunderheaded misconceived feebleminded fanciful fantastical confused unperceptive obtuse harsh dull imbecile derisible muttonheaded untactful dozy dopy cockamamy napping unwarranted erroneous fat-headed fallacious unfounded gauche thick-witted improper outrageous weird crude gruff insensitive strange slipshod errant erring infantile farcical peculiar clumsy unsagacious eccentric unreal bungling dense grotesque incongruous queer unsubtle unpolished rough childish deaf apathetic vulgar blundering awkward odd unstable unadvised halfwitted cretinous oblivious nitwitted off-the-wall myopic oafish slow blockheaded potty nerdy unearthly weak bonehead opaque forgetful dorky knuckleheaded airheaded dof sheepheaded credulous pie-faced muddle-headed boorish disadvantageous unfortunate detrimental unpractical infelicitous misplaced prejudicial harmful damaging poor stray straying feckless idiotish squirrelly unsensible unrecommended smoothbrained bad shiftless very stupid unsympathetic off course uncalled for not recommended unwitting abstracted aberrant doolally gonzo wacko off your head off your trolley smooth-brained unreliable off the air up the pole soft in the head inconsistent uncreative unimaginative indiscriminate mercurial monstrous unthinkable wackadoodle astonishing bewildering shocking nonconformist crazy-ass mystifying extraordinary implausible abnormal unique incredible baffling wackadoo phenomenal puzzling unbelievable undiscriminating inconceivable outré dreamlike offbeat surreal rum remarkable funky quixotic quirky derisory weirdo lacking foresight short-term near-sighted uncivil blunt spaced-out off-kilter lax unselective unexacting crass unresponsible beyond all reason bird-brained out of all reason uninformed heedless of paying no heed to inattentive to neglectful of blind to unheeding of regardless of taking no notice of disregardful of unconscious of deaf to not paying attention oblivious to uncritical indiscriminating decadent mistaken deluded fast-paced licentious self-indulgent self-gratifying exciting slack salacious gadabout louche carnal profligate


Having no use, purpose or reason
worthless valueless useless futile pointless ineffectual meaningless unavailing paltry trifling empty ineffective nugatory unproductive fruitless inferior no use defective deficient hollow inadequate inconsequential insubstantial measly miserable poor senseless trashy trivial unsatisfactory banal chaffy insignificant junky lame negligible nickel-and-dime no-good null pathetic petty poxy rubbishy silly unimportant unusable vain wanky wretched bootless inutile of no benefit pants piddling to no avail unfructuous barren bogus counterproductive ignoble mediocre nothing profitless rubbish sterile unessential unprofitable waste not much cop two a penny a dead loss a dime a dozen not worth a hill of beans despicable niggling piddly picayune pimping inconsiderable piffling chicken nominal peanut slight footling minute de minimis Mickey Mouse no-account abject drossy contemptible cheap base tacky ticky-tack unfashionable cheesy tasteless inelegant unstylish dowdy styleless ticky-tacky ratty poor quality garbage shabby cruddy tawdry low in quality crummy flimsy good-for-nothing grungy unsuccessful inefficacious idle abortive otiose purposeless hopeless impotent in vain aimless failed to no purpose inept to no effect feckless of no use inefficient unrewarding weak incompetent powerless unfruitful needless feeble non-successful wasted irrelevant purportless without rhyme or reason thwarted unpurposed unable unremunerative inoperative inexpedient of no avail unnecessary impractical incapable motiveless no good vapid frivolous insufficient without success no dice hamstrung inane scrap expendable mindless foiled indecisive impracticable stupid baulked superfluous unfit bungled doomed unprolific balked Sisyphean on a treadmill uninspiring lacklustre not worth the candle lackluster lifeless thankless anticlimactic unworkable nonfunctional forceless withered unreasonable unfunctional void unreal dysfunctional nonsensical dry goalless unsuitable indiscriminate forlorn vacuous vacant delusive frustrated unsubstantial disastrous misfired limited disadvantageous unavailable unhelpful exhausted casual unlucrative redundant botched lost nonpaying uneconomic of no value loss-making uncalled-for broken gainless inapt drifting uncalled for lousy for nought pyrrhic unsalable specious failing groundless throwaway unserviceable absurd insincere stillborn nonpractical objectless bungling dead of no earthly use time-wasting miscarried unuseful inoperable resultless unneeded baseless insipid insane fatuous no-win puny misleading unnotable shuck delusory defeated unimpressive rotten dull rambling unfounded frustaneous wandering not useful effete save one's breath nongermane going nowhere scant boring no good to gundy Pyrrhic uncreative slow unyieldly nonproductive lazy blocked wasteful for naught in vicious circle not a prayer adrift bad lacking foundation stale ruined spoiled not needed gratuitous spinning one's wheels wild goose chase uninteresting unmeaning unsound spoilt without grounds without foundation tedious arid flat commonplace helpless impossible not pertinent designless thoughtless witless illogical irrational wanton not serious messed up oblivious dreary monotonous drab unstimulating prosaic humdrum apathetic unanimated listless muted lustreless spiritless unjustified desultory brainless random unskillful unskilled unfilled clear ill-fated bleak ill-suited inappropriate unsuited undirected ridiculous floundering haphazard inexpert unskilful incompatible junk not proper unadvantageous inconsistent not good enough improper unachievable despaired of beyond remedy tame wishy-washy hit-or-miss bum inproficient unproficient unused unwanted lacking ability flaccid unbeneficial insolvent nonprofit excess defeasible spineless innocuous neutralized neutralised unviable nonviable slack-spined extra no-go not effective supernumerary leftover uncommercial uneconomical remaining discarded spare surplus non-paying non-viable non-profit-making running at a loss left over


Not controllable
uncontrollable ungovernable unmanageable unruly recalcitrant intractable refractory wild disorderly disobedient obstreperous undisciplined defiant delinquent froward headstrong incontrollable incorrigible insubordinate non-compliant stroppy turbulent untoward violent wayward wilful willful bolshie contumacious out of control badly-behaved excited fractious freaked indocile indomitable insuppressible insurgent intense lawless obdurate obstinate overpowering overwhelming strong stubborn undisciplinable unrestrainable beside oneself like a loose cannon rebellious difficult contrary rowdy mutinous riotous rebel balky incompliant restive disruptive recusant uncooperative unrestrained troublesome out of hand perverse irrepressible badly behaved boisterous uncontrolled awkward rough self-willed anarchic errant unyielding insurrectionary seditious ill-disciplined mischievous noisy chaotic naughty unbiddable noncompliant unbridled uproarious revolutionary disaffected attention-seeking raucous misbehaving lawbreaking resistant bad rumbustious impetuous problematic rampageous opinionated quarrelsome reckless ornery loud rollicking troublemaking rascally roguish uncontainable uncompliant rude rambunctious inexorable impossible intransigent rash intemperate mulish anarchical rioting factious radical truculent mean dissident ungoverned impish bloody-minded impudent insolent anarchistic nonconformist bellicose pugnacious cantankerous unconstrained erratic threatening exasperating wrong adverse roisterous unfavorable unfavourable pervicacious tumultuous unrelenting impulsive clamorous robustious rackety heedless unpredictable impervious imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy rampant insubmissive insurrectionist unreasonable unwilling renitent pigheaded knockabout hell-raising dissentient demanding disturbing treacherous annoying out of line disloyal dissentious obstinately disobedient stiff-necked argumentative disordered petulant iconoclastic treasonable militant bull-headed cussed disturbed maladjusted criminal peevish bullheaded runaway tempestuous malicious hardened aberrant thrawn traitorous playful contrarious up in arms sinful loudmouthed tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish out-of-line out-of-order fiendish gallus wanton tough evil ruffianly without law and order unorthodox ill-behaved full of mischief fierce cross-grained unsubduable devilish hard to handle subversive untameable cross exuberant impotent unaccommodating robust crazy hysterical nuts outrageous madcap insurmountable berserk dangerous untrained challenging unstoppable unsettling upsetting rampaging antisocial opposing fickle unquenchable unsteady capricious unschooled swaggering swashbuckling cavalier resisting persistent resolved malign malevolent maleficent determined spiteful tricky loutish withstanding flyaway unlawful inflexible distracting unbending uncompromising contentious inconsistent roughhouse divisive adamant malcontent indisciplined dogged disorganized unpersuadable unmalleable relentless unremitting immovable implacable brawling ugly problem callous vicious unbearable undependable intolerable pertinacious wild and woolly deranged disorganised turbid hedonistic uncontained termagant immoderate unchecked unhindered unconventional uncurbed unbounded stubborn as a mule disputatious helter-skelter hardheaded drunk lacking self-control hard dysfunctional uncomplying adamantine immoral arbitrary unfettered extrovert uninhibited disrupting off-base restless individualistic warring armed sabotaging alienated attacking misbehaved on-a-tear out-of-control ossified unresponsive inconvincible pat artful tenacious self-indulgent strong-willed licentious corybantic incautious profligate irrational raunchy kiddish infantile ill-natured sly frolicsome foxy bothersome thoughtless immature childish inconsiderate disrespectful wicked impolite whiny thrilled raving causing trouble thorny burdensome knotty teasing worthless socially impaired belligerent trying aggressive tiresome hot-tempered pesky sullen hostile nasty troublous confrontational combative bold irksome scrappy wearisome offending untimely unfortunate giddy flighty disobliging complex insoluble hard-nosed self-opinionated wrong-headed sinning inconvenient inopportune revolting mutinying terrorist erring deviant uncivilised tyrannous despotic heterodox terrorising warlike savage barbarous untamed unregulated unpeaceful terrorizing uncivilized nihilistic uncultivated infringing piratical bad-mannered unanticipated ill-timed unexpected culpable transgressing guilty impossible to cope with straying unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed unlucky unwelcome infelicitous inauspicious inapt irritating unsuitable inappropriate shifting stray deviating miscreant heretic devious fallible unreliable meandering errable lively off straight and narrow romping inimical vexatious malapropos badly timed unseasonable unpropitious misfortunate unpliable unpleasant hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless firm steadfast single-minded strong-minded indurate resolute unhelpful obstructive rigid fixed dissenting iron-willed pig-headed unshakeable persevering antagonistic unflinching unshakable irritable negative nonconforming deaf to reason steely schismatic discordant grumpy set in one's ways ill-tempered diehard estranged haughty sectarian dead set on reluctant bad-tempered feisty stalwart resistive conflicting ratty choleric narky shirty crabby disagreeing partisan rival shrewish unwavering unadaptable hesitant litigious purposeful averse opinionative strict touchy querulous insistent stiff iron prickly chippy unrepentant disagreeable harsh as stubborn as a mule rigorous stringent ruthless merciless hard-line staunch stony immutable not giving an inch unswayable hard and fast hard-core locked in contradictory inimitable irreconcilable morose sulky nonobservant renegade limit heretical maverick assiduous tireless indefatigable treasonous importunate apostate with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way boneheaded unreceptive unbendable intent separatist factional proud aloof divided split loath negativistic indisposed unalterable hardline unreformable vexing unmoved unbreakable dogmatic heady decisive convinced remorseless rock-ribbed hard-shell locked-in stiffened unappeasable grim quarrelling irregular forceful paradoxical contrariant arsey pushy bulky discommodious incommodious cramped domineering mullish hidebound wrongheaded antipathetic converse declinatory immalleable unmovable refusing divergent impatient durable objecting declining unimpressible blinkered dyed-in-the-wool unconvertible disharmonious with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in clashing ungracious uncompassionate impertinent hardhearted bullhead unemotional difficult to handle unchangeable brassbound unregenerate tough nut to crack cold fish proof against persuasion hanging tough set in stone set in your ways standing one's ground contending fighting controversial provocative daring audacious quarreling at variance at loggerheads at odds severe stern disregardful cheeky dareful sassy gutsy ready for a fight spoiling for a fight unenthusiastic grudging progressive reforming reformist extreme agitated grouchy flinty hard-hitting rugged testy revisionist fanatical progressivist extremist tetchy drastic unsentimental unsympathetic fanatic revolutionist rabid crotchety pettish unforgiving authoritarian exacting cold austere cool draconian angry passionate stormy ill-humoured unstable vociferous uncaring ferocious crabbed waspish curmudgeonly irascible involuntary afraid explosive unsettled snappish short-tempered splenetic in a mood peppery crusty quick-tempered scratchy desperate stony-hearted hard-shelled two-fisted hard-hearted hard-boiled ramrod heavy-handed hard-bitten cataclysmal demonstrative bitter cataclysmic far-out loony looney way out ultraist swivel-eyed snappy liverish bilious dyspeptic short-fused fiery perturbed destructive cranky peckish fretful eggy soreheaded in a bad mood laggard forced enforced demurring captious as cross as two sticks miffy waxy snaky roller-coaster thin-skinned huffy complaining ill-humored full of ups and downs full of conflict in turmoil full of confusion full of upheavals on a short fuse unwishful uneager begrudging unobliging uninclined like a bear with a sore head having got out of bed the wrong side


Intimidating or aggressive in nature
dangerous menacing threatening treacherous savage wild vicious hostile aggressive brutal feral grim harsh intimidating sinister unsafe violent barbaric barbarous brutish dodgy foreboding frightening ill-boding intimidatory malevolent mean murderous nasty ominous spiteful untamed vile abhorrent cruel dark deadly depraved desperate evil ferocious fiendish fierce hurtful malicious malignant minacious minatory monstrous nefarious rancorous rowdy serpentine terrible uncivilised uncivilized uncontrollable venomous villainous vindictive viperous wicked rough unruly lawless callous thuggish rabid bloodthirsty ruthless criminal disorderly maniacal sadistic pitiless merciless homicidal heartless inhuman hotheaded ruffianly tough unmanageable dire forbidding direful alarming baleful dreadful severe worrying terrifying fearsome horrible bad ghastly disturbing frightful inauspicious awful horrifying scary daunting chilling ugly horrendous fearful shocking grave bodeful distressing doomy hair-raising redoubtable formidable dread serious unfavorable unfavourable black gloomy brooding petrifying appalling harrowing spine-chilling ill unpropitious disquieting inhospitable hard unpleasant bleak dismal baneful harmful perilous glowering painful lowering apocalyptic austere portentous dour ill-fated unnerving grievous unpromising critical depressing upsetting heavy rapacious destructive rugged bitter adverse disagreeable spooky mean-looking stark unfriendly creepy unwelcoming dismaying startling hideous horrid nightmarish life-threatening sobering extreme precarious atrocious unlucky malign scaring thunderous inhumane remorseless truculent wintry fell malefic beastly brute fateful raging loury louring glum injurious damaging butcherly warning wintery morose troubled tigerish traumatic gruesome ill-omened bloodcurdling perturbing wretched disconcerting sickening negative sombre solemn somber disastrous acute lurid macabre disheartening discouraging weighty unwelcome difficult strenuous unfortunate exacting causing fear excessive parlous desolate sad hardened lawbreaking looming moody ravening predatory overhanging approaching disadvantageous eerie tragic uncomfortable uninviting hairy jarring evil-looking eldritch blood-curdling spine-tingling untoward premonitory concerning diabolical unsettling suggestive of evil repulsive offensive odious wolfish foul sinistrous precursive augural malificent doomful presaging impending suggestive prophetic clouded prescient doomed haunting pernicious bestial furious fiery bloody wanton intense horrific sanguinary deleterious lupine detrimental ungentle stern steely gruff unmerciful unrestrained considerable significant straitened woeful hard-pressed joyless hopeless shadowy discommodious troublesome tortured undesirable full of hardship doubtful miserable objectionable gray mournful strained doleful grey oppressive pressing comfortless exigent messy jeopardous morbid rocky very bad cheerless infamous flinty impetuous convulsive delirious flagitious hateful abominable unspeakable incessive cutthroat raving enraged undomesticated hazardous arduous big intensive toilsome peracute punishing consequential major grinding taxing unprincipled heinous cold-blooded hellish angry frantic infuriated crazed mad excruciating tormenting execrable dreaded egregious lousy insufferable primitive biffo aggers lamentable grisly rotten terrific maleficent agonizing inconvenient punk vengeful imposing catty racking torturing torturous vitriolic awesome corrupting wounding corruptive vituperative poisonous corrupt wrenching overpowering evil-intentioned ill-natured ill-intentioned heartbreaking nerve-racking heart-rending gut-wrenching earnest fatal forlorn sedate urgent devastating ill-starred sober unamusing ruinous far-reaching awe-inspiring all-powerful tearing vexing stressful agonising soaring pessimistic lowery


Deprived of, or not having, parents


Past tense for to cancel or abort with something that was planned or agreed on


(abandon someone/something to) Past tense for to give up or relinquish control of someone or something


In a solitary manner
solitarily solo individually alone independently forsakenly friendlessly unaccompanied unchaperoned all by one's lonesome companionless forlornly hermetically isolatedly lonesomely singly solely unaided unassisted unattached unattended unescorted desolately detachedly stag all alone on one's own by oneself single-handed single-handedly without companions by itself by your own efforts in a solitary state under your own steam batching it lonelily alonely secludedly abandonedly remotely uninhabitedly soly privately hiddenly godforsakenly reclusively separately uniquely quietly vacantly emptily onely secretly hermitically covertly unsociably singularly undisturbedly specially barrenly barely lornly autonomously insularly introvertedly freely distinctly seclusively oddly inaccessibly virginly personally unapproachably unguardedly exceptionally exclusively retiringly antisocially reclusely unsocially unrelatedly destitutely unconnectedly reservedly monastically discretely closely shily unreachably by yourself obscurely aloofly confidentially particularly unassistedly unaidedly wildly originally distantly finally inconspicuously restrictedly singlehandedly singlely alienatedly independent uninterruptedly unwantedly unpopularly ruggedly tracklessly uncouthly roughly inhospitably sparely troglodytically disconsolately differently introvertly lastly respectively disconnectedly anchoritically disparately unusually atypically unitarily unevenly randomly abnormally distinctively anomalously untypically dividedly disjointedly diversely uncommonly uncommittedly availably incomparably celibately chastely eligibly unsupervised apart monkishly marriageably unfetteredly virginally without help without assistance without support on your own by one's lonesome on one's jack off your own bat on one's Jack Jones on one's own hook by one's own bootstraps as one's own boss on your tod all by one's self on one's own initiative of your own volition on one's lonesome

Antonym of being abandoned

Music ♫

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