Synonym of complete angle


A corner, especially an external projection or an internal recess of a part of a building or other structure
corner crook point bend cusp nook apex arc arch bow curvature curve edge elbow inflexion inflection knee turn wind crotch intersection niche projection recess divergence dogleg flare flection flexure fork notch obliquity turning twist hairpin bend hook round kink curvation curving loop sweep shift hairpin dog-leg crescent deviation deflection zigzag bending oxbow incurvation yaw half-moon sharp bend joint semicircle curl convexity curling tack camber circle veer swerve ellipse hairpin turn circuit arching sharp turn hairpin curve curvity lean shape warp junction circular line swoop crossing crossroad carrefour crossways circular section rotation crutch ancon hinge circle segment circular arc revolution spin hunch right angle branch rim cloverleaf V Y ridge swivel cycle whirl twirl gyration winding hump flex half turn wheel pivot circumvolution spiral pirouette circulation trajectory roll swing gyre turnabout twisting undulation meander whorl catenary hyperbola sinuosity ogee circumference helix bight vault curlicue parabola horseshoe compass ambit chord rondure swell concavity contour incurvature bulge meniscus coil convolution ring hoop circlet band wreath eye anfractuosity flexuosity detour ringlet orbit drift corkscrew swirl screw flourish disc ball globe zodiac cirque orb roundel lap annulus vortex disk meandering sphere swish course circumgyration volute English bead volution scroll furl wresting wringing change of direction spring quirk wave crispation torsion twine yank wrenching braid snake sickle-shape knot demilune sickle turnout lunula noose oval loophole eyelet crossroads cresentoid lune exit declination diversion divagation halo refraction divergency veering slew swerving straying aberration departure convex figure concave figure horned moon crown turn-off old moon new moon glance ricochet turning away turning aside rebound drawing away divarication aureole bracelet belt full turn side road


A particular way of approaching or considering an issue or problem
viewpoint perspective slant standpoint position outlook approach aspect side take shoes direction light point of view vantage point eye view personal approach way of looking at something view opinion stance attitude way of thinking sentiment belief judgement judgment interpretation stand thought thinking feeling posture persuasion thoughts impression mindset frame of mind estimation mind ideas philosophy frame of reference perception leaning feelings sentiments notion understanding inclination assessment twist school of thought conviction bias disposition consideration two cents' worth standing orientation idea conception eye evaluation beliefs prejudice policy bent predilection facet reaction line conclusion theory estimate verdict hypothesis context say-so complexion hand concept proclivity determination assumption thesis appraisal way of looking inference contention supposition where one is at appearance predisposition partiality phase framework awareness spin convictions paradigm mood reflection reading call colour speculation vantage headset color worldview apprehension presumption conjecture deduction point way of looking at things suspicion fancy value judgment theorem surmise two cents worth vantage ground weltanschauung point of observation considered opinion point of vantage POV belief system look way manner reckoning fashion countenance one-sidedness setting tune deportment situation vision observation mind-set pose scope hue guise views judgment call respect ground way of looking at it firm stand model pattern ideology optique declaration say where one stands Anschauung long view input comment will variation generalization intuition suggestion resolution vent wish representation vote desire option intimation stereotype conceit preference decision suffrage part set of beliefs view of the world from the perspective of consciousness generalisation insight participation choice voice diagnosis underpinnings mode of view private opinion treatment alteration reflections right of speech vox populi right of free speech location spot guess postulate imagining presupposition post whereabouts bearings locus think emphasis analysis grasp comprehension elucidation discernment contemplation assimilation broad view overview say so temperament character sense hunch turn of mind reasoning grip faith temper knowledge tendency vein state of mind mental attitude gaging expectation personality projection cast of mind make-up postulation gauging picture account construal instinct sight version translation prospect glimpse impulse liking regard propensity penchant taste rating acceptance assent divination profession admission avowal axiom drift tenor trend argument sensibility world-view inclining riff persona makeup psychology mind set cast mentality psyche way someone's mind works mental outlook demeanor attitudes air world view demeanour mental state humour humor inkling recognition quality ethos spirit heart nature intellection identification acuity forecast indulgence prognosis calculation principle recollection trust sneaking suspicion surmising personal feeling funny feeling acceptation feel prediction signification construction educated guess valuation sizing up measurement approximate calculation measure rough calculation rough guess informed guess mensuration guesstimate approximation appraisement ballpark figure conclusions creed opinions viewpoints doctrine reason deliberation accepted wisdom musing rationalization rationalisation cerebration points of view study introspection cogitation meditation logic line of thought rumination ideation cognition denomination credo ism school way of life method style stamp


A given aspect, feature, or detail
respect aspect sense facet way regard perspective standpoint characteristic feature manner direction level viewpoint view detail position prospect side trait attribute particular point point of view quality slant factor part property question character component connection matter element ingredient specific particularity dimension constituent twist face hallmark theme mark portion phase strand hand peculiarity attribution essence stamp virtue trademark diagnostic affection quirk specialty idiosyncrasy marker criterion note earmark switch oddity touch differentia fingerprint individuality differential speciality measure surface plane ability distinction faculty cast indication tone flavour stripe tinge flavor penchant power sign habit streak highlight essential quality typical feature item consideration subject fine point information argument topic proposition statement bit section piece nicety opinion data info technicality circumstance datum issue appearance front obverse idea specification piece of information score nitty-gritty subject matter fact gen itemized information line of reasoning dope low-down notability gimmick gag integrant mannerism singularity foible thing eccentricity condition tendency bent lineament nature token custom symbol badge savor savour endowment look air disposition complexion concern bearing telltale sign article indicator form manifestation effect evidence determinant symptom proclivity trick sure sign temperament individualism mood caliber calibre affectation material case presence demeanour demeanor strain emblem uniqueness value genius parameter accessory essential knack impression semblance minutiae fundamental guise cause basis turn mien distinctive feature distinctive quality influence exterior curiosity atmosphere ambience affair figure unconventionality expression countenance individual trait feeling minutia clue member business image building block subcomponent attitude outline brass tacks garb story integral part contributing factor determining factor chapter and verse nuts and bolts proposal personal trait edge vein addition subtlety prodrome finish dash trace abnormality identification denominator birthmark merit incidental practice label tag distinctiveness facade signature constraint reference propensity standing proof façade marking grace charm distinguishing characteristic keynote redeeming feature point of character temper makeup hint eminence repute sort constitution status symbol aura feel nature of the beast predication description relation crotchet kink variable odor reputation odour prestige kind signature characteristic reason tic quiddity quip erraticism fetish affirmation make inclination frill variable quantity dynamic characteristic gesture nature of beast way of it name of tune unorthodoxy style development strong point instrument instrumentality thumbprint frame personality originality means spirit smell principle bag looks antecedent part and parcel lowdown scoop picture rundown cue foundation extent scope notion situation exigency talent outward presentation gospel integrand vista features deportment carriage mode dress module what's what bottom line whole story gift facts of life ABC's particle root basic stem outward aspect pose shape outer shell screen fashion outward form outside aptitude count instance unit capacity capability flair schedule structure circumstantiality fraction matter at hand area focus thesis field blurb report entity body motif discussion state scenario concept news substance gist problem point in question principal object account ABCs head facility qualification minor point strength meat and potatoes habilitation data point personal talent natural gift


A trick or an action intended to deceive
ruse trick artifice stratagem ploy scheme wile device dodge manoeuvre subterfuge deception machination maneuver contrivance gambit con plot tactic gimmick hoax deceit scam expedient move sham feint shift game jig imposture stunt blind wheeze smokescreen shenanigans scenario twist switch curveball game plan cunning plan booby trap red herring oldest trick in the book plan setup method action course of action approach design policy way procedure strategy methodology tactics racket system recipe line of action measure fetch means course arrangement tack programme program technique master plan style plan of action intrigue brainchild play knack sleight flimflam juggle shenanigan formula process blueprint path manner line route line of attack undertaking lurk proposition gamesmanship slant project operation practice routine step protocol mechanism regimen proceeding agenda conduct manoeuvring exercise mode drill form maneuvering little game modus operandi red tape set of tactics road map MO grand design conspiracy creation innovation wrinkle coinage concoction invention machinations cabal schlenter fabrication formation hustle frame-up covin direction secret plan planning rules measures steps fashion put-up job custom tenor variation schedule transaction pretext grift trickery how set standard operating procedure agendum channels series of steps the numbers the book SOP nuts and bolts performance scene bit proposed action story layout ground plan cunning chicanery guile jiggery-pokery hanky-panky chicane legerdemain jugglery craft cheating fraud skullduggery skulduggery sleight of hand one-upmanship artfulness craftiness slyness bait and switch beguilement dishonesty horseplay allurement monkeyshines scheming lure imposition dissimulation monkey business idea avenue option intention choice deal suggestion praxis behaviour possibility alternative proposal behavior enterprise disposition initiative thought submission animus purpose mode of behaviour mode of conduct method of working treatment projection pattern big picture roadmap action plan cheat pretence pretense swindle sting bluff put-on bunco con trick gyp fake set-up trap rort fastie confidence trick canard duplicity humbug wangle kidology lie snare cover flanker front prank masquerade sharp practice double-dealing fraudulence fast one spoof facade façade codology instrument guise funny business fix decoy shell game leg-pull finesse snow job rig joke fiddle sell falsehood rip-off show charade treachery pretension fakery jest misrepresentation resort evasion con game recourse resource bait fast shuffle expediency loophole stall deceitfulness caper manipulation stopgap refuge Trojan horse hypocrisy whitewash swindling disguise mask falsification falsity illusion bunko deviousness wiles act underhandedness dirty trick catch posturing semblance airs knavery pose fun sport concern secret counterfeit fixture false show false front veil impersonation playacting dissembling shamming make-believe medium makeshift escapade screen cloak delusion distraction ambush take-in toils substitute duping collusion demarche shuffle jive hoodwinking practical joke tool mendacity lying unscrupulousness hokum swizzle plotting diddle quackery sophistry sellout complot frame agency smoke screen confidence game cover-up appearance hocus-pocus affectation venture veneer management fourberie display dirty work claim face dirty pool shady deal false colours lack of veracity false excuse schtick feigning false pretense smoke and mirrors effect false display false appearance outward appearance gadget gizmo widget camouflage equivocation antic kicker jape feat irresistible bait savvy winning move road duck kite porky plans distortion boondoggle hidden danger deed bilk mare's-nest fallacy ride malarkey hogwash pork pie shuck crock fib insincerity struggle mock attack dupery tricks sweet talk soft soap crocodile tears cunningness improvisation contraption appliance sanctimoniousness cant falseness clever move exploitation swizz movement double-cross deceptiveness motion crookedness stratagems snow jiving likeness subversion bit of sharp practice piece of deception roguery crafty designs shifting gin song and dance phoneyness empty talk hypocritical talk hypocritical behaviour Tartufferie loss-leader shtick extortion stealing blackmail shakedown embezzlement furtiveness wire-pulling surreptitiousness waffle talk verbiage nonsense double-crossing conniving draft draught pitfall simulacrum showing simulation air profession imitation dumb act temptation hook dragnet inveiglement enticement seducement snag mere show honeytrap confederacy false colors lies propaganda misleading talk promotion aid apparatus publicity device eye-catching novelty dealing double cross crooked deal attempt progress effort charlatanry secret scheme come-on league fit-up hot air deviation disturbance distractor commotion diversion interruption sedition perfidy hookup countermine counterplot treacherousness disloyalty instrumentality attention-grabber golden circle curve ball false face false clue fool's errand false trail wild-goose chase diversionary tactic misleading clue solution -gate dirty tricks palace intrigue name net plant jazz wrong baloney cozening hoaxing bamboozlement web quagmire entanglement morass mummery cover up run around bill of goods costume personation color colour revel masking tanglement quicksand meshes play-acting noose


A concept or notion
idea concept conception notion conceptualisation conceptualization belief cogitation consideration discernment hypothesis interpretation perception presumption sentiment supposition thought view abstraction postulation premise suggestion thesis inference intellection message picture sense theory mental picture mind's eye theme fool notion knowledge mindset philosophy accepted wisdom impression opinion understanding image feeling thinking judgement judgment suspicion viewpoint inkling assessment mind fancy conviction hunch conclusion apprehension conjecture estimation position point of view persuasion hint indication way of thinking deliberation model contemplation deduction observation intuition reflection stance slant assumption awareness clue intimation speculation musing standpoint construct attitude appreciation perspective approach generalization thoughts vision meditation conceit stand generalisation rumination sneaking suspicion imagination visualization comprehension visualisation verdict argument outlook eye generality stereotype reasoning prospect consciousness study dream fantasy faintest pondering cognition contention presupposition plan cerebration surmise guess foggiest twist expectation ideas foggiest idea faintest idea realization faintest notion foggiest notion assimilation regard funny feeling representation concern presentiment taste soupçon declaration excogitation preconception vagary caprice inspiration design theorem imagining cogitating apperception envisaging realisation recognition statement pronouncement reading drift flavour flavor rationalisation nuance profession explanation signification rationalization intention agonizing brooding avowal evaluation ideology inclination brainwork insight feel gut feeling estimate sixth sense mental image grasp agonising prognosis disposition value judgment frame of mind mental representation mulling over leaning vague idea analysis formula paradigm meaning illusion reckoning comment premonition system elaboration structure remark phantasm reaction worrying puzzling reverie examination clarification construal scheme proposition wrinkle brainchild note point idée fixe posture determination connotation bias sensation say-so big idea brain wave thing aspiration contrivance notions sight judgment call tenor trend finding definition two cents' worth slight knowledge objective worry motivation intent utterance mental vision mental visualization tendency line line of thinking acceptance divination axiom resolution rationality assent admission way of looking whiff conclusions assertion claim advisement debate account alertness description superstructure identification principle recollection personal feeling grip prediction construction sniff allegation perusal anticipation attentiveness sensibility sentience attention acuity forecast indulgence calculation trust projection surmising acceptation faith beliefs views opinions viewpoints wind signal sign take absorption pensiveness ability to understand evidence implications sound vantage point proclivity predilection plea ability to imagine clue about responsiveness heed mindfulness notice observance ear standing elucidation dreams head imaginings reason introspection logic line of thought ideation two cents worth broad view overview context affirmation submission shoes say so where one is at eye view inward eye points of view mirror of the mind tablets of the memory eye of the mind case announcement asseveration character temper humour humor temperament advancement contestation charge predication maintaining quality personality make-up nature version complexion ethos heart philosophizing fancying meditating considering exposition philosophising state of mind cast of mind turn of mind way of looking at it spirit mental grasp postulate school of thought cognizance shot premiss sentiments feelings stab guesstimate side appraisal guesswork given hypothetical aspect if posit theorization shot in the dark apprehending acknowledgement acknowledgment convictions orientation datum prejudice bent light supposal realizing percipience enlightenment concluding inferring realising partiality direction intelligence call instinct headset think ground considered opinion vibes tingle frame of reference way of looking at things preconceived notion emotion proof gut reaction POV mention ponderings facet reflections attempt possibility hand hope deriving inducing scrutiny judging knowing seeing concepts proposal vein predisposition perceiving deducing rationalizing discerning tune policy accepting preconceived idea assuming prejudgement conceptualizations say translation look glimpse rationale provision tickle prickle respect input will induction consequence sequitur eduction hallucination dreaming nightmare mind-set vent wish vote desire option creed tenet presumptions hypotheses angles guessing riff variation preference decision suffrage part findings corollary results ratiocination theses premises point of observation from the perspective of long view credo dogma rationalising diagnosis participation choice voice messages pictures learning doctrine themes mind's eyes result answer mulling illation derivation apriorism basis grounds foundation vox populi semblance kaupapa right of speech intellect out-of-body experience head trip sweven sequence of images article of faith right of free speech period of deliberation period of contemplation period of reflection spell of deliberation spell of contemplation spell of reflection hold conceptualisations experience need conscious thought theorizing illumination hypothesizing approximation appraisement wisdom susceptibility information gaging propensity penchant weighing studying review inclining theorising hypothesising valuation informed guess measure stab in the dark passion response sizing up measurement approximate calculation rough guess mensuration educated guess rough calculation gauging ballpark figure presagement forewisdom auguration portent misgiving feeling in one's bones omination presage augury prenotice foreknowledge prenotation qualm glimmer prescience precognition foreboding forewarning boding preapprehension sensitiveness facts details epiphany truth revelation guidance edification clues data erudition illustration info education unravelment clearing up specifics explication


A direction diagonal to the weave of a fabric


A metal wedge which fits into the space between the type and the edge of a chase, and is tightened to fix the metal type in place


Fishing hook


To suggest or indicate something indirectly or covertly
hint suggest insinuate imply indicate intimate infer allude signal connote cue leak expose mean mention whisper broach adumbrate remind foreshadow hint at allude to give a clue drive at get at give an inkling tip off refer to allude to the fact drop a hint give someone to believe give someone to understand touch on bring up make a reference to the fact refer to the fact tip the wink let it be known say in passing tip one's hand let out of bag put flea in ear ascribe purport implicate impute betoken import denote signify refer presuppose intend point to say indirectly convey the impression point toward make out give a hint express reveal show convey bespeak evidence spell represent symbolize designate evince be a sign of manifest symbolise betray demonstrate communicate be evidence of display disclose exhibit stand for tell of prove give away impart mark declare reflect attest make smack of make known testify to bear witness to propose add up to say tell correspond to be symptomatic of be a symptom of illustrate typify spell out evoke announce register point argue point at peg divulge be an indication of acknowledge symbol flag up admit confess unveil air pin down constitute cite proclaim conjure up equal exemplify witness let on advert pinpoint speak sign emblematize equate with signpost point in direction of point out bring to mind address discuss flash amount to lead to believe finger tab tag talk about button down make reference to the fact advertise advertize be equivalent to put one's finger on put down for contemplate aim design have in mind shew inform warn matter bear out present affirm assert rumor rumour portend herald serve as evidence of gesture towards offer name lead uncover concede spill allow avow mouth grant own predict wink talk carry bear feature draw attention to foretell answer for be an abbreviation of appear for exclaim ask stipulate arrange accost engage embody give someone an inkling of let cat out of bag spill the beans tip someone the wink about epitomize characterize promise shadow occur personify distinguish identify be summon up remind you of call up remind one of substitute for characterise comprise involve introduce predicate entail be a mark of add up hang sign on match put someone in mind of put one in mind of be redolent of make you think of call to mind put you in mind of mirror encapsulate correspond let out own up epitomise have overtones of have undertones of compare with be equal with give the impression have an aura of give a feeling of be associated with have an atmosphere of body forth advert to make allusion make reference mention in passing testify make up be a symbol of refer in passing mention en passant speak briefly of record make a passing reference make an allusion to articulate read augur relate be regarded as outline enunciate be symptomatic get across verbalise put into words pass detail summarise publicize describe clarify vent pass on frame get off put forward relay explain put verbalize speak about publicise summarize translate bring out phrase put across render


To work together underhandedly
work together conspire collude connive contrive machinate scheme collaborate finagle intrigue maneuver manoeuvre plot cabal complot consort devise wangle coconspire cogitate compass hatch be in collusion be in cahoots hatch a plot be in cahoots with participate in a conspiracy form a conspiracy get in bed with work hand in glove plan lay plans take part in a conspiracy frame up operate cook up make secret plans set up put up diddle hatch a plan frame design engineer plans hatch plans conceive a plan wheel and deal formulate plans mastermind concoct engineer form arrange conceive invent project come up with think up pull strings prepare develop abet formulate forge organize craft brew excogitate shape draft brainstorm blueprint outline promote be hand in glove work out play games draught organise rough out dream up trump up pull wires think of lay coordinate manipulate get together join together negotiate finesse cogitate on fraternize cooperate sympathize fraternise sympathise work closely confederate collogue wire hatch treason work against be an accessory work something out put out a contract slate choreograph orchestrate premeditate build contemplate budget calculate forecast detail map fashion represent mold sketch plan out think ahead quarterback map out steer meditate fix up sketch out chalk out think out trace ready scheme out bargain for strategize about figure out fix to rough in make arrangements lay in provisions set out lay out figure on line up block out reckon on mould create construct fabricate produce originate compose manufacture coin evolve improvise cast imagine chart spark discover vamp put together make up draw up throw together drum up ad-lib vamp up play it by ear head trip dope out whip up fake it get off hit on


To draw someone or something out, to entice, to lure as if with trailing bait


To divide into two or more branches
fork diverge divide part separate split bifurcate branch subdivide branch off divaricate spread furcate ramify branch out go separate ways leave go in different directions split in two turn off fork off expand extend disunite diversify sever bisect grow divide in two proliferate deviate depart split off turn aside go off at a tangent intersect cross disconnect disjoin divorce dissociate cleave halve sunder uncouple unlink decouple unyoke disassociate dissever resolve cut disjoint cut in two cut in half dimidiate hemisect dissect dichotomize split down the middle cut across break up break in two separate into two split up detach undo break isolate disengage unfix take apart break apart unfasten segregate unhitch disentangle abstract disarticulate disband disaffiliate partition rive dissolve section set apart cut off loose unhook break off break down fan remove withdraw free distance radiate disassemble luxate loosen disrupt rend alienate segment fan out spread out keep apart come apart cut up abjugate unstrap untether untie factionalize delink extricate reduce decompose dislocate unmarry dislodge move dismember relocate splinter disintegrate draw back dismantle put away distinguish clear disperse embroil estrange put asunder draw apart move apart scatter rupture unravel uncombine set at odds become disconnected pull apart come away become detached divide up tear apart wedge apart break open set at variance quarter shear carve chop carve up fractionate tear abscind chop up slice up dismount ray emanate tear off branch from radiate from be diffused ray out from shoot off from fan out from ray out

Antonym of complete angle

Music ♫

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