Synonym of complete care


The process or act of looking after and making decisions about something
management administration governance control government handling presidency direction conduct intendance charge command guidance managing operation oversight supervision running superintendence regulation stewardship superintendency surveillance headship overseeing leadership rule organization custody guardianship orchestration organisation controlling keeping wardship protection inspection execution governing auspices patronage coordination manipulation ward tutelage aegis maintenance safe keeping protectorship directing ruling regulating conducting supervising commanding administering orchestrating treatment law dominion polity bureaucracy domination power influence politics masterminding regimentation political practice observation instruction approach guard check keep trusteeship hands lap performance authority regiment prosecution sovereignty plan policy tactics regimen strategy leading guiding statecraft sway steering predominance regency executive empire ministry powers-that-be predominanc carrying out transaction wielding red tape the feds Uncle Sam monitoring policing ordering arrangement ministration trust adaptation classification alteration reorganisation systematisation settlement reorganization reconciliation responsibility for standardisation organizing codification standardization organising systematization moderation safekeeping ascendancy supremacy reign jurisdiction dominance mastery superiority upper hand regime preeminence hegemony whip hand ascendance ascendency establishment officialdom prepotence grip primacy hold paramountcy reins prepotency might sovranty ascendence authorities mana imperium predominancy death grip clutch powers that be dictatorship preponderancy officials eminence arm edge system prepollency distinction pre-eminence transcendence system of government clout the Establishment the system prerogative preponderance prestigiousness right noteworthiness city hall say-so Big Brother people in charge tyranny directorate tenure grasp predomination junta civil service men in suits dynasty subjection despotism leverage generalship regulatory commission authorization weight authorisation force licence commission strength license strings corridors of power might and main house oppression suppression triumph victory directorship captaincy premiership governorship administrative system puissance rulership coercion conquest regnancy containment subjugation intimidation repression strong influence raj incumbency comanagement codirection coadministration subordination initiative warrant era conveyance conduction foresight capacity pecking order permit word pwnage ownage men in grey suits the powers that be office pilotage skill time in power what it takes period of influence duty pull statesmanship diplomacy police agency board suits group old guard prevailing political order established order ruling class status quo prevailing social order privilege procedures rules official procedure formalities paperwork regulations jump hand teeth drag ability muscle corporation strong arm leg up ministries military government the state rules and regulations beadledom say area field range military rule martial law government department province district scope bounds circuit zone paper shuffling bureaucratic paperwork proper channels official procedures official forms administrativia administrivia officialism orbit sphere compass extent state turf limits judicature arbitration confines reach precinct bailiwick discretion magistracy slot inquisition purview extent of power oyer and terminer stomping grounds advantage lordship suzerainty overlordship seniority


Judiciousness in the manner in which one thinks before acting or speaking
discretion judiciousness forethought thought regard heed mindfulness conscientiousness painstakingness pains effort meticulousness precaution punctiliousness fastidiousness accuracy precision carefulness heedfulness scrupulousness consideration meticulosity concern diligence closeness thoroughness attentiveness attention concentration awareness consciousness notice spotlight caution pain TLC scrutiny circumspection alertness interest deliberation observance assiduousness note painstaking wariness attention to detail prudence contemplation tender loving care exactness vigilance observation watchfulness eye advertence advertency study focus knowledge cognizance application intentness mind exactitude assiduity debate cautiousness gingerliness industriousness dependability reliability discrimination management reflection curiosity analysis examination ear enthusiasm view thinking preoccupation once-over inquisitiveness keenness thoughtfulness interestedness rectitude efficiency sedulousness correctness nitpicking guardedness special attention chariness consecutiveness detailedness fascination exertion direction passion focusing focussing earnestness intensiveness perusal exploration estimation captivation dutifulness uprightness steadfastness veracity incorruptibility honesty honour faithfulness honor sight sympathy review action imagination strictness inspection industry investigation an eye ascertainment studying perfectionism vigorousness engrossment rumination respect absorption excitement suspicion mulling advisement musing pondering account excogitation brooding remark mark curiousness receptiveness eagerness responsiveness thirst for knowledge undivided attention nosiness concernment receptivity zest cerebration cogitation meditation calculation premeditation listen up brainwork serious thought weighing up particularity


(count noun) A feeling of worry or anxiety
worry anxiety trouble disquiet disquietude bother unease upset distress concern sorrow anguish grief sadness affliction woe hardship tribulation suffering pain torment misery angst responsibility stress agita agitation anxiousness apprehension apprehensiveness burden concernment fear nervosity nervousness perplexity pressure sweat uneasiness vexation strain perturbation burdens solicitude trepidation restlessness alarm fearfulness misgiving foreboding tension dread willies doubt heebie-jeebies nerves edginess unrest butterflies jitteriness shakes fretfulness jumps uncertainty tenseness disturbance jitters twitchiness presentiment fidgets flap creeps fuss suspicion worriment consternation panic all-overs regard pins and needles cold sweat mistrust butterflies in the stomach relation relevance solicitousness fluster discomfort irritation disconcertment dyspathy dysphoria tizzy collywobbles inquietude abdabs yips annoyance qualm scruple compunction malaise dubiety suspense jim-jams screaming abdabs Joe Blakes watchfulness hesitation downer shivers botheration drag nail-biting goose bumps ants in pants ferment suspiciousness fright disquietedness mistrustfulness forebodingness doubtfulness confusion turmoil excitement ailment storm upheaval distraction heartache qualms torture fidgetiness nag discomposure alarum premonition terror needles shock horror emotion remorse embarrassment instability penitence disbelief constraint displeasure discontent queasiness attention nervous excitement consideration heed sense of foreboding interest carefulness heedfulness bearing interestedness problem tender loving care pest plague irritant hassle trial nuisance bane bugbear cross headache cause for concern jumpiness cross to bear bad news pain in the backside pain in the rear pain in the neck pain in the bum turbulence habdabs timidity discomfiture antsiness impatience excitability moodiness dithers touchiness nerviness tremulousness anger trembles quivers feverishness delirium neurasthenia animation sensitivity neuroticism stimulation nervous tension stage fright to-do screaming habdabs restiveness dismay disconcertion abashment chagrin fitfulness worriedness unsettledness awkwardness bustle mortification insomnia movement hurry transience inconstancy ants flusteredness cold feet scare discombobulation disappointment shame funk skittishness flightiness activity dither dissatisfaction disorientation bewilderment humiliation disorder frustration difficulty depression blues blue funk demoralization demoralisation surprise stew trauma agony discord grievance lather disruption inconvenience puzzlement unquiet unquietness trembling unhappiness derangement befuddlement fermentation defeat harassment mystification bafflement hysteria strife regret hurt muddle bamboozlement confusedness bemusement bewilderedness maze frenzy bummer tangle Sturm und Drang puzzle neurosis jimjams misgivings misfortune trepidity hurry-scurry palpitation flutter squirminess complaint illness sickness a blue funk issue a cold sweat shaking fidgeting mental strain conflict shiver tremble disillusionment mental stress emotional strain lowering adversity loss of face whim-whams screaming meemies furore twitter flurry discouragement disenchantment state travails shake-up disarray fit of nerves buck fever tizz swivet DTs dumps the willies the shakes jam crush rush beating ruin failure weakening crushing unmanning bad feeling fret dislocation affront commotion Weltschmerz problems the blahs reluctance rout overthrow undoing nonplus mid-life crisis turn-up tremors cravenness furor descent comedown conquest vanquishment defeasance paranoia enervation devitalization wonder reservation demur issues wonderment despair befuddling unpleasantness disinclination hesitance hesitancy bitterness stupefaction perplexing task dilemma struggle disgruntlement daze astonishment discomfiting confounding lamentation desolation dejection rue melancholy despondency heartbreak dolor wretchedness irritability self-consciousness row pitfall hindrance twinge second thought unsettling fog whirl dumbfounding upsetting mixup scrape grieving desperation bereavement sorrowfulness gloom infelicity pique snappiness blurring cluttering pother misunderstanding obscuring tangling addling misperception misdoubt indecision conscience repentance remonstrance contrition pang objection insecurity bashfulness hang-up mourning cheerlessness bewailing bemoaning disconsolateness dispiritedness heartsickness listlessness gloominess lamenting tumult mournfulness tetchiness shortness deliriousness stirring up head-scratching shyness irascibility querulousness testiness impetuosity exasperation mania insanity madness fever emotional suffering heavy heart mental suffering broken heart ignominy sheepishness peevishness vehemence crazedness abstraction showing up mopes irritableness curtness brusqueness abruptness intolerance aggravation indebtedness mistake impecuniosity blushing poverty complexity clumsiness hitch indiscretion pinch strait destitution snag egg on one's face awkward situation boo boo hot seat faux pas hot water quick temper mental distress


The ability to predict what will happen or be needed in the future
foresight forethought caution prudence circumspection prescience providence carefulness discretion precaution awareness canniness vigilance clairvoyance intuition vision farsightedness watchfulness anticipation foresightedness insight judiciousness planning discernment perception provision foreknowledge premeditation attentiveness premonition discreetness prevision economy penetration preconception forehandedness divination sagacity perspicacity readiness preparedness discrimination precognition prospect prophecy hindsight prenotion forward planning long-sightedness presence of mind sense judgment judgement wariness chariness guardedness heedfulness deliberation heed wisdom alertness shrewdness cautiousness gingerliness consideration gumption tact common sense caginess concern calculation considerateness attention thoughtfulness good management forethoughtfulness keeping your head down diplomacy mindfulness expedience restraint tactfulness advisability belt and braces risk avoidance Fabian policy delicacy sensibleness nous sensitivity subtlety acumen policy wit levelheadedness expediency desirability advisableness warning maturity kid gloves solicitude responsibility good sense observation moderation horse sense desirableness diligence practicality conservatism coolness pragmatism astuteness intelligence understanding sharpness reason acuity cleverness smarts savvy ingenuity perspicaciousness wits sagaciousness percipience sapience perceptiveness perspicuity quickness perceptivity knowledge erudition enlightenment comprehension keenness experience commonsense good judgement clear thinking sound judgment good judgment clear-sightedness intellect intellectuality acuteness intellection cognition logic sageness genius grasp incisiveness mentality lucidity reasoning rationality apprehension lucidness sanity brains soundness marbles rationalness soundness of mind powers of discernment cognitive faculties sound mind savoir faire thought coherence sophistication capacity ratiocination native wit common arguteness sharp-wittedness clear mind logical thought good reasoning scientific thinking quick-wittedness responsiveness know-how grey matter powers of reasoning knowingness foxiness cageyness brightness hardheadedness brilliance accuracy precision enterprise initiative resourcefulness spirit get-up-and-go imaginativeness imagination inventiveness backbone forcefulness ability nerve mettle pluck oomph courage grit spunk native ability loaf mother wit industry agility quick thinking quickness of mind smartness rationale learning saneness worldliness poise pansophy balance worldly wisdom


The quality of being kind, warm-hearted, or gentle
kindliness kindness compassion sympathy benevolence charity tenderness humanity kindheartedness mercy pity warmheartedness understanding feeling softheartedness humaneness concern generosity benignity consideration commiseration beneficence heart thoughtfulness goodness ruth warmth altruism compassionateness gentleness bigheartedness sensitivity largeheartedness tenderheartedness friendliness benignancy solicitousness graciousness philanthropy charitableness grace favour amiability benefaction mildness favor comity charitability good-heartedness kind-heartedness warm-heartedness tender-heartedness good will soft-heartedness goodwill unselfishness empathy solicitude helpfulness neighbourliness cordiality neighborliness love fellow feeling affection magnanimity considerateness amity indulgence clemency tolerance attentiveness fellowship hospitality decency friendship patience liberality selflessness courtesy caring cooperation mercifulness regard softness good-fellowship awareness sorrow brotherly love tact motherliness fatherliness brotherhood largesse munificence geniality cordialness forbearance nobility openheartedness bounteousness generousness mindfulness brotherliness sisterliness big-heartedness support condolence responsiveness lovingness respect leniency collaboration sociability pleasantness public-spiritedness niceness politeness lenity virtue heedfulness discretion amenability congeniality obligingness devotion principle thought faith mutual support affectionateness soul appreciation quarter courteousness esteem estimation compunction bountifulness sweetness caringness accuracy thoroughness carefulness meticulousness precision attention nobleness open-handedness magnanimousness liberalness lavishness free-handedness self-sacrifice fellow-feeling good intention aroha inner beauty openhandedness almsgiving largess attention to detail assistance bounty affability conviviality hospitableness good neighbourliness rallying round fondness welcomingness cheerfulness rapport affinity sincerity spirit glow empressement good-naturedness condolences harmony identification vibes communion mutuality closeness togetherness connection relating caritas agape receptiveness sensitiveness perceptiveness good feeling sympathetic response loving concern Christian love perceptivity consciousness receptivity delicacy sensibility soft skills finer feelings awareness of the feelings of others humanitarianism forgiveness lenience solace consolation comfort encouragement unity moderation moderateness reassurance rue sufferance acceptance permissiveness welcome philanthropism lack of severity social conscience gift amicability heartiness warm reception shyness quietness good cheer openness sociableness guestfriendship reception cheer comradeship guestfriendliness companionship demureness serenity stillness modesty peacefulness humility repose tranquillity tranquility placidness peaceableness mansuetude reverence docility good nature meekness pliancy placidity pliability calmness fragility


Skill or diplomacy in dealing with others or with difficult issues
tact diplomacy discretion tactfulness subtlety delicacy discernment perception prudence acumen judgment finesse discrimination perspicacity intelligence acuteness judiciousness penetration adroitness skill judgement wisdom insight policy aptness poise savvy urbanity refinement smoothness address delicatesse presence amenity suavity control head politicness repose decorum dexterity politesse polish deftness savoir-faire common sense horse sense savoir faire good taste sensitivity understanding consideration thoughtfulness courtesy gallantry craft cleverness politeness artfulness sensitiveness considerateness sensibility expedience politics mediation peacekeeping feeling sympathy soft skills sagacity shrewdness astuteness sapience reason acuity gumption brains sageness perceptiveness sharpness comprehension knowledge practicality sophistication sagaciousness sense good judgment keenness percipience perspicuity erudition enlightenment foresight circumspection experience sanity wit clear thinking canniness nous perceptivity smarts intuition intellect ingenuity sensibleness reasoning rationality good judgement good sense soundness levelheadedness sound judgment clear-sightedness awareness sharp-wittedness learning grasp logic intellectuality thought vigilance heedfulness pragmatism coherence perspicaciousness wariness watchfulness forethought wits providence quickness lucidity incisiveness genius mentality caution pansophy balance arguteness commonsense grey matter powers of reasoning good reasoning rationalness presence of mind smartness intellection cognition profundity apprehension lucidness capacity ratiocination information solidity stability common know-how soundness of mind powers of discernment clear mind cognitive faculties logical thought marbles sound mind scientific thinking worldliness propriety skilfulness intuitiveness brightness expertise brilliance capability native wit suaveness style civility gentility knowingness foxiness couth caginess rationale dignity cunning cageyness courteousness confidence resourcefulness charm vision saneness hardheadedness adeptness dexterousness aplomb enterprise affability initiative heed maturity worldly wisdom farsightedness flair guile precision reasonableness depth moderation advisability practicability profoundness aptitude logicalness cogency logicality mind fineness razor-sharpness precocity brainpower powers of intuition ability deep insight insightfulness


A gentle feeling of fondness or liking
affection fondness love devotion attachment feeling liking warmth tenderness passion endearment friendliness sentiment amity closeness desire friendship warmness affinity attentiveness caring devotedness familiarity goodwill intimacy kindness regard admiration aroha favor favour respect amore ardour ardor concern crush emotion shine solicitude warm feelings good will soft spot strong fondness puppy love adoration reverence adulation worship deference infatuation intensity loyalty fidelity constancy devotement fervor dedication commitment faith praise allegiance fealty lust adherence steadfastness fervour piety faithfulness esteem estimation veneration honour honor high regard weakness belovedness flame heat chord sentimentality glory devoutness spirituality sanctity support attraction observance consecration religious fervor enthusiasm zeal religious zeal keenness religious observance service dependability besottedness appreciation reliability trustworthiness idolization acclaim approval account obsession captivation fixation repute note approbation trueness adhesion fastness troth staunchness true-heartedness consideration popularity recognition reputation fancy worshipping exaltation awe laudation homage opinion sympathy idolatry hero-worship glorification deification lionization yearning amorousness extolment cherishing value believability realism correctness duty lionisation pash hankering worshiping yen doting fascination enchantment aching craze hots high opinion fetish good opinion intense love partiality religiousness excitement earnestness piousness sincerity affectivity like pietism religiosity romance taste religionism commendation rapture relish lovingness amour preference inclination reaction sensation response ardency mania blessing grace delight benevolence imprimatur appetite enamoredness spirit enjoyment strong interest use zest feelings astonishment amazement kind regard predilection energy obeisance great respect mash exuberance vengeance vigor ecstasy animation vehemence gusto vigour valuing prizing susceptibility vivaciousness purposefulness verve zestfulness strong emotion purpose fanaticism sanctimoniousness allurement moe urge drive thirst hunger ache craving appetence eroticism sex concupiscence amativeness high esteem dulia affect acknowledgement acknowledgment the hots apotheosis obsequiousness fear genuflection bow prostration emotionalism acclamation involvement virtue penchant loving-kindness case treasuring tribute kudos pat on the back positive reception bond torch applause surprise wonder propensity bias proclivity preoccupation pleasure beguin sexual love emotions tributes compliments thing hang-up prejudice addiction leaning romantic feelings love affair passing fancy calf love wonderment plaudits accolades marveling marvelling wuv relationship luv deep affection emotional attachment pats on the back regard for love for affection for liking for affinity for fondness for feeling for sentiment for respect for admiration for relationship with friendship with reverence for intimacy with tenderness for sensibility sensitivity delirium passionateness vitality oomph peppiness power spiritedness intenseness sprightliness


Effort or exertion made to do something, especially when inconvenient
trouble effort work exertion pains bother inconvenience labour thought fuss hassle expenditure labor strain struggle ado attention grief rigour rigor sweat bustle flurry hitch snag while elbow grease endeavour industry endeavor toil hard work travail moil energy graft application slog striving drudgery diligence grind blood, sweat and tears determination force industriousness conscientiousness yakka donkey work strength assiduity assiduousness drudge persistence muscle sweat of one's brow power discipline stress dedication perseverance slavery pain toiling activity sedulousness exercise fatigue donkeywork zeal steadiness trial push enterprise hard labour intentness hardship spadework donkey-work busyness responsibility charge control disruption earnestness commitment oomph slogging gruntwork tribulation action elbow juice physical effort ordeal suffering stretch hard labor manual labor salt mines grit intensity tenacity devotion attentiveness privation distress tears study doggedness attempt operation patience endurance concentration pangs trials and tribulations deliberation attempts hard pull long pull physical exertion single-mindedness venture purpose tirelessness sedulity resolution battle pull tension strife welly hard graft hard yakka vigour dynamism productiveness pertinacity laboriousness vigor perseveration rigorousness old college try hardworkingness continuance chore toils back-breaking task labour of Hercules backbreaking work undertaking service blood, swear, and tears try shot bid assay crack stab pass fling bash go one's all one's level best whack whirl offer essay drive resolve struggling labouring occupation laboring resoluteness hard slog foray best shot try-on dry run chores slaving pursuit hack work sweated labour nine-to-five crusade doing painstaking employment drag campaign duty steadfastness movement value Herculean task dirty work grunt work throes enthusiasm purposefulness wholeheartedness backbone keenness ardor scut work thankless task ardour staying power tryout aim try on


A state of overwhelming mental anguish or grief
heartbreak anguish distress pain sorrow grief misery agony woe torment heartache suffering sadness unhappiness torture affliction despair desolation wretchedness despondency dejection trauma angst dolor hurt dolefulness dolour regret rue sorriness heartsickness bitterness remorse devastation bale heavy heart broken heart trouble worry trial tribulation discomfort hardship mortification anxiety blues disquiet malaise ordeal travail vexation straits excruciation rack headache visitation mourning bereavement mournfulness lamentation broken-heartedness dole lament pining grievance ache repining heaviness of heart bewailing gloom infelicity lamenting melancholy bemoaning purgatory deploring depression upset perturbation mental suffering unconsolability concern disappointment shock throe worriment pang uneasiness perplexity stew disquietude embarrassment twinge shame cross irritation misfortune adversity difficulty burden tragedy blow problem setback mishap misadventure reverse hassle curse issue bummer albatross drag downer travails oppression persecution crucible wronging double whammy stroke of bad luck cross to bear hard time ill fortune rainy day bad luck hard knock grieving gloominess disconsolateness stress strain desperation sorrowfulness cheerlessness low spirits dispiritedness hurting mopes glumness downheartedness passion funk listlessness moodiness dissatisfaction discouragement disconsolation melancholia doldrums dumps upheaval nightmare hell horror disturbance emotional suffering letdown martyrdom moroseness traumatization poignancy hopelessness wrench forlornness down dismay joylessness dismalness miserableness despondence dreariness hell on earth pessimism weeping defeatism despond blue devils discord agitation unrest turmoil strife pangs throes tumult heartbrokenness sting scar calvary tension pressure disheartenment resignation tenseness injury painfulness qualm scruple misgiving dread trepidation restlessness demoralization resignedness ruth dark night of the soul jolt repentance aching demoralisation dashed hopes Gehenna murder wound disorder extreme upset tearfulness dejectedness chagrin sense of loss bad time confusion derangement outburst collapse woefulness bleakness discontent dismals discontentment downcastness dysphoria lowness pensiveness displeasure abasement abjection anhedonia abjectness fiasco nuisance blue funk a low blahs the dumps the blues heavyheartedness heavy-heartedness disaster pest catastrophe comedown annoyance debacle drama failure dud sad event bad experience


The act, practice, or occupation of supervising and taking care of young children


A state of consciousness or knowledge of something
awareness cognizance cognisance consciousness acknowledgment acknowledgement alertness attention enlightenment familiarity information knowledge mindfulness perception understanding concern observance observation realisation realization recognition regard advertence advertency appreciation apprehension attentiveness comprehension conception consideration discernment experience grasp heed heedfulness knowingness notice responsiveness sensibility vigilance wariness acquaintance acquaintanceship apperception assimilation cognition insight knowledgeableness self-awareness self-understanding sentience wakefulness grip sensitivity to acquaintance with familiarity with insight into sensibility to note ear eye witfulness carefulness scrutiny interest thought watchfulness mind mark sense percipience ken intimacy education perceptiveness schooling expertise know-how capacity ability apprehension of understanding of grasp of comprehension of realization of cognizance of command of awareness of knowledge of perception of conception of ken of mastery of exposure impression proficiency perceptivity mastery intuition decipherment command visualisation take inclination proficiency in expertise in knowing uptake absorption firm grasp digestion visualization hold discrimination skill skill in tuition grapple taste conversance contact with exposure to involvement with participation in acumen erudition authority wisdom expertness intellect intelligence prudence judgement shrewdness judgment scholarship astuteness worldliness idea learning cleverness cunning learnedness perspicacity sapience ingeniousness smarts sagacity savviness clear thinking good judgment sagaciousness knowing inside out conversance with intimacy with common sense sageness


A duty or responsibility, especially one that requires some effort or trouble to carry out
burden responsibility trouble charge duty obligation onus trial incumbency office commitment devoir imperative need accountability concern hardship task tax work cross to bear Herculean task excess baggage business job role function engagement assignment mission undertaking encumbrance albatross worry affair occupation operation pledge post brief detail province activity thing answerability demand strain place drain weight pressure load contract obligatoriness constraint boundness importance buck imposition stress directive commission service venture deadweight difficulty millstone enterprise errand chore committal custody remit instruction calling briefing pigeon trust project station contribution pursuit stint action tour of duty matter piece of work taskwork act effort deed sphere preserve department field lookout problem interest area of interest bailiwick area of activity baby entanglement involvement exercise capacity position employment endeavour endeavor appointment objective labour goal labor part liability purpose process do expedition quest aim exploit piece of business plan culpability discipline campaign situation scheme game vocation proceeding gig berth adventure accountableness use play ought secondment area line domain realm requirement command trip designation journey formal order territory jurisdiction speciality procedure placement terrain demesne fief barony firmament precinct walk specialty element circle arena fiefdom kingdom front power bother consignment turf attachment blameworthiness bag warrant billet area of responsibility blame application line of country utility must struggle practice end target attempt object raison d'être participation industry exploration pain proposition deal experiment essay hazard move try feat legal responsibility niche setup stunt test motive intention compulsion intent right chargeability issue beat prerogative privilege case specialism tie placing moral obligation lifework profession trade understanding promise drill workplace class classification spot avocation slot administration sphere of activity dominion hand fun and games person's task maneuver programme movement program transfer long row to hoe say day job job description mantle servitude action item focus chores art métier craft rôle dealings deployment manoeuvre step maneuvering implementation gauntlet inconvenience difficult task challenge headache walk of life party bit share side moral imperative proceedings coordination event faction cause behalf allocation relocation wish ambition aspiration hope pretension accomplishment ideal racket holy grail doing desire message behavior faculty connection manoeuvring shopping run collection delivery meaning mark behaviour course of action solution millstone round one's neck legation embassy call instinct motivation impetus cognition point ascription consideration expectation scope sense relevance avail basis design reason principle wont idea destination way orbit determination strength transaction affliction escapade crusade plunge shot world assignation happening outfit shop striving hassle investment gamble flier flyer stake caper flutter measure experience speculation energy exertion misfortune authority forte score incrimination debt indebtedness arrears arrearage fault throw fling romp peril chance stab wager risk jeopardy course crapshoot voyage drag cumber area of knowledge control force imputation credit pet project leap in the dark business enterprise spec what one is into prefecture county champaign shire section tract ball and chain dead weight grievance mental weight anxiety shackle punishment cross unwanted responsibility thorn in one's side chain hindrance rap guilt assiduousness line of business referral expenditure sweat while elbow grease amenability subjection owing amenableness attribution


A measure taken to avoid danger or mistakes
precaution safeguard protection preventive security defence palladium defense provision caution insurance deterrent backstop fail-safe preventive measure safety measure preventative measure belt and braces prophylactic safety net hindrance shield block shelter impediment obstruction curb check restraint precautionary measure preventative remedy protective measure protector insurance policy safety guarantee warranty immunity preventative medicine preventive medicine something to fall back on prevention protective guard obstacle neutralizer screen disincentive cover buffer aegis surety armor ward buckler ammunition egis wall anticipatory measure indemnity armour bulwark escort armament convoy safety device cushion fortification safeguarding guarding barrier support preservation assurance safekeeping stronghold refuge shielding bumper bastion guardianship resistance sanctuary custody hedge conservation indemnification salvation pad rampart buttress keeping fence coverage shock absorber defender charge weapon haven fender supervision deterrence safeness custodianship protecting trust asylum upkeep upholding barricade backing maintenance fastness mail tutelage saving warrant keep safe keeping mainstay supporter prop invulnerability resilience strength shade cocoon cushioning reassurance stability insurance cover absorber protective device self-defense safety guard warfare weaponry munitions allowance endorsement citadel arms patronage defenses defences apron mask financial protection fallback hiding concealment housing trusteeship life assurance life insurance harbour retreat harbor preserving conserving sustentation protectorship possession harborage safe harbour perpetuation preserval evaporation care and feeding storage tanning refrigeration safe harbor safety plug protective umbrella sheet anchor safety valve reinforcement plate breastplate panoply hiding place surveillance pledge armor plate suit of armor protective clothing bulletproof vest chain mail flak jacket coat of mail suit of armour body armor body armour breastwork embankment collateral bank castellation battlements pawn bond underwriting gage hostage battlement bartizan earthwork earnest guaranty bail partition protective wall parapet buffet covenant gauge contract


Careful management of available resources
economy thrift providence prudence frugality parsimony saving restraint thriftiness carefulness husbandry canniness economising economizing meanness miserliness regulation scrimping sparingness abstemiousness budgeting management retrenchment skimping stinginess cutback cutting forehandedness frugalness pinching abridgment abridgement curtailment decrease moratorium parcity reduction rollback shrinkage supervision careful budgeting fuel-saving good husbandry good management scaling-down cost-cutting penny-pinching scrimping and saving financial prudence austerity conservation abstinence asceticism moderation caution puritanism temperance self-discipline good housekeeping careful management monasticism monkishness close-fistedness parsimoniousness sophrosyne vigilance avarice penuriousness avariciousness tight-fistedness tightness cut discount continence sobriety cutting back stoicism contraction chastity strictness pruning rundown cuts chasteness Spartanism exactingness belt-tightening tightening your belt spartanism self-denial cheapness tightfistedness closeness cheeseparing minginess covetousness illiberality nearness cheese-paring ungenerousness thriftyness selfishness discretion rollback in spending reduction in spending cutbacks downsizing pettiness greed acquisitiveness belt tightening graspingness rapacity greediness cupidity mercenariness avidity rapaciousness avidness materialism desire grabbiness Mammonism pleonexia money-grubbing money-grabbing an itching palm extreme greed


A subject or matter that engrosses someone
preoccupation fixation obsession concern fetish mania hang-up complex compulsion enthusiasm fascination fetich neurosis passion prepossession bug hobbyhorse thing anxiety hobby horse niggle uneasiness worry idée fixe pet subject bee in your bonnet infatuation craze fad fancy monomania desire addiction rage taste love weakness phobia interest fashion hobby craving partiality one-track mind ruling passion trend attraction vogue yen urge drive crush penchant predilection kick furor furore fear tiger by the tail engrossment paranoia case recreation pull need appetite fondness pursuit longing grabber mode impulse cacoethes amusement novelty motivation pastime latest sensation buzz whim idé fever monkey chic flavour flavor consuming passion beguilement go style bug in ear ax to grind propensity bias proclivity fixed idea jones ton wrinkle cry liking distraction prejudice leaning hot ticket tonne urgency dernier cri something on the brain last word inclination favorite subject in thing newest wrinkle e fixe pet topic preoccupation with mania for obsession with jag fixedness hobby-horse fanaticism dread derangement obsessive compulsion irresistible impulse preference mental disturbance psychosis single-mindedness tunnel vision soft spot keenness affection susceptibility affliction daemon difficulty inhibition torment block demon terror keen interest necessity affinity relish affectation caprice restraint disturbance dilemma problem impasse predicament reserve tiger craziness bee disorder whimsy humour innovation eccentricity humor conceit vagary cult kink quirk frivolity sport fantasy custom meme in delusion temptation must phantom stimulant sexual fixation luck avocation latest word passing fancy fool notion new look golden calf entertainment mental block psychological block concrete idea charm diversion enchantment allure divertissement magnetism lure captivation appeal magic attractiveness glamour seductiveness glamor charisma oomph pizzazz allurement pizazz spell intrigue duende witchery pleasure activity delight fun game yearning hankering ambition aspiration pining draw sorcery thirst hunger ardor eagerness lust dream fervor fervour ardour the last word latest thing animal magnetism piquancy trance witchcraft force field power pzazz enthrallment leisure pursuit leisure activity occupation want thirstiness wish itch appetency impulsion will force constraint pressure duress coercion thing for obligation arm-twisting demand oppression enforcement intimidation pressurization pressurisation force majeure duty have on the brain driving exigency enticement seduction beauty drawing power desirability bewitchment inducement mystique come-on romance excitement pleasingness entrancement magnet bait mesmerism ravishment persuasion decoy engagingness call invitation mystery aura prettiness loveliness IT influence gorgeousness comeliness tantalization incentive star quality snare turn-on inveiglement prestige siren song prepossessingness color mysteriousness razzle-dazzle hold exoticism colour fairness captivatingness presence flash curiosity irresistibility pulchritude dazzle bewitchery splendour winsomeness something carrot handsomeness enticingness cajolery magnificence charmingness air of mystery loadstone lodestone trap interestingness splendor bonniness bribe agreeableness sweetener mousetrap good looks pleasantness crowd puller opulence absorption hypnotism enslavement enthralment sophisticated style ensnarement mesmerization hypnotization strong interest joy bliss rapture transport sexual magnetism irresistible influence coaxing happiness odyl OD curse thrall teaser blandishment likableness personal appeal odylic force hypnotic attraction brilliance glitter thrill individuality agreeability the jazz bedroom eyes come-hither look glitz flashiness glam personality showiness attractivity awe secretiveness razzmatazz mojo bright lights high life wiles blandishments character attitude delightfulness force of personality air of secrecy strength of character pulling power curiousness éclat glory razzle sex appeal special something tantalizer glamorousness air of mysteriousness colourfulness adventure sentiment focus crowd-pleaser exoticness nostalgia eroticism sexiness winningness takingness temptingness crowd-puller grace idealization idealisation idyll elegance centre of attention focal point tout hook seducement gimmick fake ambush trick illusion camouflage sexual attractiveness sexual attraction drawing card center of attention exquisiteness bloom con game sitting duck artistry voluptuousness symmetry heavenliness beauteousness fairy tale impressiveness beautifulness cuteness decorativeness grandeur picturesqueness sightliness aesthetics looks esthetics seemliness wonders delights glories refinement shapeliness physical attractiveness polish class natural beauty delicacy adorableness


(care for) To manage or be in charge of


Have a soft spot for
feel affection like cherish love be fond of have a soft spot for appreciate fancy dote enjoy adore doting admire prefer venerate find irresistible feel deep affection for care for choose adulate be smitten with have a pash on be keen on be partial to prize be nuts about hold very dear care very much for be attracted to esteem carry a torch for be besotted with go for be potty about be wild about be infatuated with be passionate about leaning be devoted to be mad about overindulge feel affection for think the world of take great pleasure in have a predilection for be in love with hold dear nuts about be enamored of be enchanted by be hooked on bewitched by have a penchant for smitten with thrive with have a passion for give one's heart to mad about like very much delight in entranced by develop a crush on become smitten with gone on carrying a torch for be attached to have a thing for be fascinated with potty about fall head over heels in love with consumed with desire for long for have affection for crazy about twitterpated by love-struck by with a passion for become infatuated with be addicted to besotted with doting on get a kick out of be mad for infatuated with derive great pleasure from thoroughly enjoy wild for get a buzz out of have a proclivity for bowled over by be captivated by be swept off one's feet by really like have a taste for get off on dote on get a buzz from of have a weakness for captivated by enamoured of very much like enjoy greatly be crazy about have it bad be taken with take a fancy to enthralled by devoted to have a great liking for go a bundle on lose one's heart to fall for take pleasure in have a thing about put on pedestal get a kick from of wild about passionate about rejoice in feast on luxuriate in indulge in enamored of wuv luv relish savor savour revel in dig treasure worship favour favor groove on take to glory in embrace get a thrill out of desire idolize value idolise be pleased by want lap up take a shine to bask in get a charge out of take a liking to revere have a liking for take an interest in take satisfaction in be entertained by take joy in take great delight in wallow in approve of crave nurture find attractive covet be pleased derive pleasure from cotton to be enamoured of be amused by revel take delight in wish for get high on indulge have a fondness for rate highly find appealing hanker for get a bang out of lavish affection on take a thrill to find pleasure in gloat over really enjoy be sweet on have a preference for crow about find satisfaction in like to indulge in go in for support lust after be soft on rate dote upon be shook on be nutso about live it up amuse oneself eat up be content ache for have a crush on live a little have the hots for jubilate pet regard highly have eyes for delight be gratified by immerse yourself in get a buzz from get a thrill from drink in exult in feel like endorse derive satisfaction from have regard for find enjoyable find agreeable yearn for lean toward get pleasure from feel self-satisfied about pine for hanker after thirst for hunger for have an affection for be stuck on get a charge from of itch for be wild for exalt burn for be mad on be nutso over be biased toward be nutty about mind heart lech over lech after love dearly think well of be into respect hold in esteem yearn attract cannot resist spoil pamper appreciate greatly have taken a shine to soak up luxuriate less than three have a high regard for be gone on be serious about feel affection toward exult wallow be find attractive be find irresistible be enthralled by be very fond of be very partial to be very keen on be all over affect rejoice joy warm to have fun glory exuberate hit it off with be bewitched by be entranced by have a ball stuck on have a good time be entertained triumph kvell be bowled over by be love-struck by be consumed with desire for have it bad for desiderate cajole brown-nose praise fawn blandish flatter think very highly of develop a liking for sanction partake of feel satisfaction with amuse oneself with have fun with enjoy to the full drool over find joy in take great pleasure take great delight find great pleasure develop an affection for dream of glorify be pleased with lionize have a craving for have a yearning for lean towards elect incline toward need could do with rather select be desirous of set one's heart on sigh for have a yen for lionise look up to welcome require spoil for feel inclined toward would sooner opt for aspire to have an urge for be turned on to suggest would rather die for lust for be inclined toward cosset nourish coddle comfort tend have an eye for honour cultivate enshrine honor sustain marvel at be amazed by be awed by be crazy over be in awe of be crazy for moon over put on a pedestal wish to want to love to like to

Antonym of complete care

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