Synonym of the worry


The state of being anxious and troubled over actual or potential problems
anxiety concern distress disturbance trouble apprehension fear unease bother disquiet perturbation stress uneasiness vexation care disquietude nervousness strain agitation angst anguish dread tension torment upset anxiousness discomfort disconcertment edginess fearfulness fretfulness misgiving nerves tenseness trepidation apprehensiveness doubt foreboding misery restlessness woe butterflies concernment heartache irritation worriment annoyance jitteriness nervosity perplexity presentiment solicitude torture uncertainty willies agita jumps nag shakes sweat twitchiness heebie-jeebies butterflies in the stomach alarm grief sorrow unhappiness dismay desolation malaise sadness despair agony pain depression dejection panic despondency consternation discomposure fright melancholy suffering gloom fluster terror affliction jitters disappointment suspicion confusion regret blues mistrust inquietude chagrin wretchedness unrest horror discontent heartbreak dissatisfaction gloominess dolor lamentation qualm discomfiture mortification tizzy displeasure anger turmoil disconsolateness grievance hesitation fuss creeps collywobbles abdabs alarum flap low spirits mournfulness dither hopelessness hurt discontentment discouragement qualms dolefulness scruple yips exasperation frustration downheartedness moodiness oppression funk dispiritedness dolour pressure shock disgruntlement jim-jams niggle resentment distrust trauma jumpiness glumness screaming abdabs scare disaffection disconsolation sorrowfulness habdabs disconcertion rue cheerlessness scepticism mourning heartsickness infelicity embarrassment grieving harassment difficulty skepticism tribulation mopes stew timidity weariness burden heaviness of heart cold sweat turbulence compunction neurosis Joe Blakes cold feet distraction disruption desperation discontentedness dubiety shivers hardship aversion hang-up doldrums disinclination fidgets dumps misgivings hassle awe lamenting nervous tension hesitance dysphoria restiveness lack of confidence malcontent malcontentment botheration trial reservation all-overs remorse goose bumps diffidence forlornness letdown pessimism second thoughts blue funk despondence dislike phobia bereavement screaming habdabs pang disapproval hesitancy lack of faith obsession disgust despond disapprobation fixation doubts disorder distaste sorriness twitter misdoubt trepidity broken-heartedness heavy heart trembling broken heart aggravation preoccupation pother disrelish queasiness mental suffering tumult mania inconvenience strife dilemma reservations indisposition complex fret derangement thing flusteredness stage fright excruciation incertitude envy issues disfavour dubitation bitterness disregard disfavor twinge jealousy disliking swivet swelter headache travail straits passion moroseness inhibition pins and needles joylessness upheaval ennui listlessness melancholia miserableness dreariness heavy-heartedness bewailing bemoaning ferment excitement blahs jimjams solicitousness mistrustfulness forebodingness blue devils the blues dyspathy demon discord excitability nerviness disorientation emotion abashment touchiness disbelief instability dithers impatience query disarray antsiness tremulousness trembles delirium neurasthenia neuroticism stimulation quivers feverishness sensitivity affright insecurity problems conflict Weltschmerz suspense discombobulation complaint lather worriedness a blue funk chill paranoia sudden fear unpleasantness to-do suspicions scruples unbelief state watchfulness ache whim-whams disheartenment rack flutter screaming meemies premonition questions uncertainties downer drag huff tearfulness defeatism temper nail-biting worries objections throe mental strain difficulties woefulness idée fixe bleakness dismalness hurting ants in pants emotional suffering lament lowness down bad temper compulsion low abasement abjection anhedonia abjectness heavyheartedness weeping the dumps bad mood bee in your bonnet hump suspiciousness ailment storm doubtfulness disquietedness constraint penitence hysteria nervous excitement fidgetiness distrustfulness gremlin sleeplessness responsibility shuddering tremors cravenness defeat shake-up surprise wariness illness bewilderment sickness flinching mid-life crisis shaking fidgeting needles heartbrokenness burdens dislocation affront commotion mental stress emotional strain living day to day shiver tremble objection unconsolability ordeal remonstrance disillusionment disenchantment resignedness turn-up shame cross visitation flurry overextension distention heat intensity urgency shudder dole demoralization fit of nerves buck fever martyrdom DTs question quandary cynicism the willies the shakes sense of foreboding disillusion megrim misfortune bad feeling pining fear and trembling expectancy albatross repentance aching repining purgatory deploring misbelief surviving getting by struggling self-doubt extreme upset unwieldiness palpitation questioning disadvantage demoralisation loss of confidence lack of enthusiasm dejectedness unfulfillment dysthymia mopery humility unassertiveness megrims a cold sweat poignancy block daemon cumbersomeness dullness clinical depression bummer vapours one's black dog troubles postnatal depression endogenous depression vapors slough of despond lugubriosity reactive depression reconsideration uproar task struggle downside drawback ill-humor mental disturbance psychosis second thought question mark chaos row pitfall hindrance timidness timorousness self-consciousness humbleness meekness unhandiness fetish awkwardness dismals pensiveness downcastness survival mode puzzle scrape rebellion anarchy insurrection uprising troublesomeness untimeliness fix snit fuming fretting enthusiasm fetich prepossession fascination rioting unfitness unsureness hobbyhorse bug impasse reserve restraint problem predicament unsuitableness hobby horse pet subject sedition tiresomeness bothersomeness protest animation unquietness nuisance value a low sulk quarrel fighting ructions pique irritability spleen crossness wrath fury rage fermentation lack of self-confidence indecision vacillation insecureness change petulance tetchiness peevishness testiness indignation grump dissension hot temper pip needling aggro umbrage gall altercation dissent bickering controversy grumps ill humour ire stroppiness crabbiness choler debate contention crisis disease bout of moping fit of ill temper paddy fit of bad temper foulie fit of pique mental block mood bate mard psychological block sulks Sturm und Drang being rubbed up the wrong way heartburn boredom querulousness


A source of anxiety
problem bother vexation burden pest stress tribulation trouble hassle irritant irritation nuisance plague trial annoyance bane bugbear care cross torment headache pain cause for concern cross to bear bad news pain in the backside pain in the bum pain in the neck pain in the rear inconvenience aggravation peeve botheration exasperation irk ruffle difficulty thorn frustration drag rub hair shirt aggro grief distress bore strain bind nark worriment rigmarole palaver source of annoyance source of irritation thorn in the flesh fair cow nudnik tease concern blister bane of one's life gall scourge menace pressure curse nudnick blight teaser nag gadfly skelf annoyer uphill persecutor gnawer bellyache upset stressor hindrance thorn in one's side source of aggravation pill snag infuriation provocation pip grievance irksomeness affliction pet peeve hang-up issue misfortune quagmire dilemma predicament schmo nightmare nudge besetment cuss chip on your shoulder cause of distress unhappiness displeasure discomfort agitation bummer creep chagrin sore point gripe teasing pain in the behind infliction disruption embarrassment inopportuneness source of vexation source of disruption uphill battle nyaff anxiety molestation perplexity job flurry thorny problem drip pinprick yawn snooze snoozer dullsville burr under someone's saddle burr in someone's saddle yawner droner tiresome thing tedious thing tiresome person tedious person calamity goad evil struggle fuss cancer canker adversity trials and tribulations visitation louse offense offence pesterer obstacle frump botherment bum insect terror pester hydra poor excuse aversion dislike hate ghost dullard tall order hard work test thorn in your side handful snorefest snore yawnfest snoozefest bete noire bête noire pet hate waste of time blighter mind-numbing experience nonevent boring event boring person boring situation bad situation boring thing


A trying period or event
tribulation affliction trouble misfortune trial hardship misery adversity distress woe pain torment suffering difficulty burden tragedy blow problem setback mishap agony misadventure sorrow anguish torture ordeal grief reverse hassle wretchedness trauma heartache travail anxiety curse sadness unhappiness headache hurt issue bummer vexation straits albatross excruciation drag downer rack visitation travails oppression persecution crucible care wronging bad luck cross to bear ill fortune stroke of bad luck hard time rainy day double whammy hard knock strain calamity stress discomfort cross catastrophe annoyance weight load millstone mischance accident encumbrance inconvenience harm nuisance failure grievance unpleasantness crunch tough luck rotten luck liability pressure debacle disappointment cataclysm contretemps loss disadvantage casualty infelicity unluck dole bad news responsibility disaster ill luck bad break hard luck obligation tax haplessness unluckiness bane unfortunateness irritation vicissitude untowardness ill injury drain duty cumber onus task trials and tribulations deadweight disquiet privation destitution poverty plague knock want need austerity scourge penury deprivation heartbreak bother beggary imposition lack labor labour nightmare rigor hazard ruination concern rigour toil throe jam exigency punishment thorn in the flesh yoke dire straits charge hard knocks tough break thorn in one's side ball and chain excess baggage millstone round one's neck test demand agitation gauntlet indigence shock fire gantlet damage malaise pangs throes difficulties complication mischief impoverishment upheaval upset destruction evil pickle pinch reversal of fortune disturbance scrape malice big trouble severe test trying time jolt passion dolor pang cruelty pest hard times unholy mess hot water ticklish spot holy mess unwanted responsibility accountability dead weight mental weight blame shackle chain hindrance disorder obstacle ill-luck can of worms ill-fortune irritant harassment soreness incubus trammel obstruction embarrassment provocation nag nagging neediness traumatization confusion derangement outburst collapse impecuniousness impecuniosity trials ruin hardness asperity mantle danger drudgery peril fatigue whammy pain in the backside pain in the rear pain in the neck pain in the bum thorn in your side Herculean task financial distress uphill battle mishappening reverse of fortune evil fortune evil chance bad trot pains awkwardness problems laboriousness strenuousness arduousness aggravation struggling struggle strife frustration ado dolour painfulness hangup imbroglio mental burden to-do bafflement puzzle reversal crisis car crash apocalypse crash hitch defeat blight fiasco downfall emergency devastation check wreck lapse comedown meltdown hell bale holocaust waterloo havoc glitch blunder snag mess the worst buffet drama horror down slip bitter pill hold-up hell on earth stroke of ill luck curtains mishanter predicament dilemma strait plight quandary fall mire quagmire conundrum turmoil discouragement bind flop impasse entanglement mistake perplexity shambles muddle delay depression humiliation error hiccup letdown unfortunate incident infliction undoing sticky situation one in the eye miscalculation body blow hang-up tight spot sorry condition awkward situation problematic situation deep water bit of trouble sad state tight corner critical situation spot of bother unfortunate situation kick in the teeth no-win situation knock-back train wreck tricky situation tight situation difficult situation bad thing rout decline nemesis desolation abyss nakba non-success commotion poison descent bath extremity total pileup smashup dud smash demise bust washout hole chaos disarray flameout fix act of God stack-up crack-up fender-bender wrack-up shipwreck impediment raw deal farce bomb demotion downgrading holdup doom disgrace heavy blow sad event faux pas double trouble piece of bad luck damp squib worst-case scenario bad experience loss of status stumbling block dreadful thing awful thing terrible thing convulsion detriment jar tumult downturn cancer mischanter failing flooding boo-boo ill-treatment canker catastrophy breakdown rotten break contingency devil's own luck hard cheese pestilence botched situation disbenefit spectacle devastating blow blue ruin calvary sordidness stroke unpredictable outcome ill chance crucifixion incident fuss flood lack of success Gehenna murder business circumstance occasion adventure row scene tension melodrama affair collision lot thrill fracas sensation excitement drawback clutch hurting jinx skids shit show fell stroke rough situation casus befalling rear ender ache hurdle barrier serious accident bad fortune grievous blow rear-ender harsh conditions tough situation evil eye kiss of death repulse tear-jerker holdback handicap turnabout vanquishment conquering crimp inefficacy sense of loss wound spanner in the works catch-22 block fly in the ointment monkey wrench cramp mortification humbling belittlement overthrow discomfiture cropper degradation dive loss of face lowering reality check comeuppance pratfall reduction let-down fizzle miss lemon clunker turkey disillusionment anticlimax unseating deposition ousting vanquishing conquest toppling loser fail overturn end elimination shame debasement annihilation death clinker rebuff Waterloo labefaction dissatisfaction bringdown disgruntlement dismay regression slowdown backset regress foil bottom non-starter lead balloon non-achiever no-hoper frost dead loss drawing board flip-flop whole new ballgame unfortunate development about-face trip destroyer omission last straw loss of power stumble misstep bad omen flaw fumble final straw fault subversion balk chagrin stew baulk loss of success pass tinderbox urgency messiness monstrosity situation disorderliness vicious circle hot potato rabbit hole


A feeling that something, often of an undesirable nature, is about to happen


The responsibility or duty of
concern responsibility duty job task charge affair occupation business role obligation province function onus preserve sphere department burden engagement field lookout problem activity assignment care interest undertaking area of activity area of interest bailiwick commitment work mission baby entanglement involvement thing pigeon headache funeral part matter capacity calling right position prerogative dealing proceeding privilege venture transaction doing place moral obligation issue question subject point beeswax palaver goings-on difficulty personal concern area line domain realm discipline orbit territory world post specialty terrain element forte circle barony turf jurisdiction firmament precinct demesne arena fief authority fiefdom game speciality employment kingdom front walk area of knowledge area of responsibility county pursuit champaign shire section office tract prefecture line of country line of business sector scope dominion zone scene sphere of influence compass region purview vocation environment situation station specialism milieu service purpose ambit berth operation walk of life trade branch remit profession bag appointment career commission range chore exercise brief errand métier sphere of activity detail enterprise racket universe contribution line of work area of study day job stint neck of the woods society forum stage industry theatre course incumbency patch study haunt neighborhood class metier beat topic ground theater avocation objective slot neighbourhood theme specialization hand spot goal connection action devoir specialisation billet bit project piece of work act effort manor seigniory district compartment soke leet breadth turfdom contract imperative requirement life battlefield battleground rank culture living craft system instructions extent stratum status span of control bubble sport lists division group field of influence area of power margin subfield confines pale orders area of concern sphere of operations curriculum tour of duty deed taskwork mantle chosen work rat race line of employment sphere of study sphere of interest setting frame context pursuits matters state radius expanse dimension practice method authorization guidelines administration classification niche field of interest sphere of action area of conflict field of conflict street mastery field of study subject matter branch of knowledge field of inquiry area of expertise backdrop site background affairs stomping grounds posture job title piece guise execution authorisation say habitat person's calling specialist subject branch of learning course of study labor labour party participation share side grounds track behalf faction cause endeavour endeavor quest aim use terms of reference long row to hoe action item fun and games piece of business gig process habitation stamping ground home ground home turf utility behavior faculty target resort meaning object raison d'être mark power behaviour natural environment familiar territory favoured environment


Something that needs to be resolved
problem hindrance dilemma issue trouble headache obstacle setback adversity pickle predicament quandary catch-22 hassle hurdle misfortune obstruction plight botheration burden catch dispute drawback mess perplexity question bugbear count crunch disagreement doubt downside habit scrape squeeze worriment can of worms disputed point hot water negative aspect point at issue box complication difficulty glitch hitch snag teething trouble bother grievance upset distress case challenge knot matter to-do pitfall impediment hiccup barrier vexation tight spot handicap stumbling block difficult situation rub thorn in one's side source of difficulty trammel thorn in the flesh gremlin source of trouble muddle vexed question mix-up question mark hot potato hornets' nest fly in the ointment spanner in the works monkey wrench in the works jam mire hole fix bind impasse quagmire awkward situation sticky situation spot strait swamp corner puzzle crisis conundrum rattrap tight corner double bind sticky wicket rabbit hole conflict confusion uncertainty embarrassment spot of bother difficult choice tricky situation jackpot clutch no-win situation cleft stick hang-up indecision poser between a rock and a hard place tight situation facer stew stalemate bewilderment vicious circle up a tree unfortunate situation state of perplexity state of uncertainty delicate situation double trouble emergency exigency imbroglio hardship pinch situation pass juncture state condition circumstance vicissitude rigor asperity deadlock soup position drag bad news how-do-you-do rough go kettle of fish problematic situation deep water rigour subject affair focus concern theme topic contention subject matter point of contention crux argument matter of contention enigma stumper point interest puzzlement


A typically loud state of activity or disturbance
pother commotion fuss uproar tumult furore turmoil disturbance hubbub rumpus ado pandemonium ruckus stir hullabaloo ruction kerfuffle bustle bother ballyhoo furor row clatter hoopla whirl stew storm blather bluster welter moil bobbery shindy foofaraw squall williwaw hurly splore clutter corroboree hurry hurricane zoo do coil fun agitation confusion flap hassle flutter annoyance controversy to-do hurly-burly hoo-ha helter-skelter hubble-bubble hurry-scurry hoo-hah hurry-skurry alarums and excursions to do brouhaha racket flurry disorder clamour clamor excitement carry-on trouble fracas din riot upheaval ferment hue and cry lather dither noise chaos bedlam activity turbulence hustle and bustle melee palaver tizzy fluster mayhem frenzy bobsy-die unrest song and dance quarrel pantomime fret action stink disruption twitter hustle free-for-all sweat performance scene outcry brawl babel big scene splash havoc folderol bangarang upset fuss and bother outburst huff affray swelter swivet rigmarole jangle altercation comings and goings big stink drama tizz tamasha whirlwind fever movement busyness hysteria liveliness shindig distraction donnybrook rampage violence strife broil maelstrom restlessness toing and froing state business hell broke loose panic carrying-on scuffle haste sensation production perturbation animation tempest rage disquiet buzz life outbreak hype craze fray rumble excitation mania eruption babble uprising explosion rush clangour yelling shouting fireworks backwash fisticuffs aggro stramash protest bagarre roar discord clangor convulsion argy-bargy goings-on hysterics histrionics draft draught hurrah an outcry struggle interruption anarchy fury enthusiasm lunacy fad hell to pay devil to pay madness scandal delirium whirlpool scrap stooshie dust-up fighting deliriousness rowdydow spin vociferation shemozzle upheavals disarray madhouse loud noise snafu feverishness hubba-hubba rhubarb frolic dance party carousal bash revel fancy merrymaking spree twit howl rampancy discomposure ructions fermentation uncertainty convulsions craziness heat unsettlement wildness seething upturn fight elation passion emotion thrill feeling fix fretting snit fuming combustion hurly burly hectic activity spot of bother tohubohu roughhouse shivaree bickering bad mood all hell breaking loose breach of the peace rough house flurry of activity all hell broken loose ailment anxiousness mix-up topsy-turviness anxiety instability distress disquietude tremor quake fuss and feathers tiz-woz shock insurrection hindrance tizz-woz state of panic mêlée cacophony bugle call Sturm und Drang disarrangement spasm farce farcicality ridiculousness senselessness work state of agitation procedure flare-up blue funk nonsense monkey business enterprise activeness street fight ritual events hijinks incidents motion red tape lengthy process tedious business occurrences proceedings happenings high gear overdrive shambles mess disorderliness disorganization disorganisation cataclysm jumble three-ring circus hell muddle melodrama unruliness lawlessness earthquake bouleversement disorderedness misorder disaster storm in a teacup tempest in a teapot mare's nest conflict chatter paroxysm charivari adventure nuisance misrule spectacle derangement tension dishevelment provocation calamity messiness muss tumble catastrophe mishap confrontation imbroglio incident pell-mell dislocation much ado about nothing snake pit utter confusion outrage rat's nest hullaballoo bombshell wingding screaming caterwauling dynamism adversity bomb anarchism revolution complaint objection boisterousness swirl babbling protestation stirring bowwow demonstration misfortune dissent incitement entropy surprise cry chance-medley heck crisis setback tragedy hardship indignation katzenjammer contretemps grief wild disarray opposition tribulation harassment circumstance debacle rout complication affair inconvenience public disturbance blow anger seething mass argument theatrics dramatics disorderly conduct public nuisance theatre theater hurt dire straits bad news hot water holy mess tempest in a teacup tempest in a tea-kettle federal case mountain out of a molehill big deal big fuss scrum circus moving wrangle squabble flash skirmish thrills trepidation clash vandalism chaotic situation rammy wow unquietness restiveness uneasiness energy destruction kick-up ruffle wilding incitation exaggeration scuffling fussing talk afters encounter mix up shout scramble discontent mutiny street fighting snarl distemper burst insurgence brannigan mob violence violent disorder shower rebellion run-in revolt omnishambles boiling troubles jiggery-pokery dissatisfaction criticism kicks spirit eventualities high jinks episodes untidiness ululation roughness ride soap opera seesaw saga actions firestorm blare discordance rattle decibels bruit tintamarre state of unrest clamouring a maelstrom ataxia mobocracy consternation stunner temper rabidity tangle lamentation bewailing yelp uproariousness fanfare bellow squawk carryings-on chain of events confused noise threat disapproval exclamation a mess a muddle a shambles shaking trembling quaking seism tottering rocking wilderness menace boilover hazard biffo howl of protest clang tower jargon demurral haze intricacy topsy-turvydom topsy-turvyness an omnishambles war of words rollercoaster clamoring howls of protest flak car crash fankle a car crash dismay tantrum hubbubs gaieties excitements fervor scene of confusion slip-up formal complaint chorus of disapproval eagerness stimulation irritation fright vexation alarm stage dramaturgy acting puzzle movements dramas fit blowup hissy grievance disappointment defeat shake-up torment hullabaloos tumults exhibition affront queasiness turn-up overthrow alteration turnaround shakeout switch temblor hurry-scurries activities high spirits to-dos pothers fervours fervour flip-flop violent change about-face new deal major change seismic shift sudden change new ball-game discomfiture hissy fit temper tantrum exhibition of oneself display of emotion distressed state nervous state suffering failure state of anxiety dilemma peril disadvantage harm trial detriment damage predicament activism division break interference plight danger theatricals problem quandary infelicity misadventure unpleasantness loss disarranging disordering bind trauma conundrum mire quagmire difficulty fiasco campaigning unsettling confusing upsetting stoppage pickle emergency occasion jam affliction perplexity pinch mishappening accident mischance hitch bad luck snag ruining obstruction impeding discontinuation wrecking suspension hampering spoiling entanglement horror exigency undermining delay retardation delaying crusading tough luck boo-boo bad break hard luck ill-treatment persecution rotten luck ill splitting separation severance perilous experiences dangerous experiences exciting experiences travail straits disbenefit sticky situation hell on earth hang-up tight spot sorry condition awkward situation problematic situation tear-jerker sad state tight corner critical situation unfortunate situation hard times no-win situation train wreck tricky situation tight situation difficult situation arguing discussion debate holding up battling rabble-rousing stirring up striving struggling wrangling


An expression or feeling of disapproval or opposition
objection exception complaint demurral dissent opposition remonstrance demur disagreement disapproval outcry protest protestation remonstration cavil criticism expostulation grievance gripe grumble quibble scruple beef declination demurrer demurring disapprobation fuss grouse niggle stink argument censure challenge concern difficulty discontent disesteem disinclination doubt grouch moan odium problem dislike displeasure dissatisfaction hesitation hostility kick question rejection reluctance repugnancy revilement dissuasion shrinking squawk unwillingness formal complaint counter-argument taking exception whinge whine lament wail murmur plaint bleat carp kvetch whimper yammer holler miserere dispute bellyache uproar reproach indignation groan vociferation furore condemnation clamour charge carping row clamor whingeing howls of protest furor hue and cry accusation griping beefing tumult bellyaching rebuke reproof denunciation howl opprobrium flak disparagement squeal nitpicking howl of protest mutter big stink chorus of disapproval outrage muttering hullabaloo peep railing grousing cavilling caviling fulmination inveighing deprecation blame annoyance grouching misgiving conflict roar hubbub discountenance outburst fault-finding cry disfavour distaste commotion noise ruction ballyhoo umbrage disfavor debate qualm blackball bone pettifogging twine discontentment animadversion boycott stricture squabble quarrel bone to pick axe to grind ax to grind bone of contention minor criticism trivial complaint trivial objection adverse comment reservation thumbs down word grudge recalcitrance statement of opposition niggling compunction revolt boggling misgivings moans and groans clamouring brouhaha ruckus grumbling exclamation bickering rumpus petition reproval public outcry public outrage song and dance rallying cry hullaballoo captiousness pique rancour query riot declaration campaign knock turmoil blast case civil disobedience hubba-hubba clamoring hoo-ha ferment rancor uncertainty sideswipe crow to pluck controversy yike confusion dubiousness tantrum guff jeremiad representation rumble contrariety hysterics statement of dissatisfaction contention dubiety work-to-rule clash contest anxiety defence defense counterattack negativism discord feud defiance conflict of interest misunderstanding peeve friction confrontation interrogation question mark scepticism contradiction dissension turf war rebellion questioning of test of resistance stand against vitriol catcall stick nix castigation ostracism hiss zing brickbat boo disobedience argument against difficulty with skepticism difference of opinion falling-out black list call down slap on wrist disturbance pandemonium din stir shouting hurly-burly storm fracas to-do bustle upheaval ado racket clatter shout bluster squall babel hoopla turbulence yelling cacophony bother shindy agitation pother blather kerfuffle whirl stew welter bobbery foofaraw williwaw hurly zoo chaos moil disruption disorder ululation screaming convulsion fun coil helter-skelter carry-on bedlam disquiet clutter excitement hassle splore unrest do hurricane corroboree hurry hubble-bubble hoo-hah hurry-skurry hurry-scurry roaring baying protesting alarums and excursions babble brawl frenzy upset tempest fever bangarang flap melee flurry scene eruption mayhem trouble blare upturn call hell broke loose clangour clangor stooshie buzz cataclysm palaver earthquake chatter caterwauling scuffle bouleversement boisterousness storms of protest pantomime paroxysm donnybrook craze free-for-all broil affray mania lather disquietude outbreak restlessness fermentation aggro disaster argy-bargy big scene Sturm und Drang mess struggle altercation shindig scrap dust-up talk loud noise rhubarb bagarre bowwow havoc heat uproariousness katzenjammer fanfare bellow lamentation bewailing yelp enthusiasm lunacy hype fad perturbation rough house wrangle uneasiness unquietness restiveness folderol imbroglio maelstrom activity splash excitation ailment state of unrest uprising discomposure ructions dither action fireworks hysteria hustle tamasha backwash production combustion stramash fury scandal tizzy tizz delirium sensation rage shock shaking seism trembling quaking tottering rocking hustle and bustle babbling distraction deliriousness breach of the peace fuss and bother bobsy-die tintamarre snafu feverishness rampage performance clinker tizz-woz revolution fret disorganization fray mêlée farce farcicality ridiculousness senselessness disarray overthrow flare-up stirring tremor explosion temblor alteration turnaround shakeout switch catastrophe monkey business disorganisation violent change about-face flip-flop new deal seismic shift sudden change major change new ball-game


To cause concern or anxiety
bother distress disturb upset trouble disquiet unsettle perturb agitate concern discompose harass plague torment vex alarm fluster fret stress faze irk tax bedevil dismay flurry fuss harry rattle scare strain afflict aggrieve ail annoy beleaguer beset besiege bug burden despair discomfort frazzle hassle irritate oppress throw badger distemper distract frighten tease unhinge chafe depress derail discombobulate hagride importune needle persecute pester test torture try weigh down alarum dun exercise goad hector make anxious tantalise tantalize tear undo cause anxiety to freak out weird out get to gnaw at be a great weight on lie heavy on sweat out give a hard time weigh heavily on one's mind do someone's head in mess with someone's head disconcert ruffle unnerve nag aggravate perplex provoke pain exasperate discomfit harrow hound agonize gall rack confuse agonise confound nettle haunt rile ride peeve nark shake curse bewilder discountenance pique displease grieve mortify embarrass burn up nonplus excruciate anguish give someone grief molest spook eat drive up the wall hack off throw off balance dog anger get discommode make uneasy sadden frustrate wound pick on hurt cause suffering to put out startle grate miff be on your back mither intimidate bully chagrin shake up bait panic dishearten devil puzzle rasp spite abash gripe gravel take aback chivvy pursue niggle stir up affect offend frost get on your nerves tick off bum out wind up outrage psych crucify gnaw appal appall daunt put off terrorize get at itch incense get in your hair horrify put someone off their stroke rankle heavy disgust heckle nudge demoralize blight weigh heavily on deject infuriate shock discourage terrorise madden demoralise make waves inflame pother flummox drive round the bend get across dispirit work on sicken press keep on at psych out keep after traumatize terrify rub up the wrong way nag at work up rankle with prey on excite inconvenience bend someone's ear overwhelm eat at enrage baffle prey on your mind preoccupy hang over surprise cow floor disappoint sting move chivy weigh on throw off incommode addle rark assail crush traumatise cause trouble to attack go on at make uncomfortable give a bad time breathe down someone's neck repel be a burden to smite hack you off catch off balance set someone back on their heels get on your wick fear put into a flap give someone the hump turn off be at throw into a tizz drive round the twist martyr make someone scratch their head make someone see red cut to the quick taunt sweat stew bustle affright obsess dumbfound dash disgruntle antagonize devastate mystify interrupt chill abrade disorient cause agony to muddle encumber break browbeat affront victimize craze injure henpeck inflict anguish on fuddle wrong prick dissatisfy put the wind up cause anguish to ridicule egg on make wretched grate on make nervous turn on make miserable victimise be agitated overload antagonise drive crazy get down harp on at cause someone to lose their composure get under your skin pick at get your back up tee off make somebody's hackles rise put your back up confront take control of put someone off their stride face mix up cause to be at a stand derange mistreat put down weigh heavily on someone's mind rouse occupy grip pressure hurry wring hamper cavil jolt pressurize overburden stab possess unman insult carp disarrange abuse maltreat hinder saddle petrify cast down stun stress out buffet criticize fidget indispose pressurise make fretful disrupt befuddle stump hustle fright overcome buffalo flap cause pain to tangle bore entangle awe wear tire burn bamboozle roil gibe beat be a burden on flip out make a scene dominate devour foul up push buttons haze flip intrude upon overpower press down on dragoon jar balk cause anxiety bite baulk carp at take over handicap coerce eat away at criticise cause concern to make angry deter be in a tizzy disoblige give the business fire up exacerbate rattle one's cage cause discomfort to scarify hump put the squeeze on chasten force kick nauseate make cross fall on consume put out of countenance disburb stiff hunt key up weigh astonish drive mad peck at load drive to distraction cause anguish jibe at find fault with hurt somebody's feelings bulldoze scare to death astound strike terror into niggle at drive bananas bleed be a pain in the neck be a thorn in someone's side make your blood boil get your dander up exploit chill to the bone scare away make things hot for someone make it hot for someone be on one's case give someone the pip curdle the blood scare off make one's blood run cold make teeth chatter ruffle one's feathers get on someone's back make one's hair stand on end get up someone's nose cause disquiet to suffer incite muse labour labor flutter quicken squirm frenzy harm stimulate unquiet damage stupefy roust heat accost make restless ferment arouse disorder dement grind give someone hell uncalm macerate noodge despoil foray bullyrag be a nuisance to touch ventilate examine fester nit-pick strap push desolate rend lie heavily on bring down bowl over pierce overcharge be in someone's way beleague convulse turn incapacitate debilitate cramp put on edge come back to haunt jerk around breath down someone's neck make flip bug up dampen spirits break one's heart scar consternate be a weight on one's mind pull the rug from under tear away at rock dizzy unbalance pull the rug out from under make blue drag down put a damper on break the heart of put into a funk cut up get someone lay up sear insist remind cut scandalize lie heavy on someone's mind weigh heavy on someone's mind occupy thoughts grind at expel exile unstring discontent arouse anxiety in rock the boat stir disaffect insist on aggress be bothered jeer silly T-off get your goat revolt do a number on make it tough for scandalise catch unawares chide repulse slight zing take by surprise misplease cheese off push button heat up send into a spin barrack boo scare the daylights out of lash at stop someone in their tracks be prey to be the victim of single out try your patience be a thorn in someone's flesh get your hackles up dash the hopes of ask for it jump on one's case disorientate disengage uncouple unfasten separate unhitch disconnect detach shout down knock props out be hurtful to mourn cause suffering cause offense lambaste cause sorrow lean on fall upon put pressure on rattle someone's cage hit where one lives rub the wrong way be on the back of put someone's nose out of joint raise your hackles start in on strike be a weight on someone's mind throw into tizzy bring pressure to bear on get the knife into stick the knife into weary give the needle visit take get on one's nerves throw a curve be in someone's hair dish out dish it out give it to stick it to tatter erode fray upset the applecart hiss worst make someone laugh on the other side of their face take the wind out of your sails make self-conscious make someone laugh out of the other side of their mouth quibble mess with give offence to make unhappy be disagreeable to push the buttons of play dirty nitpick drive you up the wall bemuse catch dis thumb nose at cause pain cause someone distress have had enough make someone fed up become bored make discontented exhaust someone's patience try the patience of grate at lose patience humiliate scour wear down fox drive insane shout at take pains shame pose fog be worried labour over send over the edge be in a flap maze butt in shout catcalls at make game of be in a stew get worked up get in a stew scrape away bite into gnaw away at rage wear away wear to shreds wear out weight make a big thing out of make a big thing of befog wilder thicken muddy involve complicate make a meal of make a mountain out of a molehill make a thing of jumble overstretch overtax tense deflate humble muck ravel thwart stumble abase stretch live off blackmail plunder take advantage of depredate kill raid extort feed on fleece seize live on charge be nervous be spooked mix you up be all Greek to scold snarl up muddy the waters get one's comeuppance take down belittle make someone eat humble pie disgrace put to shame take down a peg take the wind out demean degrade crunch overextend absorb laden lade lumber freight be on pins and needles be antsy be anxious berate upbraid suppress subjugate fill with fear engross engulf have ants in one's pants be like a cat on hot bricks scare witless scare stiff overdo impel make impress scare the pants off trammel scare the bejesus out of subdue give someone goose pimples yowl crab yammer wail moan grump squawk inveigh whimper bleat growl murmur yaup croak keen yawp whinge maunder beef grouse holler mutter grumble kvetch complain squeal caterwaul whine scream grouch repine bellyache grizzle monopolize scare someone out of their wits scare the living daylights out of chill to the marrow give someone the heebie-jeebies put the fear of God into disillusion surround freeze your blood disenchant get the wind up rib paralyse oblige compel obligate kid make tense tense up push to the limit eat up enthral repress tyrannize enslave dither mock chaff throw into a blue funk egg urge prod moan at grumble at paralyze give one the creeps throw into a fright make someone jump out of their skin make one's flesh creep scare someone half to death obstruct deride josh hegemonize master ill-treat rag joke moan on at keep complaining to jive enthrall monopolise razz subject scourge knock for six rally satirize knock sideways muscle sandbag steamroll railroad constrain roast overrun find fault let down cause to feel emotional strain cause to feel mental strain put in traction put on trial banter keep down treat harshly give a turn twit screw up bust someone's balls bust chops take it out on mess up fill with consternation throw into a tizzy guy fun be cruel to grind down bring under the yoke tyrannise rule with an iron hand trample underfoot weigh heavy upon hold down smother beat down be brutal to rule with a rod of iron trample on rule over hold sway over walk all over tyrannize over put screws to bring someone to their knees ride roughshod over overthrow trample despotize rule put upon bring to heel quiz jostle encircle press the panic button go into a panic become flustered be in a dither be in a state be in a twitter get into a state drive blackjack chiack mob shuck smoke rot sledge impede cross swarm around set upon crowd around descend on converge on crowd round spoof slam sound snap satirise laugh at scoff at jeer at make fun of impose on poke fun at send up make jokes about goof on rag on get on someone's case be sarcastic about poke mullock at make sport of sling off at take the mickey put on make a monkey of have on swipe at pull someone's leg pull one's leg poke borak at flirt with flout at lead on mess around take the piss out of shatter knock the stuffing out of embitter ire enflame mad sap dampen amaze stagger be offensive steam up daze make sad gross out make one's heart bleed be repugnant to make sick diss disrespect get across someone sour reluct jar on flabbergast electrify send into a rage dump on make despondent make gloomy hang up bring tears to your eyes give someone the blues dash hopes break someone's heart turn stomach throw cold water on pour cold water on make your gorge rise slap drain prostrate foul whelm swamp lower overmaster devitalize reduce to tears galvanize dull snub acerbate dumfound enervate own thunderstrike galvanise damp do in jangle cast a gloom upon be offensive to numb rub you up the wrong way wear on greatly upset knock over cause offence to stick in one's craw set one's teeth on edge fill with loathing put in a spot put on the spot get a rise out of strike dumb go to your head blow your mind break someone's spirit bring low tear apart bruise down deplore be rude to bum hack steam cause to panic cause resentment to cause annoyance to slur drive nuts knock for a loop rile up thrill exhaust push one's buttons snit pet tiff huff dislocate grill drive you crazy foil start cast a gloom on abominate get on the wrong side of make an enemy of somebody umbrage mess scare silly make jump get someone's wick be disagreeable be an affront to give offence tread on someone's toes dampen someone's spirit arouse hostility in hit hard offend morals of knock the wind out of drive you to distraction make livid stroke someone's hair the wrong way defeat resent set someone's teeth on edge underwhelm push someon's buttons harsh one's mellow make someone's stomach rise begrudge grudge put inflict trauma deeply upset interfere meddle drive you round the twist drive you round the bend make someone's hair stand on end snow under drive you off your head make you see red dispraise slander throw into a panic send chills down the spine of frighten to death frighten the living daylights out of work into lather set off set on take a rise out of spring on throw a curveball cause to lose your bearings be distasteful to be displeasing to envenom bear down on damp down make awkward make ashamed show up drive you out of your mind make somebody's blood boil drive out of mind get even louse up give a zinger give the cold shoulder surprize inspire panic in strike terror in frighten out of your wits fill with terror tire out poison alienate snow obfuscate crawl undermine cast a pall over make punchy intoxicate bring up short inebriate stymie shatter the illusions of burst bubble dampen the spirits of blow away put out of action hit like a ton of bricks hit take your breath away bring around make demands on make severe demands on put a strain on make your head spin mess with one's head set someone thinking ball up weaken make someone feel sick make shudder be repulsive to tear to pieces catch one short knock out hurt the feelings of make turbid give trouble give you the creeps make it tough make flesh crawl put to trouble put to some trouble put in a hole raise someone's eyebrows enfeeble shake out of your complacency hit like ton of bricks completely surprise make someone's blood run cold disempower jaundice empoison make resentful make bitter blow out unzip disorganize snarl disparage unglue take steam out cripple blow up take apart drag darken run down worsen invigorate inspire whip up make someone want to throw up make someone feel nauseous acidulate estrange make rancorous bitter venom make desolate keep under spur energize pump up harsh someone's mellow bear down make someone's heart bleed juice up enliven inspirit foment energise envigorate trigger animate enthuse liven up activize work jazz up titillate make ill disagree make unwell debase be sickening be unsuitable cause illness to cause problems sink reduce be injurious to be disturbing be injurious strike down go against the grain be distasteful have an adverse effect on dishonor dishonour cheapen discredit silence make a fool of pop one's balloon bemean pull down make someone eat crow bring down a peg cause to lose face squash cut down to size settle someone's hash tear down make one feel small put one away put someone in their place fix someone's wagon put away smirch take down a peg or two shoot down squelch make eat dirt force to eat humble pie demote


To seize or shake by the throat, especially of a dog or wolf


To meditate, to ponder, to think deeply
cogitate consider contemplate deliberate meditate ponder ruminate mull over muse reflect revolve think agonise agonize brood meditate on study think about cerebrate chew over debate deliberate about deliberate on entertain eye give consideration to give thought to muse on perpend ponder on ponder over puzzle question reflect on review turn weigh agonize over brainstorm brood on brood over conceive dwell on envisage envision figure imagine reason ruminate about ruminate on ruminate over speculate chew on kick around look at pore over puzzle over speculate about weigh up worry about wrestle with flash on noodle around pore on stew over chew the cud think over beat one's brains out about be in a brown study obsess mope fret sulk about languish over fret about moon over mope over grieve over repine sigh daydream languish lament grieve sweat out eat your heart out bleed dream think upon be in brown study chafe inwardly sweat over feel despondent about dwell upon despond gloom sulk rack brains turn over moon examine excogitate put on thinking cap evaluate roll mull pine cogitate on dwell wonder brood about stew be lost in thought be in a reverie judge appraise cogitate about use one's head hammer away at give much thought to ask oneself about think hard wonder about ask oneself woolgather regret yearn be despondent be miserable build castles in air pine away intellectualize analyze discuss comprehend rationalize logicalize consult philosophize ideate argue philosophise analyse intellectualise figure out rationalise mind debate with oneself bat it around have in mind pour it on turn over in one's mind talk over knock around think on sort out medidate upon think out muse over run up a flagpole be indecisive recollect feel percolate mull over things put on one's thinking cap about pore chew over things stew about understand give some thought to be lost in contemplation mourn suffer discern lucubrate sleep on it cudgel your brains concentrate apprehend process chew chaw size up think of reflect upon bemoan rue sorrow estimate fantasize swoon romanticize rhapsodize gush feel unhappy be unhappy appreciate resolve deduce infer regret the loss of cry over weep over languish for shed tears for romanticise rhapsodise fantasise be upset ratiocinate cudgel marvel stargaze stop to consider take under consideration feel despondent feel upset feel miserable stare into space puzzle out think hard about space out zone out trip out tune out pout be inattentive be in cloud cuckoo land have your head in the clouds be in a trance be miles away idle despair grump be gloomy let one's thoughts wander be preoccupied be abstracted indulge in wool-gathering be delirious digest grumble be sad sink ache be dejected chafe devise view track hang around waste time lose heart be apathetic have a long face think deeply entertain idea be in a funk be down in the dumps go about like a half-shut knife be down in the mouth wear a long face


Wriggle or twist the body from side to side, especially as a result of nervousness or discomfort
squirm wriggle writhe twist fidget wiggle jiggle shift twitch agonise agonize flounder thresh turn fiddle jerk jig slide slither squiggle thrash toss flail skew struggle wind worm feel uncomfortable toss and turn stir quiver convulse shake move around budge shudder joggle wobble agitate recoil wince stumble jump move restlessly twist and turn thrash about move about stagger flutter wag waggle fumble move jounce tremble quake cringe jolt roll zigzag blench contort shiver lurch start shuffle quail change position flinch squinch swerve duck cower splash shimmy blunder wave bobble wabble judder vibrate rattle heave plunge distort labor labour suffer bend locomote play flail about jitter grope pitch tumble be jittery flap cast about shrink palpitate beat grimace quaver spasm contract kick twinge tic vellicate lug snap move spasmodically move convulsively waver jib dodge gasp scowl shy blanch pull a face draw back shrink away make a face back off baulk balk bucket rock jog bounce jar oscillate tremor jostle bob bump sway swing seesaw twitter pump reel buck dither totter fluctuate knock move up and down nod bang jigger shimmer undulate throb pulsate skip hop careen disturb swish weave dance jump around switch whip flicker dodder grind quave push gyrate vacillate work pulse wigwag shake like a leaf roil rouse thrust thrill bother torment shake violently shake uncontrollably unsettle concuss flop list swing backwards and forwards move to and fro swing back and forth shove nudge keel move about flourish flitter flit commove succuss flaunt churn ruffle spring brandish pitchpole float go into spasms shake up suffer a fit stir up hitch yank set in motion put in motion veer move from side to side wave to and fro ditch chuck dump buffet toss around let fly rise and fall teeter falter waddle slip yaw tilt move to the side lean bumble wallow move clumsily


To inhabit a place in unpleasantly large numbers
infest overrun invade penetrate permeate beset infiltrate pervade flood overspread overwhelm plague ravage inundate pester spread through swarm throng assail crawl over crowd defile fill flock harass harry infect pack pollute press riddle swarm over take over teem run riot over crawl through abound in crawl all over surge over overflow swamp overgrow choke deluge occupy raid attack surge through flow over go beyond spread over spill into capture seize annex storm conquer run over grow over spread like wildfire spread like wildfire over well over assault secure take gain win maraud violate march into plunder crash foray colonize entrench loot enter burglarise pillage meddle inroad swoop on infringe colonise foray into access overswarm trespass annexe parasitize descend on breach parasitise interfere burglarize infringe on go in descend upon burst in on make inroads on muscle in fall on burst in make inroads charge rush strike trash pounce on sic bushwhack sick blitz turn on set on set upon jump on go in on pounce upon besiege pounce fall upon launch an attack on lay into appropriate fly at bombard come at make a raid on launch oneself at make an assault on tear into intrude jump subjugate fire on take down aggress acquire descend go for light into intrude on encroach on advance on attempt to capture make an onslaught on take by storm trespass on strike at take control of launch an attack set about take possession of fly leap at leap threaten rout advance ambush blast sally poach combat strafe bomb torpedo encroach shoot down shell make a foray on conduct an offensive on fire at begin hostilities make a sortie on smite set in on surge into take on march on swoop down upon sally forth begin an assault take the offensive arrogate expropriate afflict hit devastate usurp garrison make an assault make an attack deal a blow to deal a blow commandeer blindside belabour smash accost appear arrive maltreat impugn belabor mug bust encounter overcome open fire on weigh into round on have at let someone have it sail into have a go at wade into lace into work over beat up let fly at hit out at lash out at get stuck into pitch into arrive in hordes drop in turn up come in force show up dominate crush subdue overpower pacify overthrow overstep impinge gain control of prevail over obtrude creep entrench on impinge on barge in on


Ask someone earnestly or humbly for something


Hesitate or be reluctant to do something that one thinks may be wrong
scruple hesitate falter waver doubt vacillate balance be reluctant dither halt shilly-shally stagger teeter wabble wobble baulk at be loath demur stick at balk at boggle demur about demur from flinch from fret gag hang back have misgivings about have reservations about have scruples about question recoil from shrink from shy stick stickle think twice about boggle at disrelish hang back from mind doing something shy away from vacillate about waver about be unwilling have qualms have qualms about drag one's feet over drag one's heels over fluctuate dilly-dally be indecisive haver swither shillyshally blow hot and cold be undecided hum and haw be unsure be irresolute oscillate be uncertain think twice hem and haw pause stall sit on the fence yo-yo be doubtful pussyfoot around equivocate temporize dawdle dally hover hedge tergiversate procrastinate temporise be hesitant shy away be unable to make up your mind delay alternate seesaw dillydally linger sway change baulk deliberate balk waffle hold back hold off be in two minds get cold feet change mind be unable to decide be diffident about run hot and cold keep changing your mind waste time be ambivalent faff about flicker see-saw vary tremble quiver palter trim shudder dodge trifle swing whiffle waffle hang about um and ah hang around mess around straggle lag rock reel be disinclined whiffle straddle be ambivalent about feel uneasy about stay back shrink back drag your heels drag your feet stay in the background hang fire be reluctant to come forward have second thoughts be in a quandary be in a dilemma be on the horns of a dilemma fence-straddle chop and change shrink scruple about be shy about be averse to be reluctant to be hesitant to be bashful about be against fight shy of be opposed to be indisposed to be sorry to be slow to be disinclined to be ashamed to be afraid to be loath to not be in favour of hate to quail at hesitate to be chary of be reluctant about be coy about not have the heart to be cagey about not like to be unwilling to wait pussyfoot stumble defer stop flounder ponder hang mammer debate weigh pull back think about sit on fence prevaricate shift veer flannel be non-committal beat about the bush dodge the issue switch quibble parry questions mutate flip-flop flutter fudge fence evade the issue vibrate be evasive duck the question alter evade wave weasel fudge the issue evolve transform move tarry turn metamorphose convert shake undulate sidestep the issue sidestep pivot go from one extreme to the other beat around the bush morph stonewall progress deviate be vague move to and fro mince words modulate duck the issue shuffle cavil digress idle pulsate snap falsify ebb and flow wag tergiverse loiter drift palpitate slip diverge rise and fall ripple swap quaver second-guessing yourself interchange drag go up and down substitute poke have doubts transmogrify goof off put off cop out play a waiting game stir jib parry lie differ duck avoid flap heave twirl adjust adapt shiver grow metastasize develop metamorphize amend modify totter fib quake misrepresent loll shuck jive con reverse swell surge transmute segue transfigure be unsteady flow diddle be ambiguous creep crawl while away time transition waggle wigwag lollygag realign transmutate faff around lallygag come and go tremor mope putter shuffle about move back and forth beg the question stall for time avoid the issue take one's time use delaying tactics be noncommittal mess about revise pass the buck mark time play for time kill time be dilatory take your time lag behind transpose put off doing something cop a plea let the grass grow under one's feet replace wobble about doubt yourself have misgivings be on the fence will and will not potter discontinue cease trill teeter-totter skirt blather warble shirk hold on pass affect transit move slowly play it close to the vest skirt the issue slouch thrill back swerve change direction elude adumbrate double-talk escape eschew flourish sit around be tardy be long fool around fast-talk remodel mould mold move backward and forward sit tight subtilize twitter shift ground about cover up straddle the fence run around brandish wield adjourn postpone retard prolong protract refuse dodge the question straddle an issue play your cards close to your chest give nothing away deceive tell white lie cloud the issue give run around mince matters goldbrick cool express misgivings express reservations express reluctance fabricate stay adopt Fabian tactics raise dangle billow flinch quail note distort misstate invent dissemble garble belie exaggerate misspeak kick the can down the road postpone action defer action let something slide suspend action take a raincheck wiggle move backwards and forwards judder be tentative flit waft swirl flail thresh put on phony up stretch the truth wait and see be cagey convulse jiggle sweep whirl twist flick thrash be divided blow ruffle give a false colour to jerk jolt feel uncertain wonder about fly stream pulse better turn around deteriorate diminish exchange agitate jar think something unlikely be dubious lack conviction be sceptical bucket jounce joggle harbour suspicions about express reservations about harbour reservations about fluctuate on have doubts about have hesitations about express suspicions about entertain doubts about have suspicions about worsen divert recast rotate loaf intersperse retract recalibrate chill footle bum drone lazy laze lounge take turns curl act in sequence work in sequence amble plod swing backwards and forwards swing back and forth swish filibuster take it in turns follow with be staggered be interspersed coil motion occur in rotation take in turn occur in turn flip-flop on yo-yo on make adjustments to change gears on act reciprocally take in rotation move between follow one another follow in turn give turns to fill in for horse around potter around hang on be slow fall behind buy time stay put potter round potter about not keep pace wait around hack around kick around veg out kick back be unstable fritter hang out hedge your bets shuffle around give the run around

Antonym of the worry

Music ♫

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