Sinónimo de a haze


The state or quality of being dazed or mentally confused
daze muddle blur confusion dazedness fog spin swoon vagueness befuddlement dimness indistinctness obscurity stupor trance bewilderment distraction maze lala-land muddledness glaze bafflement shock bemusement stupefaction narcosis nadaville gauze perplexity whirl puzzlement discombobulation bamboozlement tangle confusedness bewilderedness mystification head-scratching dwam disorientation reverie rapture daydream spell dream surprise hypnotic state state of shock half-conscious state state of stupefaction state of confusion incomprehension state of bewilderment state of disorientation wooziness vertigo lightheadedness giddiness dwaal questioning vertiginousness uncertainty doubt wonder obfuscation doubtfulness quandary disconcertment nonplus disconcertion lack of comprehension blankness muddlement blindness state of unconsciousness mental unclarity study daydreaming woolgathering revery unconsciousness muse abstraction ecstasy state of unreality state of befuddlement transfixion transfixture coma petrifaction sleep catatonia insensibility catalepsy state of puzzlement state of mystification state of perplexity state of bafflement suspended animation brown study jumble numbness astonishment trance-like state confused state trancelike state discomposure dither oblivion blackout collapse amazement dumbfoundedness senselessness obliviousness cluelessness lack of sensation lack of feeling trauma breakdown wonderment traumatism fluster befuddling discomfiture perplexing perturbation discomfiting confounding agitation chagrin a state of shock prostration abashment demoralization awkwardness flap embarrassment upsetting unsettling mixup lather dumbfounding stew torpor tangling turbulence obscuring blurring addling demoralisation difficulty misperception cluttering pother misunderstanding inertia stirring up lethargy listlessness languor hebetude lassitude sopor swooning paralysis dullness vacancy anesthesia slumber somnolence fainting inertness apathy asphyxia hypnosis limpness anaesthesia state of senselessness


A state of uncertainty or indecisiveness
ambivalence irresolution conflict contradiction doubt equivocation fluctuation hesitancy indecision uncertainty vacillation shilly-shallying clash confusion dilemma haziness hesitation iffiness inconclusiveness irresoluteness muddle opposition quandary tentativeness unsureness vagueness wavering equivocacy gingerliness incongruity inconsistency unclearness confusion dilemma doubtfulness dubiety incertitude hesitance reluctance unwillingness demurral ambiguity humming and hawing indecisiveness dithering temporizing stalling faltering teetering oscillation wabbling havering wobbling shilly-shally fence-sitting pause temporization dilly-dallying temporising disinclination compunction blowing hot and cold qualms misgivings scruples reservations uneasiness unease waiting delay conjecture swithering lack of resolution hanging back second thoughts cunctation limbo shillyshallying lack of certainty sitting on the fence reticence inconstancy swither unsteadiness prevarication shuffling quibbling hedging qualification cavilling quibble parrying fencing fudging evasion pussyfooting tergiversation shuffle dodging equivocality caviling bewilderment stalling for time queries questions wonder puzzle questionableness misgiving faint-heartedness fumbling stuttering mistrust stammering procrastination timidity averseness half-heartedness qualm stumbling indisposition scruple changeableness to-and-fro timidness weakness delaying skepticism dawdling scepticism hemming and hawing dubiousness reservation diffidence nervousness pausing apprehension suspicion mistrustfulness distrustfulness dubitation distrust insecurity lack of confidence questioning disbelief cynicism incredulity misbelief unbelief wariness inhibition dilatoriness chariness umbrage postponement slowness deferment reserve fear slackness adjournment delaying tactics lack of conviction kicking the can down the road indefiniteness indeterminacy woolliness caution condition limitation infirmity disquietude resistance proviso demur putting off lack of enthusiasm self-doubt anxiety humility unassertiveness lingering self-consciousness worry humbleness meekness timorousness loitering dallying tarrying recess reprieve respite breather dragging your feet rest lack of self-confidence insecureness lagging behind perplexity misdoubt query difficulty leeriness suspicions faithlessness disquiet question mark lack of trust lack of faith


Blur in out of focus parts of image


A situation of panic or disorder
confusion disorder chaos disarray disorganisation disorganization muddle shambles disorderliness turmoil upheaval commotion havoc mayhem mess pandemonium perturbation untidiness ado bedlam disarrangement stir tumult uproar anarchy consternation disruption ferment frenzy furor furore madness racket babel bustle entropy trouble clutter complication dishevelment disorderedness fracas hullabaloo maelstrom riot row wilderness dislocation hell hurly-burly imbroglio intricacy jumble messiness misorder muss rout tumble welter mix-up a madhouse free-for-all slip-up mare's nest a three-ring circus all hell broken loose disturbance hubbub fuss heck chance-medley ruckus snake pit rumpus stew agitation ruction pother storm flap kerfuffle to-do turbulence bother clamour clamor bluster brouhaha hoopla hoo-ha ballyhoo shindy moil coil clatter blather whirl bobbery foofaraw squall williwaw splore helter-skelter corroboree hurly do unrest state hurry hurricane hubble-bubble hurry-scurry hoo-hah zoo hurry-skurry fun dither alarums and excursions tizzy hassle flurry derangement upset topsy-turviness fluster lawlessness din noise twitter melee panic madhouse omnishambles lather bangarang hash excitement brawl flutter confusedness sweat fret misrule rat's nest outcry hotchpotch unruliness tangle hue and cry violence irregularity carry-on discord affray ataxia huff fever snarl mishmash stink restlessness strife anarchism scramble disquiet donnybrook broil big scene quarrel revolution stramash swivet swelter mess-up convulsion tizz disjointedness twit palaver hodgepodge rumble uprising distraction scene car crash insurrection scuffle tiz-woz discombobulation shouting babble fray yelling sloppiness state of agitation song and dance muddiness jangle bagarre disquietude tempest botch a mess outburst shindig snafu hysteria mobocracy rebellion rampage incoherence discomposure huddle tremor mutiny wildness holy mess pantomime inarticulateness worry state of panic hell broke loose hustle and bustle cataclysm big stink state of anxiety convulsions swirl unintelligibility struggle whirlwind a muddle a shambles paroxysm bouleversement earthquake screaming clangor clangour scrap grubbiness babbling disaster ructions illogicality an omnishambles ailment shivaree pig's breakfast dust-up delirium seething mass anxiety foul-up screw-up Sturm und Drang unholy mess eruption rage upturn activity street fight fermentation aggro explosion performance utter confusion ochlocracy rough house can of worms hustle tamasha annoyance blue funk complete mess nervous state argy-bargy state of confusion mob rule reign of terror breach of the peace destruction calamity pig's fussing upheavals altercation uncertainty rowdydow heap mass storms tohubohu dismay stooshie disharmony indiscipline disunity a maelstrom web rush hectic anxiousness instability distress muck untidy state craziness litter bickering roughhouse wild disarray hubba-hubba rhubarb scribble dirtiness slovenliness chaotic situation morass ravel roll overturn grovel toss tremble scrappiness grunginess scruffiness topsy-turvydom topsy-turvyness alarm hodge-podge fiasco provocation incitement fury glow heat bungle chaotic place hype all hell breaking loose unquietness restiveness uneasiness a car crash scandal sensation incompetence inadequacy inefficiency disunion unconnectedness dissolution ineptitude ineffectiveness folderol rubbish unkemptness dog's breakfast place of disorder snarl-up comess tension craze deliriousness tempests maelstroms quake controversy splash excitation train wreck mania feverishness shock fisticuffs hindrance action fireworks troublesome situation three-ring circus spasm discomfiture trepidation melodrama drama pell-mell production backwash combustion to do vandalism fight skirmish state of nervous excitement state of unrest distressed state blare katzenjammer chatter cacophony discordance rattle bowwow roar decibels bruit tussle set-to entanglement balls-up incitation a dog's dinner a dog's breakfast bobsy-die fuss and bother wilding nihilism misgovernment tizz-woz confused noise charivari fix snit fuming fretting overthrow bad mood nongovernment hostility disregard street fighting distemper burst insurgence protest brannigan mob violence wingding violent disorder demonstration shower run-in revolt scrimmage clang tower jargon state of untidiness stirring flip-flop outbreak alteration turnaround shakeout switch catastrophe violent change about-face temblor crime criminality free fall punch-up rough-and-tumble absence of government vociferation insurgency shout rammy battle royal biffo lack of control irresponsibility terrorism lack of restraint words battle clash brush knock-down-drag-out new deal major change seismic shift sudden change new ball-game ululation caterwauling buzz enthusiasm thrill boisterousness tintamarre rambling nonsense disconnectedness incongruity animation elation passion inarticulacy incomprehensibility inaudibility indistinctness unclearness interference stimulation disarranging disordering interruption a buzz a charge adventure a kick unsettling confusing upsetting stoppage ruining obstruction impeding discontinuation wrecking suspension hampering spoiling undermining delay retardation delaying division splitting break separation severance holding up rigmarole fuss and feathers wrangle howl squabble dispute argument disagreement tiff afters falling-out spat contretemps bust-up ruck conflict ding-dong war of words misunderstanding barney shouting match miff feud slanging match difference of opinion bicker kickup argle-bargle cry cross fire bunfight scrum contention dissension yell exchange scream fighting shriek turf war bellow loud noise screech bawl nuisance holler exclamation call bay contest disputation combat sound outrage crash stand-up business complaint yike public disturbance spree angry exchange tracasserie tracasseries disorderly conduct public nuisance hurrah flare-up stridency blowup anger rioting whoop dustup lunacy encounter squeal wail scene of confusion yowl hoot yelp swedge squawk beef strike yawp caterwaul stoush cheer bark yammer square go duke out rough and tumble fist fight nasty fight roaring baying blaring draft draught an outcry unsettlement seething spin war party carousal frolic dance bash revel fancy merrymaking hell to pay devil to pay confrontation circus fad hectic activity feeling emotion scuffling hurly burly mêlée movement busyness spot of bother farce farcicality ridiculousness senselessness blow-off tempest in a teapot discontent demand appeal request much ado about nothing shemozzle storm in a teacup liveliness life haste rampancy surprise breach mishap kick-up dissatisfaction monkey business quarrels firestorm static procedure carrying-on knock-down drag-out incident grief vendetta bombshell lament remonstrance protesting clinker temper rabidity insanity whirlpool ride soap opera seesaw saga debate transport slugfest hoedown dissidence bomb stunner spectacle threat harassment toing and froing seizure dementedness disapproval difference dust difficulty catfight objection menace boilover hazard comings and goings deliration ecstasy euphoria aberration arguing discourse argumentation dithers wild excitement blow conniption discussion rollercoaster sparring wrangling bang conversation powwow quarrelling squabbling polemic shrieking wailing howling crying quarreling refuting rebutting loud outcry loud communication salvo cry out yap yelled statement thud blast peal ring boom shot sonance scrape exchange of views verbal sparring back-and-forth bone of contention threap collieshangie try drumming detonation clank clink growl fling binge orgy tear splurge bit of argy-bargy dissonance jingle clanking clamouring boiling point loud sound more heat than light grumble clamoring jingling chink jangling clinking clanging chinking clashing rising jar reverberation rattling coup tintinnabulation raucousness stridor subversion bell ruffle sedition reform putsch ejaculation interjection note plot jacquerie insubordination grunt groan crow mix up guerrilla activity act of resistance underground activity change foment bloodshed regime change seizure of power coup d'état act of defiance acclamation squeak whine expletive trill cackle caw yoo-hoo


To insult or put down, especially in a spiteful way
taunt tease needle ride hassle bait heckle mock ridicule gibe deride rib jeer rag bother provoke harass torment pester chaff badger twit quiz make fun of scoff at annoy poke fun at wind up goad banter kid josh take the mickey take the piss out of jive lampoon plague satirize guy rally razz jeer at satirise laugh at jibe at put down irritate make sport of roast scorn hound aggravate harry sneer worry pan bedevil hector jape pick on send up goof on make jokes about rag on be sarcastic about poke mullock at sling off at give a hard time pull one's leg irk persecute vex anger pillory joke chiack nark gall revile fun disturb sledge torture nag reproach raz mimic flout scout fleer tantalize gnaw slam smoke tantalise jibe upbraid get at humiliate sneer at jolly hack you off hold up to ridicule pooh-pooh make a fool of run down flout at swipe at make a monkey of mess around pull someone's leg rail at show up squib censure diss get insult get on the nerves of get in the hair of be on the back of gibe at amuse fool flip quip pull someone's chain laugh caricature prank gag jest wisecrack divert parody entertain jab affront offend disdain slap dig criticise twitter lout criticize outrage disrupt interrupt dump on barrack boo oppress disparage scold berate shout down domineer hiss afflict tyrannize override push grip discomfit bully dis rattle faze embarrass disconcert chivy scoff dominate tyrannise enslave skewer shout at tyrannize over be autocratic cartoon butt in make game of deflate expose unmask sting shout catcalls at prick prod make a game of make a monkey out of treat with contempt make someone a laughing stock expose to ridicule shoot down heap scorn on laugh out of court poke borack make a laughing-stock laugh to scorn hold up to shame infuriate nettle exasperate rile pique niggle spur ruffle bug miff peeve get to exacerbate rark rasp hump get across examine hack off question tweak enrage rub up the wrong way get under your skin get in your hair get on your nerves be on your back get your back up run up the wrong way slang shuck rot importune devil nudge beleaguer spoof dog sound snap put on have on be at poke borak at flirt with lead on upset displease rankle tick off put out madden incense chafe gravel antagonize grate burn up agitate inflame antagonise trouble drive up the wall give someone the hump eat spite distress frost gripe make someone see red fret roil perturb itch drive mad tee off drive crazy bum out disgruntle get your goat make angry put your back up hurt disgust disquiet discompose frustrate make somebody's hackles rise rub the wrong way wound pain drive to distraction get on one's nerves make your blood boil ruffle one's feathers give someone the pip make cross drive round the bend stir up dismay fluster get on your wick perplex make waves steam up excite ire fire up grate on drive round the twist get up someone's nose rankle with incite rouse unsettle egg on depress mortify ail try enflame mad rattle someone's cage T-off get your dander up try your patience work up aggrieve alarm raise your hackles stir unnerve abrade flurry throw fuss discombobulate distemper frazzle unhinge turn off distract grieve shake up eat at molest agonize put someone's nose out of joint mither stimulate beset discountenance discommode get someone injure arouse concern burn give someone grief agonise shake send into a rage confound discomfort motivate derail instigate alarum hagride cheese off exercise undo drive bananas throw off balance whip up weird out freak out cut to the quick chivvy dissatisfy sadden bite slight get across someone shock move confuse chagrin encourage embitter jar on trigger incommode get your hackles up disoblige sicken cross scare wear on inspire press urge hack break empurple foment grill jolt start make anxious bewilder put someone off their stroke hurt somebody's feelings set off ask for it rub you up the wrong way hit where one lives key up gnaw at victimize fool around daunt inconvenience prompt heavy browbeat bore be a thorn in someone's flesh dishearten scandalize impel excruciate horrify repel nauseate galvanize jar cow frighten impassion put off electrify yuck yuk stress disrespect animate intimidate rack induce fuddle besiege bum zing anguish curse startle nonplus make unhappy acerbate goose disorder stick in one's craw brown off awake try the patience of harrow strain floor make uneasy scandalise bend someone's ear cause offense umbrage set one's teeth on edge victimise challenge disarrange be a pain in the neck take aback quicken put into a flap cause someone to lose their composure throw into a tizz give offence to kindle be a thorn in someone's side work on spook awaken craze eat away at bone spur on rattle one's cage vivify enliven rev up drive you up the wall psych out get going bring about thumb nose at raise hell give the business galvanise throw off work into lather make you see red intensify set on turn on pep up get a rise out of drive nuts cut rattle someone's chain kid around chide sour fester steam henpeck get someone's wick wig snit pet tiff huff stew bristle drive insane discontent disaffect tire make you angry push button heat up boil stroke someone's hair the wrong way push one's buttons make see red rile up misplease wing disappoint curdle revolt cool cap arouse hostility in mess pother muddle make fretful call names absorb grab attract ignite interest harm treat contemptuously raspberry cause resentment to cause annoyance to hoax mess with push someon's buttons devastate put get on the wrong side of make an enemy of somebody make a scene blow up nip be like a red rag to a bull foil thwart ridge stay eat up obsess make sore lose one's temper confront dispraise abuse slander show contempt show contempt for buffoon hoot discourage tax keep after repulse weary take a rise out of demoralize play dirty fool about play a prank play a practical joke gird nit-pick indispose strap desolate martyr get on someone begrudge crab grudge pursue despair burden dispirit be hurtful to bleed mourn nag at cause anguish cause suffering lambaste cause sorrow give a zinger give the cold shoulder make miserable do a number on cut up cause anguish to arouse anxiety in be on one's case make wretched cause suffering to push buttons make it tough for weigh on penetrate poke unman go on at insist on harp on at keep on at impede hinder discriminate against weigh down test make someone fed up hang up get even upset the applecart louse up be disagreeable to push the buttons of tear dun lash at have had enough become bored make discontented exhaust someone's patience grate at lose patience punish wring smite mess with someone's head sweat out weigh heavily on one's mind do someone's head in lie heavy on cause anxiety to be a great weight on affect intrude upon impose on deject wake exhilarate waken grumble at prickle make nervous breathe down someone's neck be a nuisance to snub carp at get on someone's case inspirit bestir slur lead someone a merry dance play cat and mouse put through wringer be a pest to rub salt in wound disarm stump furbelow bluster frill flummox wear single out revive innervate mount magnify enhance fire the imagination of heighten whet innerve fire the enthusiasm of redouble light a fire under deepen intensate chill stun panic stupefy set up prime enthuse be disagreeable be an affront to be offensive give offence tread on someone's toes influence bowl over demoralise put the wind up uncalm undermine buffalo sap give a turn set back surprise weaken enfeeble enervate have a down on be down on have it in for be critical of throw into tizzy charge pump up elicit entice drive wake up activate cause charge up energize feed the fire energise bring out trigger off commove touch off spark off enkindle persuade initiate constrain pressure coerce force pressurize kick-start sway spark drive on make unbalance whip dragoon actuate prevail upon procure put up to tempt plan root on rabble-rouse scheme plot insinuate originate hint add fuel suggest lash roust sic pressurise titillate destabilize turn dement derange jumble down disorganize displace rummage disarray destabilise throw into uproar pull the rug out from under pull the rug from under throw into disorder throw into confusion give a bad time mix up


To make, or cause to be, blur or dim
darken becloud bedim befog blacken blear blur cloud dim dislimn fog mist obscure overcast overcloud overshadow shadow shroud fuzz up become cloudy cloud over mist over shade eclipse veil obfuscate adumbrate murk muddy grow dim cloak dull mask conceal screen deepen lour film gray grey grow dark blot out cast a shadow over confuse muddle hide gloom dusk envelop mantle fade benight obnubilate make unclear black out blind tarnish make dim grow black cloud up shield make indistinct grow darker make dark grow blacker make darker make hazy make vague muddy the waters become shaded block out fuzz bedarken shower become gloomy become overcast close in be overcast be overshadowed become blurred make black make blacker inumbrate shelter cast a shadow on block off the light to umbrage envelop in shadow overhang cast a shadow tone down extinguish obstruct cover block enshroud blanket camouflage bury become black turn black suppress disguise ensconce obliterate curtain encase hinder cache bemist occult wrap pettifog stonewall belie paper over cover up keep out of sight blank out put out of sight smudge unfocus spot smear besmear blot garble stain discolour distort daze dazzle glare discolor taint blemish become fuzzy become dim mix up become less sharp become hazy become vague make less distinct become indistinct secrete surround overlay whitewash swathe keep secret hush up stifle muffle dress up enfold enwrap keep hidden keep dark sweep under the carpet sweep under the rug cocoon overspread smother dissemble drape withhold censor stash shut off keep under your hat encompass enclose close coat shut out embrace canopy separate plant embosom embower inclose circumfuse involve bower invest enswathe lap bosom sheathe wallpaper beard gird hem clothe put up a front shut in tuck away give a false idea of draw a veil over give a false account of forcover isolate block off deny repress erase forget dissimulate front minimize carpet pall submerge shutter sugarcoat downplay crown top overlie cap seclude stow minimise pave squash throw on makeup wipe out make light of wall off masquerade extend over finesse launder put up a smokescreen make inconspicuous make up put in a hole squirrel harbour harbor hush not divulge smuggle board up bush up redact gag sit on keep quiet about do on the sly ditch ban mute muzzle burke stop something being overheard proscribe outlaw not disclose hole up keep silent about not breathe a word of put out of the way misrepresent falsify warp encircle engulf airbrush colour misinterpret swaddle miscolor pervert misstate color mislead twist wrap up trump up put a spin on gloss over wrap around roll contain girdle superimpose guard protect coop fence

Antonino de a haze

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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