Antonym de greatly thankful


Opposite of experiencing pleasure, satisfaction, or relief
displeased dissatisfied dispirited joyless dejected despondent forlorn miserable sad upset disconsolate discontented disgruntled downcast glum melancholic sorry unhappy cheerless disappointed down mirthless mournful saddened sullen blue discontent somber sombre sorrowful aggrieved downhearted heartbroken heavyhearted heavy-hearted unpleased unsatisfied woebegone low-spirited cast down depressed malcontented malcontent disturbed troubled melancholy gloomy disheartened wretched grave crestfallen distressed annoyed down in the dumps serious woeful chagrined disaffected brokenhearted grieved heartsick dolorous inconsolable morose moody grieving doleful tearful pained low chapfallen hurt anguished discouraged desolate dischuffed teary emotional tristful disagreeable triste lugubrious in tears in the dumps grumpy vexed resentful fretful ungratified dismayed disconcerted frustrated wistful comfortless demoralized disillusioned regretful needy wanting languorous unpleasant perturbed uncomfortable uneasy broken pensive choked discomfited heartsore spiritless bothered miffed crabby weepy depress gutted irked dysphoric bitter cut up languid sulky broken-hearted down-hearted out of sorts sick at heart demoralised negative depressive lachrymose plaintive dark abject distraught black griefstricken dispiriting atrabilious pessimistic grief-stricken frowning disheartening blubbering in low spirits mourning blubbery bummed-out down in dumps moping discouraging bawling dreary mopey forsaken not fine sobbing unconsolable emo lamentable heartrending bummed mopish bereaved full of sorrow funereal feeling down distant in mourning very upset heart-wrenching distressing down in the mouth off bummed out distrait tear-jerking heartbreaking not happy languishing long-faced saturnine shattered distressful not the best wailing depressing heart-rending in sorrow sorrowing in the pits discombobulated misty in grief in the doldrums


Opposite of no longer feeling distressed or anxious


Opposite of fortunate or happy

Synonyme de greatly thankful

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