Synonyme de a weary


Feeling or showing extreme tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion
tired exhausted wearied drained fatigued spent sleepy drowsy jaded dead enervated knackered bushed done overtired prostrate whacked worn bored debilitated done in flagging pooped sapped sick fagged low shattered aweary beat beaten bleary drooping limp loggy logy overworked taxed zonked asleep somnolent worn out burned-out burnt-out dead tired dog-tired tired out worn-out burnt out tuckered out bone-tired clapped out dead beat done up wiped out worn down all in tapped out washed-out burned out fagged out out of gas worn to a frazzle knocked out played out ready to drop had it jet-lagged asleep on one's feet wasted frazzled weak run-down shot effete bone-weary done for weakened prostrated kaput jiggered out on one's feet rundown depleted fordone fried outta gas crippled on your last legs bushwhacked whipped shagged out worn-down stonkered wabbit toilworn rooted washed out disabled zonked out weariful puffing puffed panting breathless droopy gasping flat haggard strained out of breath puffed out gasping for breath puffing and blowing whacked out running on empty dead on one's feet tuckered fit to drop creamcrackered careworn drawn far-gone pinched enfeebled hollow-cheeked listless languid collapsing wan gaunt used up pale peaky ashen blanched hollow-eyed etiolated finished consumed pasty-faced languorous dog-weary groggy bleary-eyed dragging hacked sick and tired fed up dead-tired dead-beat extremely tired wiped-out without energy stressed out run down wiped all-in faint empty lethargic lacklustre lackluster like death warmed up narcoleptic overtaxed overused languishing low-energy bedraggled broken-down unwell lackadaisical done-in blown used petered out infirm feeble dropping lassitudinous blasé done with exasperated run ragged over-tired tired-out on last leg torpid dog tired gone in poor health slumberous dozy sluggish sleep deprived very tired played-out half-awake heavy-lidded sore aching footsore unhealthy peaked poorly raddled below par wrinkled ill fretted off ropy crummy sickly crook seedy not oneself queer off colour spiritless under the weather out of sorts not up to snuff the worse for wear sallow weather-beaten lined grim stressed faded tense dull indisposed slightly unwell not well ailing unfit liverish queasy nauseous lived-in withered fraught funny rough peculiar not very well lousy not in good shape grotty not yourself with sunken cheeks under par worse for wear not a hundred percent peakish waning weakening failing declining in bad shape not feeling up to snuff fading tiring wearying sinking deteriorating wilting ebbing decreasing giving up faltering diminishing slacking dwindling slumping leaden abating palling sagging slowing down


Reluctant to see or experience any more of
bored disenchanted disillusioned sick tired disgusted jaded discontented glutted impatient indifferent satiated surfeited fed up sick and tired have had enough have had a basinful have had something up to here have had it up to here browned-off wearied blasé irritated annoyed disgruntled discouraged disheartened up to here exasperated irked depressed piqued peeved narked uninterested cheesed off brassed off put out had it disinterested fatigued dissatisfied ennuied hacked off teed off bored by jaded with jaded by weary of glutted by glutted with bored stiff bored rigid surfeited by surfeited with turned off bored to death bored to tears sick to death have had it up to here with sick to the back teeth sick of have had a basinful of browned off ticked off peed off miffed bored with tired of fed up with satiated with sick as a parrot have had enough of had it with up to here with dulled distressed by satiated by cynical jaundiced cool blah done it all world-weary listless inattentive spiritless repulsed revolted sickened repelled nauseated shocked appalled glum gloomy miserable blue sated down dismal outraged offended nauseous displeased scandalized squeamish unhappy queasy overwrought fastidious abhorred scandalised not best pleased full up had bellyful grossed out had enough sick and tired of vexed riled angry resentful aggrieved sore cross aggravated enraged furious nettled irate infuriated incensed upset mad angered indignant huffy in high dudgeon in a huff galled bothered hot under the collar wrathful ireful eggy choleric bent out of shape provoked ruffled shirty affronted foaming at the mouth livid fuming in a temper snuffy steamed up apoplectic rankled ballistic ticked rabid roiled miffy frustrated maddened steaming tooshie hurt inflamed troubled wroth enflamed perturbed vex crook steamed hopping mad fit to be tied scunnered foaming boiling hot infuriate riley hopping disturbed snaky up in arms horn-mad testy agitated ropeable pained wrath in a bad mood beside oneself in a lather on the warpath stung disaffected crabby grumpy malcontent discontent distressed malcontented seething irritable ratty harassed soreheaded worked up in a frenzy in a pet hoha blue in the face as cross as two sticks in a fume going crook complaining sullen grumbling disappointed raging insulted antagonized bitter frenzied ungratified griping sulky chafed chagrined kvetching frantic choked hacked aerated flustered out of joint ill-humored bummed out wound up antagonised ill-humoured restive unsatisfied wounded fretful incandescent querulous surly very angry restless raving bellyaching ranting slighted dirty unglued filthy wild disquieted grouchy injured envious acrimonious critical grieved desperate seeing red rattled off the air bad-tempered in a paddy beside yourself afflicted insane worried corybantic out of humour harried demented needled at daggers drawn hot-tempered crazed ill-tempered maniac burned up irrational bent unreasonable waxy bugged gnashing one's teeth heated in a bate smoking goaded cray-cray mildly annoyed scornful p.o.'d reproachful out of countenance tormented fretted anguished rancorous acrid hard annoying embittered in a towering rage violent vehement vicious fierce frenetic rage peevish petulant churlish salty snubbed with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the teeth fed up to the back teeth cranky prickly short-tempered out of sorts quick-tempered snappy unamused touchy snitty hassled grousing out of temper bad tempered crabbing kicking uncontent raving mad full-on all-out up the wall uncompromising breakneck energetic concerted extremely angry manic torqued off irascible rebellious hateful rousted splenetic roused storming pushed too far in a rage spare dogged stroppy at boiling point raging mad all steamed up overcome with anger rubbed the wrong way blown a gasket with all guns blazing antagonistic dark hostile at end of one's rope uptight boiling mad in a filthy temper buffaloed passionate beside yourself with rage hot and bothered factious dissentious troublemaking dishonored humiliated sour fault-finding carping nitpicking ill-disposed umbrageous dishonoured belly-aching unfulfilled unsated picky fed-up faultfinding grudging unappeased fretting not satisfied sniveling plaintive put-out unassuaged begrudging insatiable snivelling disapproving jealous regretful


Calling for a great amount of energy or endurance
tiring wearying arduous taxing wearing draining enervating exhausting fatiguing sapping stressful tedious tiresome burdensome challenging crushing demanding exacting grueling gruelling laborious onerous tough trying wearisome crippling difficult drudging grinding hard punishing enervative irksome rigorous strenuous uphill back-breaking oppressive heavy toilsome murderous severe killing debilitating harsh testing rough exigent hellish formidable backbreaking troublesome rugged brutal excruciating Herculean grievous weighty stiff knackering grim stringent unsparing bothersome herculean effortful cruel persnickety harrowing painful depleting moiling sweaty ponderous tortuous tall killer hellacious torturous unremitting operose bruising toilful unbearable relentless vexatious energy-consuming intolerable cumbersome Augean serious agonizing sticky shattering labored worrying agonising laboured traumatic hectic frustrating pressured painstaking fraught vexing daunting exasperating galling unforgiving distressing inhuman bitter strict ambitious searing pick-and-shovel forbidding upstream vigorous thorny fierce intimidating unyielding hairy gargantuan nerve-racking unpleasant extreme slavish difficile tough going tense prostrating anxious austere pressing agitating disturbing inconvenient awkward hardhanded merciless time-consuming wretched tricky jarring solemn distressful worksome backbreaker imperious mighty immense staggering colossal intense gigantic insufferable really hard titanic very hard uncomfortable anxiety-ridden unendurable punitive inexorable searching overburdening upsetting aggravating dour dogged pestilent tight immoderate hefty thoroughgoing slow soul-sucking boring exerting a stinker of a major worrisome stark carking superincumbent a nuisance dicey awful hazardous easier said than done high-impact torturesome hard-won drudgy no picnic vicious marathon troubling unnerving impossible high-pressure prohibitive problem ominous tormenting not easy like getting blood out of a stone ferocious almighty savage scabrous problematic uphill battle discomforting an imposition bad inhospitable comfortless emotionally draining weakening hardworking bleak disagreeable spartan work-intensive Spartan bare-bones overwhelming barren hostile desolate incapacitating devitalizing enfeebling excessive grave impairing paralyzing devastating paralysing embittering overtaxing overpowering unfriendly frantic chaotic active eventful frenzied frenetic lively turbulent restless energetic flustering full tumultuous animated riotous madhouse furious tireless bustling wild full on unruly spirited action-packed rowdy bumpy raucous busy


Boring or uninteresting in nature
boring dreary flat heavy monotonous drab dull dusty humdrum numbing ponderous slow stale stodgy stuffy tedious tiresome uninteresting drudging dry pedestrian stupid tame tiring wearisome wearying arid colourless colorless jading jejune leaden monochromatic old ho-hum mind-numbing unexciting prosaic insipid lifeless vapid banal uneventful run-of-the-mill routine bland commonplace lacklustre lackluster uninspiring unvaried uninspired plodding dry as dust mundane unimaginative samey trite spiritless characterless blah repetitious laborious sterile bromidic unremarkable fatiguing ho hum dead unvarying soporific enervating exhausting monochrome repetitive workaday unstimulating quotidian nothing nowhere deadly wooden featureless prosy wishy-washy dim banausic dull as dishwater ordinary uniform platitudinous turgid laboured mediocre everyday tired labored barren soul-destroying unchanging dullsville dreich unrelieved weariful inane mechanical vanilla stiff common lacking variety depressing draggy nondescript monotone nothing to write home about threadbare mindless interminable irksome plebeian vacuous empty feeble bloodless sluggish limp weak toneless innocuous unoriginal derivative stilted pedantic bog-standard desolate lame unexceptional dull as ditchwater white-bread hackneyed downcast treadmill deadly dull yawnsome plain vanilla unenjoyable dismal unentertaining big yawn no great shakes common or garden lacking excitement lacking interest unlively unpassioned unmemorable undistinctive neutral indistinct moth-eaten bomb zero bummer drag cloying stereotyped well-worn drear unanimated uninterested tepid quiet sleepy slack forced depressed overlong stagnant soulless heavy-going formal zestless non-stimulating prolix day-to-day antiseptic cardboard staid sleep-inducing unproductive unprogressive inactive droning gray deadening passionless unspirited anemic grey anaemic usual normal typical customary regular pabulum dragging mortal poky snooze trivial puerile verbose fuddy-duddy bleak dowdy plain one-horse wintery raw sorrowful dispiriting damp oppressive wintry windy endless middle-of-the-road weighty without variety garden variety garden-variety not fun long-drawn-out dead-and-alive conventional inoffensive pointless vacant unobjectionable monotonic all the same reiterated recurrent sing-song samely unchanged heavy going harmless uncreative mainstream safe unfeeling lusterless milk-and-water watery unexcited expressionless mat dulled unexpressive matte halfhearted diluted a dime a dozen hard to digest average flat as pancake puts one to sleep uninflected matter-of-fact boiled down without punch half-pie OK so-so unseasoned unpalatable blind sapless muted whitebread truistic lead balloon namby-pamby not so hot not up to much ornery meager meagre lacking variation undistinguished standard hacky stock predictable corny indifferent familiar simple standard-issue unnoteworthy cut-and-dried cut-and-dry overused clichéd overworked middling old hat second-rate worn out played out forgettable overdone cornball garden time-worn generic dime-store hack run of the mill timeworn nothing special torpid shopworn cliche hackney musty lustreless obligatory cobwebby unpretentious modest general worn-out insignificant not much cop nothing to get excited about nitty-gritty terrestrial lowly passable fair habitual homespun hoary medium sombre natural flavorless hokey inferior run-of-the-mine run-of-mine second-class flavourless homely square accustomed set bush-league dime-a-dozen bog standard somber familiar tune listless miserable long-winded ten a penny apathetic useless unadventurous derived uninventive suburban inconspicuous prevailing clear frequent unromantic yawn traditional pallid popular unimpressive worthless inconsequential established tasteless deadpan tolerable practical cliché wonted cliché-ridden unappealing stereotypical bathetic ineffective plastic tripe humble amateurish amateur majority sad mean intermediate fair to middling middle of the road not very good gloomy deep forlorn joyless shadowy tenebrous glum dingy depressive macabre funereal lonely dark grim dolorous morbid cheerless usual thing menial long prosing unartistic annoying irritating straightforward workday unspecial yawn producing boresome vexatious earthbound unimpressed unmoved heavy-handed wordy trying frustrating unsentimental unvarnished unembellished unpoetic literal unemotional factual unadorned unspectacular ubiquitous household businesslike unexceptionable unfateful indecisive noneventful inconclusive casual informal anodyne basic no-frills disheartening unsatisfying demoralizing unfulfilling boilerplate antiquated imitative obsolete outdated blending into the background phoned in poor half-hearted inadequate outmoded jake diddly actual practicable prose clean moderate not bad facile noplace dumb cornfed unnoticeable adequate okay unimportant two a penny waterish nerdy wimpy straight formulaic soft drivelling nebbish driveling beige fatuous tenuous slight subdued automatic fair-to-middling futile plain-Jane unextraordinary off-the-shelf backward out-of-date blank settled meh old-hat irrelevant inconsiderable paltry vain profitless matter-of- fact played-out old-chestnut old-saw robotic brainless of poor quality decent fairish backwoods comatose demoralising piddling immaterial indistinctive faceless noncommittal meaningless whatever unrewarding no big deal accepted undemanding par for the course neither one thing nor the other fruitless behind the times aimless valueless unprofitable purposeless overall fixed confirmed of little consequence of little importance of no consequence not worth mentioning of no importance of no great concern of no account worn ineffectual otiose unavailing hollow unsuccessful bootless inefficacious abortive ruling received public exhausted drained mildewed chain silly unfruitful unfilled unprolific well worn matter-of-course favourite time-honoured favorite unappetizing inedible warmed-over ready-made used-up unsavoury distasteful uneatable savourless uninviting off-putting unpleasant unattractive disagreeable regimented prevalent governmental utilitarian corporate functional institutional unsavory rudimentary ugly standard issue elementary boiler plate


(colloquial) Weak in character, lacking determination or willpower
soft weak weakened meek wimpy wimpish prostrate prostrated frail fragile fatigued lackadaisical listless passionless sick sickly sluggish tepid unenthusiastic unexcited unhealthy unfit uninterested unwell unwilling weakly tired strengthless spindly spent shaky languorous indisposed incapacitated ill helpless enfeebled exhausted blasé apathetic ailing anaemic anemic feeble enervated debilitated asthenic sapped softened limp untrained infirm languid out of shape rickety unsteady effete wasted faint slight down-and-out drained depleted broken-down burned out delicate flagging unsubstantial low drooping tender small scrawny emasculated weedy debile decrepit bad lousy rotten down beat pooped bedridden below par off-color sick as a dog laid-up out of gas tuckered out run down worn-out out-of-action low-energy a wreck in poor health out of commission worn out tired out under the weather run-down laid low out of sorts poorly doddering vitiated weak-kneed failing declining lame doddery weakling spineless trembly sapless unsound wet nerveless invertebrate faltering limp-wristed characterless milk-and-water namby-pamby wishy-washy puny powerless tottering undermined crippled unnerved faded woozy deteriorating sensitive devitalized deteriorated dizzy sinking dainty pathetic tenuous spiritless lethargic light breakable hindered encumbered hampered slender diminished rundown yielding withered atrophied wilted haggard degenerative ravaged anile rendered feeble stricken washed-out lacklustre poor lackluster valetudinarian easily damaged in declining health paralyzed done in rusty paralysed played out dying reduced shattery thin fishy wispy shatterable brittle fracturable nesh susceptible meager meagre washed out gone to seed out of condition on the ropes without energy ineffectual vapid aged irresolute indecisive tottery bland half-hearted ineffective etiolated impotent trembling giddy jejune insipid shilpit flat vertiginous wobbly wavering flavourless cowardly mediocre watered-down flavorless vacillating dull waning weakening woolly reeling lightheaded muzzy fading tiring off-balance woolly-headed wooly light-headed dopey all of a quiver weak at the knees wearying wilting ebbing decreasing giving up diminishing slacking dwindling droopy slumping leaden abating palling languishing sagging slowing down


Characterized by sluggishness or weariness
lethargic sluggish listless torpid languid lazy inactive sleepy slow slothful apathetic lackadaisical inert languorous drowsy indolent passive enervated somnolent indifferent idle dull tired heavy lifeless phlegmatic slumberous dopey spiritless snoozy impassive laggard comatose unenergetic fatigued dilatory shiftless draggy exhausted quiescent supine stolid dormant blah lackluster lacklustre unenthusiastic narcotic debilitated stupefied sleepyhead moony wimpy unmoving nebbish stretchy laid-back out of it without energy having spring fever lymphatic limp leaden slow-moving dozy yawny weak languishing uninterested unhurried unconcerned energyless easy blahs pining heavy-eyed half asleep flagging lacking in energy asthenic logy neurasthenic relaxed unresponsive leisurely sickly infirm faint feeble dreamy nodding sluggardly slumbrous dozing still Laodicean otiose pococurante slack droopy laid back flat stagnant lax static bovine depressed quiet mooney sleepyheaded stiff sullen off sluggard hebetudinous down drippy lumpish tardy unproductive sedentary burned out spent dead faineant fainéant slow-going slow-paced somnific insensitive insensible yawning groggy drugged dazed knackered dopy restful dog-tired ready for bed done in half-asleep dead beat all in hardly able to keep one's eyes open half-hearted lukewarm cool disinterested passionless unemotional cold unmoved offhand insipid vapid bloodless unfeeling casual numb careless perfunctory slumbersome loafing uncaring emotionless cursory oscitant tepid wishy-washy detached stupid stuporous bland inattentive benumbed uninspiring work-shy insouciant uninspired tame negligent easygoing superficial characterless do-nothing motionless anaemic uninvolved desultory neutral bored dispassionate halfhearted incurious vigorless vigourless wooden irresolute sleeping bone idle stoic effete nonchalant blasé anemic unenthused callous untouched neb what the hell lacking energy asleep on one's feet could care less don't give a damn couldn't care less lagging dallying procrastinating unanimated bleary-eyed spineless yielding uneager asleep unimpressed frail paralyzed sodden latent paralysed unkind coldhearted anaesthetic anesthetic acquiescent submissive docile servile pliant lacking vitality soporous soporose lusterless etiolated anodyne plodding hibernating damp unexcited heedless unlively inconscious out workshy half-awake half awake nodding off stoical remiss unoccupied peaceful slapdash drony resting not enthusiastic vegged out out cold non-committal dead to the world out to lunch drained undemonstrative unambitious impassible affectless cold-blooded unmotivated reluctant boring good-for-nothing abstracted unwilling shot dry aimless dispirited daydreaming sentimental romantic colourless wearied sapped worn out weakened beat shattered pooped tired out kaput slap-happy laissez-faire lumbering dead tired easy going spring fever cavalier soulless artless unstudied effortless loose flippant complacent light carefree disimpassioned regardless breezy pathetic simple informal unimpassioned happy-go-lucky easy-going devil-may-care free and easy subdued desiccated meek low inanimate sad indecisive colorless lacking in vitality flat tire


Having an unimpressed or indifferent attitude
blasé nonchalant indifferent unconcerned apathetic carefree uninterested careless uncaring cool relaxed detached heedless offhand regardless lukewarm bored jaded unmoved distant glutted impervious cloyed unexcited laid-back laid back world-weary disinterested dispassionate insouciant incurious impassive listless insensible perfunctory unresponsive uninvolved complacent uncurious pococurante casual apathetic towards offhand about uninvolved with aloof from hard-hearted turned off detached from indifferent to could care less uninvolved in bored by unenthusiastic about unconcerned about bored stiff incurious about nonchalant about going through motions unmoved by lukewarm about phlegmatic about unresponsive to distant from lackadaisical passionless unimpressed cavalier unenthusiastic unfeeling aloof emotionless cursory unemotional cold tepid devil-may-care free and easy spiritless half-hearted lacklustre lackluster subdued unsympathetic blithe breezy lax flippant inattentive unaroused easy-going passive unenthused lethargic callous impartial weak languid equitable neutral phlegmatic easygoing damp negligent dismissive slack disimpassioned informal heedless of heartless loose reckless not giving a monkey's happy-go-lucky insipid unperturbed trivializing unimpressible trivialising feeble unceremonious not interested unconvincing discontented artless unstudied reluctant lifeless limp take-it-or-leave-it couldn't-care-less effortless leisurely superficial light indolent simple flat weakly lame world-worn unwilling irresolute tame meager paltry objective unbiased unworried casual about uncaring about unprejudiced nonpartisan apathetic about uninterested in meagre regardless of frivolous about evenhanded candid just equal fair reckless about careless of cavalier about dismissive of square mindless of oblivious to unimpressed by brash weary of nonaligned smart scornful unsocial stoical silent haughty uncommunicative diffident superior supercilious highbrow untroubled Laodicean impetuous free without a care in the world prankish jaunty light-hearted unheeding airy incautious improvident not enthusiastic disregardful feckless tardy lazy neglectful remiss derelict slapdash sloppy blithely unconcerned easy uncircumspect unmindful unobservant untrustworthy slap-happy delinquent irresponsible good-for-nothing slipshod unaccountable without care unreliable undependable selfish hardhearted not caring


Having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
tenebrific black bleak cheerless dark desolate disconsolate dismal dreary forlorn glum miserable morose saturnine solemn somber sullen chill Cimmerian cloudy cold comfortless darkening depressing depressive dire drear dreich elegiac elegiacal funereal gloomy godforsaken gray grey lonely lonesome lugubrious morbid murky plutonian sepulchral sombre sunless tenebrous wretched blue broody chapfallen crabbed crestfallen dejected depressed despondent dispirited dour downcast downhearted dragged joyless low melancholy mirthless moody moping mopish mournful oppressed pessimistic sad sulky surly ugly unhappy woebegone woeful blue funk in low spirits in the dumps down in the dumps down in the mouth down low-spirited sorrowful doleful disappointed disheartened demoralized discouraged subdued bad heartbroken heartsick melancholic heavyhearted brokenhearted hangdog heartsore sorry inconsolable droopy saddened dolorous adust feeling down in the doldrums full of gloom chap-fallen long-faced cheesed off fed up demoralised Eeyorish heavy-hearted brassed off cast down looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny grim drab disheartening dull dispiriting uninviting dingy grave discouraging hopeless unwelcoming oppressive abject austere dim humorless humourless pathetic heartrending heartbreaking serious bare inhospitable stark unpromising distressed clinical impersonal rueful sober institutional mourning uncomfortable teary saddening tearful piteous drearisome sedate spiritless severe dirgelike bland dejecting draggy mopey wintery afflicted wintry jarring down-and-out earnest ominous lamenting foreboding stern weighty dirge-like brooding unsmiling staid distressing sourpuss hurting muted stony-faced no-nonsense poker-faced uncaring unimpassioned unmoved solitary spartan overcast poignant plaintive obscure deathly hollow Stygian defeatist maudlin nostalgic forbidding acheronian in the pits sorrowing broken-hearted grieving sinister grief-stricken exequial funebrial deathlike sunk in gloom threnodic threnodial anguished devastated despairing unfavourable taciturn troubled unfavorable horrible moving touching inauspicious in a blue funk unpropitious disadvantageous atrocious given to looking on the black side portentous poor squalid pitiable despicable contemptible foul sordid disgraceful shameful pitiful tragic vile execrable trashy rotten lamentable shoddy inferior deplorable lousy unpleasant disagreeable terrible grievous filthy indigent scungy impoverished destitute displeasing detestable derisory scurvy poverty-stricken


In a state of nervous excitement or anxiety
overwrought agitated tense distracted distraught frantic excited overexcited wired hysterical uptight desperate frenzied nervous neurotic upset anxious distressed edgy fidgety jumpy on edge beside oneself jittery panicky restless worked up feverish heated hectic highly strung hyperactive keyed up nervy overactive twitchy wrought-up adrenalized in a state stressy strung out swivel-eyed tooshie wound up affected crazy emotional excitable fired-up freaked-out het up high high-strung hot-and-bothered hyper keyed-up overstrung overwhelmed spent stirred stressed strung-out strung up tired touchy under a strain uneasy unstrung worked-up worn wound-up beside yourself throwing a wobbly flipped out in a tizzy in a twitter out of your mind steamed up all shook up hot under collar at the end of your tether worried apprehensive troubled perturbed disturbed antsy bothered ill at ease frightened in a tizz in a flap fearful unquiet dithery toey wild queazy insecure scared flustered queasy discomposed fretful having kittens aflutter in a stew mad concerned all of a dither unsettled delirious disquieted hung up frenetic windy atwitter strained in a state of agitation fraught wrought up shook up alarmed rattled on tenterhooks shaky goosey hinky in a state of nerves afraid furious spooky squirrelly unglued violent shaken all of a lather on pins and needles like a cat on a hot tin roof panic-stricken in a sweat spooked in a panic dismayed unnerved disconcerted in a twit ruffled rabid fevered uncomfortable raving confused flurried intense hot and bothered in a cold sweat manic all of a doodah hysteric in a dither fierce febrile a bundle of nerves in a flat spin deranged fervid insane berserk raging trembling unscrewed maniacal uncontrolled bricking oneself corybantic annoyed shocked unzipped vexed worried sick in suspense crazed obsessive hot under the collar angsty hurt grieved irritable distrait shaking terrified tormented harassed muddled animated out of control choked passionate fanatical ferocious turbulent angry irked wigged out exciting at wits' end demented like a cat on hot bricks unrelaxed impatient avid timorous quaking unhinged in a fluster panic-struck moved startled sad saddened irrational restive aghast thrown under stress unhappy horrified clutched hassled disappointed weird zonkers discountenanced gutted stressed out in a lather discombobulated anguished in a frenzy skittish lively weirded out irritated waiting for the axe to fall freaked out spazzed out taut carried away in a tiz-woz inconvenienced timid flighty waiting with bated breath careful chaotic energetic spasmodic with your heart in your mouth enthusiastic overcome tumultuous zealous fluttery ardent shivery tempestuous impassioned unrestrained fiery vehement devastated fretting overanxious unbalanced inflamed aroused afflicted petrified berko fractious disordered fast and furious white-knuckled quivering shattered terror-struck sensitive daunted angstful solicitous horror-struck verklempt bugged pained terror-stricken horror-stricken very upset wreck scared to death scared stiff a wreck in a spin nervous wreck frozen frit shot to pieces beset riled angered like a fish out of water tortured plagued out of one's mind provoked bundle of nerves blue in a funk worried stiff in a blue funk having butterflies in the stomach with one's stomach in knots put out shaking in one's shoes bummed out scared out of your wits broken up cut up frightened out of your wits in a pother madding shy trepidatious fanciful overcharged skittery brittle roused mousy fazed consumed flushed aquiver easily frightened easily agitated frazzled uncontrollable under pressure unreluctant creepy frisky unrestful busy overemotional stirred up flapping hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited emotive unrestrainable histrionic strung-up hag-ridden agog eagerly pressured like one possessed emotionally charged traumatized dispirited moving shot maniac all of a flutter falling apart stormy all agog open-mouthed zipped up hot juiced up confusing convulsive phrenetic compulsive not knowing what to do with oneself out of one's wit at fever pitch white knuckled anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting irrepressible impetuous maddened driven to distraction incensed fuming possessed rampant blazing seething with bated breath asea crushed heartbroken up the wall tearing one's hair out intimidated exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated mortified pestered perplexed harried harrowed miffed fixated unstable oversensitive phobic watchful dreading cowardly hesitant discomfited unhealthy abnormal paranoid offended fretted embarrassed in a fit spirited traumatised low a basket case sweating bullets suspicious cowering maladjusted fervent out of one's wits terrorized affrighted pusillanimous cowed passional chicken afeared wounded wrung shell-shocked emotionally defeated broken-hearted yellow feart stunned terrorised perfervid inhibited erratic disoriented aberrant deviant obsessed in awe alarmed at running scared apprehensive about intimidated by shaking like a leaf having cold feet faint-hearted scared witless come apart psyched out at sixes and sevens in disorder all torn up amazed frightened to death funky full-hearted self-conscious in turmoil all nerves on the qui vive basket case injured damaged fond infatuated grumpy cross flurrying petulant smitten enamored keen testy impaired irascible flustering boisterous riotous peevish rumbustious buzzing brisk bustling last-minute cranky nutsy madhouse burning vibrant woolly wooly zoolike jungle hassle crowded crabby ratty devoted snappish ecstatic crotchety huffy rip-roaring tetchy in love dizzy querulous very busy very active splenetic crabbed perverse captious like Piccadilly Circus hell broke loose complaining ornery thrilled elated miserable mean grumbling whining eager transported euphoric critical carping caviling gone on infatuated with devoted to fond of sweet on enamoured of very keen on smitten with very enthusiastic overjoyed rapturous contrary nuts enamoured enamored of jubilant exultant faultfinding nonplussed addled in seventh heaven Corybantic sent on cloud nine cavilling bad-tempered ill-tempered short-tempered ill-natured out of sorts drunk delighted enthused wild with excitement on cloud seven in a frenzy of delight in raptures over the moon blissed out in transports of delight walking on air on a high jumping for joy intoxicated like a chicken with its head cut off uncertain unsure shrinking doubtful unconfident retiring awkward wretched scary beleaguered diffident unassured fainthearted tremulous weak sorrowful lily-livered angst-ridden irresolute careworn disconsolate distrustful bashful inconsolable cautious unsteady out of place wavering mousey dolorous spineless oppressed burdened meek fearsome desolate mistrustful appalled despairing sissy sorrowing grief-stricken submissive pessimistic brokenhearted haunted self-doubting not confident indecisive overburdened exercised peeved dubious nail-biting feeling anxious wrecked shook pinched drawn gutless doleful unpeaceful mournful wary despondent tentative depressed grieving guarded sceptical rueful dejected craven unassertive woeful melancholy vacillating withdrawn agonized wimpish bitter wimpy unheroic exasperated doubting skeptical shot down dolesome soft feeble recreant wailing weak-kneed questioning weeping spiritless preoccupied demoralized gun-shy cynical active fidgeting wet bewailing hounded stressed-out bemoaning lacking courage stiff aching pigeonhearted demoralised galled weighed down tossing and turning suffering passive pigeon-hearted yellow-bellied stupefied rabbity bedevilled agonised poor-spirited numb dazed dumbfounded chicken-hearted in pain lacking confidence lacking self-confidence lacking in confidence lacking assurance bedeviled not self-assured racked with suffering racked with pain pushing the panic button in doubt have cold feet twittering gauche faltering unnatural blushing dithering worrying disorderly nerve-racking stressful swithering Delphic unpoised volatile dragged ripped tensed caught up disorientated all wound up strict conventional unconsolable nerves on edge narked reserved introverted sorry cringey bewildered overstretched curt scunnered itchy fitful hard-pressed strange lost lamentable plangent gentle Milquetoast capricious bullied browbeaten easily upset mistrusting chary pressurized pressurised funeral old-fashioned abashed discomforted on the defensive prim stilted chafed deploring foreboding biting one's nails approval-seeking unruly lugubrious plaintive recalcitrant circumspect untrusting butterflies jellyfish regretful tied up in knots in pieces refractory teed off obstinate stubborn unyielding biting nails having a funny feeling having stage fright tongue-tied lacking social skills painful very scared in fear and trepidation numb with fear leery paralysed speechless paralyzed hopeless on the rack put upon champing at the bit benumbed transfixed paralysed with fear immobilized immobilised at wit's end under the cosh up against it panicked suicidal on guard visited by preyed upon haggard wakeful heavyhearted broken cheerless morose forlorn downcast insomniac bereaved down heartsick hurting vague indeterminate unclear equivocal borderline unknown questionable ambiguous dubitable chancy inconclusive gloomy dismal mourning sheepish frozen with fear resigned discouraged disheartened unsleeping awake paralyzed with fear in despair defeatist persecuted insomnolent gripped melancholic strabilious bleak sunk no-win long-suffering grim suspecting alert dominated controlled vigilant trustless can't win woebegone cursed seized in the pits not a prayer at end of one's rope down in the dumps in the soup in the dumps without sleep wide-awake attentive sleepless wide awake dogged overpowered surrounded possessive quizzical heavy with grief overcome with sorrow clouded devoured held bewitched heavy-laden quivery taken over under a spell fiendish in the grip of wondering unbelieving dastardly poltroon chickenhearted jealous sissified boneless having reservations abject base in question caitiff sookie cowhearted backward worthless chicken-livered white-livered no guts milk-livered having the willies paper tiger candy-assed


To cause to become tired, weary or fatigued
tire drain fatigue tax debilitate exhaust sap enervate burden overtax overtire bush devitalize frazzle incapacitate knacker outwear overwork plague shatter sink strain tire out wear whack break bust drowse enfeeble jade poop prostrate weaken droop fade fail flag glut kill oppress pain weigh wear out cause ennui grow tired burn out knock out do in tucker out wash out wear down wear to a frazzle make tired take it out of harass do up disable tucker poop out etiolate peter out cripple waste soften conk out lay low languish immobilize paralyse undermine indispose paralyze immobilise torpefy make weak make feeble bore deplete overexert overextend overfatigue impair overdo run ragged put out of action grow weary succumb fizzle draw bankrupt drop bedraggle sag falter reduce put to sleep suck dry eviscerate render infirm make weary lose energy grow weak lose strength get tired become fatigued impoverish use up exasperate root disempower unnerve cause weariness wilt wipe out nearly kill emasculate destroy disembowel exenterate fold faint overburden overstrain yawn collapse vitiate get the better of wear oneself to a shadow run into the ground wear oneself to a frazzle encumber hamper injure hinder hurt mar harm attenuate extenuate give out sap your strength take unstrengthen become tired go stale run out of steam break down run down stress out become exhausted become drained confine to bed confine to a wheelchair shag out hamstring make sleepy drain of energy wear on handicap ruin disarm wreck depress overthrow mow defeat make powerless make helpless make impotent bring someone to their knees bring low lame diminish maim mutilate blunt eat away erode lessen lower dilute damage hobble mangle shrink sap the strength of wear away make lame water down unhinge numb sicken subvert deaden benumb obtund dull bonk hock hit the wall atrophy rob from wither emaciate shrivel render powerless consume corrode gnaw make feebler contract disfigure reduce the power of deprive of force decrease pull the teeth of remove the sting from reduce the powers of palsy deface dislimb sideline stifle dismember lighten constrict adulterate deflate temper dissipate mitigate assuage calm devaluate thin rarefy abate soothe offset halt stop deactivate take the edge off disenable jam inactivate kibosh bring to a screeching halt prevent from moving bring to a standstill throw monkey wrench in render inoperative make inoperative prevent from working bring to a halt take out render inactive render incapable


To make emotionally sad or depressed
depress sadden oppress discourage upset daunt desolate dishearten dispirit distress deject demoralise demoralize grieve trouble chill dismay try afflict crush perturb shake aggrieve ail burden dash disturb drain harrow haunt mortify torment bother bug dampen abase beat cow damp darken debilitate drag dull enervate faze cast down reduce to tears run down weigh down cast a gloom upon get down make sad make unhappy beat down bring tears to your eyes bum out make despondent make gloomy turn off weigh heavily on cause suffering to give someone the blues keep under knock for six knock the stuffing out of make desolate hang over harsh someone's mellow knock sideways bear down make one's heart bleed make someone fed up pour cold water on throw cold water on break someone's spirit dampen spirits dash hopes break someone's heart make someone's heart bleed sap subjugate break lower suppress overwhelm devitalize humble overcome defeat chagrin damp down bear down on cast a pall over unnerve unman frustrate worry put a damper on deter abash vex subdue bring down disappoint beset deflate undermine nag throw lie heavy on plague make downhearted prey on psych out pain harass hurt weaken devastate press gnaw at obsess shatter disincline make dejected disparage cloud disconcert bring low be a burden to be a burden on break one's heart take over dampen the spirits of take the wind out of your sails take control of dash the hopes of weigh on knock the wind out of harsh one's mellow discomfort lie floor down deplore flatten cast a shadow make blue drag down squash dampen someone's spirit cast a gloom on castrate take the heart out of make dispirited make crestfallen humiliate indispose make miserable geld put into a funk petrify shame dump press down on put down lobotomize disillusion take the edge off desiccate tax weigh dehydrate stress strain inconvenience disenchant deaden incommode bedevil enfeeble wound disoblige rattle overcharge prey on your mind underwhelm disgruntle alarm disempower embitter sting blanket jumble disarrange disorganize snarl muddle unzip disorder nonplus discountenance unglue embarrass cripple unsettle scare agonize awe let down shatter the illusions of burst bubble cause trouble to confuse get to send up blow out blow up take apart gall stamp out appall injure take steam out overawe dish it out stick it to give it to dish out irk repress droop prostrate appal agonise hit hard break the heart of cause to lose heart dampen someone's hopes cause to lose hope


To oppress with severe or excessive burdens
task strain test exhaust load push saddle tax burden oppress overload charge encumber entrust lade lumber weigh weight exert overwork stretch tire overtax extend overextend overtask overreach overexert overburden drive rack knacker fatigue distend weaken wrench try tense tighten wear out push to the limit overdo it exert to the limit make too many demands on work too hard exert excessively knock oneself out drive too far run yourself into the ground work oneself into the ground overstrain stress weigh down overwhelm overstretch laden freight trammel bite off more than you can chew overfill overcharge hamper pile overdo handicap crush obstruct burn out force worry surfeit pressure embarrass retard overuse surcharge put too much in drive too hard drive into the ground impose excessive strain on overstress go too far yoke cumber hinder impede snow dump on snow under make heavy exceed outreach overstep break outrun overpass overshoot overrun surpass transcend saddle with bear down on labor labour overact overdrive sweat wear oneself to a shadow overload oneself work like a Trojan work day and night drive oneself into the ground drive oneself too hard work one's tail off push oneself too hard wear yourself out overtax one's strength overburden oneself strain yourself burn the candle at both ends overtire yourself work like a slave kill oneself do too much work your fingers to the bone overtax oneself work like a horse burn the midnight oil overstrain yourself drive oneself too far practice presenteeism sweat blood

Antonym de a weary

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