Sinonim dari a comfortable

Kata sifat

Laid back and unhurried
easy leisurely relaxed unhurried casual relaxing calm deliberate easygoing easy-going gentle leisured measured nonchalant patient slow unhasty unrushed dawdling effortless laid-back lax lazy loitering plodding restful sedate undemanding lingering steady slow and steady slow-moving languid languorous sluggish slow-going lagging creeping laggard tardy dilatory snaillike snail-paced pokey poking dragging poky dallying crawling dillydallying lackadaisical chilled unexciting dull ponderous leaden moderate sluggardly tortoise-like labored laboured delayed slack free slackened listless leaden-footed lethargic snail-like pleasant cushy laggy slothful lollygagging late torpid behindhand idle agreeable reposeful stress-free sympathetic carefree cozy careful cautious tortoiselike indolent postponing procrastinating apathetic phlegmatic drowsy dreamy imperceptible inert delaying passive easeful obliging tractable tranquil temperate comfy supine remiss docile unoppressive unburdensome cosy at ease gradual backward slow-paced stupid undeveloped imbecile checked moronic dense underprivileged behind arrested underdeveloped feeble-minded subnormal heavy moving slowly simple slow-witted lumbering cumbersome stagnant sleepy simple-minded tedious inactive even regular time-wasting unpunctual painstaking putting off tarrying laborious problem moratory neglectful negligent flagging slow-footed on hands and knees slow but sure natural unforced spontaneous incremental worming skulking writhing slithering shuffling quailing slinking wriggling squirming inching sneaking shambling groveling hobbling grovelling organic on all fours barely moving

Kata sifat

(of accommodation) Designed for luxury
cushy luxurious generous roomy spacious substantial capacious commodious expansive sizeable ample big extensive large palatial spacey rich well furnished broad wide vast huge sizable widespread great voluminous immense boundless open airy enormous endless uncrowded cavernous limitless infinite extended rambling high-ceilinged convenient loose comprehensive abundant sweeping expanded immeasurable outspread rolling outstretched thick fat beamy latitudinous spread out far reaching wide physically massive whopping giant colossal jumbo considerable gigantic oversized hefty humongous oversize hulking gross biggish grand prodigious tremendous mammoth monster outsized goodly handsome largish full bulky monumental elephantine deep monstrous gargantuan mountainous astronomical ginormous outsize stupendous tidy walloping thumping giant-sized strapping burly king-sized king-size thumping great whacking great whopping great king size large-scale husky mighty ponderous weighty humungous cosmic inordinate titanic grandiose astronomic towering Herculean overgrown leviathan extreme cosmical pharaonic cyclopean galactic good significant major boxcar mega loose-fitting healthy far-reaching extra-large Brobdingnagian whacking bumper super formidable respectable wide-ranging cavelike vasty global tall lofty high Bunyanesque mastodonic staggering brobdingnagian substantive copious unlimited heavy epic man-size of considerable size man-sized dirty great not inconsiderable almighty exorbitant unwieldy excessive very big very large decent-sized detailed decent far-flung supersize supersized thundering a whale of a mondo super colossal spread-out super-duper sensible whopper slouchy bountiful hollow gaping prominent unfathomable OS chambered chasmal baggy swelled massy fair-size good-size good-sized great big socking great economy-size life-size magnific cumbersome fair-sized economy-sized megalithic full-size family-sized extravagant family-size fairly large serious bonny macro incalculable eternal billowing reasonable not to be sneezed at herculean easy-fitting ballooning measureless illimitable terrific wholesale oceanic gigantesque interminable awesome overwhelming heroic imposing prolific planetary heroical plenteous mundo Gargantuan unbounded balloon-like flowing puffy wide-reaching exhaustive mass thorough never-ending Himalayan very great nationwide universal all-inclusive stretched-out whale of a inclusive all-embracing generously cut leading stuffed heavy-duty intercontinental heavyweight packed awash all-encompassing bull across-the-board worldwide international important chock-full brimming crowded expanding stretching inflatable elastic dilating rangy swelling interdisciplinary extendable stretchy enlargeable distending multidisciplinary cross-disciplinary dilatant scopic scopious unsuppressed sprawling expansile unrepressed stellar beefy hulky powerful brawny monolithic liberal solid appreciable greater larger giant-size barn door

Kata sifat

Existing in large amounts or numbers
plentiful abundant ample profuse bountiful plenteous generous copious lavish liberal rich bounteous large teeming superabundant prolific full abounding overflowing luxuriant galore great rife aplenty flush bumper cornucopian huge inexhaustible infinite plenty opulent lush swarming replete exuberant excessive fruitful lank productive fertile sufficient complete appreciable unlimited extravagant prodigal flowing fulsome enough competent superfluous improvident swimming a gogo well-provided chock-full thick on the ground no end lousy with substantial considerable voluminous heavy handsome munificent sizeable commodious a dime a dozen in abundance plenitudinous unstinting wealthy affluent stinking with extensive countless broad innumerable no end in sight myriad boundless no end of big in plenty unrestricted expansive immense vast immoderate whopping princely tidy decent overabundant proliferous over the top enough and to spare numerous crawling with stink with rank mucho riotous fraught thick with awash filled many thick manifold thronging multiple multitudinous populous multifarious lousy alive with sumptuous well-supplied abundant in abounding in fecund immeasurable gushing measureless fat rampant fructuous extreme profusive openhanded multifold large-scale various incalculable several numberless sundry uncounted unnumbered replete with rich in uncountable teeming with fraught with surplus in excess extra jungly unsparing effusive endless inordinate open-handed gushy unrestrained limitless producing diverse varied assorted legion prevalent flourishing packed charged moneyed luxurious flushed dripping swamped overrun multiplied proliferative high-yielding rolling saturated brimming generative deluged hefty reproductive generating reproducing breeding yielding proliferant high-volume spawning frequent wordy prolix verbose stinking crawling miscellaneous disparate unremitting incomputable motley mixed unbounded significant knee-deep fecund with full of pregnant a mess of coming out of ears comprehensive sweeping global good deep wholesale substantive booming exorbitant exhaustive unwieldy Himalayan mega outsize whacking cumbersome epic high major Brobdingnagian wide-reaching wide-ranging far-reaching umpteen multiplex innumerous untold beaucoup generously proportioned rife with bursting with overflowing with loaded with unnumberable divers heaps overloaded with brimful with jam-packed with brimming with swarming with jammed with packed with a thousand and one all kinds of quite a few crammed with awash with crowded with chock-a-block with charged with stuffed with well supplied with solid with well provided with well stocked with chocker with chock-full of more than enough

Kata sifat

Having a relaxed, friendly, or unofficial style, manner, or nature

Kata sifat

Relaxed or leisurely
relaxed relaxing calming comforting soothing tranquil carefree leisurely restful lazy peaceful placid indulgent serene tranquillizing tranquilizing lulling pacifying quiet reassuring reposeful sedative balmy benign light mild calm mellow tender halcyon undisturbed untroubled chilled temperate stress-free easy casual easygoing laid-back unhurried composed collected breezy nonchalant insouciant free and easy flexible unperturbed poised easy-going unworried free undemanding pacific stilly still hushed sedate cool fun cozy in a relaxed manner taking your time cosy recreational effortless sleepy arcadian amusing languid frivolous entertaining inactive soporific unexcited unanxious motionless contented retired non-job related non-work related free from interference free from disturbance free from interruption facile painless untroublesome cavalier self-possessed unruffled imperturbable together unflappable coolheaded recollected equable centered self-composed level possessed lown even-tempered limpid at peace smooth equal unshaken unexcitable at ease nonplussed liberal lax loose blithe uninhibited fair dispassionate pellucid reconciled satisfied quiescent centred stoical phlegmatic unflustered content patient resting slack liberated unrestricted compromising unceremonious unrestrained cool, calm and collected conciliatory unconcerned forgiving informal cool as a cucumber as cool as a cucumber untaxing laid back happy-go-lucky hassle-free unrestrictive low-pressure permissive freewheeling laissez-faire non-restrictive

Kata sifat

Considerable though not outstanding in size or amount
fair considerable abundant appreciable biggish generous goodly marked noticeable significant sizable sizeable substantial tidy worthwhile middling acceptable decent passable reasonable respectable average satisfactory so-so adequate moderate tolerable mediocre ample common goodish medium okay ordinary sufficient usual fairish intermediate mean fair-to-middling good enough pretty good all right not bad fair to middling OK O.K. run-of-the-mill up to standard suitable good agreeable serviceable fitting fine appropriate competent palatable alright sufficing proper jake up to snuff presentable in order solid sound handsome fit convenient unexceptional hunky-dory sufficiently good unobjectionable up to par plentiful up to scratch plenteous extensive bountiful up to the mark enough commensurate substantive assuasive appeasing assuaging copacetic valid large quite good copasetic great ducky pleasing major kosher hefty correct suited profuse lavish satisfying healthy commodious A-OK superabundant copious serious bounteous fitted not to be sneezed at groovy delighting cogent gratifying peachy fulfilling largish massive voluminous gross comprehensive made well practical commensurable flourishing fine and dandy as it should be requisite plenty proportionate congruous apposite apropos right on happy bright on the ball cool fortunate useful lucky well necessary minimal aplenty timely well-suited as much as you need enow as much as is necessary providential tickety-boo prosperous opportune wearable favorable advantageous favourable accommodating conducive expedient beneficial seasonable standard handy befitting felicitous well timed apt helpful well-timed unexceptionable snug swell pleasant fairly good much huge big prodigious vast tremendous bog-standard middle-of-the-road immense enormous totally fine boundless astronomical pretty completely understandable large-scale worth taking into account grand hulking oversized bulky outsize oversize extraordinary husky outsized monumental whopping heavy boxcar colossal notable important full pronounced immeasurable striking remarkable excessive extravagant astronomic meaningful outstanding exorbitant palpable material momentous jumbo dramatic princely bumper humongous liberal prominent fat stunning conspicuous arresting whacking weighty consequential spacious titanic bonny decent-sized noteworthy sensible gigantic capacious perceptible burly mammoth obvious detectable exceptional discernible epic fairly large visible sweeping amazing distinguishable commanding marvellous sensational wondrous terrific awesome monstrous stupendous singular signal exhaustive marvelous far-reaching expansive measurable whacking great phenomenal astonishing astounding opulent distinct unusual brilliant strapping ponderous giant excellent fantastic evident eye-catching super extreme numerous impressive kingly apparent manifest eventful complete historic stiff plain recognizable discernable deep fabulous out of the ordinary superb inordinate global wholesale tangible apprehensible sublime immoderate steep memorable splendid grandiose high utmost broad exceeding good-sized steady thumping sturdy wide-ranging earth-shattering earthshaking king-size herculean strong elephantine king-sized wide whopping great wonderful incredible distinctive very great bold wide-reaching roomy king size recognisable emphatic rare salient showy splashy heavyweight flamboyant miraculous catchy powerful surprising kenspeckle distinguished detailed uncanny staggering unreal amazeballs smashing proud imposing out of this world resplendent swanky stirring palatine sumptuous exquisite gorgeous spectacular divine queenly statuesque magnificent majestic elegant royal celestial splendiferous regal awe-inspiring beautiful palatial splendorous heavenly towering heroical formidable magnific ominous stately glorious sightly baronial solemn luxurious Homeric worth having supreme competitive moderately good legit vital crucial gargantuan paramount ponderable quantum prolific multitudinous prime disproportionate entire whole ginormous urgent fundamental critical not inconsiderable unsparing lucrative long profitable essential central pressing inflated extortionate filling stout thumping great real key hearty mountainous populous unheard-of raving robust mesomorphic firm overflowing teeming unlimited galore ultra high-cost measureless booming heightened severe intemperate unreasonable escalated increased jacked up limitless durable valuable principal uncommon unexpected over the odds careful unwieldy Himalayan meaty thick hulky tectonic mega Brobdingnagian cumbersome worthy of attention of consequence of importance out of the way above average abnormal intensified big-deal major-league earnest rich square generously proportioned mass epochal in-depth thorough universal nationwide worthy leading heavy-duty super colossal packed walloping bull across-the-board international whopper chock-full thundering stuffed monster intercontinental a whale of a mondo awash all-encompassing worldwide brimming crowded mind-boggling breathtaking mind-blowing overwhelming interesting assiduous profound considered meticulous scrupulous purposeful diligent awful portentous eye-opening pivotal jaw-dropping observable perceivable surpassing belief dynamite radical too much fab titantic pre-eminent unbelievable unforgettable famous definite clear unmistakable arrestive ascertainable estimable patent clear-cut preeminent primo wicked august imperial ostentatious portly heroic noble venerable unco never to be forgotten world class decided zero cool gilt-edged blatant glaring grabby open noisy bodacious noted pointed identifiable written all over one

Kata sifat

Characterized by, or suggestive of, luxury
plushy luxurious lavish sumptuous plush opulent deluxe palatial luxury posh fancy ritzy grand luxuriant lush rich magnificent splendid expensive upscale costly extravagant grandiose gorgeous luxe silken majestic Lucullan Babylonian elaborate imposing luscious ostentatious stately Lucullian impressive pretentious palace immoderate hedonistic sensuous sybaritic voluptuous pampered epicurean sensual gratifying pleasurable well-appointed self-indulgent pleasure-loving fit for a king fit for a queen in the lap of luxury affluent swanky upmarket swish ornate classy elegant stylish swank lux palatian lavishly appointed comfy well appointed de luxe high-class exclusive chic glitzy smart select fashionable exquisite glamorous snazzy indulgent tony fancy-pants trendy high-toned showy princely fine regal splashy dicty resplendent superb splendiferous beautiful handsome prodigal flashy pompous first-class swankish tasteful upper-class choice spectacular superior sharp refined chichi upholstered modish flamboyant exuberant genteel up-market yuppie formal agreeable finest nice pleasant excessive champagne exaggerated classic over-the-top over the top frilly riotous profusive velvet respectable abundant glittering spiffy embellished valuable precious upper-crust leafy aristocratic dignified profuse dear ultra ornamented cultivated overdone awe-inspiring out of this world flash snappy rich-looking beyond price sophisticated courtly graceful swell peacocky dashing mod in cool uptown dazzling sprauncy plummy larney schmick swagger salubrious glorious la-di-da top-drawer proud noble chi-chi quality a la mode on fleek in vogue kingly special delicate pricey rare august splendorous splendrous imperial heroical monumental magnific brave epic massive royal splendacious gallant baronial heroic dainty loaded recherche super magnolious hedonic magnifico baroque Homeric solid gold intemperate profligate easy overindulgent high pleasure-seeking

Kata sifat

Of, or relating to, an affluent area or population
uptown affluent flush prosperous rich opulent wealthy moneyed minted substantial monied upscale propertied plutocratic well-to-do silk-stocking well-off well-endowed deep-pocketed well off fat-cat well-heeled filthy rich well-fixed on easy street well heeled in the money in clover cash rich stinking rich with deep pockets of means made of money rolling in money rolling in it of substance quids in loaded successful fat flourishing snug thriving fortunate oofy in the chips booming privileged lucky favoured favored set for life on velvet leisure-class in easy street worth a bundle worth a packet upper-class pecunious buoyant profitable doing well on the up and up easy blessed sitting pretty doing it easy in luck leisured upper class born with a silver spoon in your mouth financial advantaged independent socially advantaged elite enviable in the gravy of independent means on Easy Street multi-crore having it made happy large living high off the hog in the lap of luxury profit-making solvent eminent gilded bountiful famous influential powerful prospering golden roaring palmy fruitful burgeoning productive expanding strong lush halcyon blooming triumphant robust boomy vigorous boom healthy on top of heap going on a roll main-line honored honoured special entitled indulged glorious select joyous rosy ruling exclusive rarefied limited palatine providential propitious auspicious elect cliquish favourable precious best delightful selected posh noble private favorable joyful encouraging idyllic paradisiac peak cliquey restricted

Kata sifat

Having the ability to produce financial growth or gain
successful lucrative profitable thriving fruitful flourishing rewarding strong beneficial boomy golden healthy lush productive prospering remunerative worthwhile auspicious bankable blooming booming buoyant burgeoning efficient gainful going strong profit-making solvent boffo gangbusters growing monied opulent roaring robust substantial well-heeled going palmy advantageous moneymaking ongoing prosperous halcyon rich fortunate happy triumphant expanding doing well wealthy lucky money-spinning economic blossoming affluent paying fat well-off vigorous flush luxuriant favoured loaded moneyed favored well-to-do juicy developing commercial mushrooming fast-growing jammy prolific financially rewarding privileged propitious blessed progressing promising favourable joyous cost-effective favorable exuberant rampant easy advantaged well-fixed deep-pocketed fat-cat silk-stocking well-endowed in clover money-making providential in full swing in luck snug glorious in the pink on the up and up oofy in top form sitting pretty commercially successful on easy street opportune well off in the money quids in stinking rich blessed with good luck well heeled born under a lucky star rolling in it sound large good for-profit bright joyful idyllic encouraging improving timely charmed ballooning snowballing well-paying viable helpful effective faring well sweet boom fair profuse in the ascendant effectual conducive in the black rosy on a roll uptown saving win-win minted on top of heap cash rich filthy rich rolling in money of means in the chips of substance with deep pockets made of money working abounding carefree maturing salable fertile and up plentiful plenteous blissful contented renumerative on the up upmarket prodigal advancing cushy fecund fructuous cornucopian up-and-coming arrived rolling cooking upscale fortuitous serendipitous born with a silver spoon in your mouth home free rank going places on velvet leisure-class in easy street upper-class have it made have the wherewithal felicitous useful main-line going well delightful precious best enviable elite propertied self-sustaining serviceable pragmatic sustaining contributive practical paradisiac peak instrumental assisting constructive well-timed active busy efficacious socially advantaged in the gravy set for life worth a bundle worth a packet potent operative valuable paid off paying well fatness well-spent of use well spent well paid of help of assistance high-income well-paid high-paying cost effective optimistic hopeful cheerful sunny roseate upbeat heartening likely reassuring idealistic pleasing full of hope rose-coloured alluring full of promise rose-colored

Kata sifat

Pleasant and satisfactory
good excellent exceptional appealing delightful enjoyable great likeable likable marvellous marvelous nice pleasant positive satisfactory satisfying superb wonderful acceptable affable agreeable amiable beautiful clear comforting elegant enchanting engaging enviable euphoric exhilarating fair fascinating favourable favorable fine flashy glamorous gorgeous hunky joyous lovely lovesome mild photogenic pleasing pleasurable precious presentable pretty ravishing seductive sound splendid stunning sublime sunny super tasteful tempting valuable worthy A1 ace admirable aesthetic amusing arresting attractive beauteous blessed boss capital cheery choice comely commendable cunning cute dainty delicate dishy dollish drop-dead exquisite eye-catching fetching flamboyant foxy fun glad glamourous glossy good-looking heavenly honorable honourable hospitable hunky-dory in order intoxicating knockout neat not bad OK prettyish prime pulchritudinous rad radiant rapturous relief reputable resplendent showstopping showy sightly slick snazzy soothing spanking splashy statuesque sterling superior taking unspoilt welcome well-favored zingy alluring blest calming charming congenial copacetic copasetic darling delightsome deluxe dulcet ecstatic elating esthetic first-class first-rate genial gnarly grateful gratifying paradisaic paradisaical paradisal paradisiac paradisiacal passable recherche recreative relishable savoury savory select shipshape splendorous stupendous supercalifragilisticexpialidocious super-eminent super-excellent telegenic irie amazing magnificent rewarding perfect thrilling entertaining heartwarming divine captivating fine and dandy peachy happy blissful refreshing delectable lekker jolly couthy felicitous cheerful delicious groovy dreamy mooi bonny glorious handsome goodly seemly likely bonnie winning adorable prepossessing desirable bewitching smashing striking irresistible tasty enticing tantalizing fanciable easy on the eye sweet luscious beguiling nice-looking tantalising sultry hot charismatic nubile winsome fit graceful sexy as pretty as a picture arousing entrancing luring spunky drop-dead gorgeous well favoured sexual lush sensual sensuous bootylicious adorbs stylish easy on the eyes come-hither out of this world inviting fabulous beddable well-favoured shapely erotic dazzling scrumptious intriguing sensational come-to-bed sexually attractive personable magnetic bodacious enthralling provocative mesmeric beckoning babelicious becoming buxom blooming on fleek very beautiful fine-looking interesting decorative lovable terrific fab grand beaut teasing wholesome fantastic very nice a ten well favored ok alright compelling sympathetic artistic highest powerful ornamental preferable studly enhancing fancy dear clean-cut angelic beautifying goodlooking immaculate supreme incredible trim dreamboat eyeful bijou just fine picture-perfect flawless stellar classy symmetrical refined ideal well-formed superlative noble magical in good taste awesome rare swell par excellence very agreeable very pleasant elfin drawing attention

Kata sifat

Feeling a sense of fulfilment
fulfilled happy satisfied content contented gratified pleased placid serene accomplished achieved actualized attained compassed completed concluded consummated crowned delighted dispatched effected effectuated executed finished matured obtained perfected performed reached realised realized rewarded untroubled at ease at peace brought about carried out made good put into effect brought to a close relaxed perf settled willing to accept joyful merry effervescent welcome ecstatic wonderful enjoyable jubilant high cheerful pleasing pleasurable heartwarming delightful glad fantastic cheery elated jocund vivacious overjoyed joyous jovial euphoric enraptured hilarious blissful chuffed upbeat lively amusing rapt gladsome exhilarated optimistic buoyant thrilled exuberant carefree glowing riotous stoked grinning humorous uproarious wrapped pleasant winsome larking boon jumping boisterous radiant peaceful rapturous festive grooving lighthearted zippy thankful orgasmic rhapsodic zappy smiley saturnalian rollicking blithesome entranced paradisiacal rosy paradisal rhapsodical enchanted fun hopeful beatific paradisaical frolicsome sanguine zingy rocking rejoicing beaming paradisiac rousing well triumphant paradisaic chirpy perky sportive captivated chipper convivial light peppy sparkling playful blest tickled laughing mirthful up sunny jolly smiling gleeful gay blessed entertained blithe exultant magical wild intoxicated Panglossian in good spirits in a good mood in seventh heaven tickled to death over the moon blissed out can't complain beside oneself with joy on top of the world looking good full of beans feel-good starry-eyed as pleased as Punch in high spirits as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy walking on air cock-a-hoop light-hearted rose-colored tickled pink rip-roaring on a high floating on air as happy as Larry fun-loving flying high on cloud nine jumping for joy like a dog with two tails

Kata sifat

Usual or customary
accustomed usual customary common standard normal regular conventional habitual typical routine ordinary established everyday traditional general stock familiar prevailing accepted set wonted orthodox expected settled fixed chronic confirmed favourite favorite popular commonplace prevalent universal run-of-the-mill average frequent widespread ubiquitous recognized natural quotidian mainstream recognised acknowledged workaday unexceptional prosaic unremarkable current long-established classical household daily plain inveterate time-honored going rooted time-honoured garden-variety classic cut-and-dried cut-and-dry standard-issue public day-to-day entrenched bog-standard seasoned dyed-in-the-wool predictable habituated staid prescriptive ingrained proven deep-rooted well-known overall rife characteristic predominant hardened sanctioned proved vanilla inured valid received hard-shell regulation firmly established deep-seated ineradicable proverbial common or garden garden variety permanent mundane pervasive irradicable old approved ritual constant rampant acceptable typic stereotyped worn methodical fashionable admitted humdrum prescribed generic representative shared true widely used tried and true tried and tested vested enduring well established lasting repeated undistinguished unforgettable extensive traditionary known domestic mechanical periodic historic endemic broad steady ritualistic ongoing taken for granted preferred simple consistent immemorial authorized understood recognizable majority ruling doctrinal staple formulaic native recognisable old-fashioned dull canonical traditionalist authorised across the board old hat matter-of-course in circulation par for the course agreed upon well worn indestructible undestroyable in vogue unremovable widely held age-old ancient obvious definite explicit determined precise pervading mediocre gut default orderly scheduled indifferent present defined express exact folk vintage ancestral abiding wide seasonal OB agreed uneventful basic immortal ageless val diurnal certain archetypal archetypical indelible stubborn ineffaceable tralatitious given used numerous collective obligatory inconspicuous timeless garden boilerplate acquainted in established usage endorsed stereotypical chosen unsophisticated net ceremonial one-size-fits-all in use acquired honored recurring de rigueur touted unadventurous conformist memorable undying deathless family casual banal terrestrial unimaginative informal in force homespun humble hackneyed derived unopposed passed legit okayed circulating renowned believed whitebread well known periodical honoured vulgar past conservative documented stipulated declared identified perceived inherent symptomatic congruous adopted intermutual mutual embraced united commutual like of choice in the habit of bland firm inannihilable a dime a dozen dime-a-dozen nitty-gritty middle-of-the-road anticipated foreseeable indicative foreseen reliable emblematic allowed realized remembered unprogressive preponderant dominant regnant superior distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic proper distinguishing arrived at unexceptionable common variety matter-of-fact realised professed official repetitious practised practiced reiterative iterated systematic automatic long-term addicting iterative disciplined perfunctory cyclic afoot anodyne individualistic clichéd cliched widely recognized commonly accepted generally accepted in keeping in character about conforming old school true to form to be expected only to be expected on the cards … all over true to type bruited about making the rounds doing the rounds in general use going around in the air talked of backward-looking old line earlier generation well-established on everyone's lips stale blank expressionless nondescript deadpan trite dreary drab characterless boring stable indistinctive featureless neutral faceless neither one thing nor the other noncommittal traditionalistic old-style sound officially recognized institutionalized institutionalised secure unshakable plastic grind so-so white-bread quintessential prototypical model exemplary ideal paradigmatic standardized prototypal standardised essential pedestrian archetypic prototypic illustrative symbolic middling textbook medium fair nothing to write home about unmemorable uninspired suggestive plain vanilla definitive unexciting modest no great shakes colourless patterned OK hacky colorless signature passable unpretentious tolerable second-rate ornery not up to much lacklustre lackluster prime median uninteresting forgettable unoriginal mean central overused run-of-the-mine run-of-mine derivative imitable intermediate half-pie corny uninspiring homely second-class fundamental formal unnoteworthy moderate tired decent insignificant fair-to-middling nothing special copybook diagnostic platitudinous overworked not so hot middle halfway adequate inferior unmistakable worn-out medial comprehensive amateurish amateur centre sweeping authoritative fairish regimented center nothing to get excited about fair to middling appropriate strict not much cop ten a penny legal formalistic lawful distinct unimpressive consummate tame ultimate identifying absolute supreme perfect in-between particular peculiar mass-produced blanket monotonous principal individual discriminating diagnostical primary mid main midway intermediary played out lowly plebeian canned global practical core ready-made worn out nowhere mediate midmost midsize midsized across-the-board broad-brush middle of the road off-the-shelf bush-league not very good by the numbers excellent methodic rehearsed unspontaneous required rigid lamestream artificial original correct mandatory compulsory fitting unspecial unadorned persistent trivial no-frills dinki-di anonymous next unspectacular full-size straight threadbare presentational conventionalized undoubted uncontested undisputed statutory unquestioned canonic suburban bog standard unextraordinary unvaried jake specific unique inborn local inbred what one would expect innate meh shopworn cliche musty moth-eaten hackney typecast hack cobwebby timeworn well-worn decided moderately good of poor quality not bad two a penny differentiating discriminative identifiable plain-Jane best straightforward serviceable O.K. certified ceremonious at its best at her best at his best readily available widely available cliché-ridden run of the mill arranged specified sop wont stereotypic good satisfactory okay individualizing predetermined tedious stock standard all right ceremonialistic legitimate appointed mean value individualising standard operating procedure playing it safe in a rut same old in the groove according to Hoyle ho-hum businesslike prearranged intervening mass bona fide bought worn thin transitional interposed existing national communal overarching joint outright store planned pabulum diddly nothing blah lusterless zero actual practicable irksome prosy square prose yawn clean commonest assigned recommended inclusive all-encompassing leisure relaxed total epidemic nationwide societal wholesale intermedial predominating at the halfway point equidistant between two points equidistant between two stages in the middle compromising between influential operative preponderating off-the-rack off-the-peg matter-of- fact store-bought par broad-spectrum all-round all-around catholic all-embracing in style worldwide ecumenical umbrella non-specific all-inclusive non-dressy not formal non-formal sloppy medium-sized middle-sized in fashion interdisciplinary multidisciplinary cross-disciplinary nonspecific all-purpose nonexclusive key chief vital crucial critical major leading pivotal overdone foremost cornball necessary important indispensable premier prominent first time-worn number-one dime-store familiar tune boiler plate most typical most characteristic most common most usual most frequent most important most prominent

Kata benda

The quality of being prosperous
prosperousness fortune riches opulence wealth comfort success welfare benefit plenty interest good abundance luxury advantage ease exorbitance successfulness plenteousness thriving expansion increase growth boom inflation accomplishment arrival clover do velvet victory well-being good times life of luxury bed of roses the good life easy street gravy train flying colors high on the hog prosperity good fortune affluence richdom happiness security health profit wealthiness richness means good life weal lap of luxury milk and honey safety protection profitability splendour progress satisfaction contentment good health splendor deep pockets luck life of Riley American dream eudaemonia superabundance substantiality plenitude economic growth economic boom easy circumstances grandeur effectiveness grandness lavishness extravagance sumptuousness wherewithal luxuriousness magnificence costliness hedonism efficacity efficacy Godspeed voluptuousness wellbeing laurels reward happy days life's work product of working life lifework felicity interests pogey euphoria indulgence life of ease good luck privileged circumstances pile joyfulness property tidy sum mint possessions assets merit paradise joy wad resources gold mine material comfort comfortable circumstances gain east street fruitfulness strengthening prize help nutritious benediction nutritional boon favour favor behalf nourishing blessing avail asset health-giving godsend service commonwealth sake robustness aid fitness wholeness gratification assistance wellness soundness healthiness wholesomeness

Antonim dari a comfortable

Music ♫

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