Sinonim dari quite vulnerable

Kata sifat

Dangerous or full of peril
perilous dangerous hazardous risky unsafe precarious parlous serious grave chancy threatening dicey uncertain hairy insecure treacherous grievous unsound critical menacing delicate unstable problematic difficult shaky jeopardising jeopardizing unhealthy exposed gnarly venturesome desperate touchy ticklish unsure unsteady extreme terrifying dynamite wicked loaded rugged touch-and-go fraught with danger in danger in jeopardy at risk on thin ice death-defying playing with fire Russian roulette high-risk alarming dodgy rocky tricky unpredictable breakneck thorny dangersome hot ugly sticky malignant tottery tottering speculative reckless iffy bad daredevil awkward taxing nasty deadly frail urgent adventurous venturous pressing viperous fatal mortal heavy terrible formidable queasy jeopardous on collision course unchancy wavering defenceless life-threatening threatened destructive harmful toxic unreliable injurious failing weak unprotected explosive rickety untrustworthy defenseless erratic fearsome slippery undependable wobbly open to attack on a limb hanging by a thread problematical sensitive dire dubious worrying tough prickly knotty troublesome acute volatile doubtful awful trying capricious irksome upsetting vexatious bothersome unsettled concerning shonky tight very bad controversial tricksy spiny catchy complicated distressing lethal daring dreadful life-and-death appalling combustible frightful peracute profound chronic severe bleak inflammable onerous challenging forbidding arduous unpleasant grim in the balance punishing rough dark disagreeable worrisome complex not safe involved unfriendly bitter disturbing suspect questionable spartan hostile intricate hard convoluted nice out on a limb long shot vexed inconstant fickle temperamental mercurial variable changeable madcap depressed foolhardy excessive ominous haphazard unclear fluctuant endangered cliffhanging suspenseful scary drastic emotive incalculable suicidal exciting thrilling unknown wide-open woeful tender vague on slippery ground catastrophic consequential ruinous egregious flimsy sore flammable up in the air hanging by thread turbulent eruptive hanging in the balance defective on a slippery slope built on sand inflammatory insubstantial fragile calamitous charged tense ignitable incendiary burnable intolerable lamentable hopeless deplorable overwrought not solid not robust poor sorry outrageous lousy full of upheavals potentially violent in turmoil fiery combustive ignitible strained anxious volcanic stressful irredeemable irretrievable knife-edge highly charged nerve-racking

Kata sifat

Rickety in structure and easily damaged
flimsy fragile frail unstable weak rickety shaky breakable delicate wobbly ramshackle brittle tottery frangible decrepit insubstantial unsteady unsound light makeshift wonky shoddy gimcrack slight dodgy teetery defective cheap unsubstantial superficial rinkydink jerry-built easily broken badly built easily damaged thrown together house of cards shatterable fracturable crumbly destructible friable shattery feeble smashable splintery easily destroyed fine tenuous insecure precarious tender eggshell destroyable dainty susceptible easily harmed sensitive allergic perilous unreliable rocky nebulous suspect risky dicey iffy disintegrating decaying crumbling easily threatened falling to pieces tottering unsafe dilapidated tumbledown rattletrap unbalanced derelict rumpty spindly wavering broken-down on its last legs tumble-down vitreous crisp crispy doddering uneven dangerous not solid teetering not robust quaking bockety not safe staggering unwell wavy fluctuant wiggling unsure vacillating tricky dizzy debilitated sickly ailing enfeebled failing broken faltering invalid infirm faint puny shacky shambly anile lame shabby anemic seedy ill threadbare weakly anaemic rundown battered worn tacky ruined deteriorated deteriorating bedraggled decayed tired creaky creaking used antiquated superannuated quavering shaking haggard run down run-down worn out worn-out beat-up falling apart gone to rack and ruin in a state of disrepair ill-maintained in ruins in disrepair weather-beaten worse for wear

Kata sifat

Lacking sufficient power or strength
powerless weak impotent helpless ineffective ineffectual incapable hamstrung feeble impuissant useless inadequate handcuffed unfit paralysed paralyzed unable debilitated incapacitated passive inert defenceless prostrate defenseless frail strengthless infirm dependent supine unarmed disabled resistless hog-tied without power not able high and dry with no say out of gas over a barrel puny pathetic toothless forceless lame needy needful reliant unpowerful clingy desperate clinging incompetent inefficacious worthless inept unsuccessful hopeless futile inefficient unproductive unavailing nugatory barren fruitless abortive vain profitless unprofitable bootless empty feckless otiose weakened inferior crippled pointless no good poor idle inexpedient counterproductive failed void inoperative bad paltry lousy lacking compromised null disadvantaged to no avail inapt disadvantageous immobilized hurt handicapped diminished purposeless invalid impaired maimed restrained restricted inutile paraplegic quadriplegic unfruitful unfitted unfructuous immobilised confined sidelined thwarted anticlimactic indecisive inexpert foiled withered baulked unskilful non-successful unproficient frustrated to no effect in vain unimportant limited balked deficient to no purpose insignificant without success laid-up broken-down out-of-action defective not good enough edentulous hapless rotten dud weakly numb emasculated shiftless pinned paper tiger with hands tied up creek without paddle basket-case unskillful unskilled dead benumbed palsied immobile trivial hollow a dead loss bum inproficient lacking ability noneffective unsuitable trifling misfired senseless time-wasting no-win misleading slight unnotable sterile frivolous shuck petty delusory delusive insensible diplegic paralytic inactive palsified going nowhere ill-suited incompatible broken flimsy junk not proper insufficient unadvantageous inconsistent improper inappropriate unsuited in vicious circle not a prayer on a treadmill without resources in difficulties destitute without assistance stranded without help marooned bereft wounded injured foundered aground forsaken stuck abandoned shipwrecked deserted in the lurch challenged unsatisfactory unequal amateurish substandard wanting unqualified tetraplegic imperfect hemiplegic monoplegic paretic paraparetic nonbinding null and void cancelled annulled nonvalid nullified faulty duff bedridden disarmed stalled wrecked decrepit exceptional wheelchair-using not up to scratch not much chop not up to snuff no great shakes leaving much to be desired not much cop harmed learning-disabled rescinded repealed abolished revoked having a disability differently abled physically handicapped physically challenged run-down physically impaired having special needs with a disability worn-out out-of-commission indisposed absent canceled untrue unreal nonexistent negative unacceptable imaginary nothing unsanctioned unsound undermined wornout laid up out of action out of commission hors de combat defeasible spineless innocuous neutralized neutralised slack-spined no-go not effective

Kata sifat

Being easily influenced (especially of young people)
impressionable susceptible persuadable pliable suggestible malleable influenceable receptive responsive pliant open sensitive gullible susceptive ingenuous trusting credulous naive exploitable mouldable perceptive impressible affectable affected feeling plastic sensible sensile sentient easily influenced easily led wax-like frail easily tempted unsuspecting unwary inclined pushover acquiescent given tractable amenable defenceless gullable prone swayable innocent predisposed manageable nonresistant soft adaptable ready disposed tender emotional defenseless easy movable dewy-eyed wide-eyed wide open fall for over-trusting over-trustful easily taken in at risk thin-skinned easily deceived easily moved out on a limb easily taken advantage of readily taken advantage of sitting duck highly strung compliant yielding biddable docile manipulable persuasible accommodating submissive governable obedient complaisant controllable cooperative suasible moldable open-minded meek acceptive bendy accessible weak like putty in your hands formative ductile flexible supple transformable go-with-the-flow acceptant willing easily swayed broad-minded open to suggestions pervious open to new ideas inexperienced well-disposed sympathetic ready to consider new ideas willing to consider new ideas welcoming interested agreeable friendly favourable bendable waxen tame favorable weak-willed putty in one's hands rolls with punches well disposed feeble-minded unformed easily persuaded convincible obliging submitting spongy encourageable developmental shapable shapeable elastic developing growing waxy easily handled unassertive humble conformable obsequious dutiful passive workable deferential foundational seminal creative immature servile sycophantic subdued game able to be influenced approachable law-abiding pusillanimous spineless weak-minded changeable yellow-bellied without guts weak-kneed

Kata sifat

Overly sensitive to criticism
thin-skinned touchy hypersensitive sensitive chippy susceptible tender defensive easily hurt huffy oversensitive paranoid soft supersensitive tetchy ticklish delicate emotional neurotic prickly ultrasensitive umbrageous easily offended easily upset quick to take offence irritable petulant irascible cross grumpy ill-tempered testy peevish ratty cranky snappy bad-tempered crotchety waspish fractious pettish choleric quick-tempered short-tempered grouchy crabbed cantankerous crusty crabby hot-tempered snappish ornery impatient narky ill-humoured ill-humored splenetic curmudgeonly volatile uptight surly dyspeptic peppery temperamental ill-natured soreheaded peckish eggy liverish miffy snaky querulous like a bear with a sore head on a short fuse sulky fiery edgy shirty disagreeable moody captious fretful sullen mean bilious scratchy snippy out of sorts annoyed perverse stroppy in a bad mood bearish quarrelsome shrewish in a mood cross-grained short-fused exasperated passionate as cross as two sticks waxy snarky snippety out of humor raspy stuffy angry curt morose sour hotheaded tense highly strung miserable whingy churlish complaining snarling grumbling spiteful gruff froward out of temper bloody-minded acid hot-headed high-strung sharp hot-blooded nasty having got out of bed the wrong side twitchy huffish disgruntled short resentful tooshie awkward feisty bristly critical discontented brusque ireful whining dissatisfied carping bitter difficult explosive waspy grousing fault-finding on edge overemotional willful having got out of bed on the wrong side mardy wilful out of humour iracund vicious hot under the collar whingeing in bad mood whiny fussy iracundulous scrappy melodramatic prima donna-ish hasty headstrong sorehead sore acrimonious snarly zowerswopped atrabilious perversely irritable impulsive excitable inflammable unpleasant conservative nervous on the defensive murmuring plaintive grumbly huffy irascible salty censorious moaning negative crying deploring hard to please lamenting bemoaning whimpering wailing quick to take offense unstable hyper-sensitive over-emotional hung up easily affected unruly recalcitrant refractory restless indomitable uncompliant restive indocile wild glum unsociable argumentative misanthropic cynical contentious truculent pouty harsh obstinate pertinacious hypercritical gloomy acrid trying dour nasty-tempered griping uncooperative pouting mumpish growling displeased malicious venomous fretting contrary vinegary childish foul-tempered tough out-of-sorts brooding cavilling tart malignant disputatious vindictive caviling crybaby ugly saturnine filthy obstreperous blunt cussed ungracious chuffy offended choked irritated moping miffed narked riled piqued angered hurt peeved stewed vexed provoked irked insulted nettled put out toey dicey jumpy hazardous unsafe unpredictable perturbable wired up wound up bundle of nerves

Kata sifat

Showing the better qualities of humankind, such as kindness
human humane kind kindly compassionate considerate humanitarian approachable beneficent benevolent benign magnanimous sympathetic tolerant understanding accessible benignant charitable civilised civilized clement empathetic empathic forbearing natural altruistic amiable genial tender understandable kind-hearted generous pitying merciful gentle caring thoughtful tenderhearted kindhearted warm sensitive warmhearted good-natured big-hearted gracious selfless philanthropic unselfish lenient concerned decent commiserative sympathizing condoling bighearted softhearted indulgent sympathising responsive good-hearted all heart good comforting giving loving consoling liberal neighborly neighbourly forgiving goodhearted ruthful obliging soft commiserating supportive tender-hearted warm-hearted soft-hearted open-minded large-hearted bleeding heart do-good great-hearted bleeding-heart mild appreciative accepting reassuring perceptive comprehending patient righteous broad-minded sentimental nice accommodating amicable friendly helpful unstinting bounteous philanthropical noble eleemosynary ungrudging openhanded big public-spirited self-sacrificing open-handed self-denying free-handed solicitous encouraging affectionate doting motherly fatherly maternal fatherlike piteous feeling having heart in right place sparing well meaning loving and giving old softie well disposed well-disposed well-intentioned open-hearted easy-going easygoing cordial easy mellow pleasant receptive attentive permissive affable respectful unprejudiced agreeable good-humoured polite good-humored moderate cheerful protective free cooperative chivalrous sweet unbiased hospitable civil tactful reasonable congenial complaisant munificent long-suffering high-minded sociable even-tempered calm gratifying unbigoted mindful progressive catholic fond courteous lovable consolatory broad regardful greathearted likable likeable uplifting gallant stoical condolatory enlightened brotherly paternal inspiriting cheering stoic uncomplaining nurturing fair soothing good-tempered cool unflappable careful fulfilling loose favourable bountiful favorable lavish honourable honorable just unassuming diplomatic latitudinarian interested pleasing advanced radical harmless devoted flexible mild-mannered lax moral sweet-tempered delightful engaging inspiring companionable intuitive enthusiastic quiet resigned princely placid aware serene conscious open moved relaxed heartening peaceful imperturbable emotional calming unexcitable stimulating boosting honest lofty unruffled cognizant peaceable positive heartwarming approving gladdening restrained longanimous nonjudgmental pacific humble compliant sorry self-controlled self-restrained modest heedful personable angelic lovely comradely conscientious unoffensive condoning fraternal observant hearty pardoning free and easy dutiful unpresumptuous prepossessing winsome chummy touchy-feely sweet-natured going easy on virtuous ethical mushy principled moralistic well intentioned heroic valiant heart in right place unorthodox left rational unconventional avant-garde intelligent reformist humanistic receiving libertarian general socially conscious full of pity affirmative excellent acceptable prodigal soft-touch profuse willing unsparing equitable patriarchal generous to a fault appreciating vicarious admiring liberal-minded soft-shell avuncular fiery demonstrative passionate high-strung sensible fragile loyal vigilant wonderful pleased liberalistic welcome pitiful living with being big social thoughty pampering accommodative mollycoddling cosseting acquiescent breezy happy maternalistic wholesome commendatory applauding complimentary knowledgeable approbatory pally placable swell ingratiating self-effacing jovial softie marshmallow charming going easy with casual well-bred nonchalant reverential insouciant soft touch propitious openhearted deferential benefic freehanded well-mannered circumspect discreet soft-shelled overpermissive appealing elevated high lordly respectable upstanding upright goodish great unconcerned responsible mannerly carefree personal intimate willing to please favourably disposed untroubled willing to forgive like a sport equable taking captivating winning enchanting blithe touched satisfied alive keen well-meaning discerning chilled eager to help eager to please as nice as pie simpatico unworried sensitized reactive impressionable going along with mother barley-sugar together watchful well mannered unfazed perceiving impressible sensitised insightful knowing emotionable able to live with sheltering undemanding stirred easy-oasy protecting supporting caretaking unhurried finely tuned supersensitive in the know amenable harmonious sophisticated wide excusing composed impressed touchy feely tuned in laid-back happy-go-lucky turned on to easy on easy with easy-peasy stimulated affected influenced melted matey bonhomous palsy non-hostile palsy-walsy hail-fellow-well-met collegial hail-fellow buddy-buddy enduring relieving assuaging conflict-free persistent persevering philosophical deeply moved like-minded square shooting concordant cozy agreeing clubby accordant right nice regular cosy easing satisfying rewarding submissive equanimous untiring mild-tempered self-possessed inexcitable tranquil passive impassive philosophic fortitudinous heart-warming impartial objective neutral dispassionate analeptic warming bolstering softening revitalising invigorating lightening succouring revivifying health-giving sustaining allaying upholding envigorating remedying alleviating restoring freeing mitigating revitalizing curing succoring solacing abating refreshing disinterested detached with the patience of Job balanced undogmatic unprescriptive even-handed anti-discrimination non-aligned acceptant fair-minded acceptive prejudice-free non-partisan non-judgemental non-discriminatory meek bland demure lamblike temperate dovelike reverent shy retiring sisterly laid back non-confrontational dove-like soft-spoken

Antonim dari quite vulnerable

Music ♫

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