Contrario di a captivation


Opposite of the act of captivating or the state of being captivated
repulsion repulsiveness hideousness horror atrocity frightfulness awfulness dreadfulness ghastliness monstrosity gruesomeness horridness grisliness loathing revulsion aversion atrociousness disgust distaste repugnance offensiveness hatred foulness abhorrence detestation disrelish nausea vileness odium antipathy revoltingness abomination contempt dislike repellency repellence yuck factor ugliness hate unpleasantness animosity hostility enmity spite antagonism rancor bitterness invidiousness rancour venom animus denial resentment hard feelings acrimony repugnancy malice unattractiveness deterrent grossness disagreeability disagreeableness distastefulness refusal scorn ill will disenchantment allergy to impotence incapacity weakness dissuasion boredom disinterest indifference to disliking hatefulness disfavor resentfulness irritation despisement vitriol vengeance revile nasty look irritant grievance revengefulness grudging gripe harshness trouble malevolence indifference black beast frost bete noire anathema despitefulness acrimoniousness malignity objection rankling bugbear grudgingness execration nuisance retaliation strong dislike unfriendliness mislike revenge no love lost virulence variance pass by green-eyed monster scandal clashing bane reproach nix wingding embitterment snobbery avoidance debasement dissension temper difference enviousness abuse not hear of raving uproar backstabbing reprobate apoplexy escape ire depreciation storm belittlement belittling dyspathy eschewal vindictiveness incompatibility spasm sneeze at nastiness coveting evil eye lessening hysterics disregard lie covetousness underestimation tale paroxysm passion steer clear denigration aloofness imprecation tantrum blowup agitation discord bad blood huff conflict drop convulsion squall furore spitefulness stubbornness backbiting dander denunciation pain contemn madness frenzy explosion impairment turn your nose up at competition mocking rivalry despisal repudiate flout wrath greed sneer antithesis spleen dismiss contention vilification evasion vehemence slander air fireworks exasperation look down on disapprove disagreement fury contradistinction furor rancorousness eruption turn down hemorrhage asperity calumny degradation anger indignation scoff incongruity detesting bluster extreme anger umbrage condescension ferocity jealousy give the cold shoulder virulency gall haemorrhage hold in contempt despite rampage friction contrariety indignity choler acerbity viciousness derogation extreme dislike outburst ferment exception scoffing jab fighting foeship personality conflict haughtiness invective bitter feeling disaccord loftiness mutual hostility oppugnancy derision taunting ferociousness discourtesy bad vibes ill feeling cattiness enemyship put down mockery backhanded compliment hauteur hurtfulness nettling disparagement rise intimidation venomousness oppugnation bad will aggravation provoking estrangement uncordiality harsh feeling disrespect arrogance pride rebuff hateful feeling aspersion snobbishness snootiness roast shrewishness aggression parting shot cold shoulder daggers belligerence vendetta poisonousness bad chemistry disaffection inimicality argumentativeness ill-disposedness feud contumely overconfidence swipe crossness inimicalness enemyhood leer irking blood feud satiety put off reluct shock make sick nauseation offend disturb bother irk pique pompousness nauseousness cloy on scandalize offend morals of pall sickness disenchant gross out disfavour upset turn stomach outrage satiation be repulsive scandalise disdainfulness conceitedness surfeit egotism fill with loathing


Opposite of the state of being engrossed in something


Opposite of one's attention or focus garnered through stimulation of the senses

Sinonimo di a captivation

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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