Contrario di a rude


Opposite of impolite or bad-mannered
polite kind respectful considerate courteous gentle benevolent mannerly pleasant charming compassionate cordial decent kindly mild sociable thoughtful agreeable amenable civil civilised civilized congenial genial gracious humane nice poised soft tender affable amiable amicable chivalrous cultured deferential easygoing friendly gallant genteel humble kind-hearted laid back likeable likable lovable meek mellow mild-mannered modest obliging respectable softhearted sympathetic unassuming well-bred well-mannered angelic bland complaisant courtly decorous diplomatic good-mannered good-natured neighbourly neighborly peaceful pleasing polished refined temperate tender-hearted understanding warmhearted well-behaved well brought-up dutiful felicitous gentlemanly good hospitable ladylike seemly submissive yielding becoming befitting cultivated sophisticated tasteful ultrarefined smooth tactful clean proper urbane timid moral shy retiring mousey mousy complimentary well mannered formal G-rated solicitous inoffensive happy elegant flattering nonobscene wholesome helpful discreet pure attentive accommodating upright careful good-tempered concerned chaste mannered selfless laudatory caring reverent mindful unselfish politic graceful generous patient reserved charitable delicate debonair self-effacing conciliatory benign couth good-humoured good-humored well bred cheerful panegyrical well behaved de rigueur educated appropriate fitting unpretentious lowly correct noble approachable welcoming forbearing responsive unobjectionable dull bashful diffident circuitous virtuous cooperative social open mealymouthed regardful outgoing praising admiring innocent honourable honorable sensitive expansive engaging tolerant gregarious afraid fearful chirpy forthcoming cautious domesticated affectionate heedful cheery perky calm jovial obsequious ceremonious warm convivial bonhomous receptive well spoken well-spoken warm-hearted well disposed well-disposed easy-going company-loving well brought up easy to get along with suave subtle unarrogant big effete verbose altruistic condescending behaved observant normal heeding kindhearted nonbarbaric shiny highbrow comradely glowing positive clubbable bright sunny wonderful magnificent deferent nonoffensive unconceited fit right meet suitable moderate restrained magnanimous indulgent thinking family unreserved fulsome applauding adulatory praiseful obeisant accessible approving eulogistic prim righteous evolved sweet even-tempered companionable conversable obedient subservient benignant nonintimidating upstanding presentable honest reverential commendatory laudative fawning beneficent venerable accomplished easy light circumspect venerating duteous conforming nonprovocative unoffending unexceptionable orthodox dignified lazy idle advanced lovely delightful appreciative developed controlled family-friendly good mannered giving helping natural lofty grateful child-friendly amusing redoubtable clean-cut cowardly servile uncertain prudent muted like a sport noble-minded stand-up docile demure quiet resigned peaceable compliant acquiescent down-to-earth serene unobtrusive subdued passive leisurely deliberate coy spiritless at ease reticent unostentatious unpresuming sheepish introverted shamefaced recessive withdrawn unassertive unassured long-suffering self-deprecating


Opposite of built cheaply and shoddily


Opposite of lacking dexterity in the use of the hands, or of instruments


Opposite of not domesticated

Sinonimo di a rude

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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