Contrario di extraordinarily talented


Opposite of endowed with skill, ability or intelligence
untalented clumsy incompetent inept amateurish maladroit unskilled awkward incapable ungifted unresourceful unskilful inferior ineffectual talentless inadept uncreative dim substandard unambitious unproficient inapt inexpert inadequate uninventive unimaginative unskillful useless slow-witted amateur inexperienced unqualified unprofessional untrained bungling unseasoned unable jackleg unhandy unfit inefficient hopeless artless ignorant ineffective raw green unschooled ham-fisted mediocre stupid poor unsuitable unapt rude unequipped unfitted weak unaccomplished floundering blundering heavy-handed dull bad deficient rough crude helpless not up to scratch unpolished bumbling unintelligent untutored pathetic untaught ham-handed unreliable below par slow new undeveloped inproficient sloppy gauche graceless butterfingered cowboy second-rate subpar undexterous incapacitated klutzy uninitiated beginning untested untried ungraceful unprepared uneducated primitive slipshod no good skill-less unproductive bush-league less capable not up to it not good enough not up to snuff ordinary terrible insignificant slapdash unsatisfactory inelegant sub-par under par would-be unversed average lousy unpractised two-bit third-rate lazy unoriginal inconsequential fumbled powerless insufficient botched disinclined uninspired feeble incorrect undependable cack-handed unco idiotic ineligible dismal unbusinesslike lacking ability disqualified coarse shoddy not equal to not cut out for unadapted unestablished unrealized unproven unrefined unexperienced handless imperfect dilettantish apprentice skilless unacceptable inaccurate improper out to lunch not have it undisciplined inconveniently hard faraway unfinished uncultivated trainee normal commonplace unworkmanlike wanting worst lower minor everyday regular conventional nescient faulty inexact off uncertificated wooden butterfingers routine familiar uninformed dilettante unsophisticated honest open foolish dumb indefinite immoral rotten unvirtuous unreal vicious noxious misbehaving detestable unpleasant tainted disagreeable fake forged sinful evil inconsiderable wicked mean impotent unfacile sub-standard unacquainted inappropriate novice not much cop wild unknown non-qualified self-taught self-styled usual common non-professional non-technical not trained unable to do something for toffee leaving much to be desired mundane nonprofessional irrelevant uninspiring lacklustre tame undistinguished imitative trite pedestrian common place shabby unsuited run of the mill suboptimal lamentable bland abysmal disorganised irresponsible disorganized slack half-baked unimpressive improficient old stolen strengthless deplorable slovenly careless dissatisfactory lifeless badly performing poorly performing naive thoughtless flippant unserious blunt appalling dreadful awful spiritless disappointing boring insubstantial apathetic pitiful miserable atrocious worthless wretched wishy-washy under-strength below standard low-grade lackluster feckless miniature good-for-nothing backup back up uncelebrated defective no biggie no big deal no big thing not as great bromidic doesn't cut it no great shakes vapid paltry dysfunctional obscure ungainly lumbering gawky oafish gangling stumbling clownish uncoordinated lubberly untactful cloddish cumbersome unadept blunderous untoward unwieldy lumpish heavy cumbrous fumbling clunky hulking accident-prone all thumbs like a bull in a china shop all fingers and thumbs with two left feet


Opposite of beginning to attract attention or critical acclaim


Opposite of displaying a creative streak for a given activity


Opposite of being imaginative or creatively skilled, especially in the arts

Sinonimo di extraordinarily talented

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