Sinonimo di a daydream


A series of pleasant thoughts that distract one's attention from the present
fancy fantasy reverie imagining vision hallucination dream musing trance inattention inattentiveness wool-gathering absent-mindedness absorption abstraction brooding chimaera chimera conceit delusion engrossment fantasm figment illusion nonentity obliviousness phantasm phantasy preoccupation self-absorption unreality brown study dwam wish conceiving contemplation fancying imagination stargazing trip woolgathering absence of mind blonde moment pipe dream staring into space figment of the imagination fool's paradise head trip lack of application lack of concentration mind trip castle in the air figment of imagination fond hope in a zone thought bubble daydreaming mirage flight of fancy pie in the sky fiction idea castle in Spain image spectre specter nightmare muse rainbow apparition fabrication phantom castles in the air daze ignis fatuus stupor study wraith rapture spell haze mental picture conception visualization meditation dreaming visualisation hypnotic state invention half-conscious state pensiveness falsehood mental image will-o'-the-wisp smoke and mirrors virtual reality make-believe incubus vagary impression speculation drift notion dreaminess self-delusion production castle in the sky vanity creation detachment phantasma fable concoction phantasmagoria castle-building snare improvisation delirium transient phenomenon short-lived phenomenon contrivance ideation lie monstrosity monster bogy aberration whimsy trick imaginativeness semblance pink elephants thinking reflection introspection fata morgana concept idolism paramnesia ghost effect conceptualization desire imaginative power mind's eye creation of the brain imaginative faculty cogitation rumination plans hopes misconception prospect fallacy misapprehension aspiration optical illusion deja vu trick of the light pondering ideal deception imago ideality conceptualisation deliberation cerebration fog falsity error misbelief myth consideration untruth artifice muddle recollection misimpression confusion misjudgement misjudgment seeming mockery sensation sense feeling fanciful notion navel gazing day-dreaming lala-land self-deception mistaken impression false impression castles in Spain false belief state of confusion state of shock state of unconsciousness state of unreality state of stupefaction state of bewilderment state of befuddlement revery state of perplexity state of disorientation state of puzzlement state of mystification state of bafflement ecstasy unconsciousness transfixion petrifaction sleep catatonia catalepsy transfixture coma insensibility glaze suspended animation concentration thoughtfulness scrutiny brainwork examination analysis debate excogitation reasoning mulling advisement account understanding mulling over heedlessness deep thought distraction attention cognition heed picture view logic serious thought opinion forethought assessment introversion thoughts judgment vagueness investigation weighing up forgetfulness self-examination judgement regard distractedness absence soul-searching navel-gazing observation planning rationalization deduction perception agonizing ruminating inference apprehending inferring concluding review perusal calculation discussion inspection evaluation circumspection agonising premeditation rationalisation application ratiocination reason self-observation interpretation self-questioning belief self-searching self-scrutiny contemplativeness self-analysis meditativeness heart-searching self-contemplation reflectiveness self-reflection wistfulness oblivion amnesia bemusement lapse of memory carelessness immersion inadvertence prepossession scattiness poor memory idleness notice remoteness premise intellection preoccupancy captivation amusement inlook solipsism egoism prayer tendency to forget raptness bemusedness thinking of other things worrying puzzling caution carefulness care self-discovery consultation entrancement reflecting aloofness preconception caprice quiet time building castles in the air conferring philosophy a brown study mentation rap prudence wariness ventilation negotiation purpose theory conclusion conclusions apprehension think period of deliberation period of contemplation spell of contemplation period of reflection spell of deliberation spell of reflection ponderings thought process ideas position beliefs views outlook viewpoint opinions viewpoints mental vision mental visualization inwardness timidity shyness reserve assumption conjecture intuition judging anticipation hope knowing seeing deriving inducing theorization out-of-body experience sequence of images presumption supposition accepted wisdom point of view points of view line of thought sweven determination finding suspicion eduction thesis verdict induction consequence sequitur hypothesis research breakdown dissection probe discerning perceiving deducing rationalizing considering realizing results conviction findings corollary audit interrogation exploration diagnosis estimation result answer illation derivation cross-examination check inquiry inquisition realising rationalising enquiry scan look inventory once-over going-over checkup survey look-over


A delusion, a false hope
ignis fatuus hallucination fantasy phantasm chimaera chimera misconception delusion fancy fallacy mirage misapprehension misbelief apparition myth error image deception bubble rainbow semblance confusion ghost idolism invention misimpression paramnesia mockery seeming trip phantasma will-o'-the-wisp pipe dream false impression optical illusion fool's paradise make-believe virtual reality head trip deja vu figment of imagination hocus-pocus ignus fatuus illusion vision figment of the imagination figment dream spectre specter fantasm conceit nonentity unreality phantasy trick falsity falsehood self-deception phantom mistaken impression untruth trick of the light effect artifice castles in the air castles in Spain sense feeling idea misjudgement sensation misjudgment false belief phantasmagoria imaginary vision day dream imagining oversight lapse misunderstanding mistake misinterpretation misconstruction mistaken belief mistaken idea snare whimsy fabrication monstrosity bogy fata morgana monster castle in the air reverie pie in the sky imagination wraith flight of fancy nightmare castle in Spain fiction trance vagary speculation wish wishful thinking false hope castle in the sky spook shade thought spirit mental picture shadow aspiration visitant desire hope revenant whim hant sprite bogey haunt poltergeist bodach eidolon materialization bogie duppy airy hope visualization golden dream unreal hope manes air castle presence unrealistic hope wight utopia visualisation materialisation fanciful notion conceiving self-delusion familiar spirit flight of imagination smoke and mirrors mind trip fond hope incubus impression production creation fable delirium notion ambition plan aim unrealizable dream concoction vanity aberration improvisation fantastic notion kehua atua pink elephants lie doppelganger ghoul bogeyman empty wish eggs in moonshine bump in the night unreasonable expectation foolish expectation irrational expectation unrealistic expectation transient phenomenon short-lived phenomenon caprice envisioning originality creativity musing inattentiveness wool-gathering inattention power of invention imaginativeness contrivance ideation inventiveness absent-mindedness absorption self-absorption obliviousness preoccupation engrossment brooding abstraction cloud cuckoo land product of someone's imagination daydreaming dwam brown study dreamscape creative thought imaginative faculty fancying woolgathering contemplation stargazing absence of mind staring into space blonde moment conception limbo concept lack of application in a zone lack of concentration conceptualization plans hopes prospect ideal muse imago ideality conceptualisation delusive contentment fond illusion quixotic ideal mental image revelation manifestation oracle prophecy ecstasy warlock phenomenon apocalypse


A passionate aspiration or ambition
dream ambition aspiration desire goal hope passion wish yearning aim intent motivation objective plan craving design drive holy grail inclination intention longing lust object target urge hankering hunger pursuit thirst want ache determination fancy grail itch mission notion purpose resolution resolve desired result fire in the belly Holy Grail object of desire raison d'être bourne end idea pretension thing ideal point mark bourn meaning motive need scheme direction yen reason vision destination pining focus appetite desideratum eagerness impetus endeavor endeavour zeal appetency thirstiness jones impulse requirement object of the exercise end in view requisite interest function compulsion cause expectation burning disposition use propensity proclivity predilection letch preference will obsession name of the game end goal covetousness why and wherefore essential demand grounds calling principle vocation whim push occasion view predisposition yearn catalyst relish necessity penchant whole idea preoccupation pie in the sky urgency driving force fervor fervour initiative liking planning course thought hungering lack bullseye coveting drift butt panting prerequisite duty spot prayer prize where one is heading fire in belly want-to where one's heading enthusiasm bull's-eye castles in the air necessary end purpose the why and wherefore ambitiousness bucket list program system programme strategy bull's eye fixation basis justification project significance prospect rationality game plan master plan road map ground plan appetition indispensable thing desired thing sine qua non missing thing needed thing proposal premeditation scope infatuation hang-up ardor ardour impulsion go-getting utility sense restlessness mind nirvana plot terminus prurience aphrodisia appeal value advantage attraction heart's desire charm big idea ulterior motive whyfor rationale incentive consideration instigation incitement spur persuasion inducement impact usefulness validity cogency fascination validness dearth lustfulness needfulness scarcity cry out strong interest call support absence necessitude drought imperative deficit scarceness exigence scantiness market exigency concern stimulant enticement inspiration stimulation carrot determinant central theme nuts and bolts care thinking agenda hidden motive hidden agenda vested interest score to settle special interest reason why end game greed love craze devotion avidity fondness concupiscence eroticism commitment libido lechery lasciviousness emulation enterprise admiration amativeness salacity erotism libidinousness pruriency cupidity frenzy solicitude voracity mania rapture ravenousness rapaciousness doting action vigour vitality energy verve vigor spirit dynamism conviction tenacity dash doggedness zest gusto pep undertaking vim spunk aggressiveness go zip activity punch get-up-and-go horniness salaciousness hots lustihood lech envy rivalry competition decision strength addiction munchies pledge cacoethes hurting stamina liveliness application vibrance the munchies promise exuberance forcefulness vivaciousness zealousness intensity virility vivacity spiritedness pizzazz fanaticism vow strength of character single-mindedness strength of mind pzazz activeness choice oath crush captivation enchantment besottedness deep affection endearment idolization puppy love amorousness tendency leaning bent mad for veneration eros optimism turn anticipation bias affection proneness taste aptitude task prejudice weakness partiality stomach venture responsibility commission charge business stunt exploit errand act deed burden feat matter accomplishment obligation piece of business racket brief chore engagement doing work contract exercise affair job gig process assignment impression velleity devices readiness affinity habitude bone genius expectancy list humour expectance idée fixe hypothesis deliberation opinion capability aptness idiosyncrasy temperament movement druthers feeling susceptibility groove pleasure trend type humor capacity attachment encouragement cup of tea soft spot turn of mind dedication striving understanding conception visualization image rationalization rationalisation inkling regard visualisation perception postulation sentiment abstraction worry reflection conclusion reasoning contrivance contemplation supposition conceptualisation estimation conceptualization fire warmth keenness hustle fervency gumption aggression moxie zing esprit earnestness self-motivation entrepreneurial spirit will power get up and go right stuff what it takes a sense of purpose


Indulge in a daydream
dream fantasise fantasize hallucinate muse envision imagine stargaze conceive contemplate fancy moon stare into space woolgather be lost in thought be unrealistic indulge in fancy indulge in fantasy indulge in wool-gathering be inattentive pipe dream trip out be in a brown study be in cloud cuckoo land be miles away build castles in Spain build castles in air build castles in the air have your head in the clouds romanticize visualise visualize romanticise gush brood romance think swoon picture ponder meditate reflect rhapsodize ruminate deliberate contrive rhapsodise ideate be in a reverie envisage pretend pine play-act cerebrate cogitate be delirious idealize see mope see visions image live in a dream world idealise conceit head trip vision feature languish fantasy make believe consider conceive of conjure up sigh think about mull over perceive weigh up speculate chew over meditate on ruminate on ruminate over project puzzle over yearn figure invent make-believe trip dwell stew play space out zone out tune out feign playact fool enact bluff simulate counterfeit fake give free rein to the imagination sentimentalize be in a trance have hallucinations act romantically be in love lie exaggerate imagine things freak out see things sentimentalise let one's thoughts wander be preoccupied be abstracted be economical with the truth make up stories tell stories look at through rose-colored glasses let your imagination run away with you stretch the truth view through rose-tinted glasses think romantically view have nightmares have daymares have delusions hear voices have visions have delirium tremens let on like make as if act as if act as though play the part be romantic conceptualize evoke depict obsess have a trip see pink elephants blow your mind see in your mind's eye form a picture of bring to mind fantasize about think up conjure up a mental picture of conjure up a picture of dream about create in your mind form a mental picture of divine call to mind think of see in one's mind dream of dream up make up conceptualise conjure up an image of fret agonize over agonize be head over heels lose your head repine languish over worry about mope over dwell on grieve over sulk about fret about moon over grieve be in brown study feel despondent about dwell upon gloom agonise sweat out worry stew over pore over bleed sweat over chafe inwardly sulk lament eat your heart out think upon despond muse on think over examine reflect on review evaluate study brood on cogitate on roll recollect feel weigh percolate revolve pore on give some thought to be lost in contemplation turn over debate with oneself long hanker lust crave wish to hanker after thirst after seek to thirst for aspire to desire to hunger for conjure up pictures aim for long for yearn for hope for wish for have as one's aim set one's heart on set your sights on have as one's goal question debate brood over perpend kick around wrestle with entertain turn give thought to eye excogitate reason cogitate about rack brains mull wonder deliberate about deliberate on ruminate about put on thinking cap turn over in one's mind wonder about size up puzzle brood about brainstorm speculate about appraise judge chew on ask oneself think through think out think on give consideration to chew the cud ponder over ponder on chew look at noodle around figure out mind beat one's brains out about use one's head give much thought to ask oneself about think hard reflect upon muse over conjecture digest scheme intellectualize analyze comprehend rationalize have in mind discuss logicalize philosophize consult meditate over philosophise pore analyse intellectualise rationalise argue sum up deliberate over bat it around pour it on consider the pros and cons of hammer away at cudgel your brains talk over knock around sort out medidate upon run up a flagpole assess mull over things converse go over put on one's thinking cap about chew over things stew about understand meditate upon reflect about discern lucubrate sleep on it concentrate apprehend process cool out take in ruminate upon expect anticipate kick about take stock of bat around bat back and forth bat about chew the fat query inquire flash on estimate enquire doubt plan design purpose intend appreciate resolve deduce infer be inquisitive be curious devise ratiocinate propose plot guess stop to consider take under consideration engage in contemplation track cudgel marvel surmise think deeply entertain idea be in a thoughtful state suppose hypothesize say to oneself theorize assume suspicion suspect postulate daresay presume puzzle out think hard about form theories pipe-dream guesstimate hypothesise read make suppositions theorise dope make guesses dope out call it psych out have a hunch call the turn beat one's brains read between lines hazard a guess run it up flagpole


To spend time in a relaxed, lazy manner
laze idle loaf lounge loll relax bum lazy lie unwind slack vegetate chill dally dawdle dillydally footle skive veg drone bask doss goldbrick loiter malinger stall trifle lounge around take it easy hang about kill time lie about lie around loaf about loaf around loll about loll around lounge about bum around kick around kick back veg out waste time do nothing fritter away time goof off hang around hang round twiddle thumbs fool around hack around mark time pass time piddle about piddle around slow down while away hours while away the hours fool away hang out knock around not lift a finger sit around be inactive be indolent be slothful be unoccupied stand around fritter away potter laze around laze about languish mooch around mooch about mooch stagnate lollygag while away the time linger wait drift sprawl slouch moulder fritter degenerate saunter bludge slummock molder slouch about slouch around be idle chill out bat back and forth bat about bat around pass the time idle away time fill in time go to seed consume time sit on one's hands idle away the hours amuse oneself mess around kick your heels skulk vacillate recline hang tarry deteriorate exist futz creep decay hibernate weaken chillax do nothing in particular remain stay haunt frequent hover stroll amble moon wander stooge droop rest drone away piddle shirk evade dream bat meander fritter time away lie dormant lie down on job while away time fiddle around go to pot be inert mess about while hang loose put your feet up shirk one's duties take things easy let down take five take a break take a breather flop about flop around sit back while away fanny about lay on one's oars bob off sit back and do nothing rest on your oars dilly-dally mope putter delay lag drag diddle crawl procrastinate poke lallygag shilly-shally goof around horse around potter around put off drag your feet trail flag fiddle straggle plod dither pause take your time get no place fast do nothing much decline fribble doodle play hesitate slacken be slow shuffle clown stagger putter around monkey around falter potter about hang fire fall behind potter round stand still beat the meat fool about not keep pace muck about take one's time come to a halt fiddle about act the fool spin one's wheels play around fart around grind to a halt lag behind neglect dodge twiddle lark be long be tardy be dilatory stooge around mosey be lazy shamble ramble halt go slowly slough dabble lurk traipse slack off bunk off temporize stonewall puddle mosey around temporise totter filibuster put off doing something stay put use delaying tactics let the grass grow under one's feet hang on play for time play a waiting game hold back be indecisive wait around hum and haw buy time futz around scrimshank hang back wag fall back decrease drop fail diminish wane trail behind drag behind ebb gold-brick be remiss be negligent slow retard tail inch hobble trudge tool move slowly limp jelly toddle diddle-daddle rust rot bring up the rear play truant skive off fall fester fall off inch along drop behind be behind drop back slow up shlep along scrounge around dodge the column play hookey lose strength trammel become stagnant stultify constipate be sluggish stifle warm a chair play the wag evade one's duty swing the lead sit on one's butt lie fallow not move go stale go bad go rancid go off

Contrario di a daydream

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