Sinonimo di a remark


A comment or something said
comment reflection observation statement declaration thought utterance opinion note word assertion pronouncement words acknowledgement acknowledgment annotation aside cognizance comeback commentary conclusion crack elucidation exegesis explanation explication exposition expression gloss illustration interpretation mind observance point quip regard saying talk wisecrack witticism back talk bon mot obiter dictum two cents' worth announcement mouthful articulation judgement speech proclamation verbalism animadversion judgment criticism report mention dictum view feeling impression footnote reply response assessment formulation communication wording obiter phrasing voice backtalk revelation asseveration recitation testimony critique reaction input testimonial verbalization vocalization ejaculation thesis discourse vocalisation review clarification allegation disclosure viewpoint idea belief estimation thoughts finding scholium marginalia thing addendum discussion hearsay editorial buzz skinny catch phrase intimation introduction analysis say so interpolation stage whisper whispered remark confidential remark brief statement affirmation account notes divulgence communiqué evidence presentation examination return good word profession promulgation averment rejoinder retort play-by-play appraisal footnotes narrative ventilation bulletin recital protestation rundown vlog treatise scholia blog weblog comments relation charge picture manifesto presentment assurance expounding description affidavit avowal riposte repartee feedback replication take appreciation secondary source consideration voice-over critical analysis essay expression of facts reckoning blow-by-blow expression of views antiphon rant vociferation oration sentence noise peroration vent sound exclamation spiel echo guff clapback answer parting shot rhetorical question evaluation notice notation definition study write-up rating reviewal crit marginal note pan glossary mark reference expansion explanatory note acclamation tribute views opinions record chronicle recognition praise narration translation pronouncements observations remarks paraphrase story spin examen illumination chronology construction anatomization disquisition road map textual examination rap rave takedown flak slam slap put down critical essay zapper piece setting out digression critical assessment recapitulation blurb outline dissertation theme abstract synopsis monograph canvass redraft parenthesis debate dialogue book review appendix cross-reference postscript incidental remark footer deliberation conversation interest dialog


(grammar) A group of words that functions as a single unit
phrase expression saying idiom maxim adage locution quotation quote wording axiom phraseology motto phrasing dictum byword diction citation catchphrase parlance slogan terminology term watchword line verbiage tag sentence shibboleth utterance wordage catchword clause witticism verbalism comment turn of phrase way of speaking idiomatic expression set phrase catch phrase word group phrasal idiom phrasal verb group of words figure of speech sentence construction proverb word aphorism saw platitude formula language speech choice of words old chestnut epigram apophthegm gnome repartee cliche truism precept sententia epigraph apothegm colloquialism mantra interjection commonplace proposition statement principle enthymeme tenet axioma theorem guideline tagline paroemia articulation catchline assertion cry declaration postulate truth pearl of wisdom words of wisdom accepted truth folk wisdom signature phrase general truth tag line pearls of wisdom old saying sound bite excerpt extract passage verse style snippet piece stanza fragment manner section portion part words mode paragraph text reading selection article clip clipping vocabulary usage moral lingo idiolect manner of speaking word choice epithet rule reference banner chapter segment allusion bit gobbet cite tag-line vein vernacular dialect cant jargon tone episode patter patois argot canto fashion syntax rallying cry -speak war cry manner of writing stock phrase style of speech mode of speech style of writing mode of writing way of writing cutting mention brocard battle cry sentiment cliché fixed expression way with words collocation way of putting things paraphrase gift of gab eloquence projection command of language rhetoric accent turn of speech password party cry custom practice name bar lyric construction title denomination label appellation designation catchcry refrain jingle legend nomenclature monicker moniker prosodic unit trademark strapline by-word vocable characterization caption byname façon de parler


An inconsequential remark made as part of a polite conversation


Offensive and abusive language or behaviour
contumely aspersions defamation denigration derision disparagement insults invective slander slurs abuse bad-mouthing discourtesy impertinence insolence mud-slinging obloquy opprobrium rudeness vilification vituperation arrogance billingsgate contempt disdain humiliation malapertness reproach scorn disrespect aspersion slight slur derogation ridicule insult libel calumny smear mockery calumniation smearing maligning traducement libeling character assassination traducing libelling aspersing vilifying scandal detraction defaming backbiting blackening despite scornfulness sneering scandalmongering depreciation slam lie black eye sarcasm scoffing malicious gossip jeering defamation of character false report teasing indignity discredit shame degradation ignominy taunting disregard despisal belittlement muckraking misrepresentation criticism censure stigma scurrility untruth backstabbing put down contemptuousness smear campaign false accusation outrage dig deprecation dislike slap odium disgust brickbat condescension superciliousness despisement misprision despitefulness hatred injury disrepute ragging distaste jibing dishonour chaffing infamy condemnation aversion antipathy disesteem embarrassment abasement disapproval debasement reprobation dirt disgrace revilement sport dishonor rumour dump lying backhanded compliment slime mud knocking hit cheap shot rumor tittle-tattle misrepresentation of character loss of face sneer derisiveness mudslinging maliciousness malediction verbal abuse evil-speaking innuendo aftertale hauteur indifference rumourmongering knock rumormongering haughtiness snobbishness false insinuation dirty laundry false light fake news low-down dirty slagging-off slap in face aloofness dismissiveness lordliness joking joshing ribbing kidding chiacking kidology loftiness hate superbity pride goofing razzing gibes ignobility gibe jeer ill-repute disfavour mortification injustice satire taking the mickey winding up disapprobation taint crime raillery loathing tarnish debasing blemish blot stain comedown prostitution pollution humbling disfavor corruption disbarment misgrace sin meanness turpitude culpability ingloriousness spot ill repute venality strife baseness detestation abhorrence laughter loss of pride loss of self-respect sneers lampooning taunts snobbery defiance stubbornness recalcitrance audacity repugnance malice jab comeback jeers belittling lessening castigation denunciation crack backhander pilgarlic chastisement recrimination reproval pooh-poohing vitriol remonstrance upbraiding critique excoriation mocking slamming admonishment slating flak diminishment reproof chiding parting shot Bronx cheer faultfinding panning slagging underestimation blame berating affront barb epithet scolding carping nitpicking cavilling prejudice cavil roast caviling offence cut diss dis offense snub gird dart poke fault-finding slagging off verbal disapproval nit-picking name taunt jibe rap personality scandalous remark tall tale dirty linen smear campaigning impudence blasphemy incivility sledge impugnment unpleasantry flame pejorative disdainfulness slap in the face abusive remark kick in the teeth


The expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people
conversation dialogue discussion chat exchange debate dialog discourse talk colloquy confabulation conference argument banter converse deliberation argumentation chinwag comment communication communion confab consultation counsel expression gossip interchange interlocution repartee word yak altercation arbitration buzz convo dissertation gab gabfest gas hearing intercourse interview jive mediation negotiation palaver parlance parley powwow questioning schmooze speech ventilation yarn adda backchat canvass chatter conciliation consult council crack craic discussions disputation encounter flap gabbing gassing jaw jawing natter nattering observation quarrel rabbit rap remarks review scuttlebutt summit talkfest tattle wrangling chit-chat head-to-head heart-to-heart argy-bargy back-and-forth chin-wag chitchat exchange of views korero small talk straight talk tete-a-tete verbal exchange exchange of ideas give-and-take information flow table talk tête-à-tête wheeling and dealing bull session channel of communication question and answer session rap session skull session pillow talk patter causerie cackle jangle blather blether chin music prattle meeting chitter-chatter babble talks jabber negotiations gabber chinwagging babbling twaddle jabbering yabbering waffle seminar chuntering twattle gibbering prattling blethering blathering waffling yackety-yak yammering yattering yapping tittle-tattle chatting rabbiting on talking one-to-one words symposium speaking consideration rambling correspondence clack duologue yakking huddle idle talk informal talk one-on-one dispute forum analysis wittering war of words groupthink meet blab contention congress claver fireside chat audience pleasantries convocation tongue-wagging call appointment round table informal conversation catch up gabble chin prose visit sides barney dish row raillery badinage cry persiflage hot air two-way communication gen slanging match chewing the fat gabbling gossiping prating drivel gibberish chattering mag clishmaclaver chewing the rag yatter blah-blah flannel blah back and forth newsmongering prate account contact brief conversation conclave hui commentary interest mention loquacity association dealings wrangle relations colloquium sparring tug of war contestation arguing socializing deliberations dialectic tiff private word press conference examination velitation match social relations reception private conversation session communicating getting in touch verbal sparring cosy chat private chat convention social intercourse round robin think-in conferring socialising exchanging information articulation intercommunication corresponding interaction rendezvous engagement translating touch pleasantry foretalk rumors rumours audition hearership date get-together idle chatter trivial conversation beauty-parlor chitchat casual conversation idle chat light talk script text screenplay lines parts spoken parts spoken part


A witty remark, retort or joke
witticism quip joke jest wisecrack gag crack pleasantry sally funny josh boffola laugh drollery rib giggle jape boffo waggery boff nifty repartee pun banter riposte retort epigram badinage gibe comeback equivoque paronomasia mot yuck yuk Atticism one-liner bon mot witty remark double entendre play on words flash of wit clever remark jibe barb dig smart remark apophthegm aphorism rejoinder aside zinger slur jeer sneer affront slight insinuation taunt escapade frolic put-on clowning parody prank antic trick lark caper mischief shenanigan monkeyshine stunt farce yarn return insult funny remark sardonic remark pithy remark smart crack cutting remark raillery fun wordplay wit joking persiflage jesting counter quips spoof witticisms mockery humor humour witty remarks chaffing bons mots joshing teasing crosstalk ripostes sallies chaff give-and-take backchat squib wisecracks innuendo jocularity burlesque witty conversation in-joke satire calembour private joke pivot quibble amphibology carriwitchet double meaning clench running joke clinch conundrum nick whim pundigrion ruse hoax lampoon caricature retaliation travesty whimsy buffoonery kidding answer reply response play quirk ribbing skit jeu de mots pasquinade wittiness amusement ridicule rib-tickler send-up irony sarcasm takeoff clapback practical joke causticity play-on lampoonery equivocalness whimsicality foolishness facetiousness ragging witty comment wile counterattack game levity merriment wisecracking kidology inside joke fool setup windup mock offense offence jive canard jolly clown shaggy dog story good-natured remark motto take-off witty communication gem snappy retort pasticcio entertainment horseplay hoot shenanigans sendup invective romp derision jeering swordplay quipping jokes clever comment jests comedy bants bit of mischief fun and games piece of fun witty poem witty saying nice turn of phrase jeu d'esprit gossip exchange chitchat dissing puns gags nonsense killer chestnut absurdity ridiculousness blague waggishness tomfoolery anecdote playful jab small talk cracks funny remarks one-liners acknowledgement replication comicality doubles entendres bodily fluid amusingness funny story knee-slapper old chestnut shaggy-dog story thigh-slapper ha-ha back talk back answer lip cooler acknowledgment antiphon snappy comeback squelch parting shot reprisal revenge topper respond bantering ambiguity conceit patter pleasant conversation


A remark intended to mock or criticize
dig insult barb slight slur affront epithet indignity outrage cut slap jibe sarcasm diss brickbat dis offence offense gird dart poke sneer taunt jeer name gibe personality crack quip wisecrack insinuation innuendo put down cutting remark snide remark criticism slap in the face mockery aspersion snub scorn derision disparagement contempt scoffing ridicule slam invective abuse comeback censure kick in the teeth injury raillery burlesque banter superciliousness hit attack lampooning dirty dig acrimony bitterness acidity acridity sharpness acerbity satire corrosiveness backhanded compliment cynicism irony mordancy rancor rebuff zinger disrespect humiliation sneering black eye trenchancy mordacity discourtesy causticity causticness swipe flouting shaft left-handed compliment rancour obloquy rudeness indignation knock taunting scoff sting provocation vitriol jab disdain sledge goading ridiculing dump disparaging remark brush-off reproach brutality forcefulness directness incisiveness outspokenness verbal dig acridness tartness asperity teasing virulence acidness spite verbal jab cattiness bile smear virulency belittlement kick exposé microaggression pan animadversion stricture snigger snidery suppression burn catcall gibing call-down wrong grievance mistreatment name-calling one in the eye hateful remark pointed comment atrocity rebuke scandal desecration mocking remark barbed remark rejection take-down dirty deed blow to one's pride verbal abuse snappy comeback parting shot blitzkrieg onslaught hurt assailment battery onset pique huff harm resentment dudgeon injustice push assault aggression miff blitz umbrage mugging knocking ruffled feathers slander libel defamation vilification contumely opprobrium insolence shame ignominy impertinence impudence vituperation critical remark verbal attack character assassination scurrility aspersions depreciation revilement blasphemy incivility impugnment unpleasantry flame pejorative disdainfulness despite cheap shot abusive remark castigation reproval flak denigration panning condemnation admonishment denunciation scolding excoriation upbraiding blame broadside blast rap slating slamming disapproval berating slagging roast faultfinding reproof nitpicking chiding slagging off admonition stick accusation reprimand earful wigging sideswipe carpeting rollicking discredit roasting chastisement recrimination critique calumny remonstrance reprobation objurgation dressing-down bad press carping cavilling cavil telling-off ticking off caviling rap over the knuckles fault-finding verbal disapproval nit-picking potshot derogation belittling lessening degradation debasement deprecation detraction mocking diminishment backstabbing underestimation backbiting lecture prejudice disrepute lambasting odium remonstration disapprobation commination stain objection examen verbal quibble blemish serve takedown arraignment notice captiousness reprehension rating riot act tongue-lashing slap on the wrist ticking-off call down bad notice persecution rocket bashing malevolence diatribe argument fulmination confrontation tirade caning pugnacity bollocking traducement defilement combativeness harangue mocking comment philippic calumniation disagreement belligerence billingsgate rant polemic verbal onslaught verbal assault


A short informal letter or written message
memo memorandum note directive notice dispatch epistle letter message minute missive communication e-mail jotting reminder agenda annotation calendar comment commentary datum definition diary document entry gloss inscription journal line marginalia mark observation record scratch scrawl scribble summary thank-you word obiter dictum bulletin report account news intelligence announcement item email card correspondence tidings information statement written communication text tally communiqué posting bill registration postcard notation tab release notification chit info instruction dope kite mail written message aide-memoire piece of information low-down insertion scorecard greeting listing agreement contract tickler answer reply acknowledgment element article post billet receipt memory jogger notelet acknowledgement encyclical invite cannonball FYI get-well intimation mention earful wire draft voucher check junk mail thank you advice love letter billet doux poison pen advisement gen writing fax dirt SMS tweet phone call skinny pipeline goods briefing warning ideas lowdown excerpt scoop inside story draught story poster sign placard piece review pamphlet broadsheet flyer handbill leaflet handout sticker affiche information sheet manifesto cue declaration proclamation broadcast disclosure description communique cable narration brief detail revelation heads up rumor latest reporting leak data knowledge rumour publication recital telegram narrative scandal rundown talk picture tale reports write-up advertisement feature gossip ad advert uncos enlightenment hot wire update flash testimony press release news flash reportage exposition publishing broadcasting headlines telling version outline relation chronicle history opinion address digest pronouncement paper divulging annunciation résumé précis facts hearsay advices buzz discovery blow by blow column eye-opener tittle-tattle the goods alert newscast caution promulgation findings tip notes details break particulars dossier score materials documentation documents chatter file blurb analysis exposure news coverage coverage telecast copy front-page news cognizance specification itemization exposé recognition particularization headline notifying paragraph greetings advisory dish tiding forewarning apprisal alarm scuttlebutt status goss the latest admonition alarum heads-up explanation status update testimonial papers divulgence advance warning newsflash news report utterance wake-up call literature media release news release press statement edict expression exposing dissemination recitation prediction insight tattle documentary drum tidbit titbit figures feedback counsel specifics statistics list program programme numbers results records wisdom material conclusions consultation instructions clues erudition directions background files breaking news essentials input learning illumination guidance recommendation suggestion direction evidence ammo deets clue news item official statement what's happening news summary the dope letters what's going down chapter and verse brass tacks what's what inside dope bottom line tip-off hot tip inside information whole story word to the wise like it is messages matter contact missives memos snail mail faxes parcel post chronology commentaries exchange of letters


To observe or take notice of
observe notice perceive regard see espy behold catch descry discern distinguish eye mark sight slang spot spy view witness heed look at take note of take notice make out pick up on take note note detect catch sight of glimpse clock get a load of eyeball recognize watch recognise pick out survey discover lay eyes on set eyes on clap eyes on gaze at stare at identify scan inspect take in pay attention to catch a glimpse of check out take a dekko at scrutinize examine become aware of pay heed to take notice of check get a glimpse of contemplate gawp at rubberneck take a gander at have a gander at mind have a squint at have a dekko at take a shufti at scrutinise have sight of take heed of gaze upon size up follow glance at have a shufti at give something a once-over find give the once-over study flash dig look on peer at focus on pipe read flash on feast your eyes on hear consider acknowledge know by sight get an eyeful of earmark give attention to pore over scent locate sense pinpoint place diagnose decry smell attend glare at gape at peep at pick up gawk at peek at scope out feast one's eyes taste ascertain ogle trace encounter spy out track have a butcher's at look over explore see over be on the scene look on at be a witness to be on hand be present be a witness be present at review spectate be shown over rubberneck at recce meet with turn up ferret out point out check something out oversee ponder believe check over audit assess beam have a look-see at gaze eagle eye canvass scope stare overlook become conscious of register hearken give a thought to attend to listen to hearken to pay attention give thought to take into consideration bear in mind take to heart pay heed gape monitor surveil peruse leer spy on take a look keep an eye on keep under surveillance keep under observation keep tabs on keep watch on keep a tab on watch like a hawk keep a weather eye on keep under scrutiny twig give the eye keep a beady eye on have take a glance at have a look keep eagle eye on analyze con analyse investigate probe look take stock of case go over vet peer evaluate goggle appraise go through gawk glare search peek peep look into dissect browse focus reconnoiter scrutinate reconnoitre gawp look upon look through take a gander research delve into glance go over with a fine-tooth comb cast an eye over assay prospect treat skim sift enquire into blink fix one's gaze look fixedly subject to an examination take a look at weigh up give something a going-over give the once over run over get an eyeful check up question feel about estimate think about scout sweep anatomize pry squint run through penetrate pierce supervise superintend leaf through flick through flip through inquire go into eagle-eye think of enquire work over take a dekko eye up dig into inquire into admire glim examine closely look something over check into put under a microscope look at carefully refer to have a look-see rivet on skim through take a good look look vacantly dip into run your eye over read through rivet concentrate interpret face keep one's eye on keep track of balance relate to adjudicate judge discuss tackle scour verify esteem beware ogle at take a good look at look closely report sum up make enquiries into conduct investigations into rake like memorise memorize leer at concentrate on deconstruct cut pass through bone up read over snoop look earnestly gage triangulate make inquiries into watch from a distance screen take stock sit in size graph plot gauge valuate summarise chart summarize squinny suss out break down surf glass glance over fix one's gaze at take a butcher's at excogitate inquisite weigh parse gloat try to see pin bore riffle riff rumble winnow undersee keep tabs give the eagle eye make eyes at not take one's eyes off comb chew over perlustrate have a squint fixate candle parade muster get a sight of see briefly look through narrowed eyes run down poke around look-see cross-examine check up on pry into probe into conduct an investigation into nose around make an observation of make a recce of outstare peg smoke take a shufti take a butcher's look up and down think through pick at glower narrow your eyes squint at screw up eyes get a bird's-eye view of stake out map out look intently search into test rivet one's eyes stare in wonder stare open-mouthed have a good look fix on look hard watch closely glint keek look see devour sift through examine carefully dip burn up take the measure of drill down glance through squiz interrogate catechize plough through be absorbed in wade through bury oneself in browse through thumb through sneak a look look quickly march past look briefly have a quick look have a shufti take a quick look give something a look-see glance one's eye subject to an inspection kick the tires


To say as a further remark
add declare mention state cite communicate disclose divulge indicate note reveal say specify infer quote report tell detail suggest continue allude to persist reply continue to speak go on keep going say further state further carry on go on to say utter voice exclaim pronounce announce put forth articulate express convey enunciate impart air speak verbalize outline relay put across put forward relate get across talk about mouth verbalise put into words spell out speak about make known pipe up with come out with give utterance to throw out give voice to talk explain vocalize summarize clarify comment on publicize vent mumble cry summarise pass on address word spout mutter enounce yak gab give away spiel shout blurt sound vocalise whisper drawl jaw chirp publicise sound out murmur intone lip pipe chip in put in two cents describe discuss frame weigh in contribute throw in let on remark on touch on point out bring up refer to interject have a say interpose name advance drop breathe a word of designate let out notify proclaim profess claim affirm opine press broadcast recite promulgate assert attest allege intimate asseverate maintain offer predicate testify protest propose deliver aver plead denote orate spill phrase avouch present chatter admit purport repeat advertize contend argue vouch advertise reel off modulate pass retell recount confess yammer stress evince regurgitate pop off translate narrate bring out signal read declaim blab get off gas emphasize soliloquize perorate rehearse expose make public emphasise make clear swear respond break silence flap answer give voice comment burst out rap blabber observe rejoin


To recognize or understand a difference
discriminate differentiate distinguish separate discern difference secern assess evaluate categorise categorize classify collate compare contradistinguish contrast discrepate extricate judge know note perceive segregate sever severalize sift specify tell apart recognize a distinction discern a difference make out split hairs tell the difference draw a distinction know what's what separate the sheep from the goats separate the wheat from the chaff identify recognize determine recognise ascertain pick out decide spot mark demarcate tell between tell juxtapose set apart tell the difference between balance make a distinction place characterize draw a distinction between set side by side singularize signalize individualize figure out see notice single out observe detect signalise characterise individualise make a distinction between differ decide between weigh vary measure analogize hold a candle to match up stack up against set in opposition secernate remember make distinction set at variance tell which is which select estimate pinpoint analyze finger diagnose individuate tag qualify name part divide label tell one from another isolate outline highlight distinguish between mark off diagnosticate sort out tell from set off determinate analyse understand differentialize comprehend sight catch antithesise antithesize behold dig set off see a difference pick up on set against weigh against discern a difference between discover establish get a fix on deduce flag divine ID button down work out suss out put one's finger on locate describe verify validate intuit substantiate peg find out point out pin down settle on decide on tab mention list confirm apprehend clinch learn be sure know for certain be certain read take in fix get a load of ferret out know by sight put the finger on find put a name to make certain of mark out make certain make up your mind on


Speak or write authoritatively about a topic
discourse talk expatiate orate lecture declaim speak harangue perorate pontificate sermonise sermonize confer debate descant discuss dissertate mouth off preach speechify spiel spout converse hold forth lucubrate preachify argue chew comment commentate confab develop dispute dissert elaborate enlarge expand explain expound give an address give a talk modulate treat voice write learnedly give a speech sound off write at length dilate upon give a meeting rant address make a speech give a sermon pitch prelect fulminate drone on stump deliver give a lecture get on a soapbox go on pronounce criticize speak out recite criticise jaw soapbox talk at length speak at length deliver an address take the floor opine go on about teach vociferate moralize accost instruct attack castigate moralise exhort talk to declaim to preach to sermonize to spout to speechify to preachify to give speech hold forth to spiel to deliver a sermon give a lecture to sound off to spout off grandstand deliver a speech proclaim state make an oration declare trumpet mouth assert denounce utter bloviate give lessons in dissertation sermon oration give talk big pile it on blow hot air speak to chalk talk pep talk bespeak refer memorialise memorialize address an audience inveigh rage rail get across jaw to give an address to give a speech to make a speech to expound to orate to embellish decry thunder condemn give a talk to give a discourse to give an oration to give a sermon to deliver a sermon to deliver talk give talk drone on to root for give a dissertation to deliver speech elaborate on enlarge on dwell on amplify disparage protest strongly evangelize dilate dilate on pontificate about rant about expostulate about make a stand make a protest gospelize express disapproval of expand on develop on go into detail about discourse on amplify on hold forth about inform pulpiteer mission minister prophesy give sermon deliver sermon missionary preach a sermon homilize spread the gospel evangelise berate mouth off about make a fuss about kick up a stink about upbraid pillory lambaste censure rant at earbash pontificate to descant on dissertate on write at length about spout about expound on perorate on speak at length about rave admonish scold buttonhole apostrophize spout at deliver a tirade to sound off about yell at chew out persuade pontify dogmatize edify ethicize be moralistic blow express one's opinion lay down the law influence sway induce pass judgment huff bluster talk forcefully ramble on brag ramble boast vapour vapor rabbit on yell chatter spellbind shoot off one's mouth


Make a witty remark
quip jest joke wisecrack banter gag chaff fool fun jape jive jolly josh kid pun yuck yuk sally jibe retort mock tease rib wind up ridicule deride razz taunt jeer gibe rag make fun of make a joke poke fun at mess around roast hoax rally spoof have on fool about mess about fool around pull one's leg trick mess ride needle scoff at flout gird tell jokes play with words shuck twit satirize satirise play tricks play a prank take the mickey play the fool play a practical joke jeer at set up make sport of pull someone's leg pull someone's chain make a monkey out of crack a joke crack scorn be facetious sneer at lark slang crack wise crack jokes frolic gambol pretend feign sham fake act play a trick rot someone put someone on play a joke sneer scoff hoodwink dupe delude deceive beguile lark around make mischief lark about cozen con gull bamboozle counterfeit put on clown around clown about bother mislead take in flimflam make believe put on an act have a joke with mimic send up jibe at guy make jokes about amuse flip quiz lampoon laugh at divert laugh caricature be sarcastic about parody make a monkey of goof on poke mullock at entertain prank haze smoke rag on sling off at yank someone's chain muck around muck someone about take the piss out of bait chiack flout at hold up to ridicule goad pillory pick on put down poke borak at make a fool of treat with contempt annoy harass heckle pan raz rot sledge diss slam fleer shoot down laugh to scorn play squib censure raspberry frazzle call names treat contemptuously show contempt show contempt for thumb nose at have a laugh tell stories have a joke on somebody scout skewer humiliate cartoon deflate expose unmask pooh-pooh heap scorn on run down make a game of make someone a laughing stock expose to ridicule rail at laugh out of court poke borack show up make a laughing-stock hold up to shame disdain insult affront snigger slight slur be contemptuous of decry condemn disparage gibe at burlesque grin underrate detract travesty belittle swipe leer dump curl your lip at turn up one's nose make cutting remarks about rank out sneeze at say contemptuously sniff at give Bronx cheer turn your nose up at look down on quip at hold in contempt torment plague worry hassle pester harry provoke badger irritate aggravate bedevil hector importune vex devil nudge gnaw beleaguer disturb tantalize dog sound snap tantalise lead on flirt with swipe at be at give a hard time

Contrario di a remark

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