Sinonimo di boring situation


A boring, tedious or tiresome thing or person
drag bore bother pain hassle nuisance annoyance nudnik headache pest vexation burden snooze yawn snoozer trouble dullsville nudnick trial nark yawner bind blighter droner pill blister drip pain in the bum pain in the neck source of annoyance fair cow pain in the backside pain in the rear tedious thing tedious person tiresome person tiresome thing hang-up bad situation irritant inconvenience aggravation peeve bugbear botheration problem irritation irk exasperation ruffle thorn frustration worry plague rub source of irritation difficulty hair shirt aggro tribulation skelf menace thorn in the flesh tease strain nyaff gall bane grief distress worriment rigmarole palaver nag infliction thorn in one's side source of vexation bane of one's life pressure nonevent teaser embarrassment gadfly waste of time annoyer mind-numbing experience torment persecutor gnawer concern scourge pinprick nudge besetment curse blight provocation discomfort creep source of difficulty bummer source of aggravation burr under someone's saddle burr in someone's saddle bug goad schmo pet peeve source of trouble dullard nightmare displeasure snorefest snore yawnfest snoozefest agitation chagrin upset downer disruption louse offense offence pesterer obstacle frump botherment bum insect terror pester hindrance sore point stressor gripe inopportuneness pain in the behind thorn in your side cause of annoyance fizzle poor excuse old one-two bitter pill source of disruption uphill battle cuss demand encumbrance cross to bear boring event boring person boring thing charge intrusion onus load encroachment restraint imposure constraint obtrusion imposition anxiety uphill molestation perplexity job flurry bellyache thorny problem pip stress harassment struggle pique adversity grievance hardship indignation dilemma anger disturbance infuriation unpleasantness ire predicament labor labour task rage misfortune fury resentment bedevilment crossness issue wrath teasing toil challenge perturbation discontent mess fuss test snag problems disadvantage difficult task pestering grind harrying disquiet affliction importunity bugging awkwardness temper setback complication drawback strife travail testiness persecution bothering suffering millstone quandary disgruntlement weight spleen chore choler puzzle tall order bad news hard work ill humour drain evil unease drudgery ordeal battle irascibility ugliness conflict tormentor irritability outrage dispute aversion exertion torture calamity agony horror dissatisfaction effort badgering impatience dire straits hot water matter provoking irking irksomeness dislike plight case anguish knot peevishness unhappiness vexing monstrosity hate intimidation pitfall tetchiness troublemaker pressurization pickle pressurisation uphill struggle tough grind anathema tough assignment petulance eyesore stroppiness crabbiness needling pet hate trials and tribulations bête noire undertaking hitch hurt disbenefit to-do being rubbed up the wrong way endeavor endeavour slog rodent cross care long haul quagmire woe disappointment deep trouble danger complaint objection badgerer cause for concern aggravator quibble crashing bore dread cancer affront taunting ghost issues passion disgust chip on your shoulder cause of distress handful bile exacerbation nettling plaguing canker turmoil enragement madness injury insult terseness snappiness snappishness touchiness visitation row interruption pet aversion sorrow scrape niggling insults indignity bete noire stirring confusion interference ruffling hydra pains irritator motivator stimulator mover spur energizer stirrer excitant meddler prod busybody brickbat distraction whisking derangement roiling convulsion mischief-maker a thorn in someone's side strenuousness laboriousness arduousness struggling conundrum question incident situation affair ill feeling disharmony scandal disagreement killer beast bear rancour deadweight grindstone tax daily grind grudge dislocation ado unwieldiness spite hot temper bad temper discomposure umbrage nut performance painfulness hangup travails dolour sharpness mortification discomfiture weariness acrimony sullenness quarrel difference of opinion argument jam imbroglio exigency bafflement resentfulness puzzlement ill-temper ill humor hard time responsibility cumbersomeness atrocity sourness downside coercion churlishness hard row to hoe hard mountain to climb mental burden churning up stirring up unhandiness crime disgrace discontentment embitteredness gauntlet calling albatross function obligation mission duty work exercise assignment matter of contention point of contention uneasiness troublesomeness untimeliness tragedy failure unfitness moroseness hiccup impediment barrier unsuitableness harm detriment disaster damage rancor bitterness stew tiresomeness bothersomeness shame obscenity obstruction mix-up spanner in the works catch-22 hot potato tight spot monkey wrench in the works hurdle vexed question question mark trammel gremlin fly in the ointment hornets' nest catch muddle handicap stumbling block difficult situation nuisance value catastrophe infelicity misadventure loss mishap debacle barbarism violation cataclysm mishappening accident mischance bad luck commotion blow tumult sight tough luck boo-boo bad break hard luck ill-treatment rotten luck ill abomination hideosity straits state blot on the landscape scarecrow frightful spectacle fright grotesque sight horrible sight ugly sight

Contrario di boring situation

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