Sinonimo di the crème de la crème


The best, elite or most ideal of its kind or class
elite best choice cream pick pride prime elect royalty aristocracy flower illuminati fat pink priesthood nobility gentry gentility A-list upper crust corps d'elite cream of the crop Hall of Fame beautiful people blue blood four hundred haut monde high society jet set upper class jewel top nonpareil finest prize paragon jewel in the crown gem tops ideal treasure choicest ultimate height epitome quintessence pearl model archetype apotheosis first class perfection essence embodiment favourite prototype core top drawer select beau idéal acme exemplar quality favorite select few shining example nonesuch standard the bee's knees pick of the bunch paradigm one in a million envy source of envy glory object of envy leading light preference option selection discretion volition druthers alternative bet election liberty bag choosing pick of the litter cup of tea aces best choice chosen top choice way eidolon greatest thing since sliced bread crown ne plus ultra idealism example standard of perfection classic beau ideal dream last word best thing since sliced bread yardstick byword perfect example of its kind something else outstanding example angel personification essentiality spirit lifeblood heart soul beauty substance first stuff masterpiece catch plum wonder trophy crown jewel perfect example taonga peach trump pride and joy favoured gold find upper-crust favored nominee draft piece excerpt subset draught culling most select plan appointee candidate norm criterion good example idea pattern cynosure stereotype picture course of action crackerjack champ lovely champion love sublimation original representation type patron saint boast showpiece finest example honour darling honor credit finest specimen typical example best example best specimen choicest specimen choicest example acme of perfection specialty charm genius phenomenon rarity speciality prodigy phoenix pièce de résistance head peak pinnacle lead star zenith leader meridian utmost success capstone climax culmination chief humdinger godsend highest level utmost extent highest rank first place high-water mark crowning point high point chef-d'oeuvre


High society
jet set A-list beau monde beautiful people elite fashionable haut monde high society smart set wealthy café society gentlefolk glitterati in-crowd polite society salon society country-club set fashionable society high life idle rich leisured class moneyed class privileged class privileged classes the privileged the well-to-do top drawer upper class upper crust wealthy people cream of society rich and famous aristocracy gentry nobility cultured class gentility the quality patriciate the Four Hundred noblesse quality blue blood gentlefolks the better sorts four hundred who's who country set flower main line top brass upper classes Four Hundred social register bon ton good society best people right people societe in group upper echelon A list better sort cream privileged second estate society people famous people glamorous people the upper class the in-crowd establishment celebrity jet-set chosen illuminati carriage trade country club set optimacy old money bhadralok the elite cream of the cream the finest best of the best pick of the litter cream of the crop ruling class lords peerage patricians nobles ladies nobs landed gentry peers of the realm government toffs aristocrats peers noblemen noblewomen aristos titled people titled women titled men upper-crust note dignity swells grandness highness dominance fashion county set upper middle class primacy plutocracy loftiness nobleness preferment precedence caste gentleness peeresses haute monde members of the aristocracy members of the peerage members of the nobility body of nobles


A group of people who meet to engage in a common interest
society association club group fellowship alliance band body circle clique community federation fraternity league organisation organization partnership team union affiliation clan coalition coterie crew gang guild institution network order ring syndicate tribe college consortium cooperative council faction lodge board brotherhood chamber company confraternity congress house institute kinship mob outfit private club rat pack sisterhood social club social organization sodality sorority corporation gild set combine confederation confederacy bunch establishment bloc party combination block crowd pack conglomerate sect consociation cartel camp concern business axis cabal trust fold compact grouping firm operation troupe lot coven agency klatch klatsch posse gathering foundation corps enterprise interest group troop connection wing congregation lobby assembly vocation conservatory movement schism centre in-group seminary hookup assemblage center family pool conspiracy unit bureau junta cooperation interest cluster crush squad insiders collaboration in-crowd set-up liaison concord academy trade union linkup department branch clubhouse pressure group tie-up denomination section class chapter profession trade office cell side collection representatives contingent cadre unity monopoly entente colony push relationship camarilla caucus comrades school Mafia relation bevy tie link venture bevvy undertaking pact communion electorate crop patrol charity special interest friendship participation lobby group action group strategic partnership membership political action committee campus camaraderie world frat edifice racket industry professional association knot covenant working men's clubs recreational club social activities club shower lads machine junto conference loop circuit legislature anschluss bond government bund race practice political party nucleus gens sept cronies intimates companions ingroup elite group of people ainga ngai splinter group amalgamation merger formation encounter group support group relations relatives moiety inner circle concordat companionship array combo batch legislative body horde front copartnership troops multinational chain special-interest group single-interest group special interests service commune throng togetherness conjunction chumminess fraternization mutuality fraternisation multiple tie-in labour union creed army co-partnership cahoots joint venture arm desk division accord collusion interrelation selection boodle platoon consort brigade Bund octopus shell jungle zoo megacorp detail huddle detachment cohort gaggle representative covey menagerie affairs ghetto quarter district settlement line-up demonstration march evolution mobilisation mobilization political group agreement solidarity treaty labor union workers' association project proceedings management legal entity large company business organization corporate body working party belief persuasion faith entente cordiale show close association setup program friendly relationship mutual attachment programme affair cordial relations associates fellows members hauhau trusteeship charitable body followers religion ism religious group doctrine church cult PAC source of funds established institution funding agency endowed institution attenders subscribers lobbyist involvement participants supporters delegates partners colleagues enrolment admission affiliates adherents inclusion attachment enrollment ginger group single-issue group campaign group special interest group squadron force regiment battalion legion flock battery host delegation herd garrison franchise commando drove shop ensemble deputation committee delegacy commission legation parcel mission task force lineup swarm load quartet foursome store multitude staff group of four embassy dream team disciples fleet galaxy following clump muster envoys clutch constellation shift passel flight workers stable string emissaries deputies subdivision soldiers transnational relay military unit assignment small group diplomatic mission presidium authority praesidium armada executive committee special force brood hit squad column press nye category ranks collective bracket task group TF enclave bundle quota militia command control multinational organization emporium startup employees sector turn relief stream devotees armed force military detachment wolf pack wayfarers voyagers travellers explorers trio panel aggregation players start-up personnel core system military force multiple store multiple shop commercial undertaking business enterprise reserves body of people representation ministry guard complement total one thing entirety totality duty military division troopers number combatants servicemen forces pupils officers expedition travelers fatigue horses votaries apostles proponents students admirers key group fighting men KP kitchen police mill market factory building block body of workers escadrille hard core private corporation shoestring operation Mom and Pop family business fly-by-night operation epigones imitators emulators copiers armed forces subculture subgroup folks culture tribunal forum dictatorship leadership convocation cabinet convention regime fourgie military government appointment legates designation embassage nomination international business holding company international company small fleet flotilla vessels argosy convoy navy

Contrario di the crème de la crème

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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