Sinonimo di to putter


To move or walk lackadaisically
amble mosey stroll potter ramble saunter meander shuffle traipse walk sashay toddle wander walk casually tootle mooch dawdle bimble pootle swan maunder loiter drift go slowly promenade roam perambulate tromp tramp hike stravaig walk slowly peregrinate stray take a walk get some air go for a walk get some exercise take the air pad straggle float coast idle go aimlessly stooge rove mope cruise gallivant range linger swing make your way take a turn go for a constitutional make one's way stretch your legs hold back loiter along lag behind trail behind fall behind not keep pace move at a snail's pace dabble fiddle tinker fritter footle fribble mess about boogie ankle percolate gander hoof it poke along trek march prowl stride bat knock about galavant trudge gad about kick around gad tour travel vagabond go walkabout plod move circumambulate strut traverse stump tread prance backpack sweep breeze hoof troop streel hit the road pace slog dally parade lumber journey patrol jaunt roll step ambulate leg it go on foot footslog proceed yomp globe-trot knock around go skulk creep follow one's nose stalk shamble trip waltz explore take a stroll trail circumnutate hopscotch sail mill round mill around mill about file swagger walk the tracks mooch around canter advance glide pound loll totter pass sally cross loaf tarry flit scuff crawl slough ghost drag hit the bricks foot it change lurk trog shilly-shally schlep dilly-dally go for a stroll circumlocute get sidetracked take Shanks's pony travel on foot dander flounce troll trill ooze spring divagate pound the pavement zigzag wind progress bum clamber travel about trek through back-pack extravagate twine recoil climb scramble wander aimlessly bum around struggle along go hither and thither move aimlessly get off the point go off at a tangent scour step out hobble stagger bat around bat back and forth encompass search reconnoiter reconnoitre twist and turn race locomote mince foot take it easy stroll along move slowly plod on descend ascend tiptoe skip delay gallop truck pass over spread through be all over the map potter round potter around potter about swank wend hit the trail wend your way lag make circuit pick your way find your way wind one's way go forward go by foot move forward go up go down press on showboat trot lallygag dillydally lollygag diddle poke stumble scavenge posture slink show off sneak hunt steal march up and down walk up and down halt hover slacken flag pause procrastinate walk back and forth walk to and fro dodder waddle move stealthily hang about brush whisk flow slide skim stream slip bowl hurry galumph clump stomp lump flounder scuffle stamp barge limp put off hang out pass time fritter away move briskly pussyfoot sidle nose lurch shift flog toil snoop snake get no place fast drag oneself nose around drag your feet lie in wait hang around scuff one's feet


To tinker or fidget with something
fiddle tinker mess poke mess around fool around play dabble fiddle with tamper interfere trifle play with monkey toy potter meddle puddle doodle toy with dabble with trifle with dally with muck about meddle with muck about with fix try to improve play around fool around with mess about take apart muck around with tinker at the edges of niggle work amateurishly on interfere with play around with repair potter about with monkey around rearrange the deckchairs on the Titanic mess around with fool about with mess about with tinker with the edges of adjust slightly try to mend mess with play about with put right mend tamper with adjust twirl jiggle swivel wiggle juggle twist turn finger move feel touch handle fidget fool twiddle fidget with monkey with fool with muck around intrude interlope interpose butt in busybody horn in pry tinker with obtrude snoop nose intermeddle fool about play about frivol flirt encroach encumber push in advance hinder play games with inquire sidewalk-superintend abuse rights impede infringe break in on dabble in amuse oneself enquire put your two cents in stick your nose in invade molest chime in crash the gates mix in barge in worm in trespass impose come uninvited kibitz monkey about paw thumb pick at fuss play at experiment amuse oneself with potter around with potter about potter round with flirt with work superficially wink at intervene touch without permission handle without permission put your oar in gossip stir thrust muscle in damage change alter doctor deface vandalize harm fiddle about ruin fiddle around vary do mischief to manipulate destroy plant phony up cut do damage to cook irrigate spike vandalise diversify water poke one's nose into


To move or act at a slow speed
dally delay dawdle linger loiter lag tarry dilly-dally trail waste time amble crawl creep diddle dillydally drag lallygag lollygag meander mope plod poke shilly-shally straggle trudge drift kill time procrastinate traik boondoggle fall behind hang about while away time drag your feet fool around fool with fritter away hang around horse around put off trifle with while away fool about play games with hesitate idle dither vacillate pause take your time lag behind take one's time goof off stall wait stonewall temporize stagger trifle slouch loll filibuster temporise totter falter hold back mark time wait around stay put buy time hang on be slow hang fire hum and haw be dilatory potter round play for time potter around potter about use delaying tactics play a waiting game not keep pace let the grass grow under one's feet be indecisive put off doing something be tardy sit around be long hang back waver stop halt rest defer haver stay sit tight fluctuate hold off think twice postpone equivocate hover oscillate hedge hold on gain time swither remain be undecided bide pussyfoot around hang saunter prevaricate hang out teeter get no place fast blow hot and cold tergiversate go at a snail's pace kick the can down the road wobble scruple wabble obstruct shuffle deliberate drop behind move slowly lodge beat about the bush cease abide sit on the fence discontinue hang round yo-yo drag your heels hold your horses take too long stick around be irresolute limp loaf inch flag adjourn drop balk slacken shillyshally tail tool get cold feet potter retard lose time baulk trail behind desist go slowly balance be unsure pass the time be uncertain dwell await warm a chair take a breather let up stop briefly take a break hem and haw reside hold the phone take ten have a breather call time take five squat put on hold perch nest bunk roost hold over keep on sweat it out hold your fire hold the fort bide your time be left stay behind see-saw refuse avoid rebuff evade resist be evasive stroll be ambivalent palter burn daylight fiddle about piddle fritter away time take one's own sweet time while away the time toddle diddle-daddle adopt Fabian tactics slack be in two minds faff about take time prevent block prolong protract fritter time away goof around stop over avoid committing oneself mooch mosey skulk shirk goldbrick cool use dilatory tactics shlep along scrounge around bum around slow-walk kick about kick around hinder shamble wander ramble slough dabble lurk traipse stand distract divert stall for time use Fabian tactics avoid making a decision stick settle put on the back burner sit on one's butt defer action let something slide take a raincheck pass time fall back decrease fail diminish endure remain behind put down roots continue outstay establish yourself stay out establish oneself postpone action wane drag behind ebb employ delaying tactics suspend action tumble tremble refrain surcease slow hobble lounge jelly refrain from bobble lurch reel roll quaver sway bring up the rear fall off inch along be behind drop back slow up avoid the issue beat around the bush put something off take no action lose strength nose avoid doing something snail sojourn ooze change mind break keep from doing something draggle creak along bivouac live inhabit cling interrupt limp along creep along hang heavy wear on advance slowly break off stay over make camp stay on appear to pass slowly slow down go on too long go on and on reflect pull up sideline shake suspend take a breath become tedious look forward lie in wait be patient lie low sit up for hold one's breath stand by wait on kick your heels cool your heels save it sweat it stay up for hang onto your hat cool it hold everything twiddle thumbs wait in the wings alternate come to standstill catch one's breath break it up demur seesaw pussyfoot stumble stop what you're doing doubt boggle flounder ponder mammer debate weigh be doubtful be hesitant shy away be reluctant be unwilling pull back think about sit on fence


To exert effort or labor on a task
grind labor drudge labour moil slave toil slog strive struggle work strain sweat travail exert oneself endeavor hustle beaver away endeavour peg away plod plow plough grub plug bang away plug away tug hump work hard dig away work like a dog work like a Trojan graft slog away sweat blood knock oneself out kill oneself work day and night keep at it bear down drive knuckle down slave away bullock work your fingers to the bone beaver grind away plod away keep your nose to the grindstone push go for it go for broke bend over backwards make every effort go all out trudge try hard buckle down make an effort break one's back exert yourself give it your all hammer away pour it on persevere grub away bust a gut push oneself give it your best shot pull out all the stops keep your head down fight lumber stagger overwork battle scramble hammer apply burn the candle at both ends apply oneself drag oneself break your neck rupture yourself make an all-out effort make a great effort do all one can put yourself out do your best lean over backwards work oneself to the bone spare no effort put one's back into something try peg study persist skivvy muck schlepp grapple push yourself dig plough away graft away soldier on work your guts out plough through do your damnedest go hard go ham sweat away plug along give something one's all do your utmost peg along work like a slave fall over backwards do one's best be at pains suffer endure campaign withstand exert seek undertake carry on pound perform toll work very hard overwork oneself cultivate tend attempt aspire assay grovel purpose stand up to acquit oneself trample hike trail drag aim essay pitch in work one's socks off dig in grind out plod along be servile keep nose to grindstone go back to the salt mines put up a fight against go to war peg away at apply oneself to venture work fingers to bone go all out for take pains apply yourself go for the doctor strain every nerve make a supreme effort push oneself to the limit try very hard drive oneself to the limit leave no stone unturned old college try work one's butt off work hard to have a crack work one's nuts off get down to it have a swing at try one's hardest have a crack at make a run at put one's back into it have a shot at take on have one's nose to grindstone get your head down stumble put in effort clump flounder bumble blunder keep on press on devote put effort plow away put effort into something put in work commit give drudge away stick at work one's socks off on kill oneself with not cease footslog dedicate battle one's way clamber fight your way limp sputter address concentrate bend direct make one's way with difficulty shinny do double duty pull an all-nighter work overtime lucubrate elucubrate toil away cram stay up sweat and slave work late use some elbow grease show dedication study hard give your all devote yourself buckle to be industrious pull out all stops give old college try commit oneself put one's back in it put one's shoulder to the wheel show commitment hit the ball be diligent be assiduous give all one's got give best shot make effort get stuck in burn the midnight oil move heaven and earth set out have a go have a shot have a stab have a go at have a stab at take it on oneself wade jump through hoops shoot for do all you can give it a fly drive oneself have a bash give it a whirl break sweat bust chops do one's darnedest go hammer and tongs give it a burl take care take great pains bang on trawl soldier work at compete contend belly up to the bar get your act together roll up one's sleeves shape up pull up one's socks persevere with persist with work away jockey give something a whirl offer tackle go all-out for keep at trek empty the tank go the whole nine yards go all-out try my best give something one's best shot try for take a stab at put to the test embark on take a whack at try out have at it make an attempt at stick with it keep on with chip away plough on with soldier on with front up lift a finger make an attempt chip away at go for have a whack make a pass at make a bid go after vie for drive for take a crack at head-down go the limit go for the jugular keep going tramp traipse do one's durnedest proceed laboriously trog yomp schlep move with difficulty be attentive pay attention plug away at wheel toil away at proceed with difficulty work through give it all one has dive in work one's way roll roll along trundle rattle overstrain overextend overload overtask work too hard overtax oneself overdo it bite off more than you can chew wear oneself to a shadow overload oneself run yourself into the ground drive oneself too hard push oneself too hard overtax one's strength strain yourself overtire yourself overstrain yourself drive oneself into the ground work oneself into the ground work one's tail off wear yourself out overburden oneself burn out do too much work like a horse drive oneself too far practice presenteeism


An implement used in golfing to strike a ball

Contrario di to putter

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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