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Capable of being used with (something)


Used or accepted broadly
approved accepted established traditional conventional standard sanctioned recognised recognized authorised authorized customary official confirmed usual regular acknowledged agreed normal correct common received universal appropriate endorsed passed certified allowed affirmed ratified backed validated proven certain chosen legalised legalized OK'd permitted time-honoured agreed upon made official vouched for voted for settled signed recommended concluded underwritten commended notarized upheld advocated sealed blessed sponsored attested carried OK'd boosted familiar prevailing general declared admitted stock avowed routine popular set orthodox fixed typical accustomed habitual ordinary sworn professed expected wonted everyday confessed accredited known true prevalent understood well-known regulation self-confessed classical time-honored long-established stated well worn legit proper licensed okayed prescribed proclaimed documented acceptable licenced arrived at classic going open mainstream household current prescriptive characteristic fashionable commonly accepted generally accepted stipulated widely recognized asserted favorite favourite chronic determined done empowered warranted self-proclaimed believed renowned recognizable identified perceived bound predictable realized remembered comfortable realised recognisable predominant touted avowedly overt preferred unopposed plain run-of-the-mill overall majority legal standard operating procedure same old wont in the groove playing it safe by the numbers sop frequent according to Hoyle in a rut natural ruling commonplace public bog-standard matter-of-course uneventful humdrum tried and true tried and tested in vogue lawful self-acknowledged authoritative legitimate valid verified authenticated explicit methodical authentic formal kosher bona fide announced told pledged blatant pro forma just rightful genuine unquestioned returned answered undoubted undisputed conceded unchallenged dyed-in-the-wool inveterate entrenched well-established historic stable ingrained deep-rooted widely used widespread old old-fashioned traditionalistic old-style sound officially recognized rooted secure unshakable vested permanent


Having proved its value or truth
proven established tested confirmed definite demonstrated tried verified attested authentic certified checked dependable recognised recognized reliable accepted demonstrable establishable proved sure undoubted upheld valid verifiable conclusive sustained trustworthy tried-and-true safe reputable approved trusty solid responsible secure failsafe tried and true tried and tested loyal creditworthy fail-safe true good calculable steady trustable sound consistent foolproof time-tested well-built well-founded well-grounded safe as houses well engineered tested and proved high-quality well-engineered well-tried settled honest stable strong sterling unfailing trusted certain constant faithful staunch steadfast classic used put to the test tried out true-blue time-honoured unwavering honourable honorable firm unswerving upright resolute devoted ardent conscientious devout stanch pious dyed-in-the-wool fast fixed dutiful committed straight truthful incorruptible allegiant dedicated unfaltering enduring sensible never-failing down-the-line sincere scrupulous hard-core behind one on the level patriotic genuine sturdy stalwart determined guaranteed sure-fire competent mature true-hearted credible virtuous ethical righteous attached always there obedient level-headed hopeful liege tried and trusted confiding unchanging loving affectionate string along with circumspect up front straightforward predictable card-carrying orthodox veracious rational sane uncompromising deep-dyed reasonable in good faith die-hard discreet durable adult immutable unchangeable capable rigid assured unimpeachable principled immovable stout true to life correct believable saintly lasting unshakeable fly right to be trusted straight-up worthy of trust above suspicion true blue boy scout down home full of integrity rock solid as good as one's word balanced permanent confident capable of being trusted equable infallible easy unanxious nailed down locked on absolute undoubtful sanguine in the bag carefree able shoo-in rocklike favorite main important principal perdurable bulletproof copper-bottomed long-lived long-standing long-lasting go-to well balanced well-balanced carrying the load honored to be counted on good as one's word deep-rooted honoured close intimate right-hand favourite flawless watertight perfect unerring efficacious effective unassailable unbreakable idiot-proof faultless goofproof airtight never failing pure enthusiastic fervent passionate right just moral nice decent supportive right-minded decided strong-minded persistent single-minded set on resolved gritty set strong-willed dogged earnest bent on hardboiled tenacious driven untiring indomitable stubborn unflinching unhesitating obstinate buckled down bent purposeful persevering worthy truehearted veridical undistorted estimable high-principled creditable square wholehearted all right no lie on the up and up gung ho avid fervid impassioned sworn serious inveterate intent


Based on, or displaying, common sense, logic, or rationality
well-grounded rational logical reasonable sensible sound valid coherent justifiable good analytic substantiated analytical corroborated understandable consequent well-founded reasoned levelheaded commonsensical cogent judicious commonsensible well grounded sober informed commonsense just solid practical justified prudent realistic firm thoughtful plausible well reasoned well-advised lucid credible circumspect hard wise pragmatic discerning reliable sagacious balanced objective level-headed down-to-earth grounded intellectual legitimate deductive well-reasoned together well advised well thought out intelligent consistent convincing astute shrewd sane perceptive true knowing defensible accurate clear compelling perspicacious enlightened authoritative relevant weighty definite tenable joined-up certain sustainable matter-of-fact viable well-thought-out cool legit supportable proven defendable holding water exact precise definitive dependable factual conclusive irrefutable workable strong feasible articulate forceful methodical careful faithful authentic likely decent genuine thorough attested satisfying satisfactory deliberate meticulous persuasive responsible effective unassailable fair discriminating unquestionable telling sharp mature believable warranted acceptable trustworthy right common-sense full of common sense congruent advisable reflective philosophic ratiocinative veridical faultless cerebral thinking veracious maintainable probable perspicuous confirmed all there moderate sure cognitive impeccable clear-sighted clear-eyed straight correct steady-going in one's right mind clear-cut politic vindicable pertinent kosher stable copper-bottomed with both feet on the ground hard-headed unidealistic from the horse's mouth inductive deducible inferential holding together syllogistic dinkum unemotional dispassionate insightful estimable strict proper normal undistorted regular warrantable undeniable substantial powerful categorical based on hard data rock-solid based on hard facts infallible trustable reasoning collected synthetic indisputable demonstrative well balanced bona fide unconditional empirical errorless dead-on sincere spot-on certified open secure inerrant colorable calculable explicit on-target stringent letter-perfect rigorous validated verified empiric truthful arguable unequivocal uncorrupted able to hold water germane clear-headed tested potent determinative efficacious unarguable incontrovertible practicable equitable trusty considered irrefragable incontestable realizable attainable operational achievable suitable absolute unmistakable emphatic cautious punctilious orderly systematic resounding decisive impartial sapient possible operable doable manageable serviceable usable applicable thought-out percipient restrained conservative unexcessive controlled fair-minded open to reason evenhanded temperate admissible based on good sense making sense unbiased standing to reason unprejudiced unextreme serious unambiguous real scrupulous vigilant fastidious comprehensible intelligible beyond doubt beyond question beyond dispute useful accomplishable recognized flawless watertight right-thinking profound holding up recognised standing up holding up in wash got it together established orthodox accepted right-minded one hundred per cent organized heedful finicky expedient within reach within reason meaningful well thought-out deep of use worthwhile organised well organized identified realisable within possibility within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility discreet no-nonsense sage farsighted canny serious-minded clever well-informed attentive conversant au courant having all one's marbles smart businesslike unsentimental acute hardheaded savvy knowledgeable learned hard-boiled pragmatical earthy keen composed sharp-witted calculating utilitarian unromantic steady quick-witted erudite educated penetrating calm heady scholarly argute cagey alert aware even-tempered intuitive functional bright smooth clearheaded tactical worldly-wise self-possessed prosaic unfantastic experienced foxy brainy serene pawky on the ball hard-nosed imperturbable equable cunning plain well judged poised brilliant cool-headed contemplative heads-up long-headed quick philosophical useable cool, calm and collected efficient straightforward unworried unflappable relaxed streetwise provident confident subtle unmoved well-adjusted unruffled sedate healthy well-balanced observant tough-minded strategic unimpassioned with great knowledge ingenious appropriate at ease desirable whip-smart apt astucious foresighted natural artful considerate wily mundane conceivable full of insight suss crafty advised working actionable sophisticated sly cultured understanding far-seeing showing great knowledge unperturbed unfazed applicative slick fly coolheaded genius unbothered unflustered unagitated precocious gifted possessed well adjusted laid-back utile obvious calculated compos mentis well informed measured of sound mind self-controlled fitting able to think clearly diplomatic cogitative with one's feet on the ground fit judgmatical judgmatic dull flat incisive well-judged deadpan dry determined deliberative constructive literal lifeless unvarnished unembellished unimaginative sober-minded tough robust open-eyed responsive sentient slippery cognizant thought through worldly modest hard-bitten reserved skilful uncreative unadorned imaginable resourceful cultivated witty plainspoken operative skillful wary calmed pedestrian emotionless humdrum undisturbed stolid academic assured untroubled real-world media-savvy unembroidered phlegmatic unaffected peaceful recollected limpid equal unshaken placid level staid straight-thinking tranquil easy cold well-argued applied handy in the know bookish on top of able self-composed self-assured mentally sound ultrapractical watchful competent fast exceptional able to reason clearly right in the head supersmart with it well-read resolute clearly stated hyperintelligent alive in possession of all your faculties ultrasmart quick on the uptake ready extensional juridicious well-organized necessary graceful real-life self-aware deliberated enterprising proportional well-proportioned symmetrical uncompromising tactful sharp-sighted adult vigorous prudential clear-thinking mentally stable harmonious cluey sensitive downy lifelike naturalistic mild visionary common-sensical true-life plain-spoken aforethought contemplated studied leery refined polished grown-up seasonable judicial seemly sensical well whole lettered earth-bound hardboiled common introspective benign sobersided weighed investigated premeditated examined well considered in one's best interests settled apparent unconfused computed prepense studious thinking twice playing safe sussed ruminative pensive well-expressed well-presented urbane qualified expert unprovincial seasoned performable earnest genial egghead hedging your bets earthly potential well-structured well presented well expressed ruminating deliberating dexterous frugal adroit hep dextrous nimble-witted accessible utilizable utilisable got head together mentally healthy in good mental health reachable obtainable sanctioned significant canonical reputable safe simple with all one's marbles in possession of one's faculties medium even warm comfortable checked regulated constant curbed muted well chosen thought-through thought-about sound of mind schooled literate scientific procurable acquirable hang tough stand pat intractable locked in tough nut practiced meditative unexcitable unswerving thinkable street-smart street smart having been around clued-up with-it tuned-in chilled assertive unpretentious securable having all marbles have one's feet on the ground ideal perfect within the realm of possibility having fancy footwork as sharp as a tack equanimous nonchalant repressed nonplussed quieted disimpassioned easygoing soothed suppressed legal tried-and-true utilized used exercised supposable tutored widely read well read well educated well-taught ordered gettable meditating self-confident not turn a hair as cool as a cucumber at peace cool as cucumber have one's act together sure of oneself keeping your cool keeping a stiff upper lip keeping one's shirt on adapted correlated related experiential workaday methodic unassuming inventive under the sun having both feet on the ground talented structured practised utilised creditable folksy ordinary everyday self-restrained get-at-able systematized coordinated highbrow comprehending creative nimble original whiz instructed imaginative having a good head on one's shoulders capable know how many beans make five having no flies on very smart scheming devious non-theoretical brought to bear hands-on enforced comprehendible apprehensible cogitable presumable conjecturable abstemious guileful tricky utility designing bearable tolerable inconsiderable disciplined wide-awake Argus-eyed agile wide awake tentie tenty cute beguiling down to earth rustic informal underhand dodgy cagy non-excessive within limits within due limits systematised disingenuous expected predictable probing shark inside stoic naked cold-blooded impassive impersonal apathetic prosy predicted forecast anticipated inevitable gnostic with your wits about you spirited bright-eyed and bushy-tailed all ears clued-in on the lookout on one's toes quick off the mark awake active good hands on the stick on your toes lively on the job clued up vital heads up on guard apprehensive well ordered well regulated well run foreseeable unsurprising hip sophic straightened out likeliest helpful convenient on the inside wised up up on to be expected only to be expected what one would expect par for the course on the cards not unexpected user friendly user-friendly nuts and bolts step-by-step both feet on the ground most likely


Chosen or nominated as good or suitable for a given title or position
named chosen nominated selected anointed designated favoured favored identified specified announced appointed assigned cited commissioned declared delegated elected ordained picked approved authorised authorized certified classified consecrated deputed individuated pegged preferred sanctioned vested drafted entrusted mentioned tabbed decided upon settled on singled out opted for set decided particular agreed prearranged fixed prescribed certain select elect called handpicked favorite choice preferential favourite exclusive popular conscripted of choice cherry-picked hand-picked first-line voted picked out adopted with the nod much-loved stated specific voted in delineated predetermined given assumed known allotted settled determined arranged established scheduled proposed suggested installed preordained decreed culled preferable weeded carefully chosen elite recommended privileged ideal screened special best-liked fave advantaged lucky in endorsed recherché noble specially selected well-liked recherche pet most-liked fancied invited blue-ribbon blue-eyed aristocratic liked finest default crack prize vetted settled upon primary standard advocated commended specially chosen top-quality first-choice praised upper-class sweetheart blessed rarefied limited number one entitled honoured cliquish honored programmed planned preset controlled pre-planned arranged in advance preplanned pre-established intended indulged fortunate posh private arranged beforehand advance decided beforehand cliquey restricted


To have proven or demonstrated
seen proven demonstrated confirmed determined established exhibited revealed shown corroborated displayed documented illustrated manifested presented proved showcased substantiated verified affirmed ascertained asserted attested circumstantiated exposed noted ratified upheld validated certified elucidated evidenced evinced reinforced vouched borne out made clear made evident authenticated backed up sustained justified testified to indicated underscored endorsed guaranteed vouched for expounded showed backed vindicated attested to pointed out registered pointed predicated projected prescribed bore out enforced averred made plain testified produced proof discovered clarified submitted proof established evidence submitted evidence witnessed witnessed to the fact that laid out beared witness to produced evidence made out laid bare flagged up made known explained demonstrated the truth prove bore witness upholden gave substance to the fact that showed beyond doubt gave weight to argued for gave force to given weight to given force to signified signalled signaled denoted settled bespoke proclaimed expressed spelt out spelled out showed clearly declared cleared up concluded ostended got across espoused assured showed once and for all borne witness shown beyond doubt given substance to the fact that disclosed betrayed communicated suggested broadcast conveyed represented symbolized intimated bespoken betokened divulged bespake symbolised pointed to imparted implied argued aired uncovered given away gave away announced read reflected connoted embodied marked personified broadcasted epitomized let out let slip let drop told of let the cat out of the bag exemplified designated typified unveiled instantiated pointed toward advertised spilled spilt made manifest published publicized hinted at publicised epitomised incorporated incarnated meaned meant externalized materialized unmasked told evoked inferred advertized hinted bodied insinuated personalized made obvious exteriorized flashed set forth externalised personalised materialised put on view put across promulgated stated sweared realized pointed at pinned down encapsulated unearthed bared released leaked professed blabbed actualized emblematized concretized uttered spelled voiced relayed pinpointed reified related vented stood for come out with hypostatized objectified realised witnessed to added up to mirrored specified said relaid brandished featured depicted deposed pronounced talked enunciated carried heralded alleged asseverated mouthed uncloaked portrayed claimed cited exclaimed detailed checked sounded reported maintained protested warranted paraded brought to light unbosomed disseminated spouted purported addressed shown clearly put someone in mind of put into words passed on put forth signposted put on display referred to put one in mind of put over signed spread it around brought out into the open made public smacked of let it all hang out let cat out of bag completed let on about put on show put forward tested beared spieled put you in mind of demonstrated the truth of sworn swore came out with spoke gave the game away gotten across given the game away spoken alluded to spake highlighted articulated unfolded had trumpeted labelled labeled spotlighted spotlit mattered distinguished identified mentioned blazed blazoned informed verbalized avowed vocalized flagged delineated alluded furnished predicted underlined notated characterized described recorded promoted submitted worded remarked limelit pressed vivified opined recited limelighted instanced posted annunciated found blared circulated placarded shewed detected outed flaunted unclosed conjured up turned up disported portended foretold gave out given out shown to be true showed to be true ticked tagged branded imaged tabbed ticketed imported shouted offered phrased mumbled muttered delivered blurted avouched contended chattered cried repeated admitted enounced outlined pleaded orated pled proposed blazed abroad constituted proof of constituted evidence of shouted out pegged drawled sounded off adduced mounted yammered denuded murmured developed stood up for characterised jawed waved around arranged passed leaded you to believe summoned up allowed to be seen blew wide open referred brought to mind yakked called had the attributes of appeared convinced presented oneself as blurted out emphasised pulled the plug on trotted out reminded one of had a case verbalised engaged asked caught out discussed gestured towards blasted stated on oath reminded pointed in direction of translated naked ventilated popped off soliloquized retold stipulated stumped bodied forth summarised found out shown once and for all talked about resulted from vocalised winked served as evidence of augured reminded you of gabbed showed up brought out promised quoted adverted strutted piped unclothed adumbrated shouted from the housetops called to mind got at leaded to the belief occurred summarized sounded out chirped resulted bewrayed fixed cracked decreed marked off piped up with checked off spilled the beans on exposed to view passed the word buttoned down added up said so crossed heart recounted narrated given substance to accosted declaimed shadowed emphasized pictured regurgitated tipped off smoked out bore shot off one's mouth blown wide open stated publicly tokened gave substance to gassed led to believe stressed intoned confessed reeled off borne got off rehearsed made you think of sported modulated exposed information traced had the qualities of lipped shouted from the rooftops called up whispered blazoned abroad perorated shewn lay out amounted to got on a soapbox gotten on a soapbox gotten off thrown out spoken about given voice to spoke about given utterance to gave utterance to gave voice to threw out gave credence to given credence to given shape to gave shape to gotten at drove at driven at shown the position of showed the position of given human form to gave human shape to given human shape to gave human form to blown the whistle on blew the whistle on took the wraps off taken the wraps off given the show away gave the show away shown evidence of showed evidence of taken the lid off took the lid off gave testimony given testimony gave the impression given the impression given the idea gave the idea sang swore up and down sworn up and down gave facts given facts sworn to swore to gave one's word given one's word sung partaken of partook partook of partaken


To have endured or tolerated
took endured tolerated beared suffered withstood braved faced stood underwent confronted weathered assumed encountered experienced shouldered swallowed put up with stomached sustained abided abode accepted admitted allowed beared the brunt of bore with brooked came to grips with came up against carried coped with countenanced grinned and bear lived through lived with met with permitted resigned oneself to rode out sat through subjected oneself to submitted oneself to submitted to tholed took on toughed out went through bided bode hacked stuck out sweated out yielded to maintained handled absorbed absorpt abided by stayed the course stuck it out waited out kept up with taken borne bore undergone gone through been through borne with met pocketed worn wore sticked stuck stood for bidden gone went sweat sanctioned resisted let indulged condoned admitted of consented to grinned and bear it dealt with stood up to had authorized received survived digested sweated coped authorised gone along with went along with felt defied approved lumped it passed favoured favored held with acknowledged approved of agreed to acquiesced deferred faced up to put John Hancock on grappled with ridden out hung in there green-lighted contended with heard of hung in sat and took it held out against humoured sat tight hung tough stuck with come up against humored sat still for green-lit seen saw fretted worried fussed stressed feared stewed tackled dared submitted agonized tasted engaged troubled letten leet bothered fought encouraged endorsed witnessed panicked battled chafed helped backed approbated recognized overcome ignored outlasted took kindly to taken kindly to dithered licensed eyeballed courted risked crossed bearded challenged opposed aided championed abetted commended surmounted acceded to exerted dreaded tortured managed reconciled shared bowed yielded come to grips with granted come through licenced smiled on consented pulled through met head-on allowed for taken on took something lying down upheld resigned yourself lived out lumped strung along played against taken patiently outfaced become accustomed to reconciled oneself to engagde in signed off on lost sleep invited permitted to granted permission to come in for applauded bowed to persevered against winked at made a stand recognised ventured blinked at conceded to taken something lying down become resigned to affronted died hard against learned to live with conceded become reconciled to outbraved made the best of breasted gave the green light to passed through prevailed against saw through tormented yourself confirmed accosted advocated given the green light to stood firm against braced for persevered sat out tortured yourself turned a blind eye to squared off reconciled oneself allowed to toughed out it nodded at took patiently lost sleep over persisted with bit the bullet held out agonised beared up under heard played seen through engaged in persisted foughten overcame bitten the bullet gave the go-ahead to gave permission to given the go-ahead to given permission to known knew got used to gotten used to became reconciled to became resigned to ate eaten became accustomed to came through gotten through got through beared up against fell for fallen for brazened went up against flew in face of taken the bull by the horns flown in face of gone up against took the bull by the horns holp holpen saw through to the bitter end saw out seen out seen through to the bitter end got on with took it gotten on with taken it gave green light got behind upholden gave the go ahead to given the nod gotten behind gone for went for given stamp of approval given green light gave the okay to gave the thumbs up to given the thumbs up to gave stamp of approval given the okay to gave the nod undertaken undertook yolden yold borne up came in for bore up


To have created by training or teaching
developed cultivated educated fostered prepared trained guided nurtured equipped instructed taught tutored coached drilled enlightened honed indoctrinated molded moulded primed promoted schooled shaped shope demonstrated explained clarified expounded explicated counseled counselled described inculcated informed mentored directed pointed out advised supervised lectured briefed gave lessons gave instructions gave the facts showed the ropes showed given the facts given lessons shown given instructions developt shown the ropes disciplined put someone through their paces exercised groomed conditioned instilled fit upskilled readied brainwashed programmed reared grounded ground practiced practised lessoned edified qualified led initiated seasoned leaded brought up illuminated drummed into fitted put through the grind made ready raised improved accustomed warmed up habituated got ready worked out licked into shape inured equipt acquainted broke in let in on broken in versed set propagandized familiarized rehearsed piloted sharpened walked through put in the picture worked over set up propagandised cared for put through the mill familiarised proselytized tended implanted imbued parented persuaded influenced prepped socialized bettered uplifted bred elevated formed socialised gotten into shape catechized proselytised familiarized with updated looked after got into shape whipped into shape helped hypnotized studied illustrated matured manipulated compelled planted wrought worked loosened up introduced told mothered tailored convinced housetrained ordered presented nursed hardened nourished illumed shepherded communicated orientated cherished clued inspired illumined clued in dinned something into put in the picture about gave lessons to made fit steered laid it out for attended to filled in put through grind hypnotised put through mill made suggestions to toilet trained made conversant with made recommendations to demonstrated to broke down provided for put together tuned up given lessons to broke broken brake gave hints given hints gave pointers gave someone tips given someone tips taken care of gave information to given pointers gave instruction to took care of given information to given instruction to exemplified displayed exhibited sparred tempered acclimatized aged regimented fixed organized adapted mellowed based notified stretched oriented crammed housebroken toughened housebroke armed ripened endowed poised dinned hipped labored laboured cleared strained apprised arranged braced empowered ostended protected radicalized learnt made experienced facilitated annealed learned moderated enabled mitigated aided predicated rested laid fortified imparted civilized kept posted preached gave instruction drilled into clued in on homeschooled made something clear to wised up shadowboxed instructed in tutored in grounded in organised made suitable acclimatised shaped up made up impressed upon armed oneself informed about provided pulled one's coat trained in equipped with watched over levelled gave counsel to given counselling to advanced made familiar with fitted out caught up revealed gave direction to given instruction given advice to genned up on coached in drilled in knocked up kept your hand in explained things to offered suggestions gave counselling to opened eyes made recommendations given direction to supplied with facts taught information pounded into improved mind limbered up taught about taught school toughened up schooled in managed clued up on fanaticized sponsored laid out clued up engineered cautioned given counsel to bolstered offered opinions tamed got set suited filled in on got into condition radicalised genned up potty-trained acquainted with forearmed made plans for paved the way civilised primed in backed leveled climatized hammered into polished up broken down hanged gave advice to hung made clear made aware of extremized nursled gotten set acclimated disclosed lay out given a grounding in gave a grounding in did done gave character given character got used to gotten used to gave lessons in given lessons in broke it to broken it to gave the low-down on gave the gen about given the low-down on given the gen about given someone an idea gave someone an idea given the lowdown gave the low-down given the low-down gave the lowdown done exercises did exercises shown the way to showed the way to gave an idea of given an idea of gave a demonstration of shown how something works showed how something is done showed how something works shown how something is done given a demonstration of given counselling given direction gave advice gave direction gave counselling gave guidance given counsel given advice gave counsel given guidance gave directions given directions holp

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