の同義語 wind in one's sails


Mental or emotional strength to persevere or face adversity
intestinal fortitude grit backbone fortitude guts determination heart spunk tenacity resolution perseverance stamina steadfastness constancy pluck resolve doggedness moxie indefatigability grittiness strength toughness resoluteness pertinacity tirelessness persistence endurance fiber fibre obstinacy stubbornness purposefulness energy obdurateness vigour willfulness tenaciousness perseveration sedulousness relentlessness vigor implacability fitness staying power firmness of purpose strength of will single-mindedness stick-to-itiveness stick-to-it-iveness true grit resilience gutsiness starch firmness staunchness courage resistance spirit vitality will hardihood stickability patience strength of character what it takes stomach Dunkirk spirit hardiness sturdiness robustness nerve obduracy intransigence mettle diligence application durability being hard as nails legs tolerance assiduity bottle doughtiness pluckiness inflexibility insistence willpower Sitzfleisch restraint continuance bulldog spirit inexorableness inexorability persistency chutzpah fixity of purpose strength of purpose guttiness cool capacity power of endurance character coolness ability survival skills stoicism forbearance inner strength pith toughness of spirit stoutheartedness stout-heartedness strong-mindedness long-suffering strength of mind moral strength steel moral fiber self-discipline moral fibre dedication purpose commitment intentness drive will power assiduousness boldness earnestness pertinaciousness spiritedness bravery determinedness braveness courageousness decisiveness decision decidedness spine sedulity granite intension devotion industriousness manfulness industry activity rigour intrepidity effort valor assurance indomitability zeal conviction dauntlessness conscientiousness immovability laboriousness rigorousness intention design purposiveness hard work valour fixed purpose rigor pursuance objective undertaking importunity pushiness sticktoitiveness project conclusion dogmatism certitude urgency certainty fearlessness sense of purpose self-confidence stiff upper lip labour endeavour endeavor toil sitzfleisch trouble steadiness dynamism striving productiveness enterprise self-control self-restraint pains labor self-mastery hardworkingness busyness aim self-possession passion motivation self-command self-containment continence self-government care urge pining power temperament attentiveness attention discipline velleity yearning attitude ambition liking fancy longing craving feeling appetite punctiliousness heedfulness hankering zealousness studiousness thoroughness carefulness meticulousness concentration heart's desire quickness heed worksomeness keenness exertion briskness alertness intent intensity work ethic

の反対語 wind in one's sails

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