의 동의어 acting brave


Strong in the face of fear
courageous bold fearless valiant valorous daring intrepid plucky heroic lionhearted gutsy adventurous gallant nervy resolute stalwart tenacious brassy dauntless determined frightless indomitable lion-hearted mettlesome resilient unafraid undaunted unflinching unshrinking doughty game hardy heroical manful spartan spirited spunky stout stouthearted stout-hearted temerarious undauntable venturous gritty orped rock-ribbed unfearing greathearted gutty death-or-glory have-a-go herolike unfearful audacious ballsy dashing confident daredevil venturesome feisty adventuresome tough unabashed chivalrous manly enterprising assured unblenching swashbuckling noble cocky strong fire-eating brash nerved emboldened unalarmed staunch reckless rash vigorous steely foolhardy free-swinging as game as Ned Kelly positive decisive brazen aweless forceful cheeky impavid powerful macho forward firm sassy steadfast unshakable impudent dogged redoubtable assertive cool virile puissant icy worthy fiery lively peppy sporting pushy go-ahead smart-alecky smart sprightly peppery gingery eager high-spirited nerveless shameless persevering unswerving unwavering unfaltering unyielding unbending tiger stubborn bravehearted Ramboesque dynamic undismayed full of determination unconcerned unworried unapprehensive not afraid superhuman champion impervious undisturbed carefree assuming bantam honourable honorable zealous keen defiant chin-up imprudent fortitudinous unscared unfrightened great-spirited not scared having nerves of steel impulsive madcap heedless gung ho brisk strong-willed devil-may-care salty dareful obtrusive crusty energetic wise fresh active ardent animated mettled resolved frisky fire eating hot shot zippy go for broke insolent saucy arch brazen-faced bold-faced cocksure impertinent brassbound bouncy snappy out on a limb enthusiastic zesty crass rude pert inconsiderate crude chirpy alert full of life full of spirit masculine butch male two-fisted red-blooded chauvinist he-man laddish aggressively male aggressive potent ultramasculine rugged unpleasantly masculine


Assertive in nature
confident assured assertive strong firm unabashed aggressive collected defiant forward dashing gung ho militant sure unfazed unruffled self-assertive self-assured self-confident self-possessed strong-willed sure of oneself composed fearless courageous cool calm positive poised imperturbable impassive gutsy unflappable secure bold relaxed cool-headed unafraid tranquil dauntless intrepid self-asserting can-do sure of yourself self-reliant believing in oneself controlled daring unshakable plucky unemotional nerveless patient cool, calm and collected phlegmatic nonchalant unperturbed serene settled sanguine upbeat unhesitating audacious certain self-sufficient together nonplussed sure-footed surefooted equanimous at ease laid-back filled with aplomb level-headed self-respecting commanding authoritative cocksure expectant overconfident cocky believing expecting full of oneself puffed up well-balanced untroubled placid unworried undisturbed unshaken equable unflustered coolheaded unmoved self-controlled self-composed domineering peaceful sedate decisive pushy level unagitated bullish possessed levelheaded recollected smooth equal unbothered limpid overbearing bossy at peace even-tempered insistent forceful determined feisty emphatic easygoing unconcerned dominant imposing chilled doubtless imperious cool as a cucumber dogmatic as cool as a cucumber demanding dignified urbane suave fierce ambitious elegant powerful casual in-your-face decided undoubtful enterprising implicit clear civil zealous undismayed unaffected stolid easy spirited unflinching sensible stress-free mild-mannered grounded calmed commonsensical clearheaded not backward in coming forward dispassionate swaggy hotdog know-it-all hotshot self-secure controlling driven committed resolved resolute staunch steely steadfast unvexed unflurried unstirred tough tenacious graceful strong-minded debonair philosophical stoical stoic dynamic neutral centred centered passionless steady in control unexcited detached unimpassioned unexcitable keeping a stiff upper lip cool as cucumber serious have one's act together temperate not turn a hair keeping your cool quieted keeping one's shirt on soothed disimpassioned staid repressed suppressed vigorous reserved energetic potent mellow balanced practical stable amenable peremptory dominating rational reasonable wise pragmatic prudent circumspect mature realistic pushing driving mild complaisant sober businesslike sane judicious reliable sound dependable tolerant insouciant resounding competitive violent vehement full-blooded muscular go-ahead strenuous lordly optimistic cheerful carefree balmy moderate halcyon straight buoyant hopeful masterful authoritarian autocratic dictatorial lackadaisical pacific idyllic well adjusted with one's feet on the ground full of common sense well balanced well-adjusted restful reposeful having no doubt unshakeable in one's belief trusting in no doubt secure in one's belief convinced satisfied unwavering with no doubts about masterly cheery bright unhurried tyrannous despotic tyrannic arrogant autocratical imperative magisterial tyrannical in good heart of good cheer enthusiastic disposed to look on the bright side happy ridibund lively animated happy-go-lucky easy-going officious doctrinaire complacent brazen rosy high go-getting high-pressure assaultive carnivorous pushful pumped up absolute


Very good in standard or quality
sensational excellent wonderful fantastic marvellous great superb awesome fabulous fine splendid terrific marvelous stellar grand fab divine cool top superior superlative fantabulous sterling cracking heavenly choice quality swell neat topping unsurpassed prime radical mean dandy beautiful groovy peachy nifty topflight hot supernal classic immense outstanding magnificent dynamite righteous corking noble crackerjack capital prizewinning slick dope phat amazing keen exceptional famous primo wizard brilliant banner frontline bumper boss gangbusters gangbuster prize bully boffo bonny impressive hype down bonnie super brag glorious tremendous gone smashing breathtaking striking wicked ace brill dazzling delightful amazeballs magic champion arresting supercalifragilisticexpialidocious bodacious spiffing unique formidable bonzer ripping memorable unforgettable masterly bad skilful skillful delectable virtuoso masterful scrumptious moving eloquent first-class first-rate gilt-edged tip-top high-class top-notch A-OK jim-dandy out-of-sight bang-up gilt-edge first-string five-star blue-ribbon blue-chip four-star top-shelf top-of-the-line number one par excellence out of this world numero uno peachy keen top-hole zero cool lovely supreme too much perfect exquisite rad bosting sublime good very good admirable select matchless peerless beaut world-class best schmick mega sik exo on fleek worthy tiptop premium sovereign incomparable pre-eminent crack belting pearler barrie topnotch preeminent eminent class premier accomplished transcendent applaudable leading remarkable unrivaled greatest sound winning gorgeous unrivalled of high quality of the highest quality of the highest standard chillin' spectacular highest phenomenal top-class incredible mind-blowing extraordinary A-1 deluxe desirable unparalleled elite notable of the first order stunning of the first water exemplary consummate top-level fly awesomesauce flawless bosker crucial optimum beezer top-grade top-tier very best top-drawer too good to be true highest quality ideal of the highest order outrageous illustrious special fancy vintage invaluable stupendous praiseworthy rare laudable attractive noted meritorious priceless estimable high distinguished elegant prodigious unequalled standout enjoyable nice lofty unexcelled high-quality surpassing spanking star cream lead unmatched flagship faultless unbeatable dreamy quintessential high-grade uppermost marvy untouchable tops def singular fabby extreme effusive goodly excessive unequaled exaggerated kif worthiest inflated lank finest exalted far out hunky-dory model award-winning without equal optimal beyond compare classical the best of highest order in a class all by itself above and beyond colossal reliable valuable blissful sophisticated polished successful foremost rapturous gratifying pleasurable ravishing alluring entrancing idyllic certified bestselling plush posh ritzy exclusive enviable enchanting A1 juicy foxy rocking distinctive choicest first far-out chic fashionable unorthodox way-out deep wild solid gold pick fat mint unreal commendable advanced crowning fantastical dominant legit red-letter the dog's bollocks renowned really nice top quality high quality ambrosial paradisic superhuman saintly yummy paradisal lush adorable spiritual paradisaic prize-winning peak top-of-the-range really good paragon high-test ka pai noteworthy selected above average of a high standard inspired splendiferous august splendorous elevated sup rior all very well well and good solid proud a standout the very best state-of-the-art with it pretty cool top-quality grade A top of the line top of the range grade-A exciting congenial slap-up superfine pleasant thrilling diverting not bad important major astonishing significant prominent celebrated wondrous heavy able unusual astounding talented staggering miraculous serious adept inimitable expert competent chief conspicuous signal deft capable marked momentous gifted proficient uncommon eventful especial historic paramount adroit professional clever big league mind-boggling genius nonpareil considerable master skilled critical unbelievable big-time dexterous second to none grave unprecedented dextrous consequential out-of-this-world substantial out of the ordinary big weighty out of sight practised portentous practiced meaningful delicate principal monumental major-league imposing experienced utmost intense honourable pronounced material artful ingenious noticeable versed unexampled main unsurpassable particular powerful smart honorable awe-inspiring educated sharp complete front-page eye-opening impeccable fascinating well versed urgent preternatural worthwhile enormous surprising dramatic bright magical acute respectable extravagant severe venerable enthralling ultimate cherished interesting influential emphatic apt precious efficient high-priority far-reaching bravura towering enduring mighty salient heavy-duty workmanlike veteran professed compleat inconceivable unimaginable prestigious catchy large electrifying blameless awful big-league reputable deserving dainty eye-catching unheard of primary well-known unimpeachable extensive creditable upmarket predominant vivid exceeding trained fundamental specialist large-scale vital pure legendary central earthshaking observable tasty earnest appreciable notorious irreproachable sizable decisive handy savvy life-and-death extra special playing hard ball high-power strictly business intelligent never to be forgotten facile treasured cardinal burning schooled newsworthy of moment hotshot all-important heavyweight worthy of note immensely skilled exceptionally good highly qualified very skilled major league highly skilled earth-shattering exceptionally skilled worthy of admiration worthy of commendation extraordinarily skilled not too shabby hors concours high-profile highly trained of note maximum immaculate majestic unusually good indelible uttermost huge herculean esteemed unblemished coruscating topmost pleasing acclaimed commanding arrestive gripping riveting dire haunting bold famed respected creative uncanny vast qualified ponderous key overriding refined copybook precocious luminous everlasting perpetual enticing redoubtable lasting splashy showy telling knowledgeable flabbergasting pivotal pressing much citable honoured eye-popping tectonic innocent guiltless overwhelming jaw-dropping of great consequence unmissable something else classy upscale honored refreshing reputed mentionable namable nameable determining popular meritable banging astral immortal inculpable world class perceptive quick costly dear pricey luxurious expensive headline obvious glaring evident of great import absolute beyond reproach better remembered rememberable impactful manifest fateful not to be forgotten landmark strong preponderant irreprehensible above reproach shining well known action-packed first-line worthy of mention spendy big-ticket super-duper high-end fixed in the mind buzzworthy high-level ultraexpensive in a class of its own name without parallel batting a thousand one-in-a-million forceful virtuous top drawer stand-out of consequence beyond comparison highly regarded first class hefty unordinary class act well-thought-of pricy very great without peer shining at top-end high-ticket sweet distinct piked record touching crashing extremely good rockin glittering prolific hand-picked elect awing brainy sunny arch- gnarly proper better than expected seasoned chur artistic preferential favored 10 preferred marquee supereminent good quality high-caliber a cut above page-one thankworthy improved enhanced endowed handpicked plum favorite tophole maximal in a league of its own pretty having a knack for cut out for extraordinaire atypical abnormal aberrated freak anomalous peculiar odd unwonted aberrant uncustomary a dab hand at supremely skilled thoroughbred praisable favoured cherry-picked favourite imperial better than usual of the best quality better than average five star of the highest type top grade best-quality highest-quality haute paradisiacal to die for paradisiac apex number 1 different A-list eclectic streets ahead flamboyant good-quality high-calibre startling tense glamourous glamorous of great moment of import all-time carefully chosen tough difficult awe-striking productive luxury of particular interest prevailing without an equal culminating all-time best final stand alone 24-karat imaginative dream solemn number-one Grade A undefeated unbeaten a cut above the rest industry leading best possible utopian crown dominating head record-breaking sans pareil suspenseful shipshape keynote generous milestone conclusive resonant worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum ponderable potent climacteric unco murder splash the end worth mentioning underlined patent worth taking a look at hundred-proof innovational innovative up to standard up to snuff up to scratch up to par cordon bleu sombre hard no joke no laughing matter somber super colossal mammoth strategic sober of significance best ever copacetic hunky dory cat's pajamas golden one and only massive mostest innovatory lively enterprising original inventive deadly raging mother of all indescribable mortal greatest possible graphic climactic big name talked of aristocratic A-number-1 must-see gigantic resourceful up to the mark suitable palmary nasty honest decent salt of the earth believeable satisfactory organic rich recherche distingué unspeakable unthinkable shock-horror effective stem-winding high-octane heady festive mature forward virtuosic improbable unlikely implausible impossible ineffable untold unutterable very fine noisy meteoric sudden studied recognized unthought of colourful colorful titanic humungous humongous monstrous giant gargantuan happy whimsical timeless unfading venerated beyond one's wildest dreams have smarts advanced for one's age on the ball beyond the realm of reason have the goods ahead of one's peers undreamed of old beyond one's years got it breath-taking of genius eternal undying worth seeing spesh revered lauded vaunted heroic imperishable lionized acknowledged rip-roaring red-carpet celebratory exotic only astronomic leviathan max thumping mountainous ginormous astronomical applauded admired feted valued storied abiding hair-raising gee-whizz paradigmatic archetypical imitable archetypal textbook definitive stamped on your memory epoch-making infamous laureate visible without fault punctilious stainless spotless core lionised well-regarded much touted up there widely known of high standing VIP of repute superstar well thought of high-powered big-name having made a name for oneself much-publicized big-shot recognised highly rated well received of distinction redoubted celeb unmatchable correct bueno neato prototypical picture-book cleanhanded untarnished picture-perfect letter-perfect indefectible clear seamless lily-white sinless squeaky-clean transcendental supernatural godlike unearthly supernormal without match pertinent intrinsic focal irreprovable sweeping integral profound Herculean unblamable snow white reproachless pristine whiter than white squeaky clean exigent essential omnipotent bionic beyond human appealing greater beyond words beyond description almighty immediate top-priority pointed instrumental provocative captivating stimulating entertaining absorbing intriguing compelling curious engaging grievous overshadowing life-changing dangerous of concern life and death leet stirring attention-grabbing engrossing affecting thought-provoking prized au fait indispensable of inestimable worth of incalculable worth worth its weight in gold without price unrepeatable one-off inestimably precious of incalculable value of immeasurable worth of immeasurable value beyond price of inestimable value irreplaceable meaty inviting charismatic amusing hypnotizing invigorating hypnotic piquant exhilarating preoccupying charming unputdownable envigorating immersing hypnotising beguiling inspiring prepossessing involving racy tantalizing intoxicating mesmeric spellbinding electric tantalising mesmerising fresh mesmerizing compulsive bewitching trenchant galvanising topical unboring magnetic vibrant newsy relatable rousing consuming seductive galvanizing more than human most excellent most important


Having or displaying resolve
determined resolute driven unwavering single-minded firm unswerving unswervable undaunted intent committed steadfast indefatigable staunch stalwart earnest tenacious unfaltering unhesitating unflinching persistent pertinacious persevering strong-minded strong-willed unshakeable steely dedicated insistent stubborn adamant dogged purposeful obstinate purposive obdurate resolved decided deliberate inflexible relentless intransigent implacable uncompromising unyielding unbending immovable unrelenting spirited fixed bold courageous manful plucky stout bulldog set indomitable unshaken strenuous unflappable four-square untiring stout-hearted wholehearted gritty mettlesome vigorous gutsy indurate inexorable serious stiff strong unbendable unmovable unshakable valiant compulsive full of determination grim perseverant rock-ribbed steady unchanging undeviating unflagging constant meaning business spunky true tough intrepid feisty hardy lionhearted faithful loyal decisive solid heroic firmly-based game direct devoted invincible unbeatable enduring ballsy bound unconquerable persisting definite immutable settled out reliable trusty straight resilient fanatical unsurpassable impregnable invulnerable passionate intent on do-or-die fierce enthusiastic ardent zealous iron-willed high-powered set on bent on fearless insuperable bulletproof unstoppable untameable insurmountable unassailable insistent on dead set on intent upon bent upon hell-bent on hell bent on tall in the saddle on one's mettle determined to hell-bent upon committed to the idea of aggressive hard-nosed intense keen as game as Ned Kelly willful ruthless doughty undefeatable impassable forceful sure active avid self-confident eager vehement sagacious irrepressible assertive self-assertive independent perceptive take charge mean pushy firm in spirit animated resourceful confident tough-minded certain ironclad two-fisted keen as mustard industrious focused motivated diligent focussed ambitious bent enterprising tireless assiduous thorough obsessive obsessed dyed-in-the-wool inveterate go-getting hell-bent complete long-standing thoroughgoing dead set hard-driving self-starting goal-oriented sedulous aspiring confirmed self-driven militant energetic diehard engrossed fixated absorbed deep-dyed inspired hungry desirous conscientious deep striving thirsty entrenched hard-working established long-established laborious hardened rigorous incorrigible unashamed rigid deep-rooted genuine out-and-out incurable concentrated sincere preoccupied concentrating occupied immersed eager beaver attentive monomaniacal obsessional seasoned chronic studious habitual utter in earnest absolute unrepentant hard-line unapologetic through and through card-carrying bred-in-the-bone die-hard out and out deep-seated consumed compelled unfailing possessed bullheaded whole entire galvanized impelled painstaking unappeasable pigheaded positive induced patient exclusive unremitting impulsive besetting pushed steered galvanised guided hanging tough rooted emphatic busy engaged self-willed radical never-tiring hopeless all undivided intrenched wrapped up total full unqualified dynamic consistent stable progressive pioneering irredeemable unreformable intending to explicit full-bore true blue hardworking urged on through-and-through bustling right-down arrant self-asserting operose ingrained self-seeking get up and go high-reaching power-hungry full-blooded hard-core power-loving congenital mad keen well-established self-disciplined headstrong cast-iron iron restless unshrinking immoveable unblinking unintimidated regular pathological telelogical calculated daring strict not joking hellbent observant shameless self-motivated mean business enrapt whole-hearted playing hard ball hard alert watchful determinate dominant unmalleable unalterable be out for blood nose to the grindstone adventurous prevailing inexpugnable domineering perseverative going riveted careful thrusting honest heartfelt fervid impassioned hard-and-fast pig-headed intensive enthralled meticulous never-failing undying dyed-in-the wool eternal beyond hope exacting punctilious particular competitive on task lost impatient heedful like a ball of fire on the make career-minded desiring success cutthroat sustained ferocious hang tough unabated bloodthirsty stringent assured meaning what one says serious-minded stand pat warlike gladiatorial defiant brutal scrappy minding never give up tough nut employed rapt slogging swotty plugging working plodding self-assured can-do cut-throat gung ho self-possessed dependable hang-tough intensely competitive high-pressure go for broke in-your-face fiercely competitive bound and determined stop at nothing having killer instinct dog-eat-dog unbroken undistracted collective committed to firm about fixated on unadulterated unmitigated unshared unreserved unalloyed caught up buried to the core full-fledged instilled infixed unchangeable deeply ingrained deep-down single-minded about obsessive about inflexible about obsessed with fanatical about united consummate out to fixed upon anxious to fixed on decisive about resolved on impatient to resolved to determined on true-blue unanimous scrupulous continued concerted fast circumspect minute lock stock and barrel detailed vigilant perennial lifelong devout proved fervent indelible fiery torrid ineradicable impenitent longtime supreme staid accustomed inured habituated sicker well established deep-set red-hot hard-shell all-consuming firmly established bona fide resounding violent muscular sweeping unrestrained extreme all-embracing all out hard-hitting uncontrolled exhaustive unbridled virile robust powerful unmixed vital pulling no punches sound hearty


Relating to the historical concept of chivalry
chivalrous high-minded noble knightly courageous honourable bold chivalric gallant heroic intrepid magnanimous valiant valorous big courteous daring elevated fair gentlemanly great greathearted high just lofty lordly loyal natural sublime true constant courtly virtuous benevolent gentlemanlike great-hearted honorable manly noble-minded quixotic spirited well-mannered gracious beneficent benign upright honest righteous worthy decent respectable upstanding ethical principled moral reputable good humane uncorrupted cultivated redoubtable illustrious fearless dauntless stout-hearted bounteous unselfish refined outstanding meritorious remarkable extraordinary charitable cordial benignant mild easy compassionate loving stately polite urbane indulgent good-natured civil merciful tender good-hearted genial accommodating amicable friendly hospitable congenial considerate obliging suave amiable approachable complaisant pleasing affable big-hearted forthcoming bonhomous sociable lenient bland unctuous stand-up anti-corruption generous liberal altruistic selfless helpful humanitarian philanthropic open-handed self-sacrificing kind bountiful denying self-effacing self-forgetting self-denying kindly munificent unstinting disinterested devoted incorruptible extroverted free caring self-forgetful ungrudging giving kindhearted all heart public-spirited bighearted large-hearted thoughtful princely openhanded well-meaning handsome warm-hearted lavish kind-hearted goodhearted tenderhearted understanding tolerant warmhearted philanthropical well-disposed dignified prodigal sympathetic eleemosynary nice moralistic sweet conscientious goodish neighbourly generous to a fault softhearted neighborly well meaning tender-hearted free-handed uplifting moving ennobled heroical venerable unsparing glorified freehanded freehearted fulsome open forgiving clement soft loose soft-touch Santa Claus has heart in right place


Magnificently impressive in nature
splendid magnificent grand imposing impressive luxurious rich sumptuous superb costly dazzling gorgeous lavish resplendent glorious ornate deluxe elegant expensive majestic noble opulent palatial proud regal spectacular stately beautiful fine plush splendiferous handsome kingly posh princely swanky august baronial epic gallant grandiose heroic heroical imperial magnific massive monumental plushy ritzy royal splendacious splendorous splendrous swank swish magnolious palatian baroque flamboyant Homeric magnifico splashy solid gold striking awe-inspiring dignified luxuriant stunning awesome lofty lush fancy luxury extravagant great breathtaking marvellous marvelous Lucullan exalted distinguished sublime elaborate classy silken luxe Babylonian Lucullian elevated ostentatious luscious brilliant amazing palace commanding excellent remarkable arresting pretentious outstanding dramatic first-class wonderful illustrious lordly fabulous towering upmarket extraordinary sensational lavishly appointed staggering upscale wondrous stylish fit for a king pompous showy superior statuesque eye-catching exquisite terrific eminent formidable stupendous glitzy out of this world ambitious incredible aristocratic fantastic astonishing astounding solemn mind-blowing queenly stirring fit for a queen fab de luxe tremendous smashing powerful choice large glittering exclusive classic affluent sensuous overwhelming amazeballs high-class something else well-appointed vast valuable precious jaw-dropping divine ominous vivid transcendent prodigious exciting chic picturesque glamorous flashy renowned honourable honorable colourful radiant exaggerated snazzy venerable supreme sovereign Olympian gaudy bright comfortable haughty imperious sybaritic exuberant epicurean unreal sensual super voluptuous upholstered prodigal portly bombastic fancy-pants first-rate colorful well appointed in the lap of luxury mind-boggling colossal celestial eye-popping heavenly palatine gee-whizz sightly considerable scintillating coruscating intense courtly ravishing priceless splendent ample no-expense-spared invaluable inestimable excessive large-scale indulgent high-born ceremonious fit for a prince dynamite admirable legendary notable rarefied godlike high fit for a princess abundant lux worthy mythological classical champagne over-the-top over the top prime absorbing penetrating portentous comfy spiffy embellished tall in the saddle maestoso bigger than life high-flown flash superlative resounding cool authoritative frilly riotous profusive velvet unfathomable theatrical egotistic high-falutin' high-flying magisterial slap-up profuse dear ultra refined magical beyond price very good ornamented cultivated overdone Junoesque rich-looking humbling phenomenal shapely poised graceful select well-proportioned celebrated tall and dignified long esteemed quality inspiring memorable unforgettable special delicate extended pricey unique exhilarating intoxicating rare dainty important huge arduous Herculean loaded recherche honoured acclaimed marathon respected prestigious larger-than-life very great very large very long never to be forgotten spine-tingling mind-bending big staid hallowed mega highfalutin' honored highly regarded loud high-ranking of repute moving well thought of effective of high standing of distinction high-minded overblown garish forcible one for the book vibrant bold lurid something to write home about immoderate hedonistic flaring jazzy razzle-dazzle noisy brash pampered gratifying pleasurable florid brightly coloured swashbuckling bling gay brilliantly coloured self-indulgent pleasure-loving flakey peacockish brightly colored flaming camp flaky outrageous sporty gassy chichi fashionable smart sophisticated tony tasteful modish schmick dashing trendy generous bountiful prosperous high-toned dicty artistic attractive peacocky decorative tawdry meretricious wealthy swankish upper-class substantial genteel pleasant plentiful easy cushy nice sharp bounteous well-fixed well-situated snappy gracious liberal discerning well-off well-heeled polished gilded high-quality cultured well-to-do intricate urbane decorated charming lovely suave comely overwrought glaring screaming tinsel histrionic adorned fussy affected busy up-market rococo ornamental beautifying over-elaborate prominent OTT yuppie festooned formal agreeable par excellence finest recherché respectable aureate five-star coffee-table leafy appealing high fashion arty upper-crust salubrious glossy well produced high-status swell detailed haute with good taste swagger sprauncy plummy larney la-di-da top-drawer prolific full fat chi-chi bacchanalian conspicuous splurgy vulgar plenteous pleasing garnished aesthetic tasteless obtrusive copious executive unstinting unsparing affective decorous skilful skillful kitsch suitable sufficient cornucopian fleshy sensualistic deep debonair extreme devilish with all the extras wedding-cake with all the options with bells and whistles spacious roomy kenspeckle bodacious noticeable grabby pronounced superfly catchy marked emphatic pleasure-seeking esthetic stylized fanciful profound tinselly bling-bling aplenty well off satisfactory adequate well-designed well-dressed froufrou fancible custom unusual highfalutin expansive capacious commodious sizeable a la mode free from hardship extensive spacey well-bred teeming moneyed abundant in abounding in superabundant high class munificent far-out fantastical out of sight dreamy unmitigated startling arrestive surpassing fascinating electrifying confounding perfect well furnished pretty embellishing cosmetic adorning enhancing nonfunctional non-functional gingerbread dressy garnishing decking furbishing patterned accessory setting off heightening decorating for show


(of a person) Formidable, especially as an opponent
redoubtable formidable fearsome alarming dreadful fearful mighty strong terrible impressive powerful awe-inspiring awful commanding daunting dire direful doughty dread forbidding frightening frightful ghastly hair-raising horrendous horrible horrifying indomitable intimidating invincible resolute scary shocking spine-chilling terrifying tremendous valiant awesome courageous imminent appalling chilling petrifying creepy grim unnerving spooky horrid disturbing menacing sinister hideous harrowing bloodcurdling macabre distressing gruesome monstrous startling eerie scaring grisly unspeakable nightmarish baleful horrific threatening dismaying disquieting lurid dangerous grievous godawful worrying hairy terrific blood-curdling spine-tingling ominous perturbing upsetting atrocious hellacious calamitous gloomy repulsive imposing bodeful mean-looking abominable dismal grewsome shuddersome ugly from hell feared foreboding depressing brooding disgusting revolting desperate traumatic outrageous dreaded disastrous serious unsettling abhorrent severe foul offensive ghostly nasty sickening odious grave disconcerting nerve-racking eldritch vile overwhelming parlous nightmare extreme wretched unearthly gross evil lousy heinous abysmal ghoulish lamentable bad deplorable unfortunate causing fear perplexing grotesque bone-chilling weird beastly pulse-pounding eery afraid striking massive shivery shuddery hateful fateful unpropitious baneful unlucky apocalyptic morbid off-putting solemn unapproachable aggressive browbeating terrorizing pressuring terrorising bullying execrable egregious insufferable gnarly rotten vicious hostile inconvenient punk unwelcome excessive overpowering unfriendly unwelcoming uninviting scandalous unpromising inauspicious evil-looking disgraceful nauseating loathsome repellent repugnant inhospitable life-threatening unpleasant bleak dark perilous glowering ferocious obscene stupefying all-powerful heartstopping suggestive of evil stunning rancid astonishing distasteful repellant fulsome amazing bewildering noxious agitating obnoxious staggering noisome nauseous catastrophic ruinous surprising glaring detestable wicked woeful crying pressing cataclysmic critical crucial cruel urgent drastic miserable crippling hopeless irretrievable devastating portentous chronic exigent tragic oppressing fierce scowling heartbreaking regrettable afflictive despicable contemptible reprehensible disagreeable objectionable base shameful yucky immoral disgustful dirty unsavoury villainous diabolical God-awful iniquitous unsavory loathly nefarious mean sick-making stinking sordid dishonourable flagitious infamous ungodly putrid yucko sinful displeasing intolerable dishonorable ignoble unpalatable black indecent bogging corrupt scurvy filthy fiendish criminal ignominious depraved beyond the pale icky unholy degenerate disreputable vulgar low-down shady skanky barbarous improper low hellish smutty unprincipled inexcusable wrong discreditable dastardly gut-churning opprobrious diabolic grody immodest unforgivable reprobate coarse savage devilish sick lewd sorry vomitous stomach-turning stomach-churning rank profane rude unacceptable unscrupulous unworthy crude impure unrighteous damnable raunchy malodorous grotty shameless dissolute crooked vomit-inducing notorious unlawful murderous unreasonable infernal exceptionable wanton unpleasing dishonest fetid paltry shabby rebarbative perverted unclean undesirable inhuman unseemly festy unethical accursed degrading malfeasant bawdy foetid violent unwholesome ribald unfair sleazy illegal satanic unappetizing pitiable flagrant mephitic unrespectable harsh preposterous X-rated rascally inglorious abject bent warped suggestive licentious embarrassing blue irritating knavish wrongful barbaric annoying unbearable ridiculous black-hearted scurrilous off-color dislikeable on the nose shoddy louche lascivious insupportable malevolent bestial salacious galling unpardonable yukky smelly indiscreet pitiful shy cheap grubby indefensible cruddy sullied impolite invidious niffy impious olid blasphemous unbecoming indecorous underhand undignified indelicate morally wrong roguish very bad scoundrelly perverse pornographic risqué demonic hurtful peccable snide currish poisonous indescribable too much bitter over the top scabrous sour cringe-making brutish squalid tasteless not cricket naughty irreligious great bloody sacrilegious uncongenial foul-smelling evil-smelling lame scabby scummy sneaking ratty unlovely pongy stinky whiffy grimy funky humiliating miasmal malicious godless low-minded blameworthy debased immoderate uncivilised uncivilized heavy onerous discouraging unutterable illicit vexing lawless brutal illegitimate cacodemonic troublesome underhanded abusive amoral irksome hated facinorous maleficent harmful pernicious injurious scatological discourteous emetic unconventional loose scatologic unprintable dislikable unchaste unbelievable prurient crass tainted raw painful inappropriate pestiferous impossible porno beyond contempt acrid polluted ruthless hateable incorrigible smudged bedraggled befouled bemired dusty uncleanly draggled muddy stained mucky besmirched blackened unsportsmanlike dingy grungy begrimed soiled poison bum crushing disheartening Mephistophelian troubling malignant ineffable gory discomforting unsuitable demoniacal questionable exasperating absurd demoniac unfitting bothersome burdensome miscreant shaming extravagant exorbitant steep felonious discomposing discommoding unhealthy unwarranted difficult unjustifiable untoward derogatory caitiff unsightly indictable abnormal extraordinary OTT sad provoking worrisome trying detested wearisome inconceivable hard erring fallen treacherous no good spicy catty inordinate execrated loathed vilifying despised debauched worthless over-the-top uncivil unmannerly gut-wrenching impertinent insolent lustful distressful cursed unjust abominated pathetic degraded poor censurable beggarly sneaky cowardly unhallowed toilsome brackish unconscionable reeking affronting deleterious abandoned mischievous barnyard adverse pesky trashy ill-bred nagging porny biting cutting out of keeping gutter racy yecchy stag ornery fruity revulsive saucy adult off colour locker-room near the knuckle near the bone unheard of real merciless right terribly bad aberrant animal beast proper astounding unkind callous lou transgressing ill-famed Kafkaesque bloodthirsty sanguine ruffianly blackguardly sanguinary ill-reputed thievish de trop eccentric beneath contempt senseless demoralizing culpable peccant nightmarey phantasmagorical unreal backbiting untrue maligning traducing detractive gossiping detracting unimaginable demonian demonical Luciferian foolish sickly insulting highly improper unheroic unsuccessful disorienting dazing uncharitable spookish frenetic maniacal crazed mad possessed red hot inexpressible inequitable pestilential blood-stained sombre somber sober intemperate drunken profligate carnal rancorous wrathful spiteful bloodletting chunderous slimy uncool uncanny freaky haunting shadowy beyond words preternatural undefinable demeaning mortifying failed diseased deadly insalutary blood-and-guts blood-and-thunder good-for-nothing abhorred repelling servile inelegant menial offending mournful crummy reviled bad-hearted indescribably bad indescribably wicked beyond description indescribably evil disrespectful pits unendurable irregular rocky woozy very disgusting very unpleasant maddening pill heel reeky maggot strange musty stenchy high fusty flavorless insipid unlikable flavourless yicky savorless flat O.T.T. extortionate demanding demoralising too horrible for words mephistophelean serpentine frowzy frowsy miasmic frowsty challenging wounding confronting too great disgracing debauching depraving debasing contumelious untrustworthy humourless sedate humorless surfeiting squicky cloying scuzzy pigpen ripe not on derisive lowbrow explicit tawdry vituperative seedy suspect disorderly inconsistent incompatible contradictory opposed provocative personal impudent slighting Rabelaisian weighty troublous averse antipathetic inimical antagonistic of bad reputation dubious slippery suspicious seamy irreverent despisable disdainable vexatious disparaging contemptuous against opposite alien extrinsic counter extraneous unconformable different unfitted foreign outre guilty fishy dodgy shifty embittering porn skin nudge-nudge unladylike ungentlemanly sexy petty damaging libellous libelous prejudicial nocuous libidinous lowly stressful tiresome intrusive aggravating consequential impeding disruptive harassing laborious disappointing undue hateworthy measly detrimental heartless wayward ill gamy juicy in opposition swinish outcast inferior undecorous foulmouthed in poor taste rough bold forward numbing in bad exacting exciting stimulating entertaining off-colored broad salty lively off gamey bad news out of line out of order not the done thing over the fence a bit much oppressive taxing in low esteem in the doghouse off-colour fresh cheeky brazen overextravagant unnecessary insane plethoric towering baroque lavish fancy unmerciful disproportionate needless overmuch overdue overweening stiff erotic purple close to the bone anxiety provoking forbidden taboo uncalled for testing tough hefty intense inapt uncouth incorrect inapposite unvirtuous acute paralysing prohibited proscribed conscienceless unthinkable illogical irrational deep inept incongruous unhappy amiss infelicitous malapropos churlish boorish unfit unapt graceless ill-mannered profound not quite the thing shattering paralyzing interdicted banned censored excruciating keen earth-shattering almighty abrupt vehement blistering very great sudden furious out of the way out of place in bad taste explosive sharp frowned on disapproved of out of bounds off limits exquisite intensive unmentionable impermissible restricted off-limits unceremonious no-go not to be spoken of unrestrained unexpected heavy-duty that dare not speak its name unanticipated brusque swift unforgiving quick unforeseen immediate rapid unpredicted hasty


To face something unpleasant with courage and fortitude
endure bear withstand weather confront defy face put up with suffer risk take tolerate challenge cope with cross dare deal with fight handle resist sit through stick out sustain tackle take on undergo bear the brunt of be confronted by brace oneself for face up to go through go up against grapple with grin and bear meet head on outbrave outdare outface prevail against resign oneself to ride out stand stand fast stand up against stand up to stomach subject oneself to swallow beard be patient with brave out brazen brazen out breast court face off fly in face of fly in the face of live out live through sit and take it square off against venture experience meet survive brook encounter abide oppose submit to support countenance accept wear thole meet with come up against hack hang tough square up to face down get through meet head-on come face to face with allow feel accost overcome pass bide sweat out come through stick it out meet eyeball-to-eyeball go one-on-one hold out front see permit surmount admit outlast absorb pull through take it tough out contend with stare down hold out against bear up against call one's bluff stick fast stand firm hold the line against stay the course stand your ground remain firm persevere in the face of go the distance against engage have battle taste know repel witness contest cope scorn affront threaten be forced to contend with flout receive stick waylay square off come to grips with bear with submit oneself to be faced with live with take aside rise above pocket face out face with stand firm against sit out come in for make my day make it through come through unscathed hold your own hang on last out stick with be subjected to take patiently put a bold face on it be defiant pass through put on a bold front abide by face up stick to your guns take it like a man grin and bear it stick in there tough it out hang in hang in there never say die keep up suck it up bear the brunt gut it out shoulder assume adventure carry throw down the gauntlet at allow for approve of be doing with eyeball stand for play indulge hold with go along with brace for attempt eat be impermeable to be impervious to die hard against persevere against be proof against persist with be resistant to play against acquiesce licence license struggle with outstare attack approach assault be drawn against make a stand bit the bullet detain sweat urge bully disregard denounce spurn insult mock browbeat overawe cow intimidate outlive toughen stop halt nobble collar reconcile oneself to become accustomed to become resigned to become reconciled to get used to concede to green-light wait out bow to yield to expose season harden antagonize antagonise call out provoke learn to live with never say die in the face of make the best of beat coarsen acclimate erode take the bull by the horns tell off muster courage laugh at call someone's bluff treat with contempt take a stand against grow strong make it grow hardened become toughened stare out run the gauntlet throw down gauntlet knock chip off shoulder step over the line meet face to face look straight in the eye thwart combat dispute take a chance with take a chance on take the plunge defy danger compete contend buck brace duel traverse take a plunge take a header take a flyer take a chance violate vie pit match vie with negotiate outwear content against go one on one with be opposed to compete against face off against compete with go toe to toe with go eyeball to eyeball with be pitted against hold off break through not give up hold one's ground against hold your ground win out stand one's ground against put up struggle recover from see through pull out of it make a comeback land on your feet undertake defer yield share bow bear up engage in counter struggle against strive against obstruct fight against put up a fight against rival block controvert come across come into contact with object to buttonhole grab catch intercept check prevent hinder oppugn be against question clash with run into skirmish with do battle with go against be in opposition to take issue with take up arms against set your face against rebel against lock horns with square up importune solicit live assail deny gainsay have experience of ambush contradict battle with rebut argue against quarrel with corner protest be anti argue with impede be hostile to speak to frustrate inhibit restrain take up the gauntlet reverse speak against stem speak out against wage war against curb contend against stand up and be counted against be in defiance of take a stand call in question cross swords with counteract come to blows with make a stand against accept a challenge refuse to accept initiate a discussion with look sth in the eye get to grips with hail campaign against collide with address engage with tangle with oppose action reluct put up an argument spare no effort get into conflict with refuse countervail stonewall shout to talk to call to have dealings in fight back against scrimmage with war against shoot it out with put up a fight take up arms baulk at dig in your heels dissent with kick against surround clash dissent from swoop down on pounce on come into conflict with eliminate rally against end feud with partake become familiar with observe digest assimilate participate in counterbalance restrict war tangle resolve run against appreciate come into contact try comprehend watch perceive fight with compare contrast strike set upon launch begin battle with battle against pin down put an end to bring to an end to bar counterattack sample apprehend get behold wrest with scrap with array dislike mess with race mount an attack on enter into combat with fall on disagree with rivalize disapprove of wage war on disapprove neutralise taunt gainstay dissent debate argue neutralize disagree bombard withstay interview come to close quarters with refute go after give battle to join battle with jockey for position negate negative frown at search out take issue not countenance play off set against turn the tables run counter to seize cross-examine seek to displace disclaim disown disaffirm disconfirm disavow repudiate disallow reject wrestle contravene confute impugn throw clutch grasp floor grapple nail fell sack cancel thumbs down cancel out say the opposite of withsay withspeak have bone to pick undermine disprove differ down remonstrate with discuss something with bring down knock down take hold of put the freeze on have a go at throw down rugby-tackle bring to the ground


To expose to danger or the risk of loss
venture risk hazard chance endanger adventure gamble imperil jeopardise jeopardize compromise speculate stake wager bet expose jeopard menace peril play assay challenge gamble with lay open experiment with gamble on have a fling at make a stab at put on the line take a crack at take a plunge take the liberty take the liberty of expose to danger put at risk put in danger put in jeopardy stick your neck out go out on a limb play with fire lay bare tempt skate on thin ice threaten take a chance harm injure damage dare be detrimental to pose a threat to be a danger to leave vulnerable do harm to roll the dice take a risk take a flyer jeopardy run the risk of be on dangerous ground chance it risk it ask for it ask for trouble tempt fortune run the risk take a chance on take a gamble try court prejudice tempt fate run the chance leave to luck flirt with dice with lay on the line go for broke leave defenseless chance one's arm take the risk of put someone's life on the line chance on undermine weaken advance proffer flirt implicate make liable subject to loss be careless with opine conjecture surmise volunteer guess suggest ask put under suspicion place in danger sell out leave unprotected subject to be prejudicial to expose to risk drive a nail into the coffin of essay propose presume suppose submit put forward leap before looking be caught short throw out go out on limb take a chance with hang by a thread toss up cast lots draw lots go out of one's depth take shot in the dark put eggs in one basket put it on the line try one's luck with stand a chance of put trust in buck the odds take the plunge leave things to chance trust in back oneself put your faith in defy the odds act in the hope of bank on trust to luck put your faith buy a pig in a poke take a leap in the dark

의 반의어 acting brave

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