Antonym de acting brave


Opposite of strong in the face of fear
cowardly timid fearful frightened gutless irresolute meek spineless afraid apprehensive craven nervous dastardly diffident jittery mild sheepish shrinking soft timorous cowering jumpy nervy panicky pusillanimous scared shy weak yellow caitiff chicken chickenhearted chicken-hearted cowhearted fainthearted faint-hearted lily-livered mousy no guts pigeonhearted quivery scaredy weak-kneed wimpy yellow-bellied chicken-livered coward milk-livered nerveless poltroon poor-spirited spiritless uncourageous ungallant unheroic weakhearted cautious unadventurous anxious hesitant feeble unenterprising wimpish tentative ignoble skittish recreant wavering careful wary daunted unassured unnerved vacillating unassertive quiet half-hearted prudent circumspect safe intimidated terrified dismayed reticent worried reserved coy bashful sissy disconcerted unwilling tremulous yielding delicate shaky abject lacking courage guarded heedful retiring unreliable base mousey spooked panicked terrorized concerned agitated unmannerly frail trembling panic-stricken submissive undetermined humble faint fair terrorised reluctant unsure modest faltering uncertain gentle cowed pigeon-hearted easily frightened dispirited responsible discouraged flinching boneless chary sissified skinny underweight thoughtful fearing unamenable worthless lowbrow simple unadorned mean disinclined unrefined ungentlemanly staid disheartened fretful wet alarmed browbeaten cringey quaking unassuming milquetoast ambiguous fine smooth shakable shakeable perturbable weak-willed debased degraded low degenerate helpless fragile impotent tame enervated powerless lacking confidence weakly rude boorish dishonourable uncourtly courageous unafraid dishonorable discourteous unchivalrous indecisive unsteady procrastinating effeminate hesitating unmanly camp womanish wussy feminine girlie sickly doubting divided fluctuating ambivalent unresolved torn unstable changing infirm fickle teetering halfhearted undecided unsettled uncommitted dithering doubtful weak-minded in doubt in two minds full of doubt


Opposite of showing or characterized by great energy, spirit and movement


Opposite of relating to fighting or war


Opposite of to experience or live through something

Sinônimo de acting brave

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