Sinônimo de alines


A thing used as an example to follow or imitate


An outline representing or bounding the shape or form of something
contour outline figure shape form silhouette profile delineation line figuration lineament lineation curve relief curves configuration contours figures shapes lineaments design delineations silhouettes outlines fashion mold shadow structure appearance cut construction shadows formation pattern layout conformation format cast model mould models styles cuts composition geometry tracings likenesses features shade draft arrangement drawing illustration portrait representation frame draught likeness frames conformations build plan disposition organization look constellation ordonnance makeup getup mode organisation kinds moulds makes patterns casts description stamps types mug shots etchings portraits etching style sorts guises side view dimensions constitution exterior mug shot fit tailoring outward appearance essentials scheme outward form articulation characteristics manner demarcation geography order grouping ordering presentation marshalling alignment array positioning sorting ranging setout setup prototypes arrangements brands formations formats paradigms archetypes marshaling Gestalt symmetry body physique nature character chassis architecture habit circumscription simulacrum roughs skeletons frameworks layouts blueprints sketches images depictions plans perimeters vignettes charts maps diagrams circumferences visuals sketch tracing framework blueprint circumference skeleton diagram image perimeter rough depiction vignette visual map chart preliminary form thumbnail sketch outline sketch stencil template decoration type die ornament anatomy matrix kind stature motif sort proportions torso bod prototype make motive stamp make-up device mass ornamentation vital statistics monogram emblem cutout rose guise brand paradigm archetype being person system penumbra guide rosetta method sequence patterning plate casting umbra forming production trim manufacture embellishment container fabrication lettering measurements rosette orderliness variety repetition cavity decorative design frieze border display blob shell geometric design tessellation blurred outline plaster cast original master logo treatment notion keynote


The words or wording of a book or other piece of writing, or the idea(s) conveyed from them
text words wording content contents body expression language phrasing terminology verbiage diction parlance phraseology wordage context locution matter sentence article fundamentals motif motive paragraph stanza choice of words turn of phrase mode of expression main body main matter subject matter manner mode style idiom phrase vocabulary jargon vernacular dialect lingo cant speech argot tone manner of speaking vein idiolect patois way of speaking usage word choice manner of writing term patter fashion slang -speak saying mode of writing way of writing style of speech mode of speech style of writing quote quotation line axiom remark verbalism syntax word utterance prose tongue doublespeak dictionary gibberish lexicon palaver façon de parler citation maxim adage catchphrase slogan motto jive expressions rhetoric shoptalk shop geekspeak idiomatic expression set phrase form of expression turns of phrase way of talking brogue verbalization interchange lingua franca voice sound talk communication signal conversation vocalization articulation accent discourse nomenclature treatment terms phrases eloquence projection collocation contexture proverb command of language gift of gab aphorism platitude saw langue vocalisation formula old chestnut turn of speech oratory locutions localisms idioms provincialisms regionalisms colloquialisms usages barbarisms newspeak journalese legalese sublanguage gobbledegook accents technospeak vulgarisms poetry Creole dictum byword watchword tag shibboleth catchword clause witticism comment catch phrase word group phrasal verb phrasal idiom group of words figure of speech sentence construction


Plural for an established or official way of doing something
courses policy procedure approaches positions ways methods practice schemes technique systems tacks tactics direction manners methodology plans processes programs programmes stances avenues paths principles courses of action modi operandi strategy recipes styles means form modes fashion routine stratagems routes red tape arrangements blueprints hows design formulae moves ploys customs proceedings manoeuvres master plans game plans maneuvers road maps setups roads actions mechanism protocol modi game angles operations regimens steps order tenors shift artifice measures exercises devices agendas theory ruses drills contrivances ground plans maneuverings machinations nuts and bolts tricks conduct manoeuvrings best practices how-tos plots projects initiatives sequences series solutions veins passages capacity touch technics organization organisation frameworks frames of reference attacks patterns regularity scenarios options alternatives behavior behaviour choice possibilities enterprises praxes undertakings rackets variation sets standard operating procedures transactions agenda workflows performance modality rubrics wrinkles schemata media gambits capers stunts dodges subterfuge expedients wangles points of view models practises guidelines dogmas administration code schedules management campaigns planning generalships dispositions campaignings method approach system way plan scheme manner tack style recipe stratagem course manoeuvre maneuver line ploy move trick device how channels disposition campaigning generalship campaign manoeuvring maneuvering plan of attack programme program process modus operandi course of action formula arrangement mode tactic blueprint proposition game plan master plan line of action project action regimen setup plot plan of action ground plan contrivance ideas angle operation custom agency line of attack ruse machination wile rules route proceeding modus coordination suggestion road map proposals measure pattern scam conspiracy gimmicks racket treatment venture handling MO enterprise layout intention transaction vein orchestration instrumentation act agents secret plan vehicles layouts thought submission animus purpose projection idea proposal running art craft expedient workflow deals wiles gimmick procedures practices dodge path science attack schedule framework drill usage regulation road gambit masterminding rule shenanigan cabal activity mores tenor brainchild knowledge proposed action play set of procedures grand design set of tactics ways and means the book stepping-stones instrumentalities aid ministries systematic process execution deeds intermediaries instruments organs logistics motion factors ventures outlines stories stages outline option alternative prescription development techniques set stunt formation sham con fastie application manifestos apparatuses paraphernalia machinery equipment power wheeze tactical plan jokes working plan pranks strategic plan wheezes instructions directions ingredients receipt shenanigans intrigue crafty designs set-up cunning plan story tone ways in springboards stepping stones source of compound way of achieving means of achieving way of ensuring means of ensuring sleight flimflam juggle knack jig medium struggle attitude guise demeanor organizing system set of principles fixed order schlenter fetch schema method of working rubric intentions position stance tendency phraseology locution demeanour logical order logical process frame of reference orderly process set of guidelines set of channels covin hustle put-up job frame-up likely cause of wrinkle how-to notions guideline shiftings movement progress attempts efforts routines disciplines guiding principle dogma best practice control step supervision artistries skills wisdoms etiquette exercise military sciences mastermindings runnings guidance methods and means methods and resources agendum series of steps leadership cooperation synchronization teamwork ritual controlling managing use convention discipline intendance charge superintendency superintendence stewardship government governance presidency oversight care overseeing ceremony regimentation standard operating procedure the numbers SOP habit formality wont prosecution wisdom skill artistry systematisation systematization body of knowledge synchronisation tradition carrying out manipulation wielding observance decorum decency solemnity ceremonial rite social practice propriety proprieties praxis military science military tactics canon convenance law precept ropes right practice set formula art of war do's and don'ts by the numbers by the book kawa tikanga done thing deal initiative treatments big pictures roadmaps action plans undertaking scenario big picture roadmap action plan


(line of thought/thinking) Plural for a prescribed way of thinking
ideologies beliefs mindsets opinions perspective philosophy standpoints argument attitude biases ideas interpretation notions positions stances understanding views assessments drift intuition minds sentiment stands supposition tenors theses thinking thought trends viewpoints tendencies points of view outlooks slants policy posture angles conviction theory schools of thought doctrine dogmas ethics say-sos determination sense conception sides feelings estimations judgments aspects judgements approaches theorems contention hypotheses teaching testaments systems culture creeds assumptions persuasion principles gospel credos surmises poses twists color colour credence canons platforms party lines bandwagons ways frames of reference regard respect resolution evaluation conjecture options conclusions voices input participation fancies takes wills inclination verdicts preferences desire decision impressions suspicions calls votes reactions choice appraisals wishes estimates speculation reflection diagnosis suffrage parts representation comments say declarations vents themes premises text matter topics subjects points postulation posits apriorism presupposition proposals statements postulates proposition presumptions contestations legend formal systems reasonings folklore know-how customs knowledge mythology science ways of life legendry axioms tradition myths aesthetics superstition logic dialectics oral tradition scholarship esthetics lore faith how-tos wisdom tenets rationality value rationales argumentation sayings truth code precepts rules articles of faith concepts maxims fundamentals guidelines cults moral codes indoctrination inculcations instruction conventions isms ideals religion belief systems worldviews moral philosophies theology articles codes of conduct observance morality mores law ethe rituals trust lessons morals learning orthodoxies politics core values catechisms gospel truth credit self-conviction professions practice movement schools methods stamps models patterns frameworks weltanschauungs paradigms standards dicta criteria mottos aphorisms formulae unwritten rules basics propaganda implantation regulation intellection identification inklings sneaking suspicions analysis consideration feels indulgence assimilations predictions calculation grips recollection expectation guesses deductions projection discernment surmisings insight hunches observation acceptation recognition perception signification forecasts construction acuities prognoses character spirits mentalities temper essence flavour psyches moods dispositions flavor psychology quintessence


Plural for an area or branch of activity, especially one's vocation
occupation business fields trade work employment professions areas departments jobs provinces vocation activity specialities specialties careers game pursuit domains fortes realms spheres bags interest arenas bailiwicks baronies circles demesnes discipline elements fronts rackets callings fiefs fiefdoms firmaments specialisations specialization things walks specialism lines of work day jobs walks of life terrain precincts kingdoms craft sectors positions posts territory functions orbits capacity livelihood world roles avocations jurisdictions dominion offices concern spheres of influence scopes zones subjects dodges undertakings turfs purviews situations engagement employs art metiers skill lifeworks living niches handicraft stations gigs mission services slots duty tasks life's works lay rat race grips scenes ways preserve branches responsibility milieux sections practice topics compasses berths assignment places industry parts ranges regions dos competence universes pigeons affairs class spots billets enterprises daily grinds expertise themes handcrafts charge skillsets courses extents strong points authority confines play breadth study necks of the woods long suits strong suits experience hangs purpose media competencies rank appointments placement tiers postings faculties stratums statuses distance connection swindles grinds lengths stints contracts bubbles proceedings sport schticks society handiwork turfdom beats manors seigniory ventures mobs compartments operations labor labour setups goes customs patronage remits subfields margins pales environments aspects sides hires practises champaigns worry counties prefectures shires tracts theatre forums battlegrounds theater battlefields stages exercises mastery subject matter curricula methods fields of study ambits vacancy means openings obligations hirings recruitment commitment moonlight administration circuits classification babies incumbencies radii ableness strength gifts claims to fame talents aptitudes cups of tea ability assets bents stretches sheets plains reaches expanses space waste expansion spread sweeps standing planes rungs degrees division order echelons grades level rankings footings onus burdens lookouts problems matter chores commissions contributions detail briefs errands involvement headaches funerals hands goals actions bits care devoirs objectives projects act efforts pieces of work culture imperative requirements prerogatives moral obligations privilege rights authorization spans of control goings-on transactions doings dealings systems life sokes districts leets groups frames sites backdrops context settings background entanglement shares behalfs parties participation factions cause say questions palavers issues beeswax points deeds tours of duty taskwork habitat haunts resorts habitation job titles pieces mantles posture guises execution objects utility behavior targets power marks meanings behaviour use aims endeavors endeavours quests action items fun and games processes long rows to hoe knacks geniuses inclination dispositions leanings flair


Plural for a person's ancestry or line of descent
lineages stock family ancestries descent parentage race strain birth blood extraction genealogy houses origins pedigree succession bloodlines breeding derivations heritage background breeds clans dynasties folks kins kindreds kinfolk kinsfolk people tribes heredity family trees stirpes filiation folk nearest and dearest progeny kith and kin relationships relations kinship issues seed kinds paternity offspring history types broods connection antecedents affinities stemmata primogenitors kith households kinspersons species consanguinity cousins progenitors septs class next of kin kinsmen siblings nations sorts generation flesh and blood community forefathers precursors descendants gentes variety forebears scions genera progenitures ethnic groups members foremothers ancestors antecessors relatives forerunners menages sources genres kinswomen foregoers blood relatives family history ilks subspecies maternity fams sibs birthplaces raisings phratries heritances legacies tradition ascendancies trees records pasts networks systems inheritance subdivision groups ethnie whakapapa genetics circles nuclear families clansmen extended families blended families herds cliques factions bunches descendents flesh division populations association castes hapus society iwis stripes character order vintage manners brands calibre lots numbers feathers likes description kidneys stamps nature caliber sons children offshoots successors inheritors product daughters spin-offs heirs fruit gets afterbears posterity family members affiliations propinquities rellies agnates colleagues closeness cognates blood relations kindredship friends parents ties nearness young spawn hordes uncles clanspersons togetherness solidarity relatedness fam-bams litter hatches loved ones fruit of one's loins noblemen partners companions counterparts sponsors allies associates mentors contact intermediaries go-betweens agents acquaintance reciprocity messengers sisterhood brotherhood same-bloodedness skin and blisters blood sisters sises sisters ethnicity lifestyles populace life states regions ways of life empires culture realms civilization environments citizenry land twins tie-ins interdependence bros correlations bruvs linkage interrelationships bruvvers similarity interconnection brothers alliance links liaisons


Plural for a notional limit or boundary


Plural for a connected series of military fieldworks or defenses facing an enemy force


Plural for a number of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly fashion, especially as part of a ceremony


Plural for a small area on a surface having a different color from its surroundings, typically one caused by damage or dirt
marks blemishes spots stains streaks blots blotches scars smudges impressions dents dots nicks scratches flecks pocks pockmarks smirch specks speckles trace bruises discolorations imprints smears smut splotches pits blight marking notches splodges birthmarks blazes chips cuts excrescences excrescencies fingermarks fingerprints scores stigmata stripes checks ink strokes freckles impurities maculations moles faults nevi lentigos deformities blackheads pimples patches tarnish hickeys lumps blooms incision eyesores nodules bugs gashes zits beauty spots snags warts brands disfigurement defacement whiteheads cicatrixes blisters blurs maculae mottles points dapples pips eyespots dabs daub pop splashes defects flaws blobs taints motes naevi imperfection strawberry marks pinpoints mites holes macules splosh jots dashes splits bruisings crack pinpricks deformation particles fractures bits flyspecks iotas molecules tints beauty marks irregularities petechiae tarnishings kink rifts marrings yellowings spatters tears breaks stipple knots touch smutches acne breakouts mottlings scraps periods tittles minims messes rashes eruption haemangiomas inkblots ephelides splatters sprinkles contaminations dirt pigmentations pepper foxing dollops blood bloodstains angiomas mother's marks hemangiomas black eyes spurts stretches bar sinister splurges bursts marks of Cain spatterings blackenings circles droplets grain atoms dribbles fissures crevices scissions clefts ecchymoses soilings liver spots age spots contusions papules counts pustules whelks festers boils tallies pats press rubs


Plural for a mark used to indicate that an item in a list is correct, chosen or dealt with


Plural for a line of motor vehicles causing or the result of traffic congestion or a traffic jam


Plural for the area in front of the goal


Plural for a line of equal or constant temperature on a graph or chart, such as a weather map


Plural for a unit of magnetic flux that produces one abvolt per turn per second


Straight lines


Plural for a point where two things link, connect or interact


Plural for a horizontal line over the top of some of the terms in an arithmetic expression


Plural for a set sequence in a performance


Plural for a mark made by scratching


Plural for a line to which a drowning or falling victim may cling to


Plural for dividing line in football between offense and defense


Plural for a line drawn on a map or chart connecting places of equal or constant pressure


Plural for a line of railway coaches or wagons coupled together and drawn by an engine


Plural for an excessively elaborate story or excuse used to justify something


Plural for telephone


Plural for a word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept, especially in a particular kind of language or branch of study


To furnish with, or cause to be present
provides furnishes prepares equips implements makes available plans accommodates arranges for procures readies adds advances allocates allots antes up assigns brings forth comes up with distributes donates extends fits fits out forks out issues lays out lends parts with ponies up puts forward puts up spares turns out accoutres affords apportions arms arrays attires cedes deals out deeds doles out fixes up gives grants hands instals kits out makes over metes out offers organises outfits parcels out plies with portions presents prorates provisions purveys renders rigs rigs out stakes stocks supplies transfers yields caters to comes with gives out hands out lines up makes up raises rigs up rustles up sets up stocks up stumps up installs manages organizes circulates disseminates dispatches dispenses delivers shells out fits up diffuses bestows gives away partitions rations consigns favours appropriates passes around endows begives passes out administers disperses divvies up dishes out pays out favors sends disburses confers hands over imparts contributes accords gifts awards proffers invests bequeaths turns over girds gears fills coughs up serves endues accouters appoints blesses feeds kicks in kits up indues produces bears tenders chips in entrusts leaves relinquishes commits passes pledges volunteers graces pitches in fulfils devotes fulfills shares provides for lays on provides with meets surrenders caters satisfies pays submits brings loads lodges vouchsafes refits caters for puts at someone's disposal finds presents with confers on frees supports sustains refills restocks answers trusts releases transmits covers remits lavishes packs stores discharges divvies bequests showers decks deploys replenishes preps allows registers suits kits sacrifices subsidizes injects plies lots subscribes sates enters makes a donation of gives up gives a donation of arranges forks over sweetens the pot dowers hands in sends in sets aside furnishes with frees up comes through grants access to fills up fits the bill for subsidises gifts with passes on passes round gives to lets someone have shares out clears avails loans ventures deals spends grooms credits inflicts expends puts forth measures out fixes hands round brings forward lets oneself in for assembles sponsors funds divides restores mans slaps together makes provision traps out tricks up gets up tricks out lavishes on bestows to conveys gears up adorns decks out measures enables supplies on credit pays in advance accommodates someone with forks up subs divides out pays up harnesses blends sweetens the kitty sells empowers shows replaces renews totes finances maintains relegates ministers turns in lays down gives in lugs iron heels up loads up rods up packs a rod regales deals in puts out caters in trades in holds out places at disposal lays at one's feet gives an opportunity holds out to begifts enhances permits lays on one lets lends-lease loan sharks sharks obliges tables proposes reloads refreshes stockpiles achieves heaps apparels suggests passes the hat gets it up feeds the kitty does your part gives of endows with makes a gift of gets in the act puts oneself down for makes a contribution of delegates follows observes introduces moots handles solicits lands draws tops up serves the purpose suffices for matches up to adjusts to comes up to qualifies for tops adapts to processes adheres to measures up to complies with clothes keeps up with airs propositions refers keeps supplying piles equals matches invents puts in sets forth makes a pitch puts intrusts stashes confides delivers the goods surfeits makes good on satisfices has satiates drops carries through comes across lives up to carries out commends gets hold of thinks of reposes recommends is responsible for are responsible for places devolves lays slips pertains belongs settles supplies with puts in the hands of bestows on entrusts to gives over grants to vests invests in


To be positioned (at intervals) along the side of something
flanks borders bounds edges follows skirts fringes hems rims verges adjoins abuts margins touches joins surrounds neighbors neighbours frames borders on verges on butts against butts on encloses circumscribes circles encircles marches with meets trims connects rings encompasses girdles reaches converges lies alongside lies along lies next to converges with binds bands walls screens compasses girds outlines environs engirds marches communicates extends butts up against abuts on extends as far as bounds on runs alongside rejoins conjoins brushes contacts opens into trenches on extends to butts lies beside lies near grazes hits links with impinges upon links up with strikes comes into contact with pushes against makes contact with comes together with hugs fences in hems in closes in confines walls in shuts in cuts off wreathes envelops locks in embraces encases fences hedges in incloses enfolds rounds blockades forms a barrier round forms a ring around hedges cases cinctures pens mounts circumvents besets contains sets in a frame boxes in pens in pens up finishes purfles blocks sets boxes besieges insets sieges goes around beleaguers delimits encages traps enwreathes throngs invests pounds impounds coops corrals cages houses closets immures rings round lays siege to closes in on limits loops closes around enclaves inundates holds mures coops up puts inside blocks off fences off cordons off locks up seals off mews up boxes up orbits circuits covers circumnavigates begirds enrings girds in rings in


To line or decorate with paper or material


To fish using a line and bait or lures trailed behind a boat similarly to trawling

Antonym de alines

alines Idioma

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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