Sinônimo de highly connected


Marked by suitability or aptness
appropriate suitable proper fitting apt relevant pertinent apposite applicable germane material significant right congruous convenient expedient favorable favourable auspicious propitious opportune felicitous well judged seemly befitting becoming deserved ad rem apropos correct fit fitted good in keeping suited well-suited appurtenant happy meet seasonable to the point to the purpose related linked admissible relative applicatory on the nose on the button pointed useful correlated salient congruent valid consistent legit kosher right on on target having to do with having direct bearing on relating cognate important compatible pat pertaining to helpful associable pertaining relatable apropos of of use belonging supplementary appertaining peripheral auxiliary supplemental accessorial accessory requisite consonant allowable conformant pointful harmonious conforming accordant referring weighty concerning correspondent allied in point akin analogous applicative on-topic kindred of interest that's the ticket acceptable just timely fair rightful adequate due satisfactory reasonable competent decent qualified warranted justified condign pretty ideal merited advantageous sufficient worthy comme il faut well-timed all right serviceable perfect adapted agreeable tolerable permitted legitimate ample choice desirable equitable fortunate commensurate well-chosen comfortable providential passable equipped in order justifiable beneficial sensible official decorous OK promising permissible lucky authorized benign fine okay welcome nice unobjectionable tailor-made enough proportionate good enough authorised well timed usable earned standard effective satisfying accepted exact heaven-sent allowed conformable equal commensurable preferable sound handy ripe sanctioned required able conventional presentable capable spot on just right well suited established needed desired respectable golden chosen expected common coherent usual employable fortuitous corresponding lawful pleasing approved pleasant average legal precise recognized sympathetic alright friendly cut out for likely best solid palatable carefully selected sufficing matching licit well deserved well earned optimal matched up to standard pukka above board made to order obligatory up to snuff well-matched recognised set ethical hopeful normal user friendly profitable within the law functional prepared feasible constructive well chosen on the money by the book regular deserving ready necessary conducive judicious well put well expressed specified intended preferred accurate commodious accommodating practicable benefic eligible proportional useable available orthodox comparable convincing customary salutary benignant nonconflicting gratifying pleasurable anticipated selected concordant healthful wholesome toward genuine copacetic timeous supportable tenable defensible fairish legalized tolerated flattering swell unexceptionable acknowledged snug prosperous conformable to logical unexceptional very correspondent to correspondent with model rational jake quintessential well qualified bona fide up to par legalised congenial up to scratch supreme fairly good well-founded so-so up to the mark in accord just the job destined fairy-tale encouraging good for designed richly-deserved conformed reconciled accommodated practical made well viewable of benefit well-deserved peculiar unique favourite favorite well-earned inspired fixed prescribed done kindly equivalent neat indicated quantified listed worthwhile entitled comely beneficent mandatory compulsory empowered associated with behooving beseeming telling joyous within reason just what was ordered cut out licensed statutable constitutional statutory contingent dependent abundant professional cheering pleasureful reassuring plenty possible probable concedable productive coextensive bounden admitted rightly due livable about cushy consummate absolute prototypical on the mark formal flukey fluky trained symmetrical great healthy fruitful utilizable plentiful plenteous bounteous right and proper licenced predictable towardly seasonal archetypal not unlikely not impossible according to Hoyle with respect in regard wearable of choice what the doctor ordered aplenty copious minimal bountiful just the thing expert skilled proficient talented skilful skillful adept fit to be eaten consumable comestible versatile brave fit for human consumption safe to eat approving edible full of promise ultimate regulation serendipitous casual incidental enviable successful accidental efficacious sanctioned by law going by the rules in proportion equal to up to capable of practised accomplished experienced seasoned cozy user-friendly aligning in the running in line for commendatory salubrious hygienic favoring commending protean prudent received honest moralistic moral virtuous principled canonical noble card-carrying right-minded appropriate to the time of year normal for the time of year enow as much as you need as much as is necessary sanctionable disposed just what the doctor ordered the very thing just what one needs excellent wonderful reconcilable de règle middling moderate enjoyable indulgent accommodative obliging traditional confirmed assuaging assuasive appeasing exploitable favouring utilisable holding water on the level twenty-four carat on the up and up in principle enhancing practiced goodish optimum operable sufficiently good pretty good run-of-the-mill quite good delightful crying out not bad agreed universal excusable pardonable venial prime peak top bog-standard middle-of-the-road ergonomic embellishing cosy prerequisite particular appealing engaging fair-to-middling totally fine idyllic foremost -worthy cooperative having good vibes harmonizing companionable in sync with attuned in step together adaptable on the same wavelength in tune cotton to interoperable in the groove harmonising hitting it off getting along with completely understandable A-OK sufferable cogent endorsed proven certified passed supported ratified time-honoured backed certain validated affirmed OK'd finest express grateful sweet delightsome darling blessed dulcet savoury charming luscious blest jolly relaxing dreamy tasty heavenly delectable delicious hospitable welcoming savory sustainable compelling reasoned sincere within accepted bounds choicest ornamenting gracing kind advisable agreeing looked-for plausible pragmatic lucid believable warrantable true viable workable authentic credible grounded reliable realistic righteous politic in keeping with best possible persuasive verifiable understandable dinkum called for fit for purpose in character copasetic pre-eminent best-case agreed upon made official vouched for right up someone's street real sought after ducky hunky-dory okey-dokey fair to middling


United by a common aim or common characteristics
allied related linked kindred affiliated associated joined united bound combined joint married similar akin amalgamated cognate comparable confederate corresponding coupled equivalent integrated interconnected leagued like parallel tied unified analogous cooperating homologous syndicated agnate aligned connate friendly incident partnered wed in cahoots in league hand in glove alike confederated consanguine federated incorporated correlated matching kin in partnership connatural comparative close relative closely related correlative qualified contingent consanguineous conditional near with a common ancestor of the same blood of the same family with a common forebear fraternal involved yoked in alliance conjoined belonging affiliate congeneric closely connected attractive homogeneous likeable likable germane partner associate resembling resemblant suchlike such ditto correspondent fellow twin sister same general universal generic accompanying attendant incidental auxiliary accessory respective supplementary concomitant approximate dependent reciprocal by comparison modified fair allusive rivalling provisional metaphorical not positive not absolute rivaling reasonable vying in comparison contrastive approaching with reservation in proportion restricted referring reliant uniform identical equal consonant undifferentiated commensurate consistent interchangeable congruent indistinguishable synonymous duplicate of a piece on the order of complementary the same much of a muchness cut from the same cloth proportionate tantamount conforming homogenous much the same double consanguineal congruous unvaried even undiverse like peas in a pod like two peas in a pod commensurable matched unvarying coequal undifferenced harmonious substitutable conformable Xerox compatible carbon copy Tweedledum and Tweedledee dead ringer like Tweedledum and Tweedledee proportional convertible agreeing twinlike reminiscent analogical look-alike exactly the same same difference spitting image exact standardised standardized of the same kind all of a piece selfsame on par of a kind natural birth biological biologic interrelated answering autologous homologized looking like looking alike connected with allied with cognated paired same-blooded coordinating symmetrical obverse toning identic blending complementing harmonizing the dead spit impossible to tell apart a dead ringer transposable exchangeable commutable tallying approximative verging on bordering on as good a match on a par concordant workalike mutual converse reciprocative swappable changeable interconvertible harmonising symphonious congenerous allying not unlike equaling congenial companion relating jibing invariant one and the same substitute equalling approximating fungible coextensive not a million miles away from undistinguishable in agreement all alike solid harmonised harmonized regular smooth all the same all one concurrent facsimile mated more or less the same


Adjacent to, or being in contact with at some point or line
adjoining adjacent abutting bordering conterminous contiguous joining touching connecting flanking flush fringing interconnecting neighboring neighbouring conjoining coterminous impinging joined juxtaposed approximal attached meeting proximate skirting verging approximate near nearby vicinal next-door bordering on next door beside close next next to nearest immediate closest alongside edging bounding on the side juxtapositional contactual against close by back-to-back side by side side-by-side adjacent to near-at-hand in contact hard by on the edge of next door to nigh close at hand near at hand close-up proximal handy convenient accessible in close proximity not far away at hand surrounding local warm ready at close quarters within spitting distance within sniffing distance not far off close-by a hop, skip and a jump away within reach just round the corner close-at-hand tangential tangent peripheral close together by direct very near intimate close to near to neighbouring on abreast of proximate to contiguous with attached to in the vicinity circumambient encircling outlying encompassing approximate to by the side of cheek by jowl with fringe circumjacent enclosing border neighbourhood circumferential circumforaneous neighborhood imminent impending approaching walkable vincinal nearly upcoming in the neighbourhood of not far from within reach of within earshot in the vicinity of on the doorstep around the corner within close range of under one's nose in spitting distance in the ball park cheek by jowl within sight within striking distance a stone's throw away within walking distance across the street give or take a little on your doorstep abreast available around not remote within stone's throw within range


Electrically powered


Of, relating to, or done by collaboration
collaborative combined collective cooperative joint group mutual team aggregate allied common communal concerted conjoint conjunct coordinated cumulative interactive mass pooled reciprocal shared symbiotic synergic synergistic unified united collated concentrated consolidated dual grouped joined linked synergetic composite intermutual multiple public combining two-way hand in hand reciprocated requited correlative interchangeable returned give-and-take dependent partaken interdependent participated respective related bilateral interchanged convertible associated two-sided given and taken mixed mingled reciprocative complementary bipartite social community collegial assembled relational corporate mutually beneficial compiled communistic multiparty in common two-pronged consensual interpersonal general amalgamated merged neighbourhood neighborhood for all interconnected uncompetitive conglomerate mutualistic split divided participative co-operative bidirectional simultaneous all-party conjoined intersubjective cohesive noninteractive integrated overall leagued confederate confederated affiliated planned prearranged jointly planned interactional business house company broad socialistic personal two-part corresponding participatory agreed upon incorporated in partnership banded together global all-embracing complete reciprocatory exchanged multilateral blanket gathered undivided non-interactive civil equivalent massed piled supplemental alternate supplementary heaped hoarded open commutual coactive unrestricted harmonious cross-party double matching fellow coordinate duplicate exchangeable companion twin equal changeable accessible unanimous available coadjuvant participating collusive collaborating uniting concurring coacting agreeing coefficient joining free in league accessible to all hand in glove community-based without charge free to all open to the public free for all open-door not exclusive free-for-all not private


(of a wire or device) Electrically charged or energized


Never relaxing or slackening
unremitting continual continuous incessant perpetual unbroken unceasing ceaseless constant relentless sustained unabating assiduous continued continuing diligent endless indefatigable inexorable interminable nonstop non-stop persistent remorseless running steady unabated unending uninterrupted unrelenting unrelieved unsparing unwavering unyielding aeonian around-the-clock chronic consecutive dateless enduring eternal everlasting frequent hard harsh oft-repeated ongoing permanent persisting recurrent regular repeated repetitive round-the-clock sedulous staying stern timeless unalleviated unchanging unfailing unflagging unvarying unwaning unwearied without respite never-ending perennial 24-hour day-and-night round the clock unfaltering dogged tireless untiring unswerving determined lasting steadfast persevering abiding resolute staunch undying undeviating immortal habitual unflinching fixed unstoppable tenacious unshakeable firm unwearying inexhaustible even unfluctuating imperishable weariless prolonged dedicated recurring single-minded consistent solid uniform industrious stable always-on patient ageless deathless pertinacious energetic dynamic without end infinite zealous vigorous resolved implacable decided intense active amaranthine unvacillating sure unfading invariant set insistent perdurable enthusiastic indomitable keen dead set on periodic immovable boundless unhesitating periodical indestructible immutable changeless unqualified unflappable never-failing sempiternal undivided grim steady-going devoted lingering spirited forceful Herculean purposeful undisturbed obstinate stout laborious strong stubborn painstaking successive monotonous fast untroubled secure interminate unappeasable nagging grind perky hyper jumping indelible neverending plugging ingrained strenuous hard-working never-tiring unshakable unshaken predictable rhythmic direct without interruption without stopping inflexible long-lasting pat dependable invariable never-changing reliable stabile forever brick-wall day and night on a treadmill unchangeable equable bound and determined set in stone ever-abiding stalwart driven limitless loyal unretiring ever-enduring maintained protracted lengthy undaunted inevitable niggling inescapable irrevocable unavoidable unlimited unintermitted faithful long pushy without ceasing cursive gnawing regularized standardised regularised straight smooth extended closed unstinting eager never-ceasing world-without-end all day long unassailable standardized stationary unchanged extensive mulish pigheaded stiff-necked bound unquestioning wholehearted long-term drawn out drawn-out through straightforward in succession deep-rooted remaining lifelong long-lived durable long-standing surviving stretched out numerous many established same rigid static sound no end to with no let-up no end of irreversible on the go ball of fire countless absolute certain well-founded always urgent for ever and ever unruffled profound deep progressive without a break without surcease bent on meaning business uncontrollable total adamant iron deep-dyed irremovable inexpungible old indissoluble longstanding perseverant going all the way go-go unstinted undeterred fireball plodding clamorous iterative a great many very many committed cast-iron nonrandom till the cows come home in for the long haul unquenchable intrusive loud noisy vociferous obtrusive focused perseverative intent unconstrained inextinguishable eager beaver all-year-round focussed unmanageable unrestrainable uncontainable insuppressible unrestrained hanging tough irrepressible incorrigible intractable wild ever-pressing dead set stout-hearted illimitable conscientious busy indefinite tough nut out of control immemorial always hell-bent ironclad unsinkable never give up termless thorough attentive ultra-careful meticulous tied-up close hopping searching elaborate punctilious studious engaged employed scrupulous particular rigorous careful bustling working occupied minute nose to grindstone stop at nothing pedantic strict religious fussy more … than one can shake a stick at


Greatly interested or captivated
engaged enthralled absorbed engrossed captivated immersed interested fascinated focused focussed intrigued involved mesmerised mesmerized riveted beguiled consumed enchanted entranced fixated gripped intent occupied preoccupied rapt attentive charmed hooked deep held hypnotised hypnotized lost caught up wrapped up all ears hung up taken up up to here spellbound fixed busy observant head over heels submerged concentrated concentrating gone abstracted absent-minded riveted by tied up in a brown study really into distracted set buried steadfast enraptured preoccupied by captivated by distrait bewitched bound-up absentminded into all wound up enrapt wrapped enthusiastic bugged oblivious intent on gripped by focused on eat sleep and breathe locked in dialed in enamored turned on absent enamoured caught up in inattentive daydreaming deep in thought steeped bound up centered centred up to your ears enfolded up to one's ears in busy with committed ignorant obsessive determined bent resolute earnest steady resolved fanatical obsessed rapturous entranced by fascinated by distracted by taken up by dreamy enthralled by spellbound by watchful transfixed ecstatic firm eager intense transported somewhere else in a world of one's own with one's head in the clouds wool-gathering not there miles away not with us studious infatuated settled alert enticed inflexible insistent tickled laughing smiling pleased entertained impatient pensive heedless rhapsodic giddy delighted elevated thrilled euphoric elated exhilarated rhapsodical heady sent intoxicated set on deep in hooked on diverted unaware faraway brooding single-minded hell-bent blissful ravished sedulous diligent assiduous monopolized industrious joyful carried away taken dreaming overwhelmed content happy blissed out employed unconscious pleasantly occupied worried thoughtful wrapped-up mooning woolgathering anxious asleep distant far away airheaded removed forgetful in a world of your own moony elsewhere immersed in thought inconscient lost in thought bemused engaged with beguiled by monopolised engaged in hypnotized by fixated by heavily into fiend for intrigued by mesmerized by amused taken up with up to here in pleasurably entertained


Being an essential part of a whole
integral essential key necessary basic crucial fundamental indispensable major requisite significant vital central consequential critical imperative intrinsic mandatory needed paramount pivotal principal quintessential required characteristic core focal important inherent structural substantive all-important chief compulsory elementary natural necessitous prime profound rudimental rudimentary staple underlying burning cardinal constituent constitutional constitutive elemental foundational needful obligatory primary salient component innate pre-eminent all important at the heart of must-have prerequisite vitally important called for high-priority meat-and-potatoes urgent of great consequence pressing of the essence foremost compelling of the utmost importance acute life-and-death leading preeminent dominant capital serious main influential momentous big premier exigent radical predominant demanded grand far-reaching prominent powerful top overriding supreme notable commanding great decisive noteworthy incumbent heavy outstanding root weighty bottom-line high-level first de rigueur considerable eminent distinguished grave celebrated meaningful original seminal stipulated material primitive wanted deciding noted basal reputable illustrious nonelective imposing mighty forced peremptory ruling involuntary superior intense noble honoured compulsatory determinative heavy-duty honourable honorable deep-seated honored highly regarded major-league called-for high profile high-powered high-ranking big league high-up integrant telling highest native desired number one organic inborn inbred determining dire respected instrumental connate renowned immanent arch recognized famous primal eventful recommended monumental master immediate trusted ponderous head top-level senior well-known famed deep-rooted binding overruling prestigious large-scale esteemed dignified ingrained inescapable top-ranking of note unavoidable ultimate formidable top-priority almighty iconic hard-wired distinctive historical resonant nitty-gritty life-changing of consequence big-league big-time life and death recognised of influence puissant well known earth-shattering life-or-death much needed deep composing king real prescribed greatest lacking inner nuclear everything climacteric strategic conspicuous right-hand underlined lacked statutory irremissible fixed set enforced of moment presiding high lead supereminent fatal name-of-the-game world-shaking overbearing prior overmastering topmost sovereign sovran business-critical mission-critical coal-and-ice desperate major league earnest top-notch primordial initial appropriate numero uno expedient preferred proper specified importunate emergency imperious drastic sore impelling extreme big time skookum top-drawer of high standing beginning introductory abecedarian number-one terrible clamant driving crying parlous emergent of vital importance worthy extraordinary incumbent on name of game sustaining axiomatic axiological supporting substratal substrative grass-roots theoretical bottom underived groundlaying prevailing well-connected notorious prized controlling valued climactic a matter of life and death very great eloquent elevated incomparable signal first-class alpha rich memorable oratorical magnificent majestic royal upper exalted fabled marvelous towering authoritative cogent four-star successful magnific potent phenomenal glorious aristocratic upper-class VIP pertinent substantial good marvellous true fractional composite ingredient formative divisional large sweeping appreciable priceless very important built-in deep-down valuable precious severe sizable pronounced exceptional indigenous hardwired engrained partial factorial combinative part congenital inestimable especial impactful historic striking worthwhile pointed heavyweight irreplaceable constituting rare helpful choice overshadowing dangerous grievous of concern high-profile serviceable invaluable treasured acclaimed prodigious extremely helpful beyond price extremely useful worth its weight in gold public of mark well thought of in the public eye best uppermost prevalent utmost finest governing champion definitive absolute preponderant top-tier apex headmost earliest unsurpassed elite transcendent dominating superlative perfect final unequaled inaugural predominate regnant best possible unequalled ascendant directing conclusive biggest stellar consummate star peak peerless optimal matchless optimum first-rate pioneer unparalleled reigning arch- early maximum settling ideal ranking unrivaled unrivalled crack maiden model virgin second to none idyllic of greatest importance leadoff front primeval premium in charge maximal opening apical super popular tiptop surpassing unsurpassable largest No. 1 excellent inimitable very precise choicest exemplary right crowning topflight initiatory lofty pristine remarkable of prime importance intervening aboriginal primaeval top drawer unassailable domineering marked best-case of the first rank loftiest ancient clear emphatic superseding last effective unprecedented huge initiative embryonic starting highest-ranking august select complete inceptive commencing prehistoric official culminating certain world class causal number 1 regal unbeatable nonpareil fine outside industry leading fateful revered categorical five-star earthshaking unexcelled utopian top-class pure sublime a cut above the rest prize-winning infant autochthonic autochthonous first and foremost of supreme importance transcendental life-preserving life-sustaining guiding special winning winner's particular unmatchable simple noticeable arresting worthiest standard high-grade oustanding strongest managing ace better axial chad of greatest significance larger higher greater bigger elder general responsible defining shaping evaluative operative keynote unmatched high-class total untouchable obvious splendid richest widespread unconditional experimental antique antediluvian omnipotent supervisory all-powerful overpowering efficacious arbitrary top-rank actual majority vulgar received current overall common exact high priority in demand avant-garde magnanimous stately primigenial A-number-1 A-1 moving intrusive projecting protruding relevant impressive arrestive jutting obtrusive past old irrevocable second-to-none correct suitable opportune fitting primo hotshot hotdog dandy boss cool forceful definite highest ranking gifted high-minded legendary heroic triumphal idealistic redoubtable first rate highly rated learned admired mother of all holding the reins determinate closing tough difficult trenchant heavy stuff hot stuff prototype prototypal rife rampant landmark solemn concluding blue-ribbon clinching decided incisive record respectable venerable patrician refined underivative previous at the cutting edge at the leading edge empyrean empyreal sombre hard sober somber tip top first-hand crisp settled unequivocal unexampled genteel just right tectonic super colossal mammoth of great import no joke hefty no laughing matter of significance undefeated unbeaten on the money on the button archetypal classic out of sight out of this world posh litmus test furthermost highborn upmarket highbred gentle wellborn classical prepollent extensive immense tremendous prepotent without equal strong assertive top of the line top of the range beyond compare virginal enormous sizeable blue-blooded record-breaking first class authoritarian autocratic representative copybook prototypical typical unmarried intact insistent dictatorial top-of-the-range par excellence sans pareil exceeding ultra titanic vast astronomic astronomical ample widely praised well born upper-crust of distinction preliminary magisterial untainted unsullied paradigmatic untarnished idealized flawless idealised unblemished silk-stocking high-born incipient unwed proving chaste undefiled crown zenithal goodly biggish unused maidenly fresh new untapped unbroached untried fledgling inchoate preparatory germinal nascent test pilot trial antecedent young inductive premature foundation lead-in most important most prominent most influential most illustrious most excellent most powerful most favorable most favourable most advantageous most appropriate most significant most obvious most noticeable most skilled most outstanding


(of people) Unwilling to be separated
inseparable close intimate bosom devoted best buddy-buddy chummy confidential especial familiar fast firm friendly good indivisible inward near thick tight boon conjoined constant faithful inalienable indissoluble inseverable loyal attached entwined integral integrated intertwined interwoven moulded molded secure undividable unified united whole as one tied up as thick as thieves thick as thieves in each other's pocket joined at the hip matey dear pally loving special palsy-walsy cozy cosy cherished valued treasured affectionate close-knit cordial personal sociable clubby congenial staunch enduring steady steadfast on good terms favourite permanent favorite unbreakable stable solid abiding unwavering dedicated unfailing trusty warm fresh dearest amiable neighborly neighbourly fond comradely companionable allied akin very dear amalgamated blended reliable long-standing deep-rooted long-lasting durable regular nice nearest and dearest lasting amicable cliquey genial convivial unsplittable impenetrable joined affable binding eternal fixed clannish closely acquainted palsy easy gracious clubbable hail-fellow-well-met snug free-and-easy officious imperishable tight-knit on the best of terms well in close to devoted to hand in glove on friendly terms inseparable from true everlasting indestructible incorruptible on top of each other down-the-line avid ardent true blue devout unfaltering resolute true-blue dutiful truehearted flawless trustworthy dependable safe uncorrupted convincing balanced correct perfect sound undamaged vigorous compelling normal tried and true potent expedient well timed unspoiled unswerving influential tried and tested eatable committed trenchant persuasive felicitous unimpaired favourable unhurt well judged seasonable timely promising intact fit to eat undecayed well-timed unblemished uncontaminated favorable make good make good on something in good part good-natured kind outgoing social conversable pleasant agreeable sympathetic civil brotherly approachable hospitable fraternal warmhearted gregarious collegial hail-fellow bonhomous hearty kindly peaceable peaceful amical conciliatory good-humoured open jovial cooperative well-disposed confiding helpful tender communal good-humored harmonious extroverted extrovert buddy buddy easy to get along with mellow easy-going clubable extraverted obliging lovey-dovey kissy-huggy very friendly warm-hearted colonial accessible communicative easy to get on with good company lively well disposed considerate company-loving couthy backslapping uninhibited altruistic philanthropic bubbly benevolent charitable sweet confident familial sibling genealogical brother's like-minded vibrant amusing funny complaisant happy-go-lucky delightful hilarious attentive compatible good-tempered comical receptive welcoming pleasing jocular jocose entertaining kindred responsive understanding compassionate humane solicitous comprehending forgiving generous selfless casual informal unceremonious happy calm measured mild moderate non-hostile tolerant temperate sensible pacific


(led to) To be a route or means of access


To have transferred into another vehicle (train, bus, etc.)


Past tense for to meld or join together into a single unit

Antonym de highly connected

Music ♫

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