Sinônimo de simple rules


A set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure
regulations orders ruling laws canon directives ordinances commands decrees dictums directions edicts instructions precepts statutes acts commandments guidelines mandates prescriptions procedures pronouncements requirements stipulations bylaws criteria dictates guides imperatives injunctions proclamations documentation precedents principles rubric decorum etiquette proprieties regs by-laws rulebook no-nos court orders order rulings instruction direction regulation law imperative fiats statute rescripts behests canons pronunciamentos demand ukases charge words dicta diktats declarations dos act biddings judgments judgements procedure recommendations decretals say-sos resolution writs promulgation prescription findings announcements protocol warrants summonses prescripts bulls verdicts manifestos reg statements convention irades assertions ground rules conclusions constitutions briefings requests decision subpoenas notices calls firmans results adjudications code bills enactments code of practice information guidance determination outcomes standing orders sentences memos policy wills broadcasts memorandums enjoinments resolve ipse dixits publication communication exhortation arbitration ultimatums awards hests affirmation advice suggestion mitzvahs rap covenants charging say decalogues books parameters Bibles comments amendment clauses measures legislation commitment insistence desire wishes promptings solicitation messages ordering exaction dictation obligations notification adjurations imposition requisitions devoirs interdictions manual directory plan briefing settlements evaluation arrangements agreement adjudicatures accords deliverance diagnosis adjustment arbitraments ends assessments adjudgements accommodation propriety assizes brocards etiquettes instruments tips dispatches programmes programs advisories creeds reports documents proposals credos bulletins articles indication dress codes holdings doom


Laws or rules used to guide or prescribe the conduct or procedure
etiquette protocol decorum formalities manners convention custom propriety form mores politeness proprieties politesse usage manner courtesy customs niceties civility conformity code conventionality dignity decency couth amenities deportment tikanga punctilios kawa seemliness suavities good manners good form accepted behaviour rules of conduct social graces code of behavior code of behaviour polite behaviour customary behaviour thing to do acceptable behaviour proper behaviour good behaviour proper behavior rules of behaviour good behavior p's and q's social norm conventions procedure courtesies civilities conventionalities punctilio done thing ritual ethics principles morals regulations procedures modus operandi code of conduct exactitude meticulousness precision nicety punctiliousness scrupulousness strictness order covenant policy obligation conscientiousness ceremony particularity finickiness formality maxim system morality bureaucracy paperwork guideline rules and regulations official procedure red tape guidelines agreement principle set of customs set of principles set of standards practices ways traditions diplomatic code social code social procedures standard procedure habits praxis usages way of life standards attitude custom and practice behavior practises established ways behaviour routines codes patterns way of doing things traditional customs values policies scruples social conduct rites rituals breeding refinement tact correctness courteousness gentility consideration graciousness mannerliness respect respectability thoughtfulness polish culture discretion respectfulness decorousness good breeding courtliness delicacy elegance tactfulness appropriateness modesty diplomacy conduct demeanor urbanity demureness sensitivity cultivation demeanour kindness grace carriage comportment mien bearing taste sophistication deference gallantry correct behaviour cordiality appropriacy ceremoniousness convenances gentleness considerateness good taste convenance comity genteelness social conventions the done thing attention to detail acceptable conduct polites tastefulness cyber etiquette online etiquette internet etiquette thought pomp formalness social grace social niceties fitness correct behavior geniality understanding properness fuss virtue sympathy netiquette indulgence rectitude suitability wholesomeness due regard prescription preciseness formalism purity sobriety restraint correctitude gravity orderliness sedateness elegancies becomingness orthodoxy fittingness probity tenue chivalry good grace appropriate behavior attentiveness complaisance savoir vivre polished manners table manners proper conduct gentlemanliness ladylikeness formal courtesy compassion reverence benevolence veneration obligingness style civilization stylishness accepted conduct charm common courtesy rank affectation ostentation affectedness ostentatiousness kindliness mindfulness forbearance niceness heedfulness solicitude friendliness polite civilisation flower society ruling class gentle birth blue blood optimacy good family high birth soft skills expected behavior usual procedure


A system or set of beliefs or philosophies that one adheres to
creed doctrine dogma belief credo ideology principle tenet faith teaching philosophy persuasion canon conviction religion ethic gospel principles beliefs testament idealogy cult canons catechism Weltanschauung laws maxims religious belief religious persuasion religious beliefs religious conviction set of principles system of belief tenets axioms code ethics ideas conventions guidelines opinions standards dogmas creeds credos ideals ideologies precepts theory notions views articles of faith morals theses positions attitude fundamentals moral principles indoctrination concepts testaments tradition inculcations policy instruction articles values morality ethe virtues convictions mores view position code of behavior ethical codes moral code rules of conduct moral beliefs code of ethics value-system ethical values code of behaviour moral values code of conduct moral law standards of behavior moral philosophy moral standards orthodoxies law lessons thinking stances learning wisdom truth criteria mottos aphorisms dicta formulae conception hypotheses professions systems impressions assumptions self-conviction postulation trust presumptions system world view unwritten rules implantation basics statements proposition propaganda declarations regulation politics norms exemplars beaux ideals codes of honour paradigms scruples requirements rule opinion precept idea maxim convention notion axiom thesis guideline fundamental kaupapa statement article concept credenda inculcation basic declaration article of faith code of belief set of beliefs universal law unwritten rule set of guidelines teachings ideal news message revelation tidings orthodoxy stand stance value reasoning understanding knowledge outlook viewpoint science scholarship custom thought sense rationale culture logic argument rationality lore line saying argumentation legend superstition folklore myth mythology legendry aesthetics dialectics esthetics truths sayings school of thought attitude to life way of life basic idea formal system chain of thought folk-wisdom logical thought traditional wisdom oral tradition process of reasoning know-how how-to line of reasoning chain of reasoning


An established or official way of doing something
procedure process policy method operation system formula methodology protocol strategy approach course proceeding program routine blueprint measures mechanism plan practice programme scheme steps tactics action design measure path regimen setup step stratagem technique arrangement course of action custom exercise form means way agenda conduct drill line line of action recipe route transaction agendum angle channels maneuver manoeuvre mode move performance series of steps style plan of action game plan grand design master plan road map red tape set of tactics line of attack modus operandi nuts and bolts standard operating procedure the book the numbers MO SOP customs conventions ways tradition habits patterns norms rituals fashion wont manners modes praxes methods usage standards systems formulae prescription yardsticks rubrics modi operandi principles precepts use benchmarks styles formality regulation criteria pars guidelines observance mores rites habitude gages heritage touchstones gauges models tricks barometers second nature matters of course guides canons law processes marks consuetude specifications practises exemplars precedents scales bases behaviour convenance behavior etiquettes institutions ceremonies averages grooves proceedings tacks courses approaches plans direction indicators ceremonials tests ordinances litmus tests points of reference code types characteristics propriety kawa do's and don'ts tendencies conventionality etiquette ritual rule bar recipes metrics attitude normality gold standards ethics normalcy grades meters character hows conditions metres rotes indexes normal examples setups conventionalism requirements regimens convention formulation description decorum decency solemnity theory notions management order precept rite canon treatments punctilios propensity prescripts maxims daily grinds proneness suggestion hang-ups grinds shots moulds dispositions mold signals clues addiction tenets moeurs medians level paradigms media archetypes indications lore folklore rulers samples culture usefulness utility dictates phenomena ideas concepts facts activity stages customariness unwritten rules shibboleths observation sacred cows vogues officialism bureaucracy paperwork academisms traits oddities personality aptness temperament attributes nature modi vivendi peculiarities mannerism idiosyncrasies swims things usance vein treatment plot ground plan project layout instrumentation formation acceptance control currency regimes touch principle theorems equations credos creeds blueprints sorts posture veins states locutions kinds phraseology modi quality situations statuses genres books tones oral history schedule rulebooks traditional action established ways regulations preferences predilection percepts credo rote creed equation theorem rubric maxim assizes intentions position stance done things ceremony guideline habit manner morality ethe dogma administration last words hallmarks ideals checks reference optima perfection how ceremonial social practice proprieties pattern tack pasts background history proposed action praxis tape measures ropes guiding principle right practice set formula done thing by the numbers by the book calibration registers tikanga legendry beliefs wisdom doctrine myths legend fables mythoi mythology birthrights recommendations counsels instruction markers keys constraints ground rules limits proposals parameters guidance rules of thumb advice arithmetic means centers centres midpoints runs middles originals foundations prototypes slide rules straightedges T-squares straight edge symptoms edicts indicias medicine evidence signs forescripts mixtures implication drugs remedies indicants medicinals symbols tokens ratios medication pointers doses physic decrees intimations preparation hints cures medicaments nostrums lead note ruts sets repetition bents drills proclivities penchant assuetude


General or basic truths, concepts or ideas
fundamentals essentials basics heart core essence basis crux rudiments foundation nucleus base principles elements foundations groundwork bedrock grammar alphabet ABCs ABC preliminaries details cornerstones laws axioms nitty-gritty brass tacks first principles nuts and bolts basic principles heart of the matter sine qua non crux of the matter ground rules bases sine qua nons stipulations tenets givens modi operandi truth absolutes law reality certainty bottom line regulation constituents footings ground underpinnings warps backbone keystones constants theorems components rock bottom factors reg bylaws criteria ethics precepts golden rules determinants standards practicality doctrine marrows code facts dogmas kernels value nubs cruxes meat nub kernel root marrow gist pith point substance meat and potatoes sum keynote centerpiece net pivot bull's-eye centrepiece cornerstone quintessence underpinning burden practicalities principle ropes thrust nubbin centre center necessities essential part upshot main idea sum and substance beginnings footing hard facts Zen realities soul keystone bottom structure warp significance rudiment element fiber hub fibre matter warp and woof fundamental point main point the facts name of the game requisites prerequisites intuitive approach simple approach rule necessaries guts basic short sense piece bit morsel atom part origins features roots ABC's beginning first principle bare bones premise mainstay first steps the three R's understructure infrastructure substratum mechanics fundamental key nature life import authority support spirit determination conclusion outcome workings innards rest ethos being lifeblood linchpin cases body mainspring starting point principal element importance end result end product key point last word final decision what it's all about indispensable content main thing whole story long and short character meaning essentiality stuff constitution main ingredient point of departure fundamental principle principal constituent grain actuality practical details vein quality aspect quiddity form entity main ingredients basic details attribute virtuality caliber property timber calibre essentia germ esse fundamental nature basic quality central part basic parts inner workings bare essentials the scoop essential facts the dope basic facts script ins and outs the whole story truth of the matter fundamental quality basic characteristic intrinsic nature syntax letters symbols chief constituent name of game morphology syllabary be-all and end-all phonology semantics signs characters linguistics phonemes hieroglyphs icons morphemes pictograph rune absey ideograph signary parsing fundaments stratification tagmemics langue accidence focus writing system morpho-syntax graphic representation character set rules of language language rules sentence structure focal point chief thing the name of the game chief part essential details salient point cold fact important matter hard fact


The process or act of teaching
instruction teaching education schooling training tuition tutoring coaching tutelage grounding classes discipline drilling guidance preparation information andragogy enlightenment pedagogy tutorials direction drill edification lectures lessons priming apprenticeship lesson chalk talk inculcation learning erudition indoctrination study cultivation literacy scholarship science knowledge improvement reading development nurture learnedness insight book learning brainwashing awareness propagandism pedagogics understanding rearing background civilization civilisation culture breeding illumination practice upbringing wisdom comprehension catechism refinement proselytism finish book-learning disciplining explanation clarification tutorial research care an aha moment intelligence supervision cognition e-learning discernment grooming studying swotting guiding briefing matriculation tutorship schoolwork price charge expenditure fee formal education foundation revelation discovery perception academic work exercise basis sharpening programming persuasion readying seasoning proselytization propaganda tune-up custody guardianship wing protection fostering tending raising mind-control expert hand control apprehension regulation lore authority elevation bringing up familiarity elucidation accomplishments letters attainments uplifting betterment enhancement irradiation bettering class strictness regimen building up order session intellect expertise know-how philosophy academic achievement grasp ability academic study intellectual attainment skill orderliness seminar period lecture knowingness conversance acquaintance cognizance routine subject light epiphany sense judgment course awakening rules of conduct domestication acquaintanceship judgement intimacy ken grip lear period of instruction information taught period of coaching period of teaching period of tutoring period of schooling experience mastery proficiency acumen expertness sagacity sageness qualifications credentials astuteness accomplishment record capacity appreciation acquirements conception prudence worldliness shrewdness adeptness qualification history sophistication savvy academic attainment past advancement capability deeds consciousness realization sapience thought perspicacity perceptiveness curriculum vitae realisation familiarity with acquaintance with intuition command buildup groundwork basics humanities belles-lettres books literature letter academic training knowledge of literature pursuit progress foresight doctrine omniscience fluency knack skills qualities skillset mastership attainment aptitude couth polish prowess deftness concept aplomb virtuosity facility adroitness recognition qualifiedness attributes talent expertism clue finesse skilfulness dexterity heed mindfulness idea cleverness fluency in IQ ability in savoir faire goods abilities cunning ingeniousness observance sensibility sentience smarts savviness civility evolution acculturation human development apperception professionalism employability sagaciousness proficiency in perceptivity absorption expertise in digestion visualization hold discrimination take skill in knowing firm grasp percipience visualisation uptake insight into decipherment assimilation grapple facts evidence details divination good judgment intimacy with what it takes savoir-faire resolution truth proof clues data social well-being intellectuality bookishness scholarliness pedantry scholarism studiousness brains clear thinking conversance with illustration clearing up info exposition specifics unravelment explication common sense knowing inside out story life autobiography higher education academic knowledge system tradition existence branch art area of study body of knowledge body of facts field branch of knowledge body of information technique reality struggle previous circumstances past history sith


Plural for control of or dominion over an area or people
government administration authority control jurisdictions power commands regimes reigns direction leadership sways influence supremacy ascendancies dominion governance mastery sovereignty domination empires hegemony regnancy ascendencies dominance raj regimens regiments tenure grips holds management mana predominance ascendances preeminence superiority whip hands ascendences primacy prepotency imperia charge presidencies paramountcy supervision predominancy death grips clutches superintendence guidance might superintendency stewardship arms oversight handling care operations runnings regulation conduct grasps predominations tyranny preponderancy edges dynasties organisation organization orchestration transcendence eminence regimentation preponderance clout incumbencies managings prerogatives say-sos prestigiousness force noteworthiness rights distinction possession lordship regency headships advantage strength omnipotence coordination execution hands jumps suzerainty provinces keeping rulership overlordship subjection monarchy weight pulls dictatorships puissance states surveillance authorization custody polities commissions licence kingships rangatiratanga license leverage despotism might and main treatments rulings occupation terms manipulation mastermindings privilege eras stays principality ascendants generalships coercion guardianships prevalence pwnage ownage houses triumph conquest victory crowns permits words warrants what it takes strangleholds vantage lead precedence forefronts head starts oppression subjugation intimidation suppression repression subordination drag ability muscle pecking orders establishment initiatives premierships conduction captaincy pilotage skill directorship foresight conveyances capacity governorships juntas councils directorates governing bodies top brass ministries cabinets executives ownership clasps spells helms proprietorships retentions administerings commandings maintenance thrones royalty dignity prosecution plans policy red tape transactions tactics strategy res publica federation union people kingdoms commonwealths world powers superpower realms domains confederations territory settlements adaptation statecrafts arrangements standardisations monitoring ordering steerings bureaucracy guiding patronage codifications alterations policing reorganizations standardization reconciliations moderation inspection classification systematisation organizing law politics reorganisations systematization turfs areas bailiwicks spheres judicature compasses extents zones arbitration slots orbits fields ranges confines reaches circuits oyer and terminer districts precincts purviews scopes discretion magistracy inquisition say seniority programs routine systems procedure schedules menus programmes diets processes responsibility obligations trust duty commitment stretches aeons managerships stints spans time age periods epochs eons occupancies times tenancy


Plural for a session or inquiry made before a court or jury


To govern or rule over
governs leads controls dominates manages administers directs heads supervises sways oversees runs stewards superintends commands captains guides administrates bosses conducts presides over reigns over rules over has charge of takes over assumes command of holds the reins lords over rules the roost runs the show dictates terms holds sway over calls the shots on sits on top of cracks the whip keeps under thumb lays down the law regulates handles overlooks heads up organizes operates organises calls the shots tends steers pilots calls the tune is responsible for are responsible for keeps carries on orchestrates orders has control of are in the saddle is in the saddle is in the driving seat are in the driving seat reigns quarterbacks masterminds pulls the strings influences spearheads exercises control over masters chairs domineers carries out holds sway looks after executes dictates is in charge are in charge cares for moderates has authority over maneuvers manoeuvres officiates has authority coordinates engineers watches arbitrates takes care of helms advises runs things disciplines watches over micromanages mediates rides herd on judges takes charge of predominates takes the chair of hegemonizes manipulates fronts tyrannises tyrannizes marshals presides is in control are in control skippers maintains exercises power drives ministers wields negotiates inspects has influence has power minds shepherds referees umpires holds office calls the signals settles leads the way calls the tune in takes the helm calls the shots in takes charge keeps an eye on attends to hosts introduces calls observes sees assumes command over calls the shots of facilitates wields baton has control over contrives beacons channels funnels coxswains trailblazes points navigates disposes pulls the wires maintains order takes control of coaches officers eyes attends chaperons herds takes the reins has the say adjudicates fields addresses tends to keeps one's eye on baby-sits controls the affairs of takes hacks has a handle on adjudges takes the reins of exercises authority over prevails over instructs plies works treats puts on the right track points in the right direction renders overrules holds dominion over takes forward engages in holds down calls upon holds power wields power takes the chair pushes occupies throne assumes command exercises authority holds dominion shows the way wears the crown serves the people browbeats bullies bulldozes pressurizes railroads forms judgment rules on has the edge has the ascendancy pressurises walks all over bosses about leans on gives orders orders around uses strong-arm tactics on rides roughshod over tells someone what to do gives orders to tries to control bosses around lords it over orders about has the upper hand has the greatest influence monitors polices checks legislates defends protects arranges standardizes methodizes holds the whip hand has the whip hand systematizes tempers guards shields safeguards reconciles systematises squares normalizes fixes rectifies standardises legalises adapts fits legalizes readjusts classifies normalises determines oppresses subjugates shelters preserves secures bulwarks fosters subjects puts in order makes conform checks up on pulls things together keeps a tab on keeps tabs on keeps a beady eye on affects regiments besteers bewields puppeteers saves fends wards keeps from harm keeps safe forfends covers ministers to screens perseveres with fences deals with holds the purse strings holds purse strings pushes buttons wears the trousers has someone in one's hip pocket has something in the palm of one's hand has a hold over has someone eating out of one's hand has someone in the palm of one's hand babysits nurses officiates at childminds keeps watch over sits with owns ordains sees to keeps in check does the honors looks out for rides shotgun mothers has invigilates surveys sits commandeers administers to manages people calls the tune for performs undertakes does surveils tills calls the play serves emcees implements enforces nurtures limits raises contains constrains edits keeps up takes in hand sorts out measures curbs is responsible are responsible nannies rears adjusts controls the content of functions acts juggles allocates restrains decides looks over minds the store gives heed to tames fits in copes with sets bridles waits on stands refs inhibits modulates performs official duties balances holds restricts carries out official duties keeps under surveillance keeps under guard keeps in view provides for reins in pulls in paces plans conceives devises frames stage-manages finesses finagles machinates hatches forges initiates creates originates wangles generates works out dreams up authors puts together has the bright idea of thinks of instigates comes up with thinks up


To pronounce authoritatively and legally to be the case
decrees declares determines finds judges adjudges deems establishes proclaims pronounces settles adjudicates assesses decides dictates directs esteems estimates evaluates orders resolves holds ordains surmises asseverates calls concludes announces commands deduces figures fixes gathers infers postulates prescribes says sets theorises theorizes lays down makes a judgement lays down the law passes upon enacts demands legislates enjoins imposes passes sets down considers counts reckons mandates authorizes thinks states makes rates supposes constitutes promulgates authorises puts your foot down arbitrates charges delivers asserts affirms requires maintains believes views chooses guides regards perceives conceives reads the riot act passes judgment passes judgement on requisitions constrains compels forces obliges specifies stipulates issues appoints defines recommends trumpets assigns formulates deals institutes delegates foresays commissions elects blesses nominates enacts laws selects designates particularises particularizes appraises values gives a verdict on decides on gives a ruling on sets forth drums constitutionalizes makes laws establishes laws blasts regards as settles on rules on sits in judgment sits in judgement on makes a ruling on sees as appreciates instructs walks heavy deals with views as codifies laws passes laws makes provision for writes prescription picks out believes to be verbalizes pontificates mouths writes a prescription for thinks of sizes up looks on bids verbalises sentences formulates laws ratifies laws sounds off weighs up figures out sums up passes judgment on lays down laws makes provision puts laws in force enforces laws spreads around feels governs influences pronounces judgment on opines presumes assumes swears allows sets out imagines guesses calls the play calls the tune buys senses avers credits takes as gospel truth entertains the idea subscribes to the opinion has a hunch has sneaking suspicion laps up bets one's bottom dollar sets store by lays money on takes the view swears by swears up and down crosses heart takes stock in gauges gages accounts calculates looks upon conjectures holds to be reasons guesstimates looks on as sees understands takes for interprets as suspects computes expects classes treats classes as weighs places ranks thinks of as valuates intuits pegs assays puts down as interprets measures suggests derives extrapolates puts holds that construes divines analyzes classifies analyses checks draws ascertains knows sizes ratiocinates takes prices discerns reads makes out forms an opinion of eyes forms an impression of checks out sets at works out comes to the conclusion fancies looks over figures in takes account of has one's number deems to be makes of explains imputes reviews considers it right thinks about comes to the conclusion that rates as surveys solves inspects syllogizes recces thinks likely counts on draws conclusions foretells anticipates trusts forecasts banks on eyes up examines audits grades approximates admires contemplates reveres numbers respects categorizes stands positions collects casts quantifies tags categorises tabs typecasts pigeonholes factors in allows for provides for factors into looks on as being views as being classes as being thinks of as being regards as being sets a figure on sees as being forms opinion calibrates marks down as puts down for considers to be thinks to be reckons to be puts a value on buttons down guesses at judges to be tallies observes digs tumbles to recognizes fathoms notices assimilates notes presupposes registers groks ventures recognises catches on to apprehends detects deciphers hypothesizes grasps cottons on to savvies speculates twigs philosophizes philosophises cognizes comprehends decodes hypothesises weens scales adds up boils down draws the inference meters quantitates tests metres gets the measure of daresays estimates as takes to be calculates to be imagines to be feels to be conceives to be


To keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level


To instruct or order (someone) to do something
enjoins commands orders directs demands charges requires instructs tells ordains decrees exacts dictates claims adjures imposes prescribes quests warns appoints cautions admonishes pressures pressurises pressurizes pushes spurs nags calls for insists on presses for clamors for stipulates for calls on bosses around gives the order to calls upon gives the command to pleads with leans on puts pressure on uses pressure on bulldozes into railroads into puts the heat on puts the screws on bids asks obliges calls solicits compels urges mandates needs requisitions requests summons beckons tasks forces necessitates expects seeks authorizes subpoenas authorises forces upon gives orders to puts your foot down gives directions imposes on gives orders lays down the law calls the shots beseeches pushes for asks for appeals for obligates obtains insists causes bears challenges applies for postulates begs for badgers for clamours for sues for bays for insists upon nags for petitions for lays claim to pesters for exhorts defines assigns advises extracts extorts informs lectures calls the signals gives instructions retrieves looks for constrains makes formally requests justifies puts in for puts in an application for begs craves intends asserts oneself effects determines entails warrants presses cries for stipulates takes depends on cries out for involves calls out for wishes resolves wants exerts brings about chooses to do decides on besieges supplicates implores arrogates importunes entreats coerces impetrates holds out for hits up prays for inquires about whistles for


To forcibly impose obedience or servitude
subjugates subdues defeats conquers vanquishes overpowers crushes overcomes licks overwhelms masters suppresses quells quashes clobbers represses overthrows dominates hammers oppresses subjects tyrannises tyrannizes breaks reduces humbles tames hegemonizes subordinates pacifies enslaves triumphs coerces forces colonises colonizes compels enthrals enthralls underyokes wipes the floor with puts down brings someone to their knees walks all over bears down gains mastery over beats down gains ascendancy over brings to heel rules over gains control of brings under the yoke holds sway over brings to knees keeps under thumb holds sway kicks around reels back in abuses maltreats persecutes wrongs ill-treats scourges exploits keeps down treats harshly overloads taxes rides plagues annoys besets smothers handicaps tramples hounds encumbers despotizes saddles holds down harries presses vexes harasses aggrieves torments strains worries chastens grinds down distresses tortures outrages tyrannizes over tramples on tramples underfoot picks on rides roughshod over puts upon puts screws to weighs heavy upon rules with a rod of iron puts the squeeze on rules with an iron hand devastates prostrates floors whelms overmasters swamps snows under squashes squelches keeps under intimidates yokes afflicts molests domineers over destroys weakens treads disfranchises treads on deprives hobbles disenfranchises gets hooks into keeps in subjection keeps in submission cracks down on extinguishes silences wrecks obliterates ruins quelches strangles ices kills puts an end to forces down slaps down blows away blots out bears down on puts a stop to clamps down on snuffs out stamps out


To be impressive


To limit, restrict, or inhibit
constrains restrains checks confines restricts chains curbs hampers hinders stifles balks baulks frustrates hamstrings impedes bridles constricts contains controls cramps governs holds imprisons incarcerates inhibits interns keeps measures regulates reins reins in retards tames straitens trammels bans bars binds closes in concusses coops up corks denies deprives disallows fences in hems in hog-ties immures gaols jails locks in necessitates pulls in shotguns shuts in withholds locks up bottles up cools off holds down holds in keeps lid on puts half nelson on freezes corks up encloses pens cages corrals walls in impounds mews up coops shuts up hedges boxes in bounds encases hedges in houses surrounds encircles traps encompasses envelops encages closets mews holds captive boxes up circumscribes rings includes fences mures walls rails in pens in cuts off circles incloses compasses girds blockades pounds kettles detains hems blocks off fences off puts under lock and key cordons off holds prisoner borders skirts edges fringes hurdles girdles engirds pens up puts inside cages in seals off limits barricades keeps within bounds fixes boxes cases captures forms a barrier round forms a ring around environs rails covers isolates seals enshrouds enfolds holds back walls off mews in closes off keeps under lock and key shuts off seals up seals in catches arrests corners flanks wreathes embraces takes into custody takes in pins down drives into a corner takes prisoner jugs commits puts away shuts away secludes entombs cloisters inters puts behind bars

Antonym de simple rules

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