Синоним a candid

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Honest and straightforward in speech or behavior
honest open outspoken forthright frank blunt straightforward truthful sincere downright unreserved direct plain upfront bluff plainspoken straight plain-spoken unbiased unequivocal unguarded unprejudiced unvarnished up-front forthcoming free freehearted guileless ingenuous openhearted round aboveboard bald foursquare frontal genuine parrhesiastic unfiltered unpretended straight from the shoulder free-spoken talking turkey up front right up front straight-shooting straight-talking out-front not afraid to call a spade a spade telling it like it is explicit unambiguous artless uninhibited matter-of-fact real outright undisguised natural transparent unconcealed unqualified no-nonsense clear simple like it is point-blank true categorical on the level brutal bare-faced lay it on the line from the hip unfeigned unrestricted square realistic innocent abrupt undiplomatic saying what one thinks stark call a spade a spade naive brazen unrestrained warts and all trustworthy to the point unembellished blatant unaffected unpretentious bold naked on the up and up unmistakable unadorned vocal unpretending harsh upright apparent plain-speaking patent barefaced straight to the point true to life clear-cut flat-out speaking as one finds bare positive easy straight-out unexaggerated undissembled overt unevasive undissembling scrupulous specific express unsparing fair unreticent man-to-man tactless kosher distinct dinkum raw straight-from-the-shoulder palpable point blank open-and-shut crystal clear not beating about the bush vociferous laying it on the line calling spade a spade reliable undesigning strident righteous unstudied legit forward unquestionable literal certain manifest familiar heart-to-heart emphatic unveiled above board decisive unambivalent evident nonambiguous legal legitimate lawful unstinting veracious brutally honest obvious lucid luculent complete meaning what one says pellucid perspicuous childlike decided ringing luminous not beating around the bush well defined broad pulling no punches calling a spade a spade bright-line no holds barred open and shut bald-faced gritty cavalier authentic indiscreet communicative unconstrained demonstrative accountable unsophisticated visible brusque unceremonious insensitive impolitic basic off-the-record glaring unmodified free-speaking opinionated heartfelt earnest actual unimpeachable valid known well-established hearty exact succinct flat unhypocritical naïve flagrant unartificial unartful curt open-hearted intolerant avowed severe heartless total grim no lie speaking straight from the shoulder no beating around the bush rude not pulling any punches licit pukka no fooling pretenseless level unmannered down-to-earth unashamed out-and-out right on correct straight from shoulder regular for real two-fisted by the book fair and square without airs plain-dealing on the square straight-arrow right-on honest-to-goodness faithful simple-minded square-shooting laid on the line truth-telling true-blue proper just believable precise veritable clamorous noisy insistent forceful enthusiastic vehement vigorous loud zealous expressive articulate keen absolute definite indubitable incontrovertible crisp eloquent indisputable undeniable unpolished trenchant uncompromising definitive facile fluent smooth-spoken glib raucous voluble venting stentorian unblurred understandable comprehensible univocal incontestable uncontestable undisputable intelligible lucent limpid crystal no catch easily understood black and white no strings attached no fine print self-evident cut-and-dried crystal-clear nailed-on no ifs ands or buts straight out black-and-white clearly expressed hard-hitting brief and to the point not mincing one's words speaking one's mind

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Just, honest, and free from bias or prejudice
fair impartial evenhanded just objective equitable nonpartisan unbiased unprejudiced dispassionate indifferent disinterested equal scrupulous square uncolored upright on the level on the up and up neutral fair-minded even-handed nondiscriminatory non-partisan detached open-minded non-discriminatory balanced honest uninvolved impersonal honourable without fear or favour honorable unbigoted straight ethical decent good anti-discrimination with no axe to grind free from discrimination moral trustworthy proper righteous independent virtuous principled reasonable sincere rational above board right legitimate upstanding egalitarian conscientious unselfish uninfluenced nonaligned truthful lawful aloof reliable dependable frank outside kosher judicial aboveboard uncoloured true cold middle-of-the-road on-the-fence blameless fair and square on the fence equable unaffiliated moderate even right-minded unimplicated unaffected selfless unemotional pure upfront genuine respectable conscionable incorruptible noble without distinction unswayed straightforward free from self-interest without prejudice uninterested dinkum uncommitted strictly business unprepossessed cool clinical full of integrity stand-up nondiscriminating unslanted right and proper on the square fair-and-square on-the-level clean trusty sitting on the fence reputable without favouritism without favor legal legit pukka open uncorrupted civil veracious on up-and-up according to the rules up front straight-arrow due rightful justifiable sensible proportionate cricket level fair-to-middling even-steven square deal fair shake fitting law-abiding correct high-minded nice all right elevated worthy deserved merited exemplary condign justified anti-corruption moralistic high-principled dutiful faithful saintly sinless irreproachable angelic guiltless meritorious laudable unimpeachable praiseworthy right-thinking warranted humane competent suitable requisite true blue fit steady sportsmanlike responsible innocent sportsmanly lofty saintlike admirable godly level-headed unbribable unallied whiter than white squeaky clean morally correct pure as the driven snow appropriate charitable unaligned non-aligned non-discriminating disconnected not taking sides apt becoming obligatory commendable earned punctilious matching forthright sporting gracious mannerly on the up-and-up equalized well balanced equalised chivalrous gentlemanlike gallant nonbiased impeccable immaculate sporty according to Hoyle expected anticipated awaited slated in proportion of principle true-blue circumspect morally right morally acceptable Christian that takes everything into account equalitarian disengaged middle faultless unruffled logical unmoved nonpassionate composed adequate sufficient ample enough autonomous classless middle of the road straddling the fence unconcerned bystanding satisfactory broad-minded removed non-participating free God-fearing squeaky-clean pious noble-minded undecided credible unfailing unconnected humble steadfast authentic meet bounden devoted reverent matchless deserving holy philanthropical devout philanthropic godlike creditable peerless spiritual on sidelines democratic unpretentious uncontrived unfeigned inactive nonchalant poker-faced enduring dedicated unwavering constant resolute patriotic rectitudinous dignified rhadamanthine scheduled coming professional equal-opportunity quality untainted favoring obedient self-righteous incorrupt sound incorrupted centrist twenty-four carat holding water permitted official well deserved card-carrying in principle authorized befitting orthodox applicable canonical authorised well earned lily-white cultivated inculpable irreprehensible tractable well-behaved estimable sanctimonious non-radical non-extreme favouring religious prim lenient saving non-reactionary central proud pacific safe uncontroversial open to reason

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Happening on a personal or intimate level

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Done without being planned, posed or rehearsed
spontaneous impromptu improvised improvisational unposed unrehearsed extempore improvisatorial improvisatory unplanned unpremeditated unprepared extemporaneous extemporary extemporised extemporized natural unscripted offhand uncontrived ad lib ad-lib off-the-cuff ad hoc ad libitum spur-of-the-moment off the cuff on the spot played by ear improviso improv unstudied offhanded winged snap unconsidered vamped thrown off whipped up thrown together down and dirty shot from the hip cobbled together unarranged rough and ready dashed off tossed off impulsive on-the-spot makeshift casual informal off the top of your head made-up random automatic autoschediastic unintentional unthinking unintended undesigned extemporal unexpected from the hip spur of the moment by ear on impulse winging it emergency immediate sudden expedient throwaway hasty haphazard unpracticed unforeseen hurried unscheduled not planned adventitious aleatory toss off toss out not rehearsed instinctive impetuous off-hand abrupt make-do scratch quick jury-rigged jury made up instant uncontrolled provisional specified specific special uncoordinated slapdash involuntary off guard not thought out passing without restraint quick and dirty without preparation off the hip headlong parenthetical trivial according to pleasure as one wishes rushed as one thinks best unguarded catch-as-catch-can urgent helter-skelter crisis out of the blue ill-considered ill-judged extraordinary accidental chance fortuitous fluky incidental inadvertent serendipitous unanticipated coincidental flukey unwitting by chance unlooked-for occurring by chance occurring by accident

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Given to open displays of emotion
demonstrative emotional affectionate expressive loving effusive approachable gushing open responsive warm communicative cuddly forthcoming friendly unreserved expansive unrestrained tender unconstrained uninhibited warmhearted lovey-dovey touchy-feely chatty talkative loquacious vocal verbose mouthy gabby voluble informative conversational gossipy frank outgoing windy conversable garrulous multiloquous enlightening talky gassy communicable multiloquent caring lavish gushy exuberant gentle fond amiable devoted adoring extravagant sociable fulsome sensitive genial affable extroverted gregarious generous doting sympathetic sentimental considerate extrovert over the top warm-hearted soft cordial thoughtful OTT passionate dear amatory social lively exaggerated hail-fellow-well-met excessive tactile comforting amorous socializing people-oriented commiserative actorly prodigal wholehearted theatrical soothing dramatic hearty superfluous overdone socialising unlimited understanding empathetic compassionate tender-hearted receptive intuitive soft-hearted enthusiastic free fiery sensible fragile high-strung ebullient profuse overflowing easy feeling discursive outpouring effervescent liberal magnanimous vociferous ardent kind benevolent free-flowing nurturing supportive all over someone attentive loyal reverential fervent close reverent earnest concerned faithful solicitous attached amicable tenderhearted chummy bound up expressing adoration close-knit mushy pally matey partial huggy all over soft on crazy over nutty about buddy-buddy

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Showing no concern or interest
indifferent dispassionate aloof detached distant cold cool callous impartial unmoved disinterested equitable objective unbiased unconcerned unconcerned about unresponsive unsympathetic apathetic about apathetic towards careless casual about heedless of impassive insouciant nonchalant about nonpartisan offhand about passionless regardless uncaring about unemotional unfeeling unimpressed uninterested in uninvolved in uninvolved with unprejudiced apathetic bored by careless of cavalier about dismissive of emotionless equal evenhanded fair frivolous about impervious just mindless of neutral oblivious to reckless about regardless of square uncaring unimpressed by uninterested blasé heedless inattentive lukewarm about nonaligned phlegmatic about pococurante unenthusiastic about uninvolved unmoved by unresponsive to weary of diffident haughty heartless highbrow listless phlegmatic scornful silent stoical supercilious superior unaroused uncommunicative unsocial not giving a monkey's nonchalant insensible uncurious cavalier carefree incurious dismissive perfunctory bored complacent weary casual trivializing trivialising negligent hardhearted selfish not caring not interested relaxed offhand undesirous lukewarm jaded glutted hard-hearted unexcited cloyed indifferent to incurious about distant from laid-back laid back turned off detached from could care less world-weary aloof from bored stiff going through motions undesiring based free from care about what others think untroubled about what others think unworried about what others think indifferent to what others think not caring what others think

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Without human warmth or sympathy
impersonal aloof cold dispassionate remote distant businesslike cool formal indifferent reserved unemotional withdrawn frigid passionless unconcerned unfeeling unresponsive unsentimental detached matter-of-fact neutral restrained rigid self-controlled starchy stiff stilted wooden bureaucratic clinical gelid inhuman stand-offish abstract anonymous careful cold-blooded colourless colorless depersonalised depersonalized emotionless equal faceless featureless frosty gray grey impartial impassive inhospitable measured monolithic nondiscriminatory poker-faced soulless straight uncolored uncongenial unfriendly unpassioned unwelcoming cold turkey strictly business unsociable antisocial uncommunicative apathetic unsympathetic standoffish cold-eyed offish asocial glacial haughty unapproachable chilly unclubbable unbending dry disdainful standoff uninvolved undemonstrative uncordial stony icy antiseptic phlegmatic buttoned-up stolid chill disinterested objective unforthcoming clammy incurious stoic brittle hard-eyed forbidding supercilious uninterested stoical austere hostile calm affectless deadpan flat laid-back lukewarm unenthusiastic sober unaffable rational removed Olympian unexcitable controlled casual numb wintery frozen arctic wintry coldish impassible hard-headed heartless hard-boiled unaffected unimpassioned cool, calm and collected abstracted preoccupied introverted introvert unmoved steely unneighbourly unamicable unsocial uppity unpleasant ungracious negative unneighborly severe stern inexpressive unkind callous uncivil cold-hearted unexpressive lifeless discourteous uncurious unimpressionable stuck up staid putting on airs dead blank bland hollow vacant expressionless toneless hard-hearted level-headed thick-skinned spacey nowhere imperturbable nonemotional immovable laid back spaced-out out of it cold as ice stony-eyed avoidant focused analytic introspective logical ungregarious nondescript characterless flinty half-hearted tepid offhand diffident unsmiling passive unremarkable focussed repellent non-emotional outside hardened off unloving cold-shoulder unenthused spiritless hardhearted unexceptional undistinguished stony-hearted insolent annoyed offended impudent impertinent procacious muted solitary pococurante insensible complacent insouciant nonchalant perfunctory uninquiring uncommitted unbiased unprejudiced pokerfaced straight-faced composed antagonistic disagreeable collected surly sour inimical unruffled serene misanthropic tranquil down-to-earth aggressive ill-natured equable practical realistic plain quarrelsome quiet pragmatic dull nasty listless unagitated mundane sensible prosaic rude antipathetic menacing jaundiced mortal obnoxious adversary impolite adversarial unmannerly reticent insensitive literal straightforward unvarnished unimaginative no-nonsense factual unembellished ill-disposed cross commonsensical blah uncharitable opposite competitive estranged censorious grouchy unpromising combative grudging gruff malicious contrary disaffected against warlike malignant vengeful conflicting hateful acrimonious spiteful opposed uncompassionate coldhearted obdurate marble hardheaded uncreative earthy pragmatical unadorned humdrum pedestrian stuffy cool-headed accurate with both feet on the ground unembroidered faithful serious undistorted exact naked prosy feasible straight-thinking unidealistic truthful proud not on speaking terms snooty lofty along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches on ice cold fish lone wolf unflappable placid self-possessed unperturbed unworried untroubled uncaring sedate together unfazed relaxed undisturbed nonplussed peaceful unflustered even-tempered unshaken coolheaded poised level steady self-composed possessed recollected at ease moderate untouched temperate reasonable limpid smooth levelheaded chilled sound empty hard inscrutable unstirred stable self-contained guarded taciturn secretive easygoing unbothered confident wise inhibited unexcited equanimous impervious torpid lethargic self-assured glazed catatonic undismayed sane judicious tough prudent patient still grounded resigned languid unimpressed self-restrained heavy as cool as a cucumber contained inert at peace blasé vacuous unreadable silent heedless philosophic unflinching retiring inanimate fixed heedless of forbearing mature easy sluggish balanced circumspect reliable dependable mild philosophical constrained easy-going unaffectionate deliberate gentle couldn't care less assured in check private close well balanced full of common sense cool as a cucumber careless dry-eyed equitable fearless even long-suffering under control supine regardless unafraid glassy insipid draggy wimpy moony unromantic unaroused impotent vapid cruel halfhearted harsh aversive repugnant mean bovine fatalistic lackadaisical conventional tolerant lacklustre lackluster accepting uncomplaining unpitying just uptight shy oblivious to deep modest discreet unassuming dumb lazy clear uncompanionable could care less what the hell shrinking reasoned thoughtful not giving a monkey's lucid self-confident don't give a damn commonsense unshakable unflurried reclusive self-effacing soft-spoken with one's feet on the ground in control well-founded well adjusted well-adjusted sangfroid enduring indomitable absent strait-laced tamed restricted disciplined limited unimpressible insusceptible grave regular unrevealing indurated inexcitable pacific unreceptive ungenial ardorless loveless inactive unchanging unvarying unwavering nonresponsive insular restful desensitized groggy lymphatic nonpassionate urbane calmed uniform longanimous devoid unintelligent benumbed numbed asleep stone-faced unpassionate desensitised sexually unresponsive analytical scientific oblivious fierce clearheaded constant consistent invariable civil senseless anesthetized secure unhappy depressing immune iceberg unvexed assertive centred peaceable unaltering unfluctuating unalterable paralyzed anaesthetized paralysed meek resolute unmindful halcyon demure close-mouthed mousy unanimated limp feeble hushed stilly lown mild-mannered stress-free centered with the patience of Job unshrinking unfaltering well-balanced immune to insensate impervious to stubborn unyielding inapproachable accommodating good-natured irenic docile media-shy cautious solid valid firm justified informed leaden stony-faced negligent dismissive cavalier indulgent unmindful of proof against deaf to wishy-washy closemouthed timid tight-lipped laconic prim selfish cold-fish cynical inaccessible contemptuous withering seclusive good non-committal bored real blithe retired snobbish not caring robust cool cat daring brave unambitious unmotivated devoid of emotion breezy mellow enlightened profound moral ethical deep-thinking learned unassertive commonsensible utilitarian impenetrable enigmatic unblinking backward bashful ceremonious noncommittal eremitic anaesthetic slow indolent bloodless anesthetic stale uninspired banal everyday trite informal Laodicean shrewd unfantastic astute stupid fish-eyed lusterless plucky courageous gutsy droopy dispirited lax ordinary routine boring hackneyed plodding clear-sighted hard-nosed tough-minded common-sense affable unconcerned about coherent friendly hard-bitten mysterious leisurely well considered workaday tame jejune commonplace undemanding offhand about uninvolved with apathetic towards casual about nonpartisan apathetic about nonchalant about uncaring about uninvolved in uninterested in soft unhurried understated nobody home cryptic cogent downbeat nerveless intrepid uninspiring unpoetic nitty-gritty terrestrial frivolous about bored by evenhanded reckless about dismissive of mindless of unimpressed by regardless of fair careless of cavalier about square unresponsive to inattentive weary of lukewarm about unmoved by phlegmatic about nonaligned unenthusiastic about monotonous devil-may-care unexcessive inobtrusive unexpansive nonaggressive unextreme happy-go-lucky free and easy uncanny enigmatical arcane mystic occult highbrow scornful superior low-pressure not given to excesses low-key well-reasoned deductive well reasoned thorough insightful well-grounded well thought out easy-peasy live-and-let-live chilled out sphinxlike in charge under wraps bottled up corked up farsighted deliberative on a leash in control of yourself indecipherable hidden sphinx-like all there impossible to interpret sanguine sure unperturbable keeping your cool good-tempered

Антонимом a candid

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